5 o'clock in the morning

Ji Qing dragged her tired body and wanted to go upstairs to sleep. She was the only one in Section 2 who had such preferential treatment. Most of them slept in underground rooms, but she was the only one who lived in a room on the second floor. After all, his mother is the chief of Section 9.

"how do you feel?"

"Chief Chief!"

Ji Qing was startled and looked at R standing at the door of her room, a little surprised. As expected, R did not report to Mo Xiaolan that she and Jean had been to the hospital before. Mo Xiaolan was sleeping at this time, and she had been After working for many days, I went to bed at 12 o'clock last night after giving some instructions.

"I always feel a little tired."

After the two entered the room, R started making tea. Ji Qing could sleep until 11 o'clock in the morning. This was happy for Ji Qing, but everything he saw throughout the day made Ji Qing feel a little uncomfortable.

"Although I want to say that it's good to get used to it, but if you really get used to it, you will become numb."

Ji Qing looked at R with some surprise. He opened his squinted eyes and stared at Ji Qing sharply. He put a cup of hot tea in front of Ji Qing, and an unpleasant medicinal smell came out.

"You'll be good to sleep after drinking this. This herbal tea helps you sleep."

Ji Qing nodded. She had indeed drank it before and slept peacefully. Ji Qing rubbed the edge of the cup, as if she wanted to ask something but couldn't say it. When it reached her lips, she swallowed it back.

"If you are vaguely aware that I may know where Master Jean took you, but I didn't ask anything, and you feel a little uneasy in your heart, don't worry!"

Ji Qing swallowed in surprise. She really felt that R might have guessed where she and Jean had gone, and she felt a little scared.

"Good night, Miss Ji Qing. Maintaining an attitude of caution and suspicion is the most powerful weapon. No matter where you go, as long as you know that you will not do anything to harm the city, it is enough!"

R stood up and Ji Qing bowed hastily.

"Thank you, Chief R."

Toot toot

Beams of red light swept across a long and narrow corridor, and along with a slightly dull but noisy ringtone, the lights lit up in each dormitory.

"Damn it, fuck it"

Xiong Dabiao rolled up from the bed in the dormitory, his eyes widened. In the dormitory of less than 20 square meters, the four people on the bunk beds woke up from their sleep. At 5:15, the wake-up bell for Section 12 would ring.

Everyone was busy putting on mountain clothes and trousers, preparing to start working in the farmland after breakfast, from 6 am to 12 noon, and from 2 pm to 6 pm, 10 hours of manual labor a day. It makes many newcomers who are punished for minor crimes miserable. It is nothing to those who come here from time to time to work for a few months to restore their citizenship level. Most of them can get 1,500 to 1,500 a month from here. 2000, because the work can be exceeded every day.

As for those petty criminals who are unable to complete their work, or those who have to work because their citizenship level has dropped, basically the criminals need to pay their food expenses to Section 12 after they are released, and those who are forced to work have no choice but to do so. People, a salary of 500 yuan may be deducted after one month of work, and there is not much left.

"Oh shit."

Xiong Dabiao glared at the alarm on the door angrily. This thing was like a reminder every morning. He couldn't bear it anymore, and red particles floated in his eyes.

"Brother Biao, don't do it. Aren't you doing this to embarrass everyone? If it's damaged, all of us here will suffer the same misfortune because we didn't dissuade him."

A relatively strong man got out of bed and hurriedly tried to dissuade him. Others hurriedly gathered around him. Xiong Dabiao jumped out of bed and flipped twice and a half dexterously in the air before landing on the ground.

"Okay, I got it, I'm going to poop, so hurry up."

Immediately, people lined up and started washing up at the door of the small bathroom.

"Hurry up and get to work on time at 6 o'clock. If anyone doesn't want to eat this morning, you can continue to procrastinate."

A director of Section 12 shouted loudly in the corridor, and people kept coming out of the dormitory doors. These are dormitories for petty criminals. They are located in the north of the east and are under the jurisdiction of a large circle of Section 12. The dormitory has a permanent workforce of 60,000 people. In addition to the prisoners released from the prison department every day, more than 100,000 people work in this food base.

Gate had finished washing up and was staring at the door of Xiong Dabiao's room three rooms away from him.


There was a huge muffled sound, and a fart sound like thunder came from Xiong Dabiao's dormitory. For a while, everyone in Section 12 and others burst out laughing.

"It's just a fart, I'm just farting."

Xiong Dabiao's rough voice floated out.

All dormitories are 5-story high-rise buildings in a grid shape. Except for the 140 rooms on the first floor, the other floors are all 200. There are 10 such dormitories lined up in a row, with 75,200 beds, some of which are for people in 12 departments. Dormitory, but basically it is a room for two people, or even a room for one person.

Cars without doors with 40 seats have been parked outside each dormitory. Some people from Section 12 have begun to drive to some farmland. The canteen on the first floor of each dormitory building is already crowded with people. People from further away were already carrying food on the bus.

There are eggs and complex protein milk for breakfast. The limit is 10 per person, 1 kilogram of milk. Most people will take it with them if they can't finish it, and then eat some when they work until 10 o'clock in the morning. But for most physical work, ten Eggs are simply not enough, so how to eat 10 eggs for 6 hours is also a science. Otherwise, you will be too hungry to work. If you fail to meet the quota, your wages will be deducted, or minor criminals will have to pay for food after the punishment is over.

"Xiong Dabiao, 20 is already enough. Why are you so thick-skinned?"

"Damn it, I don't want a salary. I can do as much work as 100 people in one morning, right? What's wrong with eating a few of your eggs?"

Xiong Dabiao said and stretched out his hand to get the eggs. Just as the gang leader was about to say something, a team leader next to him shook his head and said forget it. As a result, Xiong Dabiao was holding a pot of eggs, which numbered at least sixty or seventy. He drank a kilogram of milk before eating eggs.

"I said, can you please stop doing this? Even I will be embarrassed."

Olivia put her hand on her forehead. It was really embarrassing for a beautiful woman like her to sit next to a tall and thick guy like Xiong Dabiao.

"Damn it, I don't pray for such a pitiful salary. This salary is not enough for me to find a woman."

Olivia frowned and kicked Xiong Dabiao in the leg. He became a little more honest, and there was laughter and laughter from the side. This kind of thing happens every morning.

At this time, Song Ying came over with a sad look on his face.

"Miss Olivia, you and I are going to work in the corn barn today. Can you help me?"

Song Ying said, holding the egg and looking at Olivia pleadingly.

"I'm a weak little girl, just help me."

Gate in the distance looked at Xiong Dabiao and Olivia quietly. He was finally assigned to a group with Xiong Dabiao today. People in Xiong Dabiao's group were very happy because this person was easy to talk to and didn't care. No matter how much work is completed, during the work period, he will also help others to complete the workload of the day.

Today is an opportunity, let’s try to get in touch first!

"I understand, boss, she has a husband, so you'd better restrain yourself."

Olivia looked at Xiong Dabiao next to her with disdain, staring straight at his chest.

The cornfield is located in the middle of the grain base. In the shacks with a suitable temperature, Song Ying took the initiative to sit in a row with Olivia as soon as he got in the car.

This kind of convenient car has a speed of up to 300 kilometers per hour. On such a straight road, it can basically pass at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

The sun has not yet risen, and there is a chill in the morning air. Many people are shivering in the doorless car, crowded with each other, curled up, Song Xing is shivering and holding Olivia's arm. .

"Miss Olivia, the mutants in your union are so powerful. I've heard about it on the news, you guys."

"I'm going to take a nap."

Olivia didn't plan to ignore Song Ying. Her mission today was to observe this woman in detail, chat with her, and see what this woman would say. In fact, Olivia was a little reluctant to such a boring task at first. Yes, if it wasn’t for Niya’s sake, she would never do such a thing.

Many people are also whispering, and they all want to have a good relationship with Olivia. After all, it can help them. There are petty criminals and old and lustful women in the car.

"Brother Biao smokes."

As soon as he got on the bus, a farm worker handed him a cigarette. Xiong Dabiao puffed on it, puffing out his belly, and kept patting it. He took it and lit it directly.

"Xiong Dabiao, sit tight."

The member of Section 12 who was driving in front said immediately, the speed of the car suddenly increased, and the cars filled with agricultural workers started to drive very fast.

At this time, there were still a group of people in the dormitory. After they had a leisurely breakfast, they started to follow some people from Section 12. The place they were going to was behind the dormitory. The farmland there belonged to the family, and working on the family's farmland Life is also the happiest, because wages are paid directly by the family, ranging from 3,000 to 5,000, but only for veterans and strong people, and their daily dinner treatment is also better.

Although the family can independently ship goods, they need to undergo strict production supervision, so the family is not qualified to hire people to work on their own. The agricultural products in the family's fields are also collected in the warehouse of Section 12, but family members can withdraw them at any time. The food produced in one's own fields is of better quality, and most of the food in the family's food fields is supplied to the upper class for consumption.

"Sir Larry, why are you here so early today?"

Several people from Section 12 leaned over, and Larry smiled.

"I'm going to receive Secretary Le Xiao here this morning. Remember, the food must be fresh and fresh. Let me inform the chefs."

Larry smiled and looked at the sky to the west. Lexiao would come over at 10 o'clock to discuss the fruit trees with him.

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