Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1179 Reconciliation 1 (Part 1)

A sound of water flowing

Li Ang was holding the kettle and pouring tea for Leona and Ivy. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the handover work between the three of them was completed.

"Let's have dinner together later."

Leon muttered, Leona raised her head tiredly and sat on the sofa. Ivy frowned and stretched out a hand to press Leona's shoulder.

"How is it, a long-lost work experience?"

"Half of my life is gone!"

Li Ang sat down with a smile and shook his head.

"I see that your life has been too comfortable these past few years. The secretaries will be busy soon. You'd better grit your teeth and work hard, and don't wait until something goes wrong."

"you shut up."

At this time, Li Ang opened a light and shadow screen, which contained an application for cooperation intention from the Industrial Machinery Association.

"I really don't want to suffer at all, what should I do?"

Li Ang opened the application as he spoke. The conveniences of three types of lifts have been listed in detail. The smallest manned lift can carry 50 people. 300 can be manufactured for use by the business department. The rent is With a capacity of 2,000 per day, both medium and large lifts can transport materials. The medium-sized lifts can carry a guaranteed load of 20 tons at a stable speed of 600 kilometers per hour, while the large lifts can carry materials at a distance of 600 kilometers. Carrying 40 tons of materials at a stable speed, the daily rent for a medium-sized one ranges from 3,000 to 4,000, and a large one requires more than 5,000.

The three of them have already considered that if underground transportation and subway transportation are used, transportation will be a problem and it will affect the normal traffic in the city. It is necessary to adjust the tram track and time. If underground aerodynamic transportation trails are used, because Due to the long period of disrepair, many places still need to be repaired, and many components in the trail have deteriorated seriously.

Once this bill is launched, there will not be so much time and energy to deal with transportation issues, so it is better to use a lift, but renting it every day will be a bit expensive.

"Look over there in Section 10."

Leona said, and Leon shook his head.

"If this is an act of overstepping one's authority, do you think lawmakers will agree? This would violate economic laws."

Ivy nodded. After all, this is an urban economic construction bill. If the Xingke Branch produces its own lifts for use in city-related economic construction bills, it would be an ultra vires and illegal act. The lifts produced by the Xingke Branch independently And some machinery can only be used independently within the department, and there are extremely strict types of restrictions.

This is to check and balance the prerogative of the plant. In the past, many mechanical plants for boiling water were produced independently without paying a penny. However, these small items were gradually banned and had to be purchased independently. This is also to enable people to Urban economies are more mobile.

The circular flow of money can effectively promote the development of the market economy. Now the three of them are still considering whether to refuse or temporarily agree. If they agree, the Industrial Machinery Association's application for cooperation will enter the filing stage. Once After entering, their participation qualifications must be reviewed, and then negotiations on cooperation can begin.

But now the issue that the three of them are considering is the problem of the Phoebus family. All three of them have realized the real purpose of Michelle letting the three secretaries go to the Phoebus Resort Hotel.

"Can those three little girls really reach an agreement with the Phoebus family?"

Leona became a little suspicious. In her impression, the three secretaries sometimes seemed a bit rigid. They might not find this breakthrough by themselves.

"If you use a car, you can save a lot of trouble, the route can be planned quickly, the cost can be reduced a lot, and the most important thing is that people in the barrier area can gradually participate."

Li Ang said and Ivy nodded.

"But having said that, that girl Michelle actually noticed this, which really surprised me."

Leona said and lit a cigarette. In her impression, Michelle was more stereotyped, but after so many years, she felt more and more that Michelle was actually very delicate on the inside. Inadvertently, Michelle Did a lot of things.

"It's still early. No matter how rigid those three girls are, they should have noticed this strange vacation order."

Ivy said, and the other two people nodded. If the Business Department goes to help the Phoebus family openly, the parliamentarian faction will definitely find an excuse to fight back. After all, the three of them know the situation of the Phoebus family. Among them, Leon repeatedly rejected the Phoebus family's loans because he knew very well that the Phoebus family had no chance at all.

The lost city has been fortified by the enemy. Now it is impossible for the Phoebus family to break into the city. Loans to them can only delay the death of their entire family, but now the opportunity has come.

But the Phoebus family is burdened with a high amount of debt. This can be seen from the economic statements. Although the statements are watertight every month, Leon is not a fool. He knows very well the relationship between the Phoebus family and the district. The congressmen borrowed money. According to the monitored semi-AI real-time calculation, the passenger flow of Phoebes Resort Hotel and Estate was not as high as the financial statements.

7 Branch has given the Phoebus family many tax-free policies over the years, but Locke Phoebus still has not made the family viable, because the entire family industry is now only supported by the resort industry. In the past, there was The tree leasing industry supports part of this, but now the number of leased trees in the tree leasing industry has been gradually decreasing year by year.

This family, which had made a significant contribution to the glory of the city, was about to go bankrupt due to the congressional decision of that year, but in 2006, Xingke purchased a large amount of car dismantling materials from the Phoebes family at a low price.

"Although this kind of thing is meaningless to us, the city needs checks and balances. If we want to stop the ambitions of some businessmen, we can only support an obedient enterprise. When the agricultural base in the barrier area is officially established, It also requires a lot of cars over that vast land.”

Li Ang stood up as he spoke, walked to the window of the office, and looked at the street outside. The Golden Street was still full of flowers, and businessmen coming and going were constantly entering and leaving the 7th Section Headquarters. Soon, more than 600 people came and went this time. The review of enterprises in the city's economic crisis is about to begin, and once it enters the review stage, the bill will begin the initial preparatory stage.


Ronny looked at Locke next to him. At this time, Locke lowered his head without saying a word. Zhou Ming sat opposite and drank tea comfortably. He was speechless for a while, but he could hear the commotion outside. Ni ran out and quickly ran towards the east path. Many people were watching.


Soon Ronnie saw his brother Collison lying on the ground with his mouth full of blood, and several mutant bodyguards smiled contemptuously.

"Boy, go away, we have been kind enough to your family in the past few years."

Collison wanted to get up angrily, but was suppressed by an A-level mutant with telekinesis, making him completely unable to get up.

Many onlookers were taking photos, and Ronnie heard a lot of gossip, but most of the words were sarcastic remarks.

Seeing that the purpose of this group of people today was to seize the east side of the Phoebes Resort Hotel, once they entered this stage, it would be useless for them to do anything. At this time, bursts of clapping came from the side.

"Hey, now I order you all to lie down with your hands on your head for public brawl!"

A lazy voice came from the crowd on the path below. Ronnie looked over, and his eyes widened for a moment. It was Jewell, the section chief of Section 11.

Many mutants looked over with sudden changes in their expressions. At this time, the congressman squatting next to Collison quickly stood up and turned his head.

"Oh, Chief Jewell, why are you here? What a coincidence."

"Didn't you hear what I said? Everyone lay down with their heads in their hands."

Jewell said, letting go of Lu Xi's hand and jumping over.

"Get down!"

The expression on the congressman's face was a little stiff. Collison was still struggling on the ground, and several mutant bodyguards were still hesitating.

"I'll give you 3 seconds. After 3 seconds, it will be regarded as an act of resistance, and I will exercise my administrative rights!"

Jewel said with a smile and stretched out three fingers and took them back one by one.

Many of those surveyors had already started walking quickly. In an instant, with a flash of red particles, Jewel had ejected over. With a few muffled sounds, one of them fell to the ground with a painful expression.

"Now you are suspected of fighting in the street and resisting the chief of the operations department to stop him!"

Immediately, all the mutants lay on the ground with their heads in their hands, and Jewell had asked Lu Xi to record it on his mobile phone.

At this time, the congressman who came with someone was still in a stalemate, and Jewell walked slowly in front of him.

"Chief Jewell, this matter"


The congressman in front of him curled up on the ground in pain, clutching his stomach, and fainted while frothing at the mouth.

"Okay, can anyone help call the people from Section 5? We have to take them back for review."

At this time, people in Hotel No. 1 came out one after another. Zhou Ming looked solemnly at the more than 30 people lying on the ground. They all looked at him in misery. Zhou Ming immediately walked over quickly.

"Chief Jewell, it's been a long time since we last seen each other. Why do you have the time to care about such a thing?"

Locke breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't know why Jewell suddenly appeared, judging from the situation at the scene, these people would be taken away.

After a while, people from Section 5 poured in from the gate.

"Lord Jewell!"

After hundreds of people from Section 5 came in, they began to handcuff the people on the ground, while the mutants directly put on collars.

"Okay, now they have two charges, the crime of public fighting and the crime of resisting. Remember to write it down clearly."

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