Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1188 Reconciliation 4 (Part 1)

Ran Zai pushed Locke away. Locke seemed to have completely lost his mind at this time, but Locke soon shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"You go ahead kid, I can't do it and I don't need your advice."

"If you don't do this, you have no chance of winning. The congressmen have a lot of things about your family in their hands. Once it is exposed, your family will really go to heaven with more than 100 crimes. Enough for you to be expelled many times. At that time, the business department can only take away the automobile industry technology that your family has persisted for so many years. In the end, these things can only die and all the raw materials will be auctioned to businessmen. The 100 in your garage Many luxury cars will also be dismantled, and nothing will be left. What will happen to your grandchildren? The next step is to go to the barrier area. In an instant, you will be reduced from a young master to a beggar. What did you just say, old man? Is it a fart? If you have this little consciousness, don’t try to protect your family.”

Locke beat his chest and knelt on the dirt, digging his fingers into the dirt. For a moment, he could no longer control his emotions.

Ran Zai smiled coldly, with a hint of evil on his face. He felt great. On the way here, Ran Zai thought over and over again. It is impossible for a guy who graduated from the Super Domain Academy to make such a weak ledger. , but when you think about it more deeply, you will understand naturally when you think that the guy named Zhang Yang is also from King Xue's side.

Ran Zai deduced that Zhang Yang deliberately made this kind of account book in order to resist all the blame at once when the family was about to be destroyed. This was the safest way. By then, the Phoebus family would be cleared, and Zhang Yang The group collapsed, and Ran Zai even thought that perhaps Zhang Yang's method of amassing money through his identity as a housekeeper should have a corresponding financial account, perhaps already prepared, and the money that Zhang Yang filled his own pocket would naturally be returned. To the Phoebus family, all the problems will be solved by then, and the weather will clear up after the rain.

"Then what are you going to do, old man? Crying won't solve the problem. Even if the business department wants to help your family, it can't go directly beyond the law through informal channels. Your housekeeper should be willing to take on everything! "

At this time, on the lakeside path in the distance, a man came quickly towards this side. Locke stared blankly at the housekeeper who was getting closer and closer.

"Master, what's going on?"

Locke hurriedly wiped away the tears that overflowed from his eyes and shook his head.

"There's nothing for you to do here, go and do your business!"

Zhang Yang nodded and stared at Ran Zai sideways when he turned around. The smile on Ran Zai's face and the eyes that seemed to know everything made Zhang Yang stop.

"It's almost 6 o'clock, sir. I have something to tell you before night falls."

Locke immediately looked at Zhang Yang, and Ran Zai, who was standing behind Locke, nodded.

"Over the years, I have often thought about how to repay the Phoebus family. Since I was very young, my father has always warned me that one day I must return this kindness to the Phoebus family."

Locke immediately shook his head.

"I told you that it has nothing to do with you here, Zhang Yang, you"

"Although I don't know when you started preparing, it's time for you to repay your kindness, isn't it? Mr. Zhang Yang."

Zhang Yang bowed and turned around. Locke walked up and held Zhang Yang's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, sir. What happened today was not accidental. It is inevitable that I will take on everything next. If the Phoebus family falls, everything will be over. Master, don't blame me for my decision today. Hesitate, once you hesitate, you will lose everything. As long as you step over it, it will be sunny at Phoebes' house tomorrow, not rainy. Everything I do is natural. Don't think there is anything wrong. If it's just me. If one person can exchange for the glory of the entire Phoebus family, then all this is worth it, at least in my perception of value, that’s good!”

Zhang Yang walked quickly. Locke wanted to catch up, but Ran Zai held him back.

"I'm afraid he has been ready for a long time. He has already made such a decision the moment your family can no longer support it. That man's consciousness is much higher than yours. If you are still like a child, Instead of being like the head of the family, it is equivalent to trampling on the consciousness of the person who is willing to die for your family. Sober up and figure out what is right. Nowadays, this is the only way to deal with what the congressmen have. Things, and once he bears all the charges, the money he has made for himself over the years will be unknown. I think the business department has begun to take action now. Don’t waste the hard work of those who work for your family. Things have become It’s a foregone conclusion, whether you can figure it out or not, each of our lives is like a chess piece on a chessboard, following the set steps and standing in the right position.”

In the hospital in District 118, the wise man was watching the news quietly, with a delighted smile on his face. Quasimodo next to him turned his head.


"You want to ask me why I'm happy, right? Those three guys are saved!"

Quasimodo nodded.

"It really exceeded my expectations. I finally couldn't hold it back and burst out."

Didi didi

The wise man looked at the cell phone next to him. Quasimodo awkwardly picked up the cell phone with his thick fingers. After connecting it, he put it to the wise man's ear. The number was 0001.

"Lord Xue Wang, why do you have time to give me the phone number of an intern?"

"Wise man, you know why I am looking for you."

The wise man raised his head and sighed.

"Of course I know. I will cancel the search warrants of those three brats and resume normal business operations of their properties. Other than that, I will not accept any other conditions!"

"A threat!"

The wise man smiled brightly, moved his body, got out of bed, and walked to the window, bathing in the sunshine and breeze.

"It seems that there is no need for me to take them over to talk. Lord Xue, you have to eat in one mouthful. The city's problems are also the same. It is true that the gray industry is a problem, but you have just won the black industry. It is not good to rush for success. , can you please be more generous? After all, at this juncture, if the Phoebus family is completely destroyed, your business department may be passive for a long time. My proposal is very good, isn't it! It only takes two days, I can let those three brats help you handle everything, with airtight efficiency and reasonable basis."

"Zi Yu'er will come over, don't play tricks, wise man, if you still want to see the sun tomorrow!"

The wise man stared sideways at Quasimodo.

"I'm sorry. I don't accept any threats. It would be great if we all benefit from each other. Besides, I caused the Phoebes family to fall into a ditch overnight. Now I help them to some extent. It can be regarded as atonement for the past. There is no need to say threats. Lord Xue, I have a powerful bodyguard with me, you should know that!"

"Take the three of them to Section 7!"

The wise man nodded and looked at Quasimodo.

"Go and send me a message. Let those three guys go back and tidy up their hair, take a shower, and then come with me to Section 7 to negotiate!"

Quasimodo clapped his fingers and said slowly.

"Say it again, groom your hair, take a shower, and negotiate!"

The wise man sighed and indicated with his eyes. Quasimodo took out a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket. The wise man chewed it with his mouth and began to write. He wrote crookedly that he wanted the one-eyed fox, Baleca and Jin. What three people do.

"Move quickly."

Quasimodo nodded, turned around and squatted out of the ward. The wise man sighed. He had been waiting all this time. This was what it meant to make those three guys endure. He first signed a cooperation agreement with Section 13. I just plan to wait for the opportunity. Even if I am really arrested, I can rely on this cooperation agreement to negotiate and cede some profits to tax at most. But now the bargaining chips have increased. During this period, 1 Section Everyone is secretly searching the whereabouts of the three people. King Xue’s purpose is very clear. He wants to catch those three guys. Once caught, Niya will also be very embarrassed. After all, Niya doesn’t intend to let the three guys. After all, the bottom still needs forces like them to continue to maintain a certain degree of balance. King Xue is too eager for quick success.

"It's almost time, Mr. Secretary-General."

"Member Wu Qun, there are outsiders today, please don't speak at will!"

Michelle stood up as she spoke, and Mitchell felt a little embarrassed, but the dinner had already been decided, but he knew very well that the two of them would compete at the dinner next, in front of him and the girl he had dated. Mitchell didn't dare to think about this scene. He actually didn't like things in the power world, and now the top of the two opposing factions in the power world was about to face off.

After a while, at around 5:30, the three of them came to the street where the previous store was. Mitchell ran over quickly. Wu Qun looked at the situation in the store. A girl was dressing up. There were many girls surrounding him, and look at Mitchell's expression.

"She seems to be a very gentle girl. Does your brother like that type?"

Michelle didn't answer.

"Xiao Ge, you have to perform well. You are the hope of our whole store. After all, you were appointed by Michelle. Maybe you will soar into the sky."

A sweet-looking and gentle girl kept nodding her head under the instructions of the sisters and the proprietress in the store. The girl's name was Ge Ting. She was really flattered by such good luck. At this time, Mitchell had already ran into the store.

"Oh, Mitchell, you need to talk to Xiao Ge more."

Michelle nodded with a slightly embarrassed smile, and Ge Ting blushed and said thank you.

"Go quickly, you are allowed to leave work early today."

Ge Ting nodded and followed Mitchell out.

"Miss Ge Ting, I'm sorry, there is one more person at dinner today, I hope you don't mind."

Ge Ting immediately shook her head and kept thanking Mitchell, an old customer. She thought it was this big boy who had spoken to her. They used to have a good chat. When Mitchell often came over to help her sister buy clothes, Will talk to her.

"Sister, you can go."

Ge Ting smiled and bowed.

"Ms. Michelle, thank you very much for inviting me to dinner!"

But immediately Ge Ting saw an uncle standing next to her, and she was stunned for a moment.

What a combination! The secretary-general of the administrative department and the leader of the parliamentary faction? Why are we eating together?

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