Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 124 Inauguration Ceremony (Part 2)

"Trinity Law."

Michelle adjusted her glasses, because she didn't have any hope for the little girl in front of her from the beginning, so her heart had long been as calm as water, and her emotions would not fluctuate much.

"I know I know."

Le Xiao happily continued.

"Every member of the department has the right to stop crime. It should be..."

"To be correct, every officer in the department has the right and obligation to stop crimes. As long as they are reasonable and reasonable, and before the crime is foreseen, they can stop it in time, but it must be justified."

Just as Le Xiao was about to say something, she stopped immediately. She nodded. Michelle came over, grabbed her wrist, pulled out her phone, opened a light and shadow panel, and brought up the law of the city. The Dharma Collection is here.

"Memorize each item in detail and give you one month. I will do a spot check today one month later. The accuracy rate will be at least 60%. If not, you will be deducted 10% if the accuracy rate is less than 10%. salary."

"Why is this, me."

Le Xiao was about to speak, but was forced back by Michelle's cold and captivating gaze. She could only nod with choked sobs.

Michelle turned around and pointed at the map of Brilliant City behind her. She adjusted it with her fingers. The color of the upper, middle and lower floors all turned blue, and the words city alert indicators appeared next to it.

"Do you know what this means?"

Le Xiao was shocked. Thinking of the previous riots, the city activated the highest level of orange alert, curfew, and road control searches during the day.

"The blue indicator is a safety indicator for most areas, and the gold indicator is a better level."

As Michelle adjusted, the color blocks in the 120 areas of the city map all changed colors. Most of the bottom areas were red, while the blue areas were only close to the middle level. Most of the middle areas were blue. , and there is less gold, and the upper layer is all gold.

"The red indicator represents areas where illegal crimes are rampant. It is a standard for people living in other areas with good security to judge. If an area turns black, the 3rd Military Section and the 5th Public Security Management Section will be closed under martial law. That area, and finally the orange indicator for martial law in the city.”

Michelle said, and Le Xiao listened carefully, not daring to slack off at all. She also knew that she graduated from a fourth-rate university and was still blank in a lot of knowledge. She originally wanted to go out into the society and slowly make up for herself, but Unexpectedly, being so busy that Le Xiao had no time to care about improving her knowledge.

Michelle was still adjusting, and a chart appeared with the words "Brilliant City's Economic Change Rate" intertwined with a large number of numbers and lines.

“Do you know where the money comes from?”

Michelle asked, Le Xiao's eyes widened and she glanced at her light and shadow bracelet. The only thing she knew was that the money was issued by Brilliance City, and was only a digital virtual currency stored in the light and shadow wallet for trading. .

"Forget it, I'll send you to Section 2 in a few days to learn more about the economic rate of change."

Whenever I mention 2 Cole Xiao, I get chills down my spine and my heart is filled with disgust.

As Michelle said, she pulled up a picture, which included the five most basic links of production, processing, transportation, storage, and sales. Le Xiao looked at it carefully.

"To put it simply, currency determines its value and purchasing power according to the currency in the city. Each department needs to submit some industry-related reports every month and submit them to the 2nd City Crisis Analysis and Countermeasures Department. They will Calculate and analyze possible scenarios for the next month.”

Le Xiao listened half-comprehensively, Michelle looked at her sideways and continued.

"Take grain as an example. There is a certain amount of grain produced from the 12th Agricultural Section every day. This amount is used as the basis, and is priced according to the purchasing power of the market before being sold to merchants. The merchants use the purchased grain to make Food is then independently priced and sold based on a series of issues such as the consumption level of each region, taxes, the number of employees, store rents, etc., so the economy is born, and the currency issued by the city has always been based on The market circulates and achieves balance in the currency, which in turn drives the development of the city and the progress of all walks of life."

Le Xiao nodded thoughtfully. He had the basic concept in his head, but the thought of endorsement gave Le Xiao a headache.

It was already past 10 o'clock, and Le Xiao felt her head was dizzy, her whole body felt uncomfortable, and she was starting to feel a little hungry.

In the giant square outside the General Affairs Department hall, people from the General Affairs Department are measuring the ground. Storage boxes that have been materialized by light and shadow are opened. Material liquid compressed tables and chairs the size of three small brooches have been placed on At the corresponding location, arrangements have been made around the square, with pots of flowers rented from the flower shop this morning.

The reporters who passed the detector began to randomly interview some department members in the square. Last night, the Secretary General of the General Affairs Department had already given a televised speech. Today is the inauguration ceremony of Le Xiao, Secretary of the 13th Department.

Reporters from most of the city's mainstream media have already been rushing here early in the morning. Today, the General Affairs Section is meeting with businessmen who want to take over the use rights of the vacant housing area on the west ground floor, and a large number of parliamentarians will also be here tonight. Attend.

Many people were wondering why the inauguration ceremony was so vigorous and vigorous. The venue for the inauguration ceremony was hurriedly arranged the day after Le Xiao was announced as the secretary of Section 13. Some people speculated that it was to calm the anger of other competing section officials.

Although each department has suppressed the joint protest of the department officials, they are still angry and unable to express themselves. This emotion has spread in just one day. Although the grassroots officials below I don’t know the truth, but the topic soon spread.

Firstly, he was an unheard-of Secretary of Section 13, and secondly, he was very interested in this genius who had become a secretary at the age of 26. I heard that he was a graduate of the prestigious Seungdeok Women's College, and he had a gorgeous resume. , many people think that this genius can surpass Michelle.

"It's time, follow me downstairs for dinner."

Le Xiao nodded, her whole body was stiff, her legs seemed to be about to break, she could only straighten her body, and listened to Michelle popularizing basic knowledge to her, without daring to be negligent. At this time, it became clearer in her mind, why In the later period, the salary can be increased to tens of thousands, because the secretary's job is really not something ordinary people can do.

Stumbling to the cafeteria on the first floor, Le Xiao swallowed and looked doubtfully at the square outside that had been decorated like a venue. The chefs in the cafeteria were also discussing the dishes for the dinner.

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