At 12 o'clock, the sun's rays are a bit hot. This is the highest temperature of the day, with some places reaching over 25 degrees.

In the five hours from 12 o'clock to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, in order to provide the eastern grain base with maximum sunlight supplement, the sunshine in the east is the strongest.

On the lawn of Seungdeok Women's College, every female student is busy preparing lunch. This scene can be seen every day. The students use their own ingredients to cook in rotation. The food made by the girls is not only delicious. , and exquisite.

This has been a tradition since the school was founded, and it has continued. Teachers will basically help the students with some small tasks every day, because the school ends at 11 o'clock and starts at 2 o'clock, so the students have enough time to prepare a sumptuous meal. lunch, but today is different. The students need to prepare food for the whole day, and even the dinner needs to be prepared. Most of the education committee members are here, including two secretaries and a section chief, as well as some people inside and outside the school. Members of the administrative department who maintain order can enjoy the lunch made by the students.

Seungde Women's College has very regular work and rest schedules and is not allowed to go out for fun on weekends. Other places are actually very relaxed, but the only thing is that as a member of the school, morality is necessary.

At this time, many girls ran to the members of Section 5 who were on duty outside with water in their hands.

"Thank you sir, please drink some water!"

Many people in Section 5 seemed very happy. After all, the female students in this school are very gentle. The most important thing is that there are many beauties.

As a city that was originally formed by the remnants of people from all over the world, the ratio of handsome men and beautiful women is very high, but the girls in Saint Delhi are very outstanding, and most of them are beauties with temperament.

Many people in Section 5 smiled sullenly and happily took the water from the hands of these little girls. Some even started joking with a few girls.

There were many reporters squatting outside, and the girls did not forget to bring water to them.

"No taking pictures! Delete the photos!"

A female section officer sitting under a tree raised a cigarette in her hand and pointed it at several reporters who were waiting for the opportunity to take pictures. They hurriedly deleted the photos.

The woman's name was Selin, a brown-skinned beauty with long hair. She looked at these reporters with some annoyance. She had greeted the reporters from the beginning and asked them to take photos only with permission, but there were still many of them. Dishonest.

At this time, a female voice brought the water over.

"Thank you for your hard work, miss!"

Selin took the water and drank it before returning the cup to the female student. She bowed and ran away with a smile. Selin still had a lot of things to deal with today, but he could only come over to supervise the scene in person, 19 There are also many black market transactions in the district, and they have also made many seizures.

But looking at these lively and excited little girls, Selin's somewhat depressed mind was relieved a lot. The girls in this school are different from the girls in many other schools. They are very sensible, and they don't look at them through colored glasses. After all, all the children who can attend this school are children from wealthy families. But in the university district of District 19, the children from wealthy families in other schools are different. Selin can often see their arrogance.

A child of Selin's uncle is also a child here. She once asked the child why female students were not allowed to go out even on weekends. The answer she got surprised her. They were not allowed to fall in love before graduation. Anyone found to be in love is likely to be fired.

The best way to avoid falling in love is to isolate them. After all, many wealthy young men have long favored the girls here, and they don't want these children to get into some bad habits.

Once entering the school, parents will sign an agreement with the principal, and everything the student does in the school must be in accordance with the school's rules and regulations. If the student does something out of line or does something wrong, he or she will be expelled directly.

Selin did not agree with this approach, but he was surprised that every graduate of Shengde was able to shine in one place in a short period of time. The most typical one was Michelle.

And the most bizarre thing is that from the niece's mouth, Selin learned that the female students in the school need to undergo regular abstinence training.

There have been serious incidents where female students fell in love with boys from other schools and even became pregnant. It seems that it was at that time that the school launched such an abstinence course.

The girls here have clear and bright eyes, and they are very nice people. They regularly come to their Section 5 Public Security Office to help out on a voluntary basis, and they also go to the streets and alleys to clean up some dirt.

"Perhaps the reason why education here is successful is because we teach these children how to behave first!"

At this time in Whit's office, Whit was still smiling. She didn't know why she wanted to laugh, but she just couldn't stop. Michelle on the side frowned, and Le Xiao, who originally looked uncomfortable in front of her, now He regained some energy, but still stood in front of Whit with flushed cheeks.

"Teacher Whit, if you continue to laugh, you will injure your abdominal muscles later."

Whit shook her head, took off her glasses, and kept wiping the tears rolling down her face. She really couldn't restrain the urge to laugh in her heart, because she could imagine in her mind, when she used to When Jean, the principal of the school, pushed this little girl who knew nothing about anything, what kind of face did the people in the business department have, especially what kind of expression did the guy from the Xue Wang have? Whitt really wanted to see the truth have a look.

All the unpleasantness of today disappeared in an instant. Whit covered his mouth and squatted by the table. He hadn't smiled so happily for a long time.

"Teacher Whit, can you be more serious?"

Michelle walked over and pulled Whit up, but Whit was leaning on her chest at this time, wiping the tears and some spilled saliva on her cheeks. Michelle frowned, looking a little unhappy.

"Little girl, come here."

At this time, Whit pushed Michelle away and waved to Lexiao. Lexiao looked a little nervous and walked over with evasive eyes. Whit hugged Lexiao's head and stroked her head.

"Do you know how many variable units there are in physical and mechanical engineering?"

Le Xiao froze and her head started to work instantly. Whit looked at her and nodded, signaling for Le Xiao to speak.

"X, right? That γ, and that, and this."

A minute later Le Xiao lowered her head and blushed.

"I can't answer that."

Whit asked again suppressing a smile.

"The simplest question is, the basis of today's light and shadow technology, the Bose-Einstein condensate. At what degree below zero can the condensed matter be produced?"

Lexiao blinked.


"Change the question to where the water comes from!"

Le Xiao shook her head.

"In other words, why is there no rain in the city? But why can people drink healthy water and take a bath every day?"

"Of course it's because there is a huge underground reservoir!"

Whit suddenly pinched both sides of Lexiao's mouth and pulled.

"Idiot, why can you still say this to lie to a child? You are such a little girl who doesn't know anything!"

"This, I. Teacher Whit, me"

Le Xiao seemed to realize something was wrong and hurriedly changed her words.

"I'm sorry, Principal Whit. I'm really sorry. I don't know, but that Jean said he wanted to give me a job. I was desperate at that time, so I agreed. Who knows if he asked me to be his secretary, what would I really do? I don’t even know, I.”

Whit laughed again and pressed Lexiao's mouth with one hand.

"What a little idiot. I like you very much."

Huite suddenly hugged Le Xiao. Michelle looked at her former class teacher with a puzzled look. She was very surprised. Instead of scolding Le Xiao, she happily stroked Le Xiao's head. It was like discovering some new and interesting toy.

"By the way, I have one last question for you, Le Xiao, what do you think of today's education?"

Le Xiao blinked.

"I always think it's expensive. If I hadn't been deceived and went to a fourth-rate school like that, I should have been able to answer at least some questions!"

Michelle swallowed.

Even if you don't go to a fourth-rate school, with your IQ, would you be able to learn those high-level questions just now?

King Xue sneezed and felt a chill. The education committee members around him were sorting out some reports about the schools mentioned before.

King Xue has made up his mind. In the past 10 years, schools that have been producing garbage will be banned directly without any mercy. This is what he will do next, especially those with happy students in these universities. Xiao once studied at Yucai Elite University of Education and Technology.

The name sounds very high-end, but in fact the school is just an empty shell. The unemployment rate of students graduating from that university has reached an astonishing 95% in these years. The remaining 5% do not have a citizen level above 5. It is completely In a garbage manufacturing factory, King Xue had a headache when he thought of Le Xiao. Now he was in a difficult situation. After all, he didn't think Le Xiao was qualified to be a secretary, so he could be useful as a target.

Just let that rag rag continue to be the star of Xingke for the time being. When the public's favorability towards Xingke increases, just throw her into the trash can and that's it!

At this time, the students outside were rejoicing again, because Huite came down with Le Xiao and Michelle. Both Huite and Le Xiao's eyes looked red. Many people were quite touched. They had been away from each other for so long. Teachers and students reunited, and in such a special form, many people began to applaud.

Whit was in the middle, holding Le Xiao in his left hand and Michelle in his right hand. The three of them walked over together. Lexiao also felt very happy. After all, she didn't expect that Whit's attitude towards her would be 180 degrees different. He also taught Lexiao many ways to deal with students' questions.

What a good person! Very good.

Le Xiao looked up at the sun in the sky and smiled happily.

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