Wanted notice

Zhang Yang: Male

Age: 87

According to the investigation conclusion, the former housekeeper of the Phoebus family, the LV2 criminal, injured 26 members of the 5th branch and fled at 1 o'clock this morning. The general public is requested to pay attention. Anyone who provides effective clues will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan.

At 6:30 in the morning, a wanted notice was posted across the Internet and the city began to heat up with the rising temperature in the morning.

A front-line reporter stationed at the Phoebus Hotel Manor has already published a report, and the content is basically very different. The reason why the Phoebus family's operating conditions have declined significantly in recent years is because of the emergence of moths within the family. Some reporters have already listed it. Published the information I investigated.

"A friend of mine happened to be on vacation there, and I heard last night that hundreds of millions of dollars from the Phoebes family were missing. I heard that the housekeeper worked with some of his managers and employees to do it. "

"Fuck, you really dare to do it, but Locke Phoebus is really a fool."

"This family is really unlucky."

"Where do you think the money they got went? It's hundreds of millions."

"I think it must have gotten into the hands of some guys at the bottom who specialize in laundering money. But this time the matter was exposed, I'm afraid the housekeeper is dead."

In a breakfast shop, a bunch of people were looking at the information on the light and shadow screen and discussing.

In a small hotel located in District 88, south of the ground floor, Zhang Yang sat in front of the window with a calm expression, looking at the sunshine in the distance. It would take about 8 o'clock on the ground floor to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Zhang Yang was sent to the ground floor as soon as he came out last night. He immediately contacted the low-level criminals who could help hide him, but even they did not dare to hide him. After the wanted order was issued this morning, he should be there soon. will be arrested.

Being able to help the Phoebus family erase everything, Zhang Yang didn't feel any regret at all. He should have been expelled. Such a major economic crime affected too many places.

Zhang Yang has never felt regretful. Ever since a guy found him 25 years ago, he has made up his mind that he is the only one who can save the Phoebes family. Now the time has come.

There was a knock on the door, and Zhang Yang opened the door to deliver food. The boss in front of him smiled and walked in with a bowl of steaming soup and some cakes. The boss's eyes were always twinkling.

"Sir, although I don't know what kind of crime you have committed, please feel at ease. No one can find this place. You can just stay here with peace of mind."

The boss put down the things and took a look at the soup. He turned around and left with some fear. Zhang Yang didn't eat because he knew very well that there was something in it and he might become unconscious if he ate it.

Zhang Yang didn't intend to run away. He just sat quietly by the bed, turned on the light and shadow screen of his mobile phone, and quietly waited for the news report.

In the past, Zhang Yang actually rejected the Phoebus family in his heart, but his father's education from childhood to adulthood was to serve the Phoebus family, because his father had received great favor from the Phoebus family.

"Xiao Yang, if you don't want to do it, you can leave at any time. You are very smart. There is no need to be a servant in our house."

Zhang Yang still remembered what Locke said to him after he came back from school. From that time on, Zhang Yang had different feelings for the Phoebes family. He followed his father's will and still stayed. Come down.

Zhang Yang witnessed the most glorious time of the Phoebus family, and also witnessed their most miserable time. Because Locke's decision-making cast a huge shadow on the entire family, the previous head of the family who was in the hospital bed at the time still insisted on going to Congress. Accepted the decision of Congress to abolish the automobile.

The most beautiful and the ugliest are gradually fading away in Zhang Yang's heart. This ancient family is declining little by little. When almost all the industries are unable to be maintained in the future, they are peeled off from the family little by little, and the glory of the past becomes more and more. Getting darker and darker.

"Locke, don't continue. If you continue to invest money in the maintenance of automobile technology and materials, you will drag the entire family into the abyss."

"I'm sorry, Xiao Yang. When I was born, when I was sensible, cars were driving right in front of my eyes. If it really ends one day, I will have no regrets, because I was born like this. Remember me? Did father say anything?"

"The times always go up and down, but the city will one day need our family. Don't let cars disappear from now on."

In the end, Zhang Yang accepted everything from the Phoebus family, and things began to turn around. After the man named Li Chu came to find him, many car technologies were finally able to be tested in the barrier zone.

"I'm here to save the Phoebus family?"

"Yes, only you can save their family. The transition between offense and defense is like this. No matter it is black or white, or any other color, don't you think it is so romantic to save the entire family by yourself? From Starting from this year, I will prepare 100 million for the Phoebes family every year until the moment their family dies. We don’t want their family to die, and you are the same!"

Unknowingly, Zhang Yang has completely recognized the fact that he is a member of the Phoebus family, even if there is no blood relationship.

"Why would an adult like you do that?"

"I said, borrowing three to repay seven is my usual approach. Unfortunately, I can't make any promises to the dead. If you can figure it out, think about it. At a certain time, the car will come in handy. of."

The light shone on the ground through the glass window little by little. Zhang Yang stood up quietly. He had already seen some figures appearing nearby. The arrest should start soon.


Locke sat quietly in the lobby of Hotel No. 1. There were reporters in front of him and people from Section 5 sitting next to him.

"I'm sorry to make everyone tired. Some small problems that happened yesterday have become big problems today. On behalf of the Phoebus family, I would like to express my most sincere apology to you!"


The door behind Zhang Yang's room was forced open. Zhang Yang faced the sun and smiled slightly.

Is it romantic for men?

"Please kneel on the ground with your hands on your head, Mr. Zhang Yang. Now that you are involved in serious economic crimes, escape crimes, etc., we want to arrest you! You have been defined as a LV2 criminal and have no rights!" "

In the venue

There was a crowd of people, and Locke looked heavy and choked.

"I have trusted him all these years!"


Zhang Yang put his head in his hands and knelt on the ground. There was a sound of chains. Zhang Yang's hands were handcuffed and a collar specially prepared for mutants was put on his neck. There was a complete commotion outside the house. Some CBV people Journalists who were allowed to attend the arrest began filming.

"May I ask Mr. Locke, why don't you check the accounts on weekdays? If..."

After Locke meditated quietly for a while, his mouth opened slightly, and a stream of sadness continued to pour out of his heart.

"Because... he's my friend! He's worked for our Phoebus family for 60 years."

There was a commotion, and Zhang Yang was escorted out of the hotel by two people from Section 5. The boss was excitedly talking to a team leader from Section 5.

"Mr. Locke, how much damage has Zhang Yang's moth behavior caused to your family?"

Locke quietly watched the little bit of light shining into the hotel door, constantly choking, and his emotions were almost out of control. In his impression, Zhang Yang, who had been a bit dull since he was a child, would take him with him wherever he went, because He believed in him, so all the family affairs were left to Zhang Yang to take care of. He never took any improper money from the Phoebes family.

The sunlight was a bit dazzling at this time, but it was cold when it shone on Zhang Yang. However, Zhang Yang's heart was hot at this time, as if he was being roasted under the sun.

Some reporters had already rushed over. A few reporters with special permission passed through the human wall built by the five people. Many people nearby came to watch, and there were curses everywhere, because many people had heard about it. Yes, Zhang Yang has made hundreds of millions of dollars over the years.

"Mr. Zhang Yang, why would you do such a thing? Your monthly salary is obviously not low!"

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, he just looked at the camera with an indifferent expression.

"About more than 1 billion!"

Locke answered the reporter's words. Most of the people present were stunned for a while. The reporters started a new round of questions about the huge loss in the Phoebus family. Chen Lin found the right time to take over Locke's words. .

"It's up to me to explain this aspect, based on the investigation results."

Facing more and more questions, Zhang Yang still did not speak, but at this time, a director officer of Section 5 kept gesturing to Zhang Yang to say something in the crowd.

Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at the sun.

"Is there anything wrong with what I did? The Phoebus family should have been finished a long time ago. Such a down-and-out family will only die slowly if it continues to exist. I just want to help people who can already spend their old age peacefully. But I still have to drag my tired body to serve the family. My friend, please be relieved as soon as possible!"

Locke left his seat first with the support of two members of Section 5.

In the long corridor, Ronnie stood quietly, and the two people from Section 5 let go of Locke.

"Grandpa! Is this true!"

Ronnie looked at the arrest report on the light and shadow screen. Locke just looked ahead and walked slowly, not even looking at Zhang Yang who was being taken into the lift on the light and shadow screen.

"Answer my grandpa!"

Ronnie couldn't believe that Zhang Yang would do such a thing, and he thought about it for a while and understood more things, because in recent years, a lot of the family's money has been spent on the maintenance of automobile technology and the maintenance of materials, and there is no excess at all. The money was given to Zhang Yang to enrich his own pocket.

"it is true!"

Locke just answered three words coldly and then entered the elevator. Ronnie yelled angrily and threw the phone to the ground.

The elevator was rising little by little, and Locke was huddled in the corner, trembling slightly.

Zhang Yang looked relaxed in the lift. He would arrive at the prison department soon, and he could already see the eastern grain base covered with sunlight.

"Dad, after night becomes day, but I'm thinking, can't it be day first and then night!"

"Xiao Yang, because of the dark curtain, the light of day can be highlighted!"

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