Just after 5 o'clock, with the cool breeze blowing through the streets and alleys, the temperature began to drop with the dim artificial sun, and there were gradually more people on the streets.

On both sides of the large iron gate of Frye Mental Hospital, the leaves on the two crooked-neck trees showed completely two appearances. The leaves on the front were full and tender, while the leaves on the back had begun to wither.

The small door on the right side of the big iron gate is half open, and you can see many patients coming and going, busy in the vegetable field behind the wall. All the patients are wearing uniform sky blue coarse cloth jumpsuits. Made of plant fibers, it is more durable and easier to clean.

Most of the patients wear white masks and look like normal people. Fry started working here more than 30 years ago and created a set of therapies that can help mentally ill patients return to normal lives. A few cases of cure.

Mental patients are generally accompanied by severe psychological disorders, long-term abnormal behaviors in cognition, emotion, will, motor behavior, etc., and have lost the ability to work, study and live. Some patients even engage in extremely serious violence, suicide, etc. Propensity.

In order to restore these patients to their most basic working and living abilities, Frye established an extremely complete treatment plan. He first understood the causes of the patients' psychological disorders through the patient's information, and then conducted long-term observations to observe the patients' abnormal points. , after finding it, we will start to carry out treatment based on body behavior standards with this point as the center.

Such treatment is usually extremely inhumane. Fry will install some electric shock devices throughout the patient's body and rely on pain to help the patient establish correct behavioral norms, starting with the simplest steps of dressing and eating. If one step is wrong, the patient will feel pain. It is basically impossible to cure patients who are already sick. In the first stage, they cannot be treated as human beings, because no matter what they say or do, it is difficult for these people to understand. .

Once the behavioral norms that can be repeated every day are established, Frye will begin to force some patients to perform the simplest labor, such as plowing, sowing, watering and harvesting. After this step is completed, the patients can basically resume their most basic living and working abilities. .

During this period, Frye would gradually stimulate the patients with words and other behaviors based on their past experiences. Over the past few years, Frye's treatment has indeed been effective, and a small number of patients have regained their consciousness.

The treatment method for patients with violent suicidal tendencies is different and more cruel.

Ran Zai quietly stared at the busy patients inside the door. At this time, he felt some discomfort in his heart, because the eyes of those patients did not look like mental patients, but like ordinary people. On the way here, Gene told him something here.

The two of them entered the door. A patient stood motionless at the door holding a key, staring blankly at the two of them. Ran Zai walked over with a smile.

"what are you doing here?"

Ran Zai asked, but the person in front of him was still motionless. Gene had already walked towards the hospital building first. Ran Zai looked at the person and approached him.

"What is the key in your hand for?"

As soon as the key was mentioned, the patient in front of him reacted. Ran Zai looked at a large bunch of keys in the patient's hand, at least hundreds of them.

"I want to go somewhere, can you take me there?"

Ran Zai asked tentatively, lowering his voice. At this time, the patient had a slight reaction. Suddenly, the patient burst into laughter. The laughter seemed a little crazy. Ran Zai pressed his hand on The patient held the key in his hand. At this time, the patient did not make any resistance and allowed Ran Zai to take the key in his hand.

"I'm going to take this thing away."

As Ran Zai spoke, he held the key in front of the patient and shook it.

At this time, clone Fry stood quietly at the window of the office on the fifth floor, looking at the situation at the entrance of the hospital. Gene had walked in. Fry's eyes were a little solemn, and he was very familiar with Gene in his consciousness. , but when I think of specific points, my memory seems to be locked, and I can't remember it at all. This is also inevitable. It is impossible for them to give themselves any memory about God.

Gene will be here soon, and Frye has already adjusted his condition. He doesn't know what Lolita means. No matter what he does, the result will be the same no matter which side he chooses. Frye smiles bitterly. Then, when he turned around, he had already approached the door with a smile and opened the door.

"I'm sorry, I came here unexpectedly, I didn't cause any trouble to you!"

As soon as he entered the door, Gene took out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to Frye. Frye smiled and had already prepared tea.

"Thought you were the only one here, young man?"

"Don't worry about him. I'm on vacation. I didn't have anywhere to go so I came here."

Fry laughed heartily, shook his head and didn't ask any more questions. He continued to sit back at his desk and began to process the patient's information.

When he sat down, Fry glanced at the situation at the door of the hospital. The young man was shaking the patient guarding the door. He was the gatekeeper trained by Fry and was responsible for opening all the doors of the hospital, but only for normal hospitals. He It is very clear that no matter how much the boy tries, he will not find anything, because there are many methods for Frye to treat patients that have no records at all and are only known to Frye himself, one of which is sound. .

"give me back!"

Ran Zai was already nearly 30 centimeters taller than the short patient. He was holding the key high and allowed the patient to weigh his feet and raise his hands in front of him, trying to take back the key.

"If you want to take it back, just answer me a question. Do you know how many extended subjects there are in aerodynamics?"

The patient Chen, who was suddenly agitated and restless in front of him, calmed down and spoke.

"Statics, Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Analytical Mechanics, Kinematics, Solid Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Mechanics of Materials."

Ran Zai looked at the patient in front of him in surprise, and was very prepared to answer dozens of sub-disciplines. Ran Zai wanted to continue testing, but at this moment, two patients started fighting in the vegetable field next to them. , one said that the other party had stolen something, and the other said that the other party had killed someone.

Seeing the completely nonchalant conversation, Ran Zai instantly became interested in the two guys. He threw the key high, and the patient in front of him flew out and hugged the key. He didn't know for a moment He started crying and curled up on the ground.

Ran Zai stared at him coldly, and then laughed.

"Is there just a thin line between genius and madness?"

When he came here, Ran Zai had already heard from Gene that the patients here came from all walks of life in the city. Most of the patients were in a state of high pressure for a long time, and some had experienced tragedies and had their hearts broken.

"Don't fight, you two. Let me test you. Assume that you will kill each other later. Use the integer weight of your body as the number. You can calculate how many minutes it will take to kill the other person. Take the middle value!"

Ran Zai squatted beside the field and watched the two fighting guys quietly, but the two did not stop and continued to fight. After observing for a while, Ran Zai suddenly stood up and immediately shouted loudly.

"It's amazing, your wife seems to have come to life, look over there."

The patient who said that the other person had stolen something suddenly pushed the guy who was pressing him away with great strength. He suddenly stood up and started to look around. Through their few words, Ran Zai understood the reason why this guy went crazy. There could only be one reason for this guy's madness. , because he mentioned his wife many times in incoherent exchanges with each other, a total of 14 times. If there is any reason to make him crazy, it is probably death. The specific reason is not clear to Ran Zai, but his wife can stimulate him. point.

"You lied, lied, I didn't take anything, I didn't, I said I didn't."

Ran Zai leaned over and stared at him seriously.

"How many minutes will it take you to kill him?"

The eyes of the patient in front of him began to become a little irritable, and suddenly he stretched out his hands to grab Ran Zai like crazy, but Ran Zai nimbly avoided it and came to his side again.

"A few minutes, answer me!"

At this time, the patient who was stunned on the ground and said that the other person had killed someone was drawing something on the ground with his finger. Ran Zai took a look and saw a bunch of mathematical calculations. Soon the guy on the ground raised his head.

"It only takes 2 minutes and I can kill him."

Ran Zai nodded with satisfaction, and the two began to fight again. At this time, Frye had already walked out of the hospital gate, and he shouted.

"Call the team and eat!"

With these four simple words, all the patients who were still moving began to get up, swarming towards Frye like zombies, and then passed through Frye's side and entered the railings on both sides. Ran Zai also heard this. As soon as there was a smell of rice, some patients could be seen carrying large buckets, going in and out of each patient's room, and putting the cooked food in the buckets into large bowls on the table in the room.

Ran Zai ignored Frye and leaned over. After watching the patients who came in sit down, they took off their masks. Each patient had a happy smile on his face. He took a spoon and began to chew slowly. The movements are almost the same, and the rhythm is the same.

"It really surprises me, Dean, that you can do it to this extent!"

Ran Zai squinted at Frye, who was sitting at the gate and smoking a cigarette. Frye smiled helplessly at this time.

"What you did is very disrespectful, boy. They live here as normal people here, but you are playing tricks on them."

Ran Zai turned around and bowed.

"Please forgive me for being rude, Dean Frye Stein!"

Frye smiled and shook his head.

"How do you feel looking at them?"

"At least I have recovered a little bit of my dignity as a human being, but Dean, everyone here seems to be very smart."

Frye shook his head.

"The three people you just asked about, the one who looked after the door was the former head of the technical department of Yas Industries, and the other two who fought, one of them was from the Fumen Electrical Development Department, and the other's wife ran away with someone else. This guy is just a clerk in an ordinary company. If you want to ask, you can feel free to ask."

Ran Zai sighed and walked away. At this time, the guy who entered the room and was asked a question by Ran Zai but did not answer the question suddenly squatted on the ground after eating, dipped his fingers in water, and wrote on the ground. He entered a long list of XX letters into the formula, and quickly calculated more than 10 different results. Finally, he took the middle value, and immediately a happy smile appeared on the patient's face.

"It only takes 1 minute and 36 seconds for me to be killed by the opponent. The dean said that if there is a question that cannot be answered, his head will explode. Haha, haha! But you can't answer it in front of outsiders. If the answer is found, my wife I’ll never come back in my life!”

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