Ran Zai returned to Yu Fangfang's shop with a bag of food. At this time, Gene was sitting quietly at the door drinking wine.

"It's so slow. Couldn't you have done something?"

"Mr. Jean, I finally got rid of a few women who came to me. Hey, this place really makes men forget to leave."

Ran Zai put down a bunch of things, and Yu Fangfang and Leng Rui went upstairs to continue studying medical knowledge.

"Where did you find that kid? He has an unusually good brain."

Ran Zai also discovered that although the boy named Leng Rui upstairs did not understand medicine and had never studied it, he could understand part of it after reading it, and then explained it to Yu Fangfang, making it easier for her to understand.

"He is a genius with a high IQ just like you. How about you chat with him when you have time?"

Ran Zai waved his hand and put down the food. After running around all night, he was a little hungry, so he started eating directly.

"Mr. Gene is really evil. Setting up traps is your specialty. There's no way that guy doesn't know this!"

Gene waved his hand, picked up a bunch of food, and started eating.

"It's just a game, not as exaggerated as you said!"

"You clearly distinguish priorities. After finding out that Michelle couldn't be persuaded, the next stop should not be here, but that old guy Wu Qun suddenly came over, so you made an impromptu decision."

Gene just smiled and said again.

"not my business!"

Michelle was still asking on the street, and had already asked the names of 11 women who lived here, but now Michelle was in trouble, and she also noticed that she was too eager, and some people on the street Already starting to become suspicious.

Michelle decided to go to a street, because the people on the street who had watched her ask questions in this way also came to this street. It seemed that someone had discovered her unusual way of asking names. Michelle, hurry up. Walking towards the upper level step by step.

The thought of winning made Michelle start to ask in this way again, but at this time the girl in front of her looked at Michelle with some displeasure.

"Miss, what are you looking for? Could it be someone from the business department?"

Michelle said sorry and left directly. When passing by a few people, she found that her photos appeared on some people's social software. It seemed that the matter had spread and she could not continue to do it in this way. Asked for the name.

At this time, Michelle saw a not very lively street. The street was also very small, but many shops were still open, and bursts of laughter could be heard from time to time. Michelle walked over and saw some people in the shops. Women gathered in twos and threes and were playing cards.

Although these women all wear makeup, it can still be seen that many of them are no longer young.

"Can I join you?"

Michelle walked up to seven women who were drinking and playing cards and asked. The women all looked at her in confusion.


"Little sister, your beauty won't mean you have no business!"

Michelle didn't answer. She sat down forcefully and took out her wallet card, which showed the number 679089.

"I want to gamble, and I can play as big or small as I want. I don't need you to give me a penny if I lose, but I need to know your names."

Must win!

Michelle stared at the cards on the table coldly, and all the women were excited for a moment. This was already a bit suspected of cheating, but Michelle was very good at this kind of gambling game that relied on probability and calculation. Because since I was very young, I have often seen adults happily playing this kind of game at parties.

One time, my father lost miserably. He lost more than 300,000 yuan in one afternoon, which seemed very shameful. Michelle took over for her father and helped her father win back his face. He obviously won millions, but Michelle didn't get a single point. Neither of them asked for it, and they gave the other party a chance to step down.

And although money was used, it was not used directly to make the other party speak, but through such a game, which is not strictly speaking cheating.

Following Michelle's bold words, many women on the street gathered here, ready to give it a try.

"I just hope that our 29th District will be given fairness, Congressman Wu Qun."

Ada stared at Wu Qun blankly. She knew very well that over the years, some of the young girls she had trained to pass the post-election examinations for district councilors had repeatedly failed in the post-election examinations for district councilors in several nearby districts. Someone must have tampered with it. Hands and feet.

"Isn't it fair enough? Although I sometimes talk about the problems in your district in Congress, I don't take them seriously, and nothing is done. The one who really wants to eradicate you is the executive branch."

"Of the 10 council seats that each district deserves, now we only have 1 in District 29, and the rest have been divided up by several nearby districts. I just want to get back the council seats that belong to our district."

Wu Qun shook his head. Although he was a little anxious, he had already thought about it. After all, it was Jean who set him up to come here. It was too much of a coincidence. Although he drank alcohol tonight, he would not be dizzy. Unexpectedly, When I saw two people who were rarely seen on the street, my blood boiled.

Gene never said cheating was not allowed!

Wu Qun smiled slightly and looked at Ada. He didn't plan to go around the streets to find his daughter anymore. Jean said that power, money and status were not allowed to be used to obtain a name, but he did not say that reciprocity was not allowed. chips to conduct transactions.

And Jean brought himself here, I am afraid that the real purpose is for this matter.

"Let the women here become parliamentarians? It's a pity that when I came here, all I saw were skins with grass in their heads. If the women here become parliamentarians, we will become a laughing stock. Of course, what am I? They haven’t done anything and failed the exam. It can only be said that they can’t even learn the basics. How can they become members of parliament?”

If you want to become a councilor, you need to go through 4 stages. The first stage is the exam for the qualifications of the councillors. After you succeed, you will work in the district power office for 3 months. The work evaluation will be given by 10 current councilors, and the highest and lowest scores will be removed. After that, the average score given by the eight members determines whether the candidate can continue to stay in the district office. Generally, it must be at least 7 points or above.

After that, you can become a formal staff member of the district power office, and you have been successfully promoted to the second stage, helping the district to deal with various things. The third stage is to designate five construction proposals in the district every year, at least Three must be completed and then submitted to the administrative department for review. As long as the review is passed, you can legitimately enter the fourth stage, the annual district council election.

However, the factional system and clan system of parliamentarians are relatively serious, so there are too many problems involved. There have been many corruption problems in the past. Some incompetent people relied on money to get to the top, but in the executive department, After the rectification, this problem began to gradually decrease, because the administrative department is not a vegetarian, and trying to fool them on the issue of bill review is tantamount to asking for death.

The first stage of the exam involves a certain level of knowledge about rights, economy, law, debate, and a lot of physics, mathematics, biology, etc. Each item is worth 20 points, and only a score of 80 or above can pass, but because there are competitors , the average admission score of each district has been rising year by year over the years, and many upper-level districts have reached 95 points.

There is also an additional item that can add points. The points for force, including firearms combat, etc., are 5 points. They have to face the instructors of the operational department, and the operational department, which has always been in constant friction with the MPs, will generally give 0 points. .

Therefore, apart from simple use of weapons and firearms, most of the MPs rarely exercise seriously, because they usually hang out with the rich people in the district and have no intention of exercising, because each district will have a sum of money. Security fee, used to recruit mutant bodyguards.

"Are you serious? You will become a laughing stock. Besides, the first item will scare many people away. I remember that your best score in the past years was 77 points, which did not even pass the passing line."

Ada's face became a little solemn.

Although Wu Qun has a serious and rigorous attitude, the maximum number of council members he can give Ada is 2, and Ada needs to tell him at least 300 names. Suppression first is more important than anything else, because Ada Although he is also a district councilor, he is not equal to himself. As long as the strength is not equal, his side still has heavier chips, and Ada can only keep adding more chips to balance the balance.

"It's different now."

Wu Qun nodded.

"It's true that your district has a backer because it hooked up with Section 13 Secretary Le Xiao, but what's the actual essence? Why don't we go for a walk on the street and talk slowly."

Wu Qun walked away as he spoke, and Ada followed him with a solemn expression. She was very angry, but she couldn't say it out loud. As one of the 10 most powerful councilors in the city, Wu Qun couldn't stand on an equal footing with him. In his position, it is very difficult to defeat him, and he is much smarter than himself. Such a threat is meaningless, but will make him talk loudly, which is not what Ada wants to see.

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