Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1142 Burning Night (Part 2)

King Xue hung up the phone, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and took off his glasses with a tired look. He stood up and walked to the balcony outside the study, quietly staring at the bright house in the distance. Many of the working officers went home, and King Xue smiled contentedly.

"She should be crying right now!"

King Xue said as he looked at his hand on the railing. In his impression, the girl who was always independent was able to maintain her independence in a school like that. She would never follow the trend or try to please anyone. And go and bend your knees.

Being able to have a beautiful relationship with that girl was also because of Billy. King Xue smiled bitterly and pressed his hand on his slightly beating heart.

In King Xue’s understanding, it is true that the role of the school is to export talents. However, when King Xue was about to graduate, he felt that such a direction was vague. Talents do not lie in many, but in excellence. If too many talents are allowed, When fools master a certain degree of knowledge, school loses its meaning.

Not everyone who has received education is suitable to stand above those who have received little education. The expansion of education means the decline in the quality of educational talents.

Teach every student well, this understanding is indeed the benchmark that a responsible teacher should have, but it is a pity that King Xue did not agree with this benchmark in these years.

"Because time does not allow it, the Ministry of Resources allows it, and the city size does not allow it."

King Xue felt the cool breeze blowing on his face, but his heart was burning. He had not spoken to Huite for nearly a year, and he shook his head helplessly.

"Emotions are really strange things. That's what they mean by lasting."

King Xue said with emotion, turned around and walked into the room, lying on the chair, smiling slightly.

"I'll go over there and take a look tomorrow too."

Huite sat quietly by the window, the tears on her face had not dried yet, she cried again. She could not accept or agree with King Xue's threatening tone. She had been resisting King Xue all these years. , however, the guys on the Education Committee obeyed King Xue and did not dare to resist at all. Even the education members could only give in to King Xue.

"This approach is wrong, Billy. I have always felt that controlling education is not conducive to the development of the city."

Billy took a drag on his cigarette and shook his head.

"There is nothing you can do about it. I feel that no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to break the existing pattern. It is impossible for the number of schools to continue to increase."

Whit took out his mobile phone and opened a photo from a long time ago. In the photo, he was young, leaning against King Xue with a look of joy on his face, while King Xue was smiling all over his face, and his expression was as gentle as ever. Show.

As a member of the Education Committee, Whitt has long advocated increasing school construction, adjusting high education fees, and allowing more people to receive education. Most people in the city, after primary school education, Then began to enter the society, because most people cannot support the high education expenses in the following stages.

But every time Whitt's ideas and proposals were ended before they were submitted, because King Xue, the man who clearly enjoyed a high-quality education and finally climbed all the way to the throne, always controlled education.

Faced with the increasingly solidified education, Whitt has always been powerless. She had previously planned to have Shengde Women's College conduct a large-scale expansion of enrollment and expand the construction of the campus, but she had to stop it before it even started.

"I once discussed with King Xue. He said that higher education in cities can only be controlled to a certain extent. I always disagree. No matter how fanciful he said, everyone should have equal educational opportunities."

Billy nodded.

"Equal educational opportunities means a decline in the quality of education, doesn't it?"

"It just started to decline. If you want to have a complete education, you need talents who are willing to teach. Nowadays, there are many old people who are about to retire. They can become teachers after receiving a certain degree of training."

Billy shook his head.

"Resources will be seriously unbalanced. Your approach only exists in ideals. I came here today for some personal matters."

Whit smiled helplessly.

"Don't persuade me, I will not look back. I have given up on that man a long time ago. When she betrayed me, he and I had nothing to talk about. If he asked you to come,"

Billy tilted his head and looked at Whit, shaking his head with a smile in his eyes.

"It's impossible to think about how such a heartless man could say anything to his former lover."

"Do you still remember? When you started dating a long time ago, there were actually a lot of frictions in your daily life, including the breakup later, and there were constant conflicts and frictions about educational issues. You were very idealistic, but he Be more realistic.”

Whit smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Reality and ideals? Even though you don't know everything about our school over the years,"

"I know very well Whit, you have always adhered to the concept of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. This is not easy. Stop being emotional. How old are you all? The fact that you are so emotional can only mean that you still have him in your heart."

Whit shook his head.

"It's true that I still have him somewhere in my heart, but what about him? I'm afraid that I'm no longer in my heart, because he never wants to talk to me seriously, coldly, like this every time, if he is willing to be nice Talk to me, instead of using power to oppress me, maybe I will tell him what I really think in my heart."

Billy took a deep breath.

"When my problems were the most serious, you and him were the only ones standing by my side. Now I can finally control it, but I don't want to see the two former best friends become strangers in the end and just treat it as an end. Some of my wishes, if King Xue comes over tomorrow, let’s talk about them."

Whit looked at Billy in surprise, and Billy looked at her seriously and gave Whit a hug.

"He is actually very lonely, and so are you. What have you two done to each other and what are you doing after so many years? Whit, this city is like this. I feel very cold when I come out. Everything here .It’s all cold.”

Billy's last voice became a little twitchy, and his expression became like a woman's, revealing his sensibility.


Whit choked up somewhat uncomfortably.

"I will have a good talk with him, thank you!"

Billy nodded gently, smiled happily, and looked out the window.

"I have done a lot of wrong things before, but in prison, I thought a lot about what the right thing is! It's a bit hot tonight!"

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