Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1201 Fierce fight! Night 1 (medium)

Sweat continued to seep from Michelle's forehead. She was breathing rapidly, unable to gain any advantage in Niya's hands.

Time is passing by, and if we don't reach a settlement with the congressmen quickly, the situation will be very bad.

The so-called "one stone stirs up a thousand waves" is what happened. When the two giant bills were decided, Michelle thought in detail about how to implement the two giant bills that could change the city's structure smoothly and produce results. .

After thinking about it, the only option is to build a convenient transportation network in the city. Today's cities are like pressure furnaces. The internal pressure continues to increase. It only takes a little disturbance to cause serious problems. .

The recent series of chaos forced Michelle to take this step. She casually arranged for three secretaries to take a three-day vacation in front of the section chiefs. The section chiefs should have thought about it afterwards. Understood, and in the end all the section chiefs acquiesced.

This huge machine in Bright City has been unable to operate smoothly due to constant wear and tear of parts inside the machine. Nowadays, only by directing the internal pressure to the outside can some of the city's problems be alleviated.

After the two major bills are launched, the employment of most people at the bottom of the city will be guaranteed, and the economy that has almost stagnated will begin to flow again. However, at this juncture, there will always be obstacles. She does not understand Niya. What are you angry about? I just did the right thing.

"You'd better be serious Michelle, otherwise you'll get hurt."

Niya's tone was tough, and Michelle continued to dodge Niya's fists, her eyes never leaving Niya's eyes.

"Chief Niya, please stop making trouble. There is no point in continuing."


Accompanied by a beam of red lightning, Michelle dodged away, but felt a heat on her cheeks, and blood slowly flowed out. Her eyes widened, and her expression began to become angry.

With two whooshing sounds, Michelle swung her hands rapidly in succession. Niya dodged left and right, avoiding Michelle's telekinetic blade attack, and punched her sideways. Michelle blocked it with both hands. Finally, the whole person flew backwards.


Michelle stepped hard on the electric pole outside the battlefield, and instantly released violent red particles from all over her body, hitting Niya like a cannonball.

Niya was a little surprised, but immediately spit out the cigarette butts in her mouth and crossed her fists in front of her.

With a buzz, Michelle directly stabbed Niya with the knife in her right hand. The two people's telekinesis violently collided in the air. Waves of green smoke flew everywhere. Niya smiled, and Michelle stood in the air. , her hand knife couldn't touch Niya at all.

"You haven't answered me what I just asked you. What kind of enemy is it?"

"Infinitely expanding human hearts!"

Michelle gave the answer directly, and in an instant Niya blocked Michelle with all her strength. Michelle's body flew unbalanced in the air towards the left.

Suddenly, Michelle's left leg suddenly bent, and the knee of her left leg directly took advantage of the force and hit Niya's head.


Red and red particles were entangled. Niya raised her right arm to block Michelle's attack. The moment she got the pulling force, the moment Michelle stabilized her body, her right elbow was already facing Niya's. The left shoulder was hit.

Niya gently lifted back, and a fierce red light fell instantly. Then Niya pushed forward hard, and her body began to shift to the right. A bunch of sharp red blades passed in front of Niya.

The moment Michelle landed, she had already stood up, her hands still in the shape of a knife, and she cut towards Niya.

"correct answer!"

Niya uttered four words coldly, and suddenly her hands accurately grabbed Michelle's wrists.

"How to deal with it!"

"no way!"

Michelle spat out three words, suddenly jumped up, and her knees flew forward. Niya let go of Michelle's wrist, and red lightning flashed all over her body. Michelle's knees moved backwards. Niya Her chin crossed, and her whole body turned backwards with lightness and flexibility.


"I have played this trick since I was a child!"

Niya roared angrily, and Michelle's right leg suddenly stretched forward. Niya held down Michelle's instep, jumped up with the help, and directly pressed Michelle down towards the mud.

Michelle, who was aware of the crisis, struck her elbows hard on the muddy ground. Faced with Niya's lightning-handsome frontal fist, she had already begun to gather scabs on her cheeks.

However, just for a moment, Niya's fist stopped in front of her cheek, making a sizzling sound. Michelle looked at it in disbelief. The electric current flashing in Niya's fist mountain was different from what she had seen before. It is disturbing its own alienated cells to build a scab.

The fine red lightning peeled off the scab on her cheek little by little. Niya knelt on the ground and pressed her fist in front of Michelle's cheek. Michelle could only continue to lie on the ground at this time. She knew that it was already If you lose, if this punch comes down, you will be seriously injured.

"Who fell to the ground!"

Niya stood up, the electricity in her body sizzled, and then the electricity slowly dissipated. She took out a cigarette, lit it, and stretched out a hand to Michelle on the ground. Michelle Er quietly stared at the stretched out hand.

"I'm not like that bastard Gene. I can be someone's nanny. Michelle, listen up. This city is the same. It's the same people who lived in the long history of the past. As long as you have people With the existence of public opinion, people's hearts will expand with the development of society. This is what the so-called public opinion is. In the infinite expansion of public opinion, what are the correct things? You can see it now, and I can also see these things. As a manager, these things We have no way to solve it. The decision-making of a few people may be correct for a while, and the blindness of the majority may be wrong for a while, but there is no absolute right or wrong. Do you understand what I am saying, Michelle, you Why is your asshole so small!"

"Please take back your statement, Chief Niya!"

Michelle held Niya's hand, and Niya pulled her up directly.

"If you feel that the treatment of your family goes against your own beliefs, then what is the only way!"

Michelle looked at Niya in surprise and raised a fist in front of her.

"Use your whole life to pay every drop of blood and sweat for this city to repay the forgiveness you received this time. Abron is not a prop or anything, but your family Michelle. If you can even do it for your family, If you don't have the consciousness to risk your life, you are unqualified. The next era of business requires more than a machine that can only make correct considerations. Think carefully about what you have Michelle, your family It’s also correct for you!”

Michelle did not avoid Niya's eyes, but just stared blankly. After a while, Michelle bowed to Niya.

"I understand. I won't let the reputation of the Abron family be damaged. Please, Chief Niya."

After exhaling a puff of smoke, Niya put her hand on the secretary's coat of arms on Michelle's right shoulder.

"You figure it out on your own. Our department has a lot of things to do. It's up to you to decide how to deal with your own family's problems, Miss Secretary-General!"

Niya said as she took out her phone and looked at the time.

11 o'clock sharp

"Hey old man, are you asleep?"

Niya asked a little unhappily.

"No matter how old or young you are, what's wrong with your daughter so late?"

"Old man, don't ask about things you know you're asking about. Don't you have a plan that can effectively improve the city's power and energy, the UFO Project? To put it simply, now that businessmen need to take shares, you can cut some shares to them. 3 achievements alright."

A burst of hearty laughter came from the phone.

"Are you trying to kill us? My daughter, what do you think of your father? How dare you say such deceptive things."

"Smelly old man, I haven't troubled you in so many years. Stop nagging me, 30%."

Michelle looked at Niya with some surprise, actually talking to her father in such a way, but at this time Michelle raised her head, and for some reason, the nervous part in her heart relaxed a little.

"I know, we are willing to give up 50%!"

Nia's eyes widened.

"Did you take the wrong medicine, old man?"

"It's not that I took the wrong medicine, Niya. The reason why our family has become the richest man is because of the existence of the city. And now when the city needs us, if we still behave like misers, we will not be able to fight with those extremely rich people. What difference do businessmen make!"

Niya hung up the phone and looked at Michelle. At this time, Michelle took Niya's call and dialed Wu Qun's number.

Under the dim street lights, Wu Qun stood next to an electric pole on a deserted street one kilometer away from his home. At this time, everyone around him was asleep. Wu Qun kept sighing, not yet. Received a call from Michelle.

With less than an hour left, Wu Qun became increasingly impatient. He did not want this incident to break the inherent balance in the city. If the incident reached the Congress Hall, things would become increasingly unmanageable.

The same is true for the MPs from several other factions at this time. Several of them have already called Wu Qun. The current situation is like an arrow on the string that has to be fired. If the MPs do not act in this matter, many people's lives will be in danger. I'm afraid I can't keep my position.

Businessmen are not vegetarians. They will definitely use every means to cause trouble for the MPs in the new round of election canvassing at the end of the year.

The three-way check and balance between the executive branch, parliamentarians, and businessmen will cause drastic changes regarding the Phoebes family issue. This is not what Wu Qun wants to see.

"If you are really qualified to be the next head of the General Affairs Section, you should have called me by now!"

Didi didi

Wu Qun's eyes widened as he saw the phone showed 0005. The moment he was about to pick up the phone, Wu Qun had already let go of the phone and leaned back.


A burst of suspected gunshots rang out on the empty street.

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