The streets at night have undergone obvious changes recently. The middle and upper floors are as dazzling as ever, while many places on the lower floors have been completely plunged into darkness. The only places with light are the main streets, and in many places there are only street lamps. The rest is pitch black.

Le Xiao looked nervously at Alpha in front of her. She looked at Alpha sitting in the driver's seat with some fear. There was a row of built-in screens at the front of the lift, with many symbols and values ​​on them. Le Xiao didn't know any of them. .

Alpha is holding an oval-shaped control steering wheel. This steering wheel can control the traveling direction, speed, height and other machinery of the lift. It is a very simple design, and the lifting and lowering of the lift is slowly speeding up. To Qinglong Street It only took 10 minutes to pick up Ji Qing from the roof of a small building nearby. During this period, Alpha carefully watched Ivy operating and explaining.

Today's takeoffs and landings are different from the old-fashioned aerial carriers in the past. They are very convenient to operate and have automatic driving functions. However, they can only maintain a constant speed and have to set the airflow to a relatively stable aerial track. Human control More sensitive.

"Xiaoqing, did you say anything when you came out?"

Ivy asked, Ji Qing was a little surprised, but after knowing the destination, she probably knew better. Her mother already knew that her father was at Gu Ningning's house, so she nodded.

"I said Sister Le Xiao and I had made an appointment a long time ago. She might not be able to come back for a long time after going to the bottom floor, so I had a meal with her."

Ji Qing whispered, looking at Le Xiao who was sitting in the co-pilot with an anxious look on her face. She was a little scared because Alpha had only been observing for 10 minutes before starting to drive the takeoff and landing.

"Sister Le Xiao, don't be afraid. If there is any problem with the lift, it will activate automatic driving. It's very safe."

Lexiao swallowed.

With a slight vibration, the lift began to take off. The shaking was a bit violent. Alpha held the steering wheel and felt something. After just two minutes, the lift began to speed up.

"I do not believe!"

Lexiao looked at the take-off and landing aircraft that had completely stabilized and was flying rapidly. Alpha looked at Lexiao with a smile on his face.

"I'll teach you when I have time."

Le Xiao curled her lips. At this time, Le Xiao thought of Gu Ningning.

"Auntie, why don't we invite Ning Ning to eat together."

Ivy nodded, and Le Xiao immediately took out the phone and pressed Gu Ningning's number.

"Ning Ning, have you eaten?"

A lazy voice came from the phone.

"Lele, I'm sleeping. I've eaten at 5 o'clock. I'm very tired. That's all."

Ivy brought up a small screen and sent a message directly to Huashen.

We are on the way to Area 51. If nothing happens, let's have a meal together.

Sorry, as promised, it will pass.

Ivy seemed to be relieved, looking at her daughter beside her who was in trance, holding her with one hand.

"Xiaoqing, why don't you tell mom!"

Ji Qing hummed.

"The phone calls should be monitored."

Thinking of Mo Xiaolan's attitude towards herself, Ji Qing feels like you can't stand it anymore. Training yourself as a successor is not an excuse or reason for targeting yourself at all. She has been very tired recently, and Ji Qing is acting like a baby. She leaned on her mother's lap, breathing deeply, and gently pressed her back with one hand.

"It's okay Xiaoqing, if you really want it"

"I'm okay mom, I know it."

After Ji Qing straightened up, she raised her head and leaned against the window. The helicopter slowly stopped at the UFO Plaza in Area 51.

Alpha breathed a sigh of relief. It felt good to drive this new type of lift for the first time. Originally, she wanted to ask Billy to teach her today, but she didn't ask.

"Where to eat Auntie?"

Le Xiao held her stomach, which was already growling with hunger. Ivy stared at a building in the distance. She really wanted to go up now, but she still walked up with a group of people. At this time, the square was very crowded. Many members of Section 9 have already been waiting here.

"Where's Chloe?"

Ivy frowned, and a female director looked embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

"Forget it, leave her alone. Have you reserved a seat?"

Le Xiao noticed a lot of eyes on the square and followed Ivy with a smile. Alpha had already realized what Ivy was doing here, and she was still hesitant to hide it from Le Xiao.

If her workload is increased, her brain will probably be burned out!

Looking at Le Xiao in front of him, Alpha knew clearly that he would be tired from now on.

"Everyone, please look, this is the rumored haunted Frye Mental Hospital. Look how cowardly Zhu Neng is!"

Liu Dawei held up a cylindrical shooting device and pointed it at Zhu Neng, who was cowering at the door of an old wooden house. The two of them had had dinner before 6 o'clock, and entered Frye's mental illness as soon as it got dark. behind the courtyard.

"Everyone, look what's over there!"

Liu Dawei deliberately shouted in a trembling voice, and immediately turned the camera. Zhu Neng was so cooperative that he sat down on the ground in fright.

"Dawei, we'd better go back, if it really happens"

Liu Dawei walked over and put his arms around Zhu Neng's neck. The two looked at the camera, one laughing and joking, the other lowering his head in fear. The live broadcast was going very well, and it already had 40,000 paying users.

Liu Dawei deliberately placed a network switch on the roof of the tallest three-story building in advance, and the signal was very good.

There were many shabby wooden beds in the room. Liu Dawei moved the camera closer and could see that the bed was still stained with some black condensation.

"It's blood, there's still blood here."

In order to create a terrifying atmosphere, Liu Dawei worked hard while walking and talking about some scary rumors that he had collected and even made up. Someone in the barrage had already asked them to go to the tower and have a look.

"Everyone, if I die tomorrow, you have to donate to me."

Liu Dawei said teasingly, Zhu Neng's palms and backs were sweaty, and his back and armpits were also wet. He felt the urge to urinate one after another.

It was almost 7 o'clock, and the two of them gradually approached a small gate that was blocked to go up to the high tower of the hospital. Liu Dawei was still explaining that Zhu Neng had already taken out the adsorption climbing equipment. They planned to climb. Go up to the 20-meter-high tower and enter through the window. The large iron door is directly fixed and welded to the wall and cannot be opened at all.

Zhu Neng was still swallowing, and he felt his hands were numb. He did see it that night.

"Move quickly."

As Liu Dawei said, Zhu Neng began to take out the climbing equipment. After setting the distance and position, with a whoosh, the fixture connected to the rope was launched up and accurately entered the window.

Zhu Neng put on the climbing boots and climbed up a little bit by the rope. Liu Dawei held up the shooting equipment and said that the reason why no one lives nearby is because it is indeed haunted.

At this time, on the roof of Tower No. 7 that the two people climbed, A black metal ball. According to clone Frye, all his memories in the past few days were converted into quantum signals and stored in the ball. X planned to come here to watch an experiment.

When X came here, he felt that there was indeed something in these towers. Clone Fry also told Too clear, because the memory of key parts is incomplete.

In the mental hospital behind me, the lights were on on the fifth floor. In other places, only the street lights on the periphery were still on, and the entire hospital was dark.

Seeing the two idiots below finally climbing up to the first-floor window of the tower, X's eyes were filled with excited smiles. At this time, he took out the small ball and suddenly squeezed it hard, making a sizzling sound. There was a sound, and the ball began to melt.

For a useless person who knows nothing, there is no need for How difficult it is to create a clone that is originally a clone. He just needs to understand what Netherworld is.

The reason why he could easily enter this hospital was that clone Frye had prepared it early. Three nights ago, clone Frye contacted the AI.

The genetic fluid of clone Frye has been sent to the underground laboratory of AI12's home for research, and the results should be available soon.

At this time, X stood up and slowly floated up. Although the silent flight function was slow, it was much safer. Live broadcast hard.

X quietly checked the condition of the entire tower through his built-in observation equipment. The walls could be easily penetrated and the heat dissipation inside could be seen, but he couldn't look down. There was only the cold ground. What treatment has been done?

At this time, there was a slight sigh, and the two people inside exclaimed. X immediately came to the window on the third floor. Looking at the two idiots inside who were shouting at the camera, X was already a little angry.

However, at this moment, Zhu Neng suddenly rushed towards him, screamed in horror, and jumped out of the window. X immediately saw Liu Dawei, who was motionless with his eyes wide open, with a skull and a ghost face emanating from his body. A soft white light came out of the wall and passed through Liu Dawei's body like a shadow.


X immediately noticed something. He turned around with satisfaction and floated slowly. Liu Dawei behind him had fallen to the floor. The cold air was floating in the room. At this time, Liu Dawei was like a sculpture. His body was completely stiff and his eyes were wide open. Dead.

Zhu Neng untied the rope tied around his waist and fell directly from a height of seven to eight meters. With a burst of whimpering, Zhu Neng limped and ran.

A layer of ice scum appeared on the still flashing live broadcast equipment, and the screen was directly blurred.

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