Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1130 Vacation Order (Part 2)

In a study room decorated in khaki style, there are many physical books on the bookshelves on both sides, all of which are law-related books.

There are three small bookshelves in total, with strict classification, three major categories: natural law, positivist law and social law.

On a brown desk, there is a decorative hammer with white hair. An old man wearing glasses, with some white hair and beard, and a 37% haircut is looking at some documents of the Lawyers Association on a light and shadow panel. .

The old man's name is Pullman, and he is the president of the Lawyers Association. He has just turned 100 years old and is thinking a lot about what happened yesterday to today.

Mainly some of the practices of Section 1 and Section 2 have seriously involved a lot of laws. I just talked with Heathcote, the chief of Section 8. At this time, Pullman was a little angry, and Jinda came here with injuries. Attend a Bar Association meeting.

Section 1 destroyed many law firms and arrested many people, while Section 2's practices were even worse. Many people were hospitalized after being arrested and interrogated by Section 2.

"These crazy people."

Pullman looked at the documents passed by the presidents of the lawyer branches in each district angrily on the screen. He could only swallow his anger about this matter. This was not something Pullman could accept. If it weren't for his daughter Letty's relationship, he would have just been He was already shouting curses in the negotiation meeting.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the room. Pullman had already walked over quickly and opened the door.

"what time is it?"

"It's 11:03, what's wrong with dad staying up so late?"

Letty was holding a cigarette in her mouth, looking lazy. Pullman took the cigarette out of Letty's mouth.

"Come in with me."

As soon as she entered the room, Leti suddenly fell asleep and looked at the old books on the shelf. She remembered that she spent most of her childhood here.

"When will you be willing to meet me?"

Letty made a strange sound with a questioning tone.

"I thought you were going to ask me to debate the legal aspects of this city's issues. I'm ready, Dad."

Pullman was furious.

"Dialectics? There is nothing to be dialectical about under power."

"Why do these words sound so harsh? In fact, those people are indeed criminals, but the procedures are just a little bit inconsistent. But think about the comments that are flooding the Internet today. If we don't take action, what will happen? What kind of scolding did you get?"

Pullman softened his attitude and pulled Letty to sit at the desk.

"I really shouldn't have agreed to your taking the professional exam back then. That guy at Heathcote was really too much."

"Our section chief? Indeed, many times I can't say a word. There are too many legal issues to be investigated in this issue, and many places are ignored. I really don't know what they want to do so willfully. when."

Pullman nodded.

"That's pretty much it."

Letty changed from her usual rigid posture and lay on Pullman's shoulder coquettishly.

"Dad, I don't think something is right here."

Pullman looked at the damage to regular business on the document and asked in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"It should be very serious damage to regular business, requiring Division 1 to pay more than three times the compensation."

Pullman immediately nodded and began to change.

"And here, personal attacks and verbal threats. I guess this is probably Zi Yu'er. She is the only one who dares to speak in such a pretentious manner. It should be noted that it is better to rely on power to carry out personal attacks and verbal threats. This way at least To be more specific, there are as many as 8 violations of the Code of Conduct, which must be written out one by one, and the law can also add mental damages, which require specific appraisals from 4 subjects, and here. "

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Pullman looked at Letty.

"My daughter, your practice is very dangerous. Are you from our bar association or the secretary of the practice department?"

"Hurry up, Dad, you are an old fool. You have not handled cases for many years and have retreated to management and talent training. Here, here, what does damage to equipment mean? It should be financial damage to the firm. Hurry up, what are you looking like? Like? Return to the jurist."

Letty said and started to help Pullman correct it. Pullman kept nodding his head, and the father and daughter corrected it with joy on their faces.

"Forget it, you're the secretary?"

"Secretaries must also tell the law. The crime of connivance and cover-up must be added. If you do it even though you know it is illegal, the chief of Section 1 should be held responsible, followed by Secretary Zi Yu'er. As for Section 2, it can only be handled by the lawyers. Submit a law reform at the city meeting at the end of the year to restrict the deviant behavior of the 2 subjects, and here."

Pullman turned off the light screen.

"My daughter, your thoughts are very dangerous. I have heard that you are going to be isolated like this. Now many people from other departments are criticizing you."

Letty shook her head and wanted to continue helping her father change the documents, but Pullman turned around and put the phone in the safe. Letty looked at it with some envy.

"Whether it is isolation or marginalization, legal issues must not be tolerated, if tolerated."

"I can't talk to you, can you please stop? Daughter, I am too talkative. Let's talk about the blind date."

Letty lit a cigarette and sat aside looking a little unhappy.

"Daughter, let me tell you everything. He was your classmate when you were young, Liu Jun."

Letty blinked, then remembered immediately, and then laughed.

"The guy who peed his pants in class?"

Pullman sighed helplessly.

"Let's meet at least once."

Letty raised her head and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I don't have time. It's not like you don't know that so many people want to be convicted. They have to go to Section 5 tomorrow, Section 9 the day after tomorrow, Section 6 the day after tomorrow, Section 7 the day after tomorrow, and the General Affairs Section the day after tomorrow. Then I will go to Section 1 next, and then I will go.”

"You're really a busy man. My daughter, what date do you have on your schedule?"

Letty took out her mobile phone and called up her schedule. It was already filled with itineraries and work plans that had to be completed every day. There were also many court hearings during the period.

"It should be full until June 1 next year, so we won't be able to squeeze in any time."

"I think you are about to become like Michelle."

Letty chuckled.

"Secretary-General, I can't compare to her. She only sleeps 4 hours a day, and then works and exercises all day long. In the practical combat test at the end of this year, what I am most afraid of is meeting the Secretary-General."

Looking at his daughter's longing look, Pullman sighed.

"I really regret that I listened to that fat man and asked you to take the bar exam. Otherwise, you would be an outstanding lawyer now."

"Your Excellency, the manager, I always think that he is quite powerful, and he is particularly good at deceiving. I still remember when I took the exam, he deceived me and said that there were many geniuses in our batch, and I might be kicked out, but it turned out that I was not. The top scorer entered subject 8, which really made me worried for several days.”

Didi didi

An orange pop-up window appeared on the light and shadow screen, and Pullman immediately laughed.

"It really comes at the right time."

"What's going on with the vacation? Why did the secretary-general ask me to take a compulsory vacation? Is it because I increased the workload of the general affairs department and angered her?"

But Letty immediately rejected the idea. It was impossible for Michelle to do such a thing, because in Letty's mind, Michelle was like a light they could see, as the absolute standard for members of the acting department. And standing at the top of Capitol Hill.

For a moment, Letty's forehead was covered with a lot of beads of sweat. She looked blankly at her full schedule in front of her. Wasn't this going to be postponed by a week? Moreover, a lot of work had to be completed in the next few days, and Letty began to feel restless.

"The compulsory leave for my daughter is, after all, an order signed by the section chiefs. You must obey it."

Letty pressed her forehead, feeling her blood pressure begin to rise.

"Dad, what exactly are you going to do on vacation?"

Pullman said with a smile.

"I'll help you arrange it!"


With a slight chill, Michelle opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a middle-aged man with a body like a ball, drinking wine with a smile on his face, and immediately held her down with one hand.

The things on the table floated in the air under the influence of telekinesis, with red and blue particles flying in the air.

"Good evening, Mr. Secretary-General!"

Wu Qun looked at Michelle with a smile, and Michelle, who had woken up, looked at Gene next to her with a confused expression.

"What are you planning to do, Lord Jean?"

His head was still a little dizzy. A glass of warm water was placed in front of Michelle. Gene stood up and said with a smile.

"It's starting in the middle of the night!"

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