Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1173 Outside of work (Part 1)

"Five dollars!"

Locke raised his right hand, and his five radishes-like fingers moved back and forth dexterously and orderly. The chef looked at Locke with a troubled expression.

"Manager, Lady Michelle is not here, it's not good for you to do this!"

Locke had a big belly, raised his head and shook his head happily, patted his belly and pointed to the fresh steak next to him with a smile, and licked his mouth.

On weekdays, when Michelle is around, it’s good to have a piece of it. He eats most lunches with Michelle. No matter where he goes, Michelle follows him like a shadow, but today Michelle Without his son, Locke's already hungry and thirsty appetite completely exploded.

"Oh, Michelle will be back tomorrow, so I won't have to eat. It's enough for me to eat today."

Locke said, and the head chef reluctantly asked the chefs next to him to start loading the fresh steaks. Locke sat directly in front of the table, took a set of knives and forks, tied a napkin and planned to start eating.

The entire cafeteria was very hot today, and many people started drinking early in the morning. Locke didn't blame them. As long as it didn't affect his work, it was totally fine.

"I tell you guys, drink less and don't fall asleep later. There are a lot of things going on today. If your secretary-general comes back tomorrow, I won't care if your work is not done well."

"Okay boss, we get it."

Several directors and room chiefs gathered together, specially asked the chef to add dishes, and started to drink wine. Many people from other departments who came to deal with things also got some wine. Drinking in such broad daylight, usually is Absolutely impossible.

But at this time, Locke was more worried about the problems in the family of his friend Charles, who he had grown up with. Although Michelle was taken back by Jean, she only said that the problem of the Abron family would be postponed and did not relent, and said I will go find Niya in person. Just tonight, I shudder when I think of Locke Ka Fai, the two people who had some friction in the past.

When Michelle was the secretary of Section 5, she had a strong desire to become the chief of Section 5. Who knew that Niya would step in and become Michelle's boss? Although it was only for half a year, Locke He quickly transferred Michelle to the General Affairs Department and officially became the Secretary-General. During the two of them working together, let alone talking, they even got into fights due to disagreements many times, although Niya was the one who started it.

What impressed Locke the most was that because of something in the canteen of the General Affairs Department, Niya and Michelle took action directly.

Niya's temper was just like Jean's. If words couldn't be solved, force would be the most practical option, and Michelle didn't show any weakness at all.

At this time, the noise had become one, and the male and female staff were mixed together. Everyone seemed to be having a party. A laughing little girl wearing a light red T-shirt ran in from the door, followed by a beautiful girl. Many people looked at the woman in surprise. Yu Wanrou and Luo Ziyun, two people who had not set foot in the General Affairs Department for a year and a half, actually came over.

Luo Ziyun made a shushing gesture to the surroundings, and naughtily tiptoed towards her father. This little girl used to come to the General Affairs Department often, and many of the staff knew her. Wu Lei leaned aside drunkenly, helpless. He shook his head, remembering that Locke hadn't been home for more than half a month.

Locke was in a good mood and hummed a little tune. Knives and forks clinked together rhythmically from time to time. A pair of slender little hands covered Locke's eyes.

"Who is it? Stop making trouble!"

But Locke realized something immediately. He turned around with a smile on his face, hugged his daughter and stood up with a smile. When Locke saw his wife, Locke's eyes flashed aside.

"We haven't eaten yet, Fatty."

Yu Wanrou sat directly aside, looked at the five large steaks being fried, and twisted Locke's ears.

"How many times have I told you, if that kid Michelle hadn't called me, I wouldn't have known that Michelle wasn't here today."

Locke smiled awkwardly.

You have to report this to me!

"Dad, if you continue to eat like this, it will be bad for your health. I came here today to get your permission. I want to take the exam for the business department!"

Locke immediately blinked, smiled, shook his head and hugged his daughter next to him.

"Oh my daughter, look at those uncles and aunts behind you, do you know why they are so happy?"

Luo Ziyun pouted.

"I have to take the exam for the business department."

"A job with high pressure is not suitable for you, and"

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, I'm sorry. I originally wanted to dissuade you."

Xingyuan came in from outside and sat down quickly.

"I didn't eat either."

After a while, Locke looked at the steaks with greedy eyes, but he could only take the three of them upstairs.

"Husband, is it almost time for you to retire? How old are you? Michelle is doing very well. Just hand over the general affairs department to her. Or are you afraid that she won't be able to do well?"

Locke sat awkwardly on the sofa, while Xingyuan and Luo Ziyun were making tea.

"Yes, dad, please step back quickly. Then I will pass the exam and enter the business department, and then quickly be transferred to the general affairs department. Then I will spend more time with sister Michelle. When sister Michelle gets old, I will take up the post of general affairs." The head of the department.”

"It's really a meteoric rise! Xiaoyun."

Xingyuan smiled, and Luo Ziyun immediately made a face at him.

"Uncle Xingyuan, do you underestimate me?"

Locke Jiahui wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Yu Wanrou sat aside. In the past few years, mother and daughter have always talked to themselves about retirement. Locke Jiahui could have retired a long time ago, but he has never retired. If not Many staff members who know Locke's past now see him as just a nice fat guy who likes to eat. They feel that Michelle has always maintained the General Affairs Department.

"There's nothing we can do now."

Locke Jiahui muttered dullly, and Xingyuan seemed to see something.

"Fat brother, can you tell me the specific reason? I think if you step back, it will be more difficult for the current situation."

Locke raised one hand and shook his head. When he thought of the animals and plants made of biological matter that Noah had taken him to see before, he felt that he could never step back from this position.

"This matter cannot be explained to you clearly. It is the top secret of Brilliant City. Tell me, you are here for the Abron family today!"

Luo Jiahui immediately understood the purpose of the three people's visit. Yu Wanrou's family and the Ai Bolun family were family friends. Xingyuan had received support from the Ai Bolun family when he published books in the past, and the relationship between his daughter Luo Ziyun and Mi Luer very nice.

"That's not something I can decide."

Locke sighed, and Yu Wanrou pulled Locke's hand.

"Why don't you talk to that girl Niya?"

"Already told."

Locke Jiahui could roughly guess that the mother and daughter should have gone to the Aibelun family with Xingyuan early this morning. After all, at the Angus family's banquet last night, people from the Aibelun family came, and he just did it. I just mentioned it to Niya briefly at last night's meeting. Up to now, the treatment of the Ai Bolun family has not been reported, and the confiscated goods are still in a state of detention.

Charles' purpose is very clear. He can pay taxes and a certain amount of fines at normal market prices, but he must not label this batch of confiscated goods as illegal.

"Dad, I heard that the Abron family helped you a lot in the past. Since Sister Michelle doesn't want to get involved, can't you be a peacemaker?"

"Xiaoyun, I've done what I can. It's not like you don't know Niya's temper. There is no other way except Michelle to talk about it herself."

At this time Xingyuan laughed.

"Actually, my purpose of coming here is more than that. I want to ask, Fat Brother, did you decide on the vacation locations of the secretaries of Sections 6, 7, and 8?"

Locke shook his head.

"Michelle decided it."

Xingyuan was a little surprised, and the three of them looked at him in confusion. Then Xingyuan took out some good tobacco from Locke's cabinet and took out a pipe. After a while, he laughed happily.

"Perhaps Your Excellency Michelle will do something beyond your expectations, Phoebes family."

Locke Ka Fai slapped his forehead and understood immediately.

"I see, I'm really old!"

"I must be too tired, Dad, this kind of question is very simple!"

Luo Ziyun said, and Yu Wanrou laughed.

"What a thoughtful girl. It is true that the decline of the Phoebus family is inseparable from the decision-making of Congress. Now it is appropriate to repay them a little something."

Locke nodded, but seemed to have thought of something.

"It's that bastard Gene. He always mentioned the Phoebus family from time to time."

At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, there was a long queue outside a cake shop called Rainbow on a back street to the north of the main entrance of the General Affairs Department.

"Mitchell, are you an idiot? If you say 3 minutes, it's 3 minutes. It doesn't matter if it's 1 second longer or less. This thing won't work!"

With a bang, Mitchell watched the boss throw a piece of cake he had just taken out of the oven into the recycling bin nearby.

The customers outside are waiting. This store is not big, only about 4 meters wide. There is nothing in the display cabinets, but the customers are waiting. There is a small light and shadow screen with the words "limited purchase of one copy".

The angry boss's white clothes have been dyed in various colors. He has a bald head and only some hair on the sides of his forehead. He is already a hundred years old, but he still looks very angry. If it weren't for his recent health condition, , he would never hire this guy who only has strength.

"I know, Lao Li, I stayed up all night last night and didn't sleep well."

The owner's name is Li Fu. He is 109 years old this year. He has been making cakes since he was 9 years old and has been doing it for 100 years. The shop has been renovated countless times, but it still stands.

The cakes made by Li Fu taste different from other cakes in the city. They are very fragrant and sweet. Once you eat them once, you will never forget them. People who come to buy cakes will line up in a long line every day. Everyone comes to such a back street just to buy a piece. cake.

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