Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 120 Le Xiao’s Disaster (Part 1)

As the people from the 8th Legal Affairs Section began to expel the crowd on the street, Jean started walking slowly. It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but at this time Jean felt a little uncomfortable in his heart because no one was looking for the root cause.

But soon Gene started laughing, because there was still hope. As long as part of the root cause, the food problem, could be solved, the city would become better.

“It’s pretty good to slowly build up 13 subjects.”

Gene said and walked quickly. He could enjoy the loneliness alone, but he couldn't tolerate the problem continuing to spread. Next, he was going to a watch shop in the city.

Just around here, located in the southeast of the 12 ring streets, is the Cultural and Art District. This place has many handicrafts, musical instruments, calligraphy and paintings, ancient books that have been transformed into virtual light and shadow objects, and many diversified things. It is something that humans have had in various eras. There are all kinds of buildings with different styles here, as well as many different styles of clothing.

Most of them are small shops, and in many places there are still traces of the once civilized society of mankind. This is also a gathering place for history experts, and the most heated debate among these people is how the human race was destroyed.

What Gene is looking for is a watch shop. There are still many people in the city who carry pocket watches or watches because it is indeed very convenient. Many people also like this kind of handmade clocks. It is a pity. The production of clocks and watches is very low because of the shortage of material resources.

The reason why Bright City is not in shortage of materials is all due to one of the new substances, which is also the most widely used. The material is actually made of what is called X-mimetic material in the new material after the planetary impact. You only need to fix the structural and functional templates of the items, such as clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, etc. Then, the transformation of light and shadow into real objects is realized through light and shadow materials.

The only thing that this X-mimetic substance cannot imitate is a living thing, and it does not cause any harm to humans. It can be recycled and reused countless times and can be retracted and released freely.

These substances are also strictly regulated and controlled by Congress, so if many small items want to use these substances, they need qualifications and market demand to adjust the quota, and then sell them to some processors according to a certain degree of market price fluctuation.

The ground is paved with blackened stone bricks. This street is also the most popular among men and women. It is a paradise for lovers and a gathering place for some artists, ranging from songs and paintings to literary creation and other arts.

Gene stopped outside a shop full of clocks and clocks. The crisp mechanical sound of ticking was beating regularly. The sound of time. Whenever he came to this shop, Gene would close his eyes and listen to this sound. For many people, the sound of a clock is somewhat annoying.

There are two kinds of clocks here, one is a product of X-mimicry based on light and shadow technology, the price is relatively cheaper, and the other is made of real metal, the price is expensive, and many rich people will put it in their homes, just like handicrafts s things.

"I'm sorry, customer, we are out of stock recently. Most of these have been reserved, and many still need to be refined before they can be given to customers."

There are clocks on the closets on both sides after entering, and opposite is a workbench. An old man with gray hair, wearing magnifying glasses, is adjusting a pocket watch.

The old man looks short, lean, with a hooked nose and sparse brown hair. He is the leading watchmaker in the city, Harrison.

Gene didn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt Harrison's work, but looked around, found a place to sit down, and lit a cigarette.

After a while, the old man Harrison, who was busy adjusting his pocket watch, wrinkled his nose, put down his pocket watch angrily, and took off his magnifying glasses, but Harrison soon showed a hearty smile.

"Tell me earlier, Jean, why do you come to my place free?"

Without saying much, Gene took out a crystal key from his arms, which was given to him at the end of the season that day. Harrison immediately became interested because he didn't know what material the key was made of.

"Be very careful."

After Harrison took it, he immediately felt that such a small key was so heavy. After observing it for a while, he shook his head, but when he touched the edge of the key with his hand, the protrusions on the edge of the key were relatively large. Much, the design looks very detailed.

"It should be a more complicated key. The specific things need to be investigated to know. Jean has been experiencing frequent disasters in the city recently. Why do things still break out even though you are here?"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"There are various reasons. Harrison, please take a photo of the key and check it for me."

Harrison took out his light and shadow phone, adjusted it for precise shooting, and put the key on the workbench. After shooting for a while, Harrison returned the key to Gene.

"I have never seen the material, Jean. I will contact you when I find out."

Gene stood up to leave, and Harrison laughed.

"Jean, next month is my 120th birthday. I hope you can come over and have a drink."

Gene walked to the door of the store, tilted his head and smiled.

"If there's good wine."

As a habitual thief who was in the limelight in the city many years ago, Harrison is very skilled with his hands. He has opened countless doors and seen many keys. These experiences will not become unfamiliar with him as he gets older. Although most doors now have electronic locks and identity verification, once there is a problem with the circuit equipment inside, the door cannot be opened. If it is forced to open, the repair fee will be a lot.

As soon as he walked out of the store, Gene heard the sound of an accordion. Many people were watching, some clapping and applauding. A man dressed as a clown played the accordion with a trumpet in his mouth. The exciting and cheerful pre-tuned music made passers-by laugh. Stopping, there was his wallet on the shelf next to him. From time to time, some people would walk over and give him a few cents.

There are quite a few people on this street who make a living by doing some music or other skills. Gene walked over slowly, took out his wallet, gave 5 yuan, and left. Behind him was the clown playing the accordion. The trumpet was blown, and the music became more joyful.

It's good to go shopping on this street occasionally. The streets here are unlike other places. They are only five or six meters wide. They are the busiest when the lanterns are first lit.

"I'll bring that girl over for Harrison's birthday."

Jean quickened his pace. The only way to get back here was to go through the high-rise buildings. After all, he had promised to treat Le Xiao to dinner tonight, which was a celebration for her joining the company.

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