Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1182 Reconciliation 2 (Part 1)

"Sister, what are you looking at!"

Mitchell came over with a plate of pancakes and a cup of tea. This is a self-service casual restaurant diagonally opposite the General Affairs Department in District 1. Some people from the General Affairs Department come here from time to time, but today he didn’t see anyone. Many people At that time, it was almost connected with the work of various subjects, and some familiar people would choose to work here while eating.

Mitchell saw that Michelle had turned off the light and shadow screen, and didn't ask any more questions, because he saw a flash of surprise in Michelle's eyes.

Michelle picked up a piece of pancake, took a small bite and looked at the General Affairs Department across the street. She was a little distracted. She didn't expect that the congressmen would take action so soon. After the news of Le Xiao and her return to school, , most people's attention immediately focused on the problem of the Phoebus family, and there were already on-site reports.

Generally speaking, there are two extremely heavy pieces of news. The 19th District deputies are investigating the debts owed by the Phoebus family in the area, and the administrative department has begun to investigate the chaos of the Phoebus family.

The two things happening at the same time seemed extremely subtle, but most people only knew the surface of what was happening now and didn't know the inside. Michelle didn't expect the congressmen to take action so quickly. It seemed that they felt it keenly. , what does the business department want to do next?

The councilor in District 19 belongs to Wu Qun's faction. The only one who can do this in a short period of time is Wu Qun. The off-site brawl between the two last night escalated this morning when the secretary arrived at the resort.

Michelle could imagine what kind of measures Wu Qun would take, but the swift action of the Operations Department exceeded Michelle's expectations, and the only person who could mobilize people to conduct a large-scale investigation in a short period of time was Ni, the Chief of Section 5. This is only possible with Ya's authorization.

What's going on over there?

Michelle also anticipated what might happen, so she left Seungdeok Girls' College to look for her brother after lunch. But basically, her actions were around the General Affairs Department. Michelle was waiting, and if anything happened At the slightest sign of trouble, she immediately rushed to the General Affairs Department and started arranging matters, but now it seemed that she was no longer needed.

"If you're worried, sister, just go back and take a look. It's so close, so I'm not in a hurry. It's 4:16 now, and dinner will be after 6:00."

Michelle shook her head and put away her thoughts. As long as Section 5 takes action on such a large scale, she doesn't need to worry. The purpose of putting the car into use is to tie up the raw material suppliers needed for the car. It is impossible for them not to do anything profitable, and many businessmen at the top do not want these two bills to continue to ferment and affect their industries.

The first round of the arena match in the Congress was won brilliantly, and the second round of street brawl was about to begin. The two sides had already started planning, and Michelle could guess what was going on at Wu Qun's house.

"Is it really okay? Sister, something doesn't seem right. What's wrong with the Phoebus family?"

Mitchell turned on his mobile phone and looked at the scrolling subtitles on the news, which was reporting about the Phoebes Resort Manor.

But at this time, at the entrance of many subway stations, people from Section 1 were checking many people who entered the subway station. People were completely crowded at the entrance of the subway station, and people from Section 5 were also gradually approaching.

"What exactly do you mean?"

A lawyer with a golden lotus brooch raised his hands in anger and was led over by several people from Section 1.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lawyer, Lord Ivy's inauguration ceremony is coming soon, so we received an inspection order at the subway station early this morning. We need to check it carefully!"

Many lawyers were very angry. They originally planned to take a helicopter to the Phoebes Resort Hotel in District 19, but Section 3 issued an air control order lasting for 5 hours. All private helicopters were not allowed to fly. Lawyers We could only take the subway, but we didn't expect that there would be another inspection on the subway. There were also many people from the 1st Department carrying a lot of equipment and looking for something in the subway. Many people were gossiping that it might be... Related to rioters.

Wu Qun sat quietly at the table. Many businessmen came to Wu Qun's home. Chen Qiao watched the news with an unhappy face.

"Don't worry, everyone. Procrastination is a common tactic used by businessmen. Don't you often see this kind of gangster-like shady tactics? If you like procrastination, just let them procrastinate."

"Old Wu, is it really okay? The streets may be blocked due to the no-fly order and the inspection order."

A businessman muttered. At this time, most of the businessmen were extremely angry. Except for the 10 departments that still retained automobile technology in the city, the basic automobile technology was under the control of the Phoebes family. Their family still has The technology of the car is still under development. If the car is put into use, their plan to suck the blood of Xingke will be greatly reduced.

The technical cost and material cost of cars are much lower than that of lifts. This is what many businessmen do not want to see, so they do their best to destroy the Phoebus family. As long as the debt problem is exposed, the Phoebus family will They do not have any qualifications to participate in the construction of the bill. If the executive branch dares to use the Phoebus family, the congressmen can find an excuse to directly submit the impeachment.

Wu Qun was quietly holding a glass of wine and sitting in the corridor to the left of the businessmen, as if he was enjoying something. He smiled from time to time and took a sip of the wine with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Old Wu, it's better to go to the Respiratory Tree Company that the Phoebus family is still running. Their company still owes us hundreds of millions. I will bring the lawyer there directly, file a lawsuit, and get a bunch of media to come. "

One of the congressmen said, Wu Qun glanced at the businessmen congressmen who were still talking about how to kill the Phoebes family, and smiled.

"Everyone, you should take your time when playing cards. It's better to take your time with better cards. If the cards you play are crushed by the opponent's cards, you will lose more than you gain. Let's wait and see today. After all, the opponent has responded so quickly. The method is probably prepared in advance. The purpose of the business department is just to tie up the raw material market. Those small suppliers are a group of bloodthirsty ants. They will go wherever there is flesh and blood, even if you ask them not to supply. , I’m afraid they won’t listen, so my personal suggestion is economic sanctions, which is the most effective threat. Although those two bills are big enough, what will they do if there are problems with the bills or they end!”

Immediately, the businessmen understood what Wu Qun meant, and began to take out their phones one after another, intending to ask the managers to go to these suppliers to have direct interviews.

"Can't I make it clear? Everyone, save your cards. After all, we still have a fatal card in our hands. Don't be so panicked and plan to play the next card game before losing."

Didi didi

Wu Qun glanced at the phone number, left the corridor with a smile, entered the room, walked directly into the bathroom, and answered the phone.

"You owe us a favor Wu Qun. The next brawl is about to begin. Don't tilt your butt in any other direction then!"

There was a woman's voice on the phone. Her tone was slightly teasing, but her ending was particularly formal.

"Of course, since everyone's interests are the same, or checks and balances are necessary, we will naturally assist. Please also tell Mr. Field that I express my gratitude on behalf of all of us. After all, he does not want his old rival to cheat. Isn’t it!”

The woman on the phone chuckled.

"It's a very apt metaphor. The Phoebus family has been dead for a long time. Now that we want to jump out and plan to do something, who has the right to decide?"

Wu Qun smiled ferociously and shook his head.

"In the hands of the victor!"

"Good luck Wu Qun!"

Wu Qun hung up the phone. He glanced at the number angrily and sighed.

"Those guys still like equal exchange as always!"

The people who had just spoken to Wu Qun were members of another industrial faction with strong momentum in Bright City. They provided Wu Qun with a lot of materials about the Phoebus family. For the Phoebus family, these materials were equivalent to a verdict against them. death penalty.

Wu Qun put his hand on his head and thought for a moment.

"If you do it too harshly, there may be risks. It's better to be careful at this juncture!"

At this time, Wu Qun had a pleasant smile on his face. The arena match with Michelle last night kicked off early this morning. He really admired that little girl more and more. Although such a simple intention, but Being able to do a lot of things that are beneficial to the industry, she is as shrewd as her mother Freya.

Wu Qun took out his phone and dialed a series of numbers.

"Help me find out where the secretary-general is now!"

Jewell was wearing swimming trunks and standing on the beach. At this time, the beach was full of people from the business department. He blinked. Many bikinis were already wearing clothes and were being questioned by the business department. Lu Xi was wearing a black spotted lace bikini. , smiled playfully, pulled Jewell and asked him to teach her how to surf.

At this time, Chen Lin, the regional officer of District 19, ran over not far away. She came with a bunch of team leaders.

"Lord Jewell!"

After bowing, Chen Lin signaled with his eyes, Jewell sighed and asked Lu Xi to go aside first.

"Sir Niya said that if there is any problem on site, I hope you, Lord Jewell, will take direct command!"

Jewell's face showed displeasure at this time. He was obviously dragged here for vacation by that bastard Jean, but now it has become work.

"I understand. All I have to say is, no matter what means you use, no one is allowed to leave this hotel today."

"Does the street need to be blocked? Lord Jewell."

Jewell scratched his head.

"No, let's let the reporter from CBV draft a manuscript first. The title of the content is the history of blood and tears of those who contributed to the city. We will directly conduct a special program and let the old guy Hu Youran explain the Phoebes family. things, and create some negative rumors about the members of the 19th District, let’s strike first!”

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