Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1157 Rising Star (Part 2)

"Of course I remember. At that time, there was an extra student in our class for no reason. At first we thought it was a special admission and didn't pay attention. But now we know it, hey!"

A woman sitting in a shop with a strong artistic atmosphere said with a smile. There were some plastic arts everywhere in the shop, as well as many paintings displayed on light and shadow screens, with the names of the painters. Although the whole shop looked very... It's messy, but it feels very good after entering.

"This is CBV's frontline reporter Taotao. The store you are seeing is called Zhiyin. The female owner, Miss Komi, was the classmate of Secretary Le Xiao!"

Komi looked at the camera with a smile on her face. She is 30 years old this year and graduated from Seungde Women's College two years ago. Seungde Women's College has been a 10-year institution since 20 years ago. Kemi has just graduated two years ago. , when she saw the information about Le Xiao, the secretary of Section 13, she was confused because she didn’t even know there was such a character in the school.

In order to confirm, Kemi also called her principal, Whit, to confirm, but Whit was hesitant in her words and did not give her a clear reply. Kemi contacted many classmates in the same period, because there were only There are more than 100 classmates, so everyone is familiar with each other.

Ke Mi was still confused. After asking the monitor of that year, the monitor joked that the female voice sitting in the last row who didn't talk much and just came to attend classes every day was Le Xiao.

But no matter what, Komi couldn't remember. Does that Le Xiao sitting in the last corner really exist? And she was only 26 years old, 4 years younger than herself, but what was later announced about Lexiao entering Shengde Women's College was because Lexiao was mowing the lawn at the time and inadvertently answered the question that Principal Whitt often made on the light and shadow screen. The problem faced by the students was given private guidance by the principal. After all, the tuition of the college is not affordable for ordinary people. The tuition for 10 years costs 400,000. If expenses and other miscellaneous expenses are included, if you want to To graduate from Seongdeok Women's College, you need more than 1 million.

But the reason why Seungde Women's College has become the best women's college in the city is that the educational philosophy is to teach students in accordance with their aptitude. In the first three years, students who enter the school will learn all aspects of knowledge, but in the next seven years, they will start to We use the strengths and weaknesses of students to designate a learning model for them that maximizes their strengths and avoids their weaknesses. Kemi is a successful person under this education model. In just two years after coming out, his Zhiyin Shop has become well-known and the business is very good. Fierce, coupled with her cooperation with many artists, she has successfully helped many artists who are going through hardships, achieving a win-win situation.

Ke Mi also confirmed with many friends from the same period that everyone is doing well now. Some have entered the practice department, some have entered the business world, and some have entered the legal world. Some of the familiar friends know who is sitting at the end. People lined up for the girl in the corner, and some were completely unaware.

When I think about the past 10 years, I really don’t like to observe others, and I don’t know that others are the same as myself. I only focus on studying. After all, being able to enter the holy virtue is not just about studying and having a good mind. You also need to have money, and you must be virtuous. Only those with outstanding abilities can be admitted. After all, every year many parents from wealthy families struggle to send their children to the school.

"Then let me ask, Miss Kemi, did you and Secretary Le Xiao have any interactions in the past?"

Kami sighed.

"That girl didn't like to talk much before, and maybe because she didn't have to pay fees, she tried to avoid some classmates."

Ke Mi kept talking. After all, she was at the same time as her, and she was worthy of pride. Moreover, she grew up in such a painful environment. She even sighed a little. It would have been better if she had cared more about Le Xiao. As for Ke Mi also knew that the things on his resume were a bit excessive, and now it was time to clear up the name of this classmate.

But I don’t know why, but Kemi always feels a little inconsistent. Even if they often take classes together, he is indeed a little too focused, but it is impossible not to see him once.

Forget it, after all, I can’t compare to someone who can be a secretary!

In Kemi's opinion, a secretary must be a talented person in the city. After all, his school has produced geniuses like Michelle.

A bejeweled woman with long braids, a somewhat plump figure, a round face, and a burgundy work skirt. She was smiling and facing several reporters. Behind her was a medium-sized jewelry company. The woman was constantly introducing her company. , but seemed to realize that it was going too far, so he started talking.

"In the past, the child was 4 years younger than us. Teacher Whitt only told me one person, and I only told a few friends who were more strict in speaking. It was really hard. I had to attend classes every day while working. I used to I often give Le Xiao some assistance in life, she is a very nice person, modest and motivated, and sometimes I secretly help her with tutoring."

The woman in front of her was the monitor of Kemi at the same time. She had served as monitor for 10 years. Many classmates called to ask about Lexiao. The monitor explained many times. On the second day after Lexiao became the secretary of Section 13, The monitor and eight other students were called to Section 1 for a meeting.

At that time, the nine people were shocked because the person who summoned them was none other than Xue Wang, the section chief of Section 1, who needed their help to prove Le Xiao’s identity. The nine people were all active members of the school and had good relationships, and the most important thing was These 9 people knew all the other students and were considered the core figures in that period.

The squad leader naturally knows that he shouldn’t ask questions. The conditions given by Section 1 are very good. For the future development of the nine people, they can simply ride on a high-speed rocket. After two years in the society, the nine people are already familiar with the society. What is it? They happily accepted King Xue's proposal. As expected, many classmates called to ask. They had all unified their opinions and made it watertight. As for the woman named Le Xiao, what happened? They didn't dare to delve into it. People who could sit in that position could drown themselves by spitting.

"Then do you have any interesting stories about Secretary Le Xiao at that time?"

"Yes, she used to like watching horror movies the most. I remember one time she pulled me to watch it together. She and I were so scared that we screamed. Later, if Principal Whit hadn't come in person, she wouldn't be a Shengde student. It’s exposed.”

The reporters quickly remembered it, and the squad leader talked about a lot of things. Many of them were stupid things that Le Xiao had done in a fourth-rate university before, but was transferred to Shengde Women's College.

"The resume says that Secretary Le Xiao once contributed to the construction of the school, after all?"

Before the reporter finished speaking, the squad leader answered directly.

"There is no way that Teacher Whitt likes her. She has the most ideas. We have discussed a lot of things in private. She can always come up with a lot of constructive ideas. Well, I still have work to do! "

At this time, the media in the whole city are scrambling to report every bit of news about Le Xiao, trying to seize the traffic. After all, if there is traffic, the media can share the money. The reporters are all running around, and Le Xiao is like a star. The rising star has fully appeared in the public eye.


At this time, several girls on the street were looking at the contents of the freezer. They had just seen on a page that the boss of Strange Factory announced a message. From now on, if Secretary Le Xiao wants to buy products from Strange Factory, it will be free of charge.

Everyone is looking at the popsicles from Strange Factory, which is a bit difficult to get started with. Many of the products produced by this company are anti-human in the eyes of many people, but they are surprisingly novel and fun. Everyone always plays games at parties. , used in the punishment session, mustard-flavored popsicles, spicy-flavored popsicles, smelly sock-flavored juices, scented sodas, there are many strange things, many people buy them for novelty and fun, or to tease their friends. .

The entire city's public opinion today is focused on Le Xiao. Many people are discussing this secretary who has a good rapport, and some girls even take her as a role model.


Le Xiao followed Michelle downstairs in a daze. There were already waiting staff from Section 1 outside.

The reporters who were standing around came over like a tide. Lexiao swallowed, feeling a lot of pressure and her head hurt.

"Can you not go?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Michelle glared over in an instant. Le Xiao was so frightened that she stood up straight and immediately squeezed out a smile.

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