"It tastes really bad!"

Gu Ningning frowned, not knowing how to describe the curry rice in front of her. It tasted weird. It was obviously made according to the method in the recipe, but it tasted wrong after it was made. It had a very complicated taste. In order to save trouble, Gu Ning Ning also specially made a big pot.

In the past few days, Gu Ningning has been researching drugs on the floor above. Huashen also told her not to go out as much as possible. Ji Mo and Ling Fei had already finished eating.

"Sister Ningning, I think it tastes pretty good."

Ling Fei said and stood up to clear the dishes. Ji Mo could already stand up. In the past few days, Huashen would come over every day to change his dressing and check his wounds.

"Ning Ning, do you want me to teach you some ways to awaken the power of God? Maybe you can"

Gu Ningning held up a spoon and immediately interrupted Ji Mo's proposal.

"No need, I just need to be able to do it a little bit. Besides, I always feel that I can't do it anymore. It's better to do research at home alone as a secretary. After all, the current medical system is really a headache."

Ji Mo laughed hahaly. He had already received instructions from the Cyan God and the Green God, and would start to formally guide him to awaken the power of God next month, because Ji Mo directly became the section chief from the director, in 9 After the former section chief and secretary of the section resigned at the same time, he directly became the section chief of Section 9 on the recommendation of many section chiefs.

Section 9, as a more complex section among the operational sections, is in charge of all commercial activities. It has had eight section chiefs in a row, and most of the section chiefs were replaced after less than three years in office.

A few years before Ji Mo decided to join forces with the Creator, he began to neglect his family members and try to alienate them as much as possible because he knew very well that once he launched his plan, his family members would be implicated.

Unexpectedly, things backfired. Not only did he fail, but now his wife became the section chief of Section 9.

Business activities are complex and unpredictable, the most important of which is pricing power. The most important product pricing power in the city, which can be determined by the 9 departments, has become a point of failure for many section chiefs.

As long as a product is 5% higher than the reasonable price, as the section chief of Section 9, he can get tens of millions in benefits from businessmen every year. Once the economic market fluctuates due to the market pricing of the product, Section 2 will definitely The source will be found.

Many former Section 9 chiefs had to lie about illness and resign due to pricing issues. As soon as they took office at the end of the season, a large number of businessmen and former parliamentarian colleagues came to see them.

As long as it complies with market laws and all pricing processes are clear, and after the signature of the 9 section chiefs, the products can be directly put on the market. Merchants and merchants will make adjustments to the original basic pricing based on the actual situation in the region. The principle is sales The price must not exceed 30% of the original price, and this 30% must be considered based on the market conditions in the local area. In most areas, up to 15% to 20% is a pretty good profit point, and if the original price exceeds If it is high, merchants who produce raw materials and commodities will make more money.

But now these worries are unnecessary. At the end of the season, it is clear that once the two giant bills are implemented, it will be a huge benefit to the entire city.

Ding dong

Gu Ningning ran to the door warily. When she saw Hua Shen standing at the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why did the doctor come before 8 o'clock?"

After Huashen came in, he pushed Gu Ningning out of the door.

"What are you doing, doctor?"

"Go to the restaurant you often go to in the next street. Room 13 on the 6th floor. Le Xiao is over there. Go directly to discuss with her about District 29."

Gu Ningning blinked, Huashen smiled and pushed her.

"I understand, doctor."

Gu Ningning smiled happily and left. She hadn't eaten anything delicious for several days.

"Little sister, can you go back to your room?"

Huashen asked with a smile. Ling Fei consciously put away the dishes and returned to the bedroom. Huashen sat next to Ji Mo.

"When you recover, I hope you will help me investigate some things near the barrier."

Ji Mo looked at Huashen with solemn eyes, and Huashen continued.

"I will provide you with the equipment. How to say it specifically? Help me collect some bacteria."

Ji Mo immediately understood.

"very dangerous."

Huashen explained with a hum.

"Currently, I have a more serious problem at hand that cannot be solved. It is a pathological problem that cannot be solved with the current drugs and medical technology in the city. Maybe something useful can be found in the bacteria."

Huashen's face became serious. Recently, mild patients with stage 1 hemangioma have shown other symptoms again. There are still some liquid foods containing unknown chemical formulas circulating in the city. Although the amount is small, there are already patients. Symptoms of hemangioma appeared, and the patient who was cured in the first stage is now returning to the hospital. New symptoms have appeared, multiple inflammations, which may be the heart, the kidneys, or the meninges.

The problem has been completely suppressed by Huashen. Huashen has not yet reported this matter to the General Affairs Department, nor has it bypassed the General Affairs Department to tell the gods.

"If you have any difficult questions, would you like to tell me? The premise is that you are willing to believe what I say."

Huashen shook his head.

"By the way, help me find some living people who can still live near the barrier. I must create and develop a new antibody vaccine. In order to prevent human beings from dying due to disease one day in the future, I can't get away for the time being, and as long as If the opponent is not at Ghost Face's level, you should be able to deal with it easily, but I wouldn't worry about leaving it to someone else."

"How about looking for Section 10?"

Ji Mo asked, Huashen shook his head.

"The thing I'm most worried about is Section 10. That guy Noah is already preparing to start some plans. I suspect some things were leaked from Section 10."

Hua Shen just finished talking about the end of the season and seemed to understand something.

"It shouldn't be possible. Section 10 is a scientific force directly affiliated with the gods. It's impossible."

"I don't mean it was leaked by insiders, but something was leaked. Do you still remember that the wise old man hijacked the optical nuclear weapon more than 30 years ago?"

Ji Mo nodded understandingly.

"I won't say anything more. Your wife and daughter will come over later."

Ji Mo's eyes widened with excitement, and Huashen sighed.

"Your wife is really powerful, or is it telepathy between husband and wife? There were rumors in the past that your wife had cheated on you, and your relationship as a couple has long since ceased. I think it was just your plan to completely cut off the relationship with your wife and daughter."

Ji Mo fell silent, he shrugged his head, and Huashen stood up.

"Your wife has a very determined attitude and is much more mature than you. Compared with her, you are really a child."

Ji Mo didn't refute, Huashen took out a light and shadow locker and took out two bottles of wine.

"I'll watch it for you tonight, and you and your family can have a good chat."


Ji Mo took off his glasses and became a little excited for a while.

"Eh? Ning Ning, aren't you sleeping?"

Le Xiao looked at Gu Ningning coming in at the door in surprise. At this time, Ivy stood up, and Ji Qing also stood up.

"I won't disturb you two. I'm going to meet with Chloe now to deal with matters in Section 9."

"Sister Le Xiao, eat slowly."

Le Xiao blinked, and Gu Ningning hurriedly saluted Ivy. Ivy patted Gu Ningning's shoulder and left with her daughter. Alpha smiled helplessly.

"Can I order food? Lele."

Le Xiao hummed and Gu Ningning took out the menu at the table and quickly ordered a lot of food.

"Wow, Ning Ning is so expensive. Your meal is so expensive, but your salary should be pretty high, so it'll be fine."

Gu Ningning looked at Le Xiao with a smile.

"Isn't it your turn to treat me to this meal?"

Le Xiao just reacted and panicked for a moment. When she thought that she had predicted how many months of salary, Le Xiao felt like she was sweating. She had to do the accounts at the end of the month and go to the General Affairs Department.

"Don't panic Lele, the boss here and I are old acquaintances, let him give you a 40% discount."


Le Xiao looked at Gu Ningning excitedly. Alpha took out Gene's mobile phone and opened a one-way light and shadow screen. Leng Rui and Billy had already dealt with related matters in Section 7 and were planning to go to Section 6 overnight. Complete record archiving.

At this time, Alpha came closer, and Le Xiao also turned on her phone. On it was a detailed report about the women in District 29 made by Leng Rui.

"I think this matter is a bit difficult to handle. Our 4 departments are already severely understaffed. If we send staff from hospitals around the country to teach, if there is one less doctor, patients will have to wait in line for 10 hours. It is very difficult. It can be done, and can these women really learn it? As a nurse, the most basic need is to understand medical knowledge, know the ratio of commonly used drugs and injections, including taking care of some seriously ill patients, and be able to skillfully operate some medical machinery and equipment. Including various medical values ​​​​must be clearly understood.”

Le Xiao swallowed. With so many things, the cycle must be very long.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

At this time, Alpha pointed to the report prepared by Leng Rui. He had already selected 100 women with better brains in District 29 as experimental subjects. He only needed to send 5 doctors who could teach directly to teach them every day. Classes will be held from 7pm to 11pm, and the location has been chosen.

"Let's give it a try first. I have to ask the directors to find out which staff members are interested. After all, they want to go to that kind of place. As for men, it's a little bit different. As for women, to be honest, I don't think any woman will take it seriously. 29 For women in the area.”

Le Xiao immediately came to Gu Ningning's side.

"Ning Ning, how about you take the lead?"

Gu Ningning immediately showed an expression of extreme reluctance.

"Help Ning Ning, as the secretary, if you take the lead, maybe."

"Okay, I know, Lele, it will be really difficult to start from basic medical education."

Alpha lit a cigarette and said with a slight smile.

"Isn't there a shortage of manpower in the four departments now? You can sort out the manpower shortage in specific medical aspects, prescribe the right medicine, and only teach practical things. Let them learn the rest of the basics when they have nothing to do. If they learn while working, they should They will make faster progress, wouldn't it be good for you if you let them practice earlier?"

Le Xiao also understood and hugged Alpha happily.

"Yes, Sister Alpha, that's a good idea."

"Yes, Miss Alpha, you really know how to find a way. It would be too slow to teach you from the basics!"

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