Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1164 Three Women (Part 1)

"Guest, I'm sorry. Please take the side door. I'm really sorry."

The No. 1 hotel manager of Phoebus Resort Manor led a row of male and female waiters and bowed to the guests who wanted to leave.

Behind the gate with two huge pillars, a slope leads directly to the white beach and artificial sea below. There are two paths on both sides, leading to Hotel No. 1 and Hotel No. 2 respectively. The place where I live is located directly. To the south, a row of numbered accommodation hotels are lined up behind the towering wall. At night, you can not only admire the lights of the resort facilities in the opposite hotel, but also overlook the illuminated Capitol Hill to the south, as well as half of the 20 Night view of the district's markets.

At this time, many people who wanted to leave the resort hotel could only walk through the small door next to the pillar. The road going down to the artificial beach was covered with red carpet, covered with various flower petals, and a large number of The waiters were holding welcome light and shadow utensils and were lining up with the foreman. The foreman was telling them what they needed to pay attention to at 9 o'clock.

The artificial beach is not open to the public today, but is blocked by a wall of light and shadow. A large group of chefs wearing white hats are busy on the beach. You can see a light and shadow stove next to it, with a large number of Seafood, including fish, lobster, some octopus, squid, and shells, are very rare ingredients, and Phoebes Manor has its own seafood farm.

Locke looked at the two young men, one big and one small, with some annoyance. The older one looked very gentlemanly, but the playful smile on his face seemed a bit frivolous, while the younger one was squatting on the ground, retching and watching. He looked confused and very uncomfortable when he got up. The little granddaughter who had been close to Locke before was scolding his two brothers for some ridiculous things last night.

"Grandpa, my eldest brother actually attacked a waitress last night. Can you believe it?"

The eldest grandson's name is Ronnie, a well-known playboy in District 20. At this time, Locke has already revealed a scowl.

"If you do this again, I will send you back to your father's house."

Ronnie immediately bowed.

"Grandpa, it wasn't those friends who encouraged me. I drank some wine and was a little drunk."

At this time, the second grandson on the ground stood up with a livid face, and the younger granddaughter pointed at him and scolded him.

"Grandpa, my second brother hit someone last night."

"Drunk, grandpa, sorry."

Locke looked at his two grandsons with some worry. The second grandson's name was Collison. He was a young man with a bad temper. He often hung out with some rich second generations, especially Chen Qiao's grandson Chen Kai, who had a good relationship with him. .

The youngest granddaughter's name is Feili. She is the most well-behaved and obedient. She has just graduated from Shengde Women's College for two years. Her moral character and talents are much better than these two idiots. Locke thought about it and immediately gave up the idea.

"You two go back and don't come over for the next few days."

"Grandpa, what exactly is going on? Who wants to come and be so grand?"

Ronnie asked, Collison sat on the ground, and Locke kicked him angrily.

"Stop asking, you two should go back quickly."

But at this time, both brothers seemed to realize something. After all, the manor was giving such a grand welcome, and only those in high positions were worthy of such a grand reception from their grandfather.

"Is it the section chief?"

Ronnie muttered, but immediately dismissed the idea. So many things had happened one after another in the past few days, it was impossible for the section chiefs to come here. Ronnie had seen it a few years ago, and two section chiefs had arrived. They came here for vacation, and grandpa welcomed them with great grandeur.

Collison remembered that the best Ocean House suite in the hotel had been booked, and the suite was in the middle of the small sea on the other side. It was the most luxurious suite in the entire manor. It cost 50,000 yuan to stay for one night. This was definitely not for ordinary people. It's bearable, but when you think about those big congressmen, they often just come by helicopter to talk to Grandpa, and Grandpa has never welcomed them with such a grand ceremony.

At this time, the two brothers looked at their little sister Feili, who snorted and hugged Locke.

"Grandpa, I think it's better not to let the two of them get involved. If something bad happens, it won't be as simple as being humiliated. After all, the people here this time are not simple."

Ronnie immediately started laughing.

"She's the secretary of the business department, I guess. That topical figure Le Xiao is definitely not here."

"I see. I think it's the three secretaries who need to be involved in building that giant bill!"

Locke nodded. Although the two grandsons were just playing around, their minds were still relatively sharp. They were not like the ordinary rich second generation who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun. After all, the education of their Phoebes family had always been extremely strict. .

"Then you really have to be careful, Grandpa. After all, we can't afford to offend the business department."

Ronnie's words seemed to be addressed to Collison. Collison took a glass of sour drink from a waiter and drank it.

"Brother, I don't need you to tell me. I know that guy Xiao Kai seems to be in trouble right now."

Locke nodded. He had heard a bit about Chen Qiao's grandson. He was so bold that he dared to go to the lower level to hire people to attack Section 13 Chief Gene. No matter how high the sky is, there should be a limit. Chen Qiao has been so restrained recently. Because of this incident, if Gene was really intentional, his precious grandson might have become a prisoner.

At this time, Ronnie and Collison both put away their relaxed and comfortable attitude. Of course they knew why grandpa was so grand. If the family wanted to expand outwards, it was extremely important to have a good relationship with the business department. In addition, The three women who will become the new kings in the future must have a good relationship with them in these three days.

"By the way, little sister, isn't that Le Xiao your classmate? You really don't remember?"

Feili shook her head and sighed in confusion.

"I really don't remember, but the class monitor said that there was this person, and two sisters who were close to me also said that they were all insiders. After all, the person named Le Xiao was secretly studying in the school at that time. It would be okay if a lot of people knew about it.”

Locke nodded, then patted his granddaughter on the back.

"If you wait too long, please invite Secretary Le Xiao to our manor as a guest. After all, we are classmates."

Feili nodded with a smile, but immediately sighed.

"Grandpa, I think that kind of genius will probably not have time to play."

Ronnie said Collison nodded immediately.

"How scary it must be for a woman to become a secretary at the age of 26."

The four members of the family nodded.

"You cheated, you definitely cheated!"

Jewell glared at Ran Zai angrily, then took Ran Zai's hand of cards and began to count them, looking at Jean awkwardly for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Section Chief!"

As Ran Zai stretched out his hand, Jewell reluctantly gave Ran Zai 5,000.

"I said why don't we stop playing and let's go to the yard. Mr. Jean and Mr. Ranzai, how about you also help look at the furniture in some vacant rooms?"

Gene scratched his head, stood up, and walked to the door.

"The weather is so nice. Isn't this hard-earned vacation wasted? Do you want to go on vacation together?"

Jewell was still unhappy and planned to gamble with Ran Zai again.

"On vacation? Haha, I think it's better to forget it, it will be very tiring."

Gene brought up a light and shadow screen, and then started to book two suites on the Internet. Lu Xi looked at the Phoebus Resort Manor in front of him with joy. He had wanted to go there before, but had never been there before. Gene booked it It's a high-end room priced at 5,000 a night.

"3 points."

Jewell smashed the cards on the table angrily, and Ran Zai took out 4 points with a smile.

"You brat, I don't believe it today."

Cards floated up in the light blue particles, and Gene held up his mobile phone.

"I booked a room, let's go!"

Ran Zai and Jewell looked at the mobile phone held by Gene with surprised expressions. Two double rooms for 5,000 a night had been booked on it, and they were booked for two days.

"I still want to buy furniture, still more"

Gene smiled slightly and shook his head.

"I've taken care of all the food, clothing, housing and transportation. You can eat or play whatever you want, whether it's 1 million or 10 million, I'll take care of it."

Jewell was a little excited. When he thought that there were many high-quality young models there, his heart began to surge, but he immediately noticed Lu Xi.

I seem to be married!

"That's good. If you lied to me last night, I will make you bankrupt, Mr. Jean."

Gene smiled and rolled up his sleeves.

"Come on, if you can eat me till I go bankrupt."

Gene took out a wallet, and Jewell looked at it with some surprise. There were more than 100 million.

"How do you have so much money?"

"After all, I have received wages for more than 50 years, plus some of my previous wages, but for so many years, my food, clothing, housing and transportation have been reimbursed by the Congress, and I have basically spent no money. It is rare today."

Gene smiled slightly and turned around. Lu Xi had already gone upstairs with a smile and started to pack his clothes and Jewell's.

"Jewell, come up quickly, pack up and we'll set off immediately."

It could be heard that Lu Xi's voice was very happy, and Jewell frowned.

"You did it on purpose!"

"He must have done it on purpose, hahaha!"

Ran Zai laughed and held his stomach. He had already understood the situation, and the big slut in front of him seemed to be tied to something important.

"It's okay if you don't want to go. I've already booked a room. Although it's only 5,000 yuan, it's still money. If you can beat me, I won't force you to go."

Jewell looked at Jean for a while, then turned and went upstairs.

"I heard the seafood there is good."

Ran Zai licked his tongue, and Gene walked over and put his hand on his head.

"I'll make you eat until you puke."

There was a commotion on the streets. There was a subway station on the left side in front of the gate of Phoebes Resort in the north of the 20th arrondissement. The time was exactly 8:51 and it only took 5 minutes to walk there.

"Why are you here?"

Outside the subway station, Leti, Ye Jiao and Yincai looked at each other and said in unison. Many people outside took pictures with their mobile phones. After all, they could see three beautiful secretaries from the business department wearing casual clothes. For many people, they don’t see each other for years.

"You guys, please stop filming."

A slightly fat regional officer of Section 5 ran over, and in an instant more than 100 members of Section 5 began to come over to drive away the onlookers.

"Master Yincai, Master Ye Jiao, Master Leti, welcome to District 20!"

"Forget it, I'm here for vacation. You've worked hard!"

Yincai said something and then picked up her bag and started walking away. The people from Section 5 were busy clearing the way for them. Letty took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, walked quickly, and pointed at the 5 people around her. The department staff made a simple gesture of returning the salute and walked away.

After Ye Jiao glanced around, she held her bag in both hands and nodded to everyone.

"What are you following me for?"

Yincai asked, and Letty shook her head.

"Sorry, the Secretary-General's order is to arrive at 9 o'clock, so I have to arrive at 9 o'clock, not even a minute or a second longer."

Ye Jiao also nodded, and the three of them walked slowly side by side. At this time, many people on the street stopped and looked at the three women walking side by side with some joy.

"Sea House!"

Ye Jiao said something coldly, and instantly Yincai and Leti stopped, and the three of them looked at each other again.

I don't want to live with these two weird guys!

There are only 2 updates tonight. Sorry, I’ll take the time to make some more updates when I have time!

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