Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1195 Reconciliation 6 (Part 2)


The lawn of Seungdeok Women's College is still very lively. Many girls have never had an experience like this tonight. The lights are like daylight. At the table where the food is placed, there are many members of the journalistic department, as well as some Former graduates of the school gathered together.

Everyone is watching the live TV broadcast of CBV. The heat this morning is Le Xiao. Although it has not subsided, at this point, this ancient hotel has disappeared for a long time. Even many young people thought that Phoebes Resort Manor Hotel was nothing more than It's the name of a certain company. I don't know this ancient family.

"Sir, may I ask your opinion on cars as a means of transportation!"

Video footage of a random interview on the street appeared. An office worker who looked like he had just eaten was interviewed by a CBV reporter.

"Well, it's hard to say. It looks quite dangerous. Although I have seen highway chase scenes in movies, if a madman suddenly drives like that on the street, I think it would be better not to use a car."

"The car looks pretty good. We've wanted to try it for a long time, but it's quite expensive. Only Phoebes Resort Hotel offers driving experience services."

Several women chattered about cars, and at the end they stuck out their tongues and made funny movements and raised their fingers in front of the camera.

everything on screen

A white-haired old man looked a little reserved in front of the camera.

"It's just nonsense. If cars are on the road again, what will our lives be now? Before, my beloved Mercedes-Benz was sent to a dismantling plant, and what's even more outrageous is that I was only given a subsidy for materials. Now it's just nonsense. , if the car is to be put on the road, I will be the first to not allow it.”

Just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the various beings being interviewed on the street, a burst of high-pitched laughter sounded, and everyone looked over.

"Of course it's very good. As for cars, the Wraith Chariot in "The Wraith Castle" is really awesome. Have you seen it?"

Le Xiao was blushing and smiling all the time. Whit and Alpha next to him were poking Le Xiao on the back with telekinesis, but at this time Le Xiao was already drunk and didn't care about his own image.

"I'm kidding! Hahaha."

Le Xiao smiled excitedly and immediately waved his hands. A large number of reporters in front of him were a little confused at this time. Alpha and Whit pressed down Le Xiao's hands at the same time. Le Xiao saluted the reporters, and then Said with a silly smile.

"It's not up to me to decide whether the car is useful or not, and whether it will be invested in. How could I possibly know that I'm just a secretary? Besides, the atmosphere is so good tonight, please don't ask these things. It's very annoying."

As Le Xiao spoke, she walked towards the female students with some swaying figure. She found that the female students here were all talented and well-spoken. The seniors in front of them were shouting, how could she have been there before? Such good treatment, and it was really respectful from the bottom of my heart to talk to Le Xiao and discuss some entertainment issues together.

"I must tell you this big lie"

Before Lexiao finished speaking, Whit had already blocked her mouth. In the morning, Whit was still worried that she suddenly wanted to help this woman with a strong background and wealth lie. But now Whit's attitude has completely changed. She Even if he died, he would never tell him about Le Xiao's identity fraud.

"What are you doing, Whit?"

As soon as Le Xiao said this, he only felt a blow on the back of his head and lost consciousness.

Sorry, I've been too gentle!

Alpha looked at her apologetically. She knew very well that if she continued to lose her temper like this, if she went back to the General Affairs Department tomorrow, she would definitely be scolded by Michelle.

Back in the principal's office, Whit put Lexiao on the sofa.

"It's true, how come this girl gets strength from the wine after drinking, and the amount of alcohol is so bad, the quality of the wine is also about the same as your sister, the same virtue."

Alpha smiled and nodded.

"But you were really cruel to your sister at that time. You pushed her head into the water that time. I was scared to death."

"Don't mention those bad things in the past."

Alpha recalled the first time Niya stole a drink when she was little, and she went crazy with alcohol at that time. In front of the guests, Alpha angrily lifted Niya to the fountain and pushed her head into the water. , until Niya fully wakes up.

"But having said that, the only ones who can save the Phoebus family now are your Angus family."

Whit said, his eyes instantly became serious. Alpha shook her head. She had already taken Jean's mobile phone to read the response plan issued by the section chiefs. It seemed perfect, but it could only be delayed for a while. Councilors and businessmen If you refuse to let go, it is impossible for such a huge amount of funds to appear reasonable and legal overnight. But now, many reporters have interviewed some congressmen, and many congressmen have refused to speak. They seem to be waiting. What's average.

Regarding the Phoebus family's problem, if the congressman and businessman refuse to let go, they will be completely finished tomorrow morning.

"My parents probably won't be so kind. After all, they are also businessmen. It's just that if the principal is willing to speak."

Whit immediately understood what was happening and asked Alpha for a cigarette. After lighting it, he slapped Lexiao on the head.

"It's up to this little girl to see what you can accomplish in Section 13. The principal behind the scenes has already handed it over to you!"

Alpha didn't answer.

"What a surprise, Mr. Jean, you will come here in person."

Avano looked at Jean, who was sitting comfortably by the window on the second floor, with some surprise.

"Sorry, do you have any wine? I plan to visit an old friend tonight."

Avano nodded, Violet also got up from the sofa and walked over, and the couple bowed to Jean solemnly.

"Thank you very much Mr. Jean."

After a while, the three of them sat in the small pavilion outside the house. At this time, the door of the Angus family's mansion was open, and the lights were still on inside. It seemed that decoration had begun.

"We will always remember your promise. Mr. Jean, you said that if the city needs help one day, we should stand up. Now I think it is time."

Avano poured a glass of wine for Jean. Jean raised his head and exhaled a puff of smoke. Originally, he wanted to go to the place where the three secretary girls lived to have a good talk with them, but Jean immediately He gave up such an idea. Although it seemed that they were quarreling fiercely and even getting violent, the three little girls all had a frank side in their personalities. Jean was not worried because there were still two days left, which was enough for them to get along well. .

"All I need is a word from you, Mr. Jean."

Violet said, and Jean hummed.

"Is it the flying saucer project? Mr. Jean."

When the couple saw Jean, they were already sensitively aware that this huge above-ground plan covering the entire city had already developed the corresponding technology in their family's research laboratory 10 years ago, including the specific details of urban paving. Factual details and other huge things have been submitted before, and have been revised over the years, but now there are relatively mature technologies.

Nowadays, the underground transportation network and logistics network controlled by the Phoebus family in the city consume a huge amount of electricity. Electricity is the largest energy consumption in the city. Many of the basic necessities of clothing, food, housing and transportation rely on electricity as energy. Although each district has the least There are 3 stations, and the most is 8 stations, but the daily transportation capacity is still not enough. Generally, there is a train once an hour. If it is changed to half an hour, the power consumption will inevitably increase exponentially, and the maintenance of equipment will also increase. the same.

The invention of photoelectric coating has greatly improved the energy emitted by the sun, but the value is still too low. 10 departments have accurately calculated that even the best one square meter costs 50,000 yuan, and the conversion rate is as high as 95%. The photoelectric coating still cannot maximize the reasonable utilization of solar energy.

Because the air pressure above the city is different at certain distances, it creates unevenness in the seemingly uniform medium of air. During the propagation of light in the air, large-scale twists and turns occur. In fact, the light emitted by the artificial sun If the light bending is taken into account, the conversion rate is less than 30%.

This set of figures is desperate, but Section 10 has never published this set of figures. The waste of energy has been going on for almost a hundred years, but this problem has never been solved.

In other words, only 30% of the total amount of light emitted by the artificial sun every day is converted into electrical energy by the city. Many low-level districts have power rationing measures and are strictly controlled through energy penalty taxes after exceeding the quota.

This is extremely inconvenient for many people's lives, so at night, the city's electricity consumption is tight. Only the middle and upper layers with better photoelectric conversion coatings shine brightly, and many places will fall into darkness at night.

Sociologist Duke once investigated the psychology and quality of life of people in the middle and upper classes who have been trapped in darkness for a long time at night. Many people's jealousy will be highlighted at night. In the long run, it will have a negative impact on the entire society. The development of human society is uneven and can easily cause some problems.

The number of riots that have occurred at the grassroots level has continued to rise in recent years, and energy control has played a large role in this.

The Angus family successfully researched the flying saucer project 10 years ago. They planned to use electromagnetic effects on the ground floor to place flying saucer-like floating disks in suitable places, as long as the bending loss of light energy is the most serious. This will allow the artificial sun that was wasted for hundreds of years to be used more efficiently. According to the content of the bill, if the flying saucer project succeeds, the original light coverage area of ​​only 49% can be increased to more than 80%. .

Investment in energy is far more stable than investment in some construction, because energy is consumed every day, and energy consumption when the demand is greater than the supply will slow down the economic construction of the city. This is why many areas are still secretly using extremely unstable energy. Bacteria Battery Cause.

"How much can be ceded?"

Gene asked, and Avano opened his hand.

"If it can help the city, our family is willing to cede half of it to the merchants."

Jean looked at the couple in amazement.

"Contribute to the city, as you often said in the past, Mr. Jean. If no one is willing to do this, the city will always be just a castle in the air!"

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