Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1145 Role Model (Part 2)

Wu Lei jumped between floors panting. He changed into casual clothes. He did not expect that his father would go to District 29. After all, this was a big problem.

In the eyes of outsiders, although my father is an annoying talker, he has a very good life style. At that time, he forcefully dragged his mother, who was originally going to be the secretary of the General Affairs Department, to come here. The husband and wife were loving and the family was harmonious, and he gave birth to himself. Later, he educated himself to become a talented person. In the circle of parliamentarians, his father was a role model for many people.

Wu Lei could already see Area 29. It took him 18 minutes to reach Area 29 at 1 o'clock sharp.

"Sure enough, it's still a bit too forced, I'm too tired."

As he spoke, Wu Lei took out a small can of coffee, drank it and then yawned. He once again confirmed some photos of his father taken on his phone, including photos with Ada.

"What on earth is that smelly old man doing? Mom will definitely not be able to sleep tonight."

Wu Lei had no choice but to use his authority and planned to call some surveillance cameras in Area 29 to see where his father was and what he was doing before he could get over it.

Didi didi

In an instant, an orange pop-up window appeared, with the authority of the Section Chief, Section 13.

"That guy Arez really got it right. It's a bit complicated. I feel like the circuit in my head is about to be broken."

Wu Lei pressed his forehead, sweat seeping out. The surveillance authority of Area 29 has been locked by Jean. Unless he unlocks it, no one outside will have the authority to unlock it.

Wu Lei was shocked at this time, and then he started to hold his stomach and laughed, shaking his head constantly. He had never been so happy as today, because if Jean is here, it means Michelle is also here. , and his father is actually here.

"This is how you burn out other people's brain circuits time and time again, Section Chief Jean. It's so interesting."

Wu Lei couldn't imagine what the two of them, both of whom were in high positions of authority, doing in an area where the streets were filled with only customers and women.

"Let's go to the street and take a look first."

Wu Lei continued to watch the news on his mobile phone, and immediately found the social circle software in District 29. He downloaded it directly and applied for an account. After the payment was approved, Wu Lei was immediately attracted by an eye-catching message.

The news that there was a woman on North 3rd Street who had been losing money, and that even if she won, she would not take any money, just say her name, was particularly eye-catching.

Wu Lei took out a pair of sunglasses, pulled on the black hood, quickly entered District 29, and then quickly walked through the streets.

After a while, Wu Lei arrived at North 3rd Street. A large number of people gathered here. A long queue formed. Wu Lei disappeared and jumped to the roof.

"Twin ponytails, really"

Wu Lei pressed his cheek with one hand, which was completely different from the Michelle he had seen before, giving people a sense of stunning shock. But when he saw that look, Wu Lei shuddered, thinking about Michelle's appearance the day after tomorrow. I will be back, I feel a little relieved.

"What on earth are you doing, my Secretary-General?"

"What is this fat pig doing?"

Leng Rui stared at the light and shadow screen. Wu Qun was drinking with several young back-up members. Gene had called Alpha before and asked Alpha to use his mobile phone and enter a special permission code to take over the surveillance of Area 29. , and then transferred the monitoring control authority to Leng Rui.

"Don't act stupid and hurry up."

Ran Zai cracked melon seeds and looked at the dense backgammon board. It was obvious that Leng Rui had lost. This was the first time Ran Zai had encountered a guy who could play with him to this extent. The kid in front of him had very good logical thinking.

"Can you wait two minutes first?"

Leng Rui swallowed a gulp, and just now he was boasting in front of Yu Fangfang, but he had already lost. The opponent was very powerful. He had already started planning when he was inseparable from him. After thirty rounds, Leng Rui saw the opponent's plan, but at this time he realized that there was nothing he could do to stop it. The opponent's seemingly careless moves were actually a plan.

"Waiting for half an hour is also waiting."

Ran Zai said unceremoniously, Ran Zai suppressed his blush, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Yu Fangfang, but Yu Fangfang was already dizzy.

"Okay, okay, I know I lost."

Ran Zai nodded with satisfaction.

"Come again."

But Ran Zai immediately refused. Although it was possible to win against this boy, it would take too much mental energy. He was now more sexually interested in the final result.

"No more playing."

"What do you mean, I lost."

Ran Zai stared at Leng Rui slightly. This boy was very competitive because he was very smart, so everyone around him looked like fools.

"Well, if you think so."

Jean looked at the two with a smile.

"Don't be like this, it would be interesting to add some bets."

"Okay, what do you want to bet on?"

Leng Rui looked at Ran Zai confidently. He had already understood the opponent's tactics and it was impossible to set a trap for him.

"If I win again, the young lady behind you will stay with me for one night."


Leng Rui stood up in an instant and pointed at Ran Zai, but she suppressed her blush for a moment and Yu Fangfang smiled awkwardly.

"Stop playing with Xiao Leng."

"I won't lose."

Seeing the smell of gunpowder getting stronger, Gene saw a hint of malice in Ran Zai's eyes. He sighed and walked over, slapping the two on their heads with both hands.

"Don't use this kind of thing as a bet. Who do you think this lady is? It's better to do this. If any of you can beat the other, I will promise the other one something, but it must be within my ability!"

Ran Zai's eyes widened immediately and he looked at Jean excitedly. The two began to clear the chessboard again. For a moment, fire almost burst out of their eyes. Leng Rui was also very happy, because Jean had always been If you keep your word, if you can get such a promise, if you make a mistake in the future, you can use this incident to offset it.

"Don't try to use the same trick."

Leng Rui said cheerfully. After choosing the positive coin toss, the coin machine in the game started, and a coin made of light was thrown into the air, and then Leng Rui laughed.

"Based on the probability calculation, it's heads."

As Leng Rui pointed to his head, Ran Zai waved his hand. Of course he knew it, but last time he chose first. At first Leng Rui looked down on him because Leng Rui thought he was very smart, so he let Ran Zai choose first.

Ran Zai had seen several games of backgammon played by Leng Rui and Yu Fangfang, and naturally knew who would go first. Based on the quadratic probability calculation, it was easy to figure out whether it was heads or tails, as long as he knew a little bit about the game program. If you write it and are familiar with mathematics, you can calculate it.

The first stone, Leng Rui, landed on the center point, but at this time Ran Zai landed a white stone two spaces away from Leng Rui, diagonally above.

"Did you plan to block it from the beginning!"

As the black and white stones fell one after another, the chessboard began to become chaotic. Gene walked outside the house, but at this time he saw a person walking towards this side.

"What a surprise!"

Wu Lei sighed, lowered his hood, and bowed.

"Lord Jean."

After a while, Wu Lei shook his head in confusion.

"It's so fast. Sir Jean, you are really merciless. My father and my boss, I really can't believe how they can be so childish and completely disregard their own image."

At this time, Wu Lei had seen the surveillance video, where his father was having a drink with several congressmen. He seemed to understand how his mother knew about his father's coming here. I am afraid that someone with bad intentions told her mother.

"If it is exposed tomorrow morning, it will turn into a big problem. Lord Jean, is there anything you need my help with?"

Gene shook his head.

"The two boys inside will take care of it later."

Wu Lei walked in with some confusion and felt a particularly strong aura, but the moment he saw the backgammon board, his expression became serious.

After watching for about 5 minutes, Wu Lei wiped the sweat from his forehead. Both guys were very strong. They could guess the opponent's intentions more than ten steps in advance, thereby blocking the opponent's chess move. Wu Lei's head also started to It started to burn, but he immediately turned his head away from looking.

"Who do you think will win? Xiaolei, one is your father and the other is your immediate boss. Both are role models in their respective groups."

Wu Lei did not answer. If he goes by his usual thoughts, it would be difficult for Michelle, who is so unkind, to get someone else's name. However, Michelle adopted this method that is somewhat suspicious of cheating. Although it is not clear that she already knew it. There were several names, but I'm afraid there were already hundreds, and my father had a leisurely look and was having a drink with the congressman, and he seemed confident that he would win.

If it starts at 11:40, there are 3 hours and 20 minutes. The limit is 200 names, but looking at Michelle's situation, it is very likely to exceed 300.

I never want my father to lose!

Wu Lei became a little worried, and Gene seemed to notice it.

"A little game off the field."

Wu Lei sat down.

"Forget it, I can't get involved, after all, there's really nothing I can do, hahaha!"

At this time, Wu Qun had already stood up, because five young congressmen called more than a dozen women to accompany him.

"No way, Lao Wu?"

Zhou Wu asked and Wu Qun shook his head.

"You guys play for a while first. I remembered something else. I'll be back in a while."

Wu Qun continued to put on his sunglasses and blended into the crowd. At this time, he always felt vaguely uneasy in his heart. Although 300 names were enough, he didn't want to lose to that little girl Michelle, because when he just drank, Wu Qun noticed that some people were discussing something, and he planned to go to North 3rd Street to have a look.

It's better to be cautious, after all, Gene never said cheating is not allowed!

Wu Qun had already seen the map here in the hotel early in the morning. He started walking with ease and soon arrived at North 3rd Street. Sure enough, he saw Michelle. Wu Qun knew at a glance that he would lose if he continued. !

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