
After vomiting out the blood, Hathaway looked at herself in the mirror. All seven of her teeth were gone. She had just used analgesic gel, which made her mouth feel a little more comfortable. She lay panting next to the toilet, very tired.

X stood in front of a light and shadow screen, looking at the defense system built by the code of Moilai's destiny, and was helpless.

It has failed to crack as many as 21 times. They can only extract a data model similar to this defense system and then start to crack it. If they cannot crack it, they will not know what the core of the data model is.

Hathaway walked out of the bathroom and lay back on the bed tiredly.

X turned back and sat on the edge of the bed, holding Hathaway's head with one hand and a smile in his eyes.

"Do you think I'm not human?"

Hathaway didn't answer, she didn't have any strength left.

"It's a pity that I am indeed a human being, but most of my body structure and brain have been modified. Do you think what I just did to you is cruel?"

Hathaway closed her eyes, and X laughed.

"What people do is far more cruel than what we did. Our plan was discovered by a certain kid because of your message, so we failed."

X said and glared at Hathaway fiercely. In order to make up for some of the program flaws of AI12, Hathaway was asked to continue to rewrite a lot of data programs. She took advantage of that opportunity to pass on the term New Human Being.

Ran Zai noticed that an unexpected incident later caused the food supply and demand in the city to become tense. The stock market, which was supposed to explode in a few months, had problems in advance, and Section 1 was suddenly closed. Gray industry, an incident that occurred after an intern in District 29 was beaten.

The chaos started when Le Xiao, secretary of Section 13, stood on the podium. They did not calculate that this woman whose origins could not be traced so far was like a cannon in a huge and threatening fog. very dangerous.

The actions of the AIs are already subject to many restrictions, because if the executive department accidentally notices it, the plan will completely collapse. Before it is fledgling, The madmen strike first.

But now the originally stable situation in the city has been completely disrupted.

Threats are useless to Ran Zai. After Ran Zai stepped into Angel Paradise, the AIs joined forces to create a tragedy and led the behind-the-scenes of the tragedy to Ran Zai. All it took was an investigation by the business department to know that it was Ran Zai. Do, the shooting that happened in Angel Paradise.

Although he got a clear answer from Ran Zai that night that they would not be exposed, X still couldn't feel at ease because Ran Zai's actions and crazy thoughts were incomprehensible to him.

Hathaway closed her eyes, but she was still very anxious in her heart. She really wanted to try to escape. She had already calculated the time each time X came and how long he stayed, including leaving here and how long it took to walk to the ground after closing the door. .

When she first tried to crack the program, Hathaway found the band of light waves released from X's eyes every time he fixed himself on the wall. The reason why she was so tired was that she tried to program in the program while cracking it. Tracking code, tracking the special band code on X, so that when X leaves the underground, she can at least know how long it took for X to walk to the ground, and she can guess how far away from the ground it is.

As for the hidden divergence code of the new human race that I wrote before, if you are willing, you can find a more secret thing with a few characters in the remaining data, three words, save me.

Although AI has superior computing speed, they have no idea that the seemingly rigorous and impeccable system code has loopholes. This is something that only designers can realize.

Because for the seemingly perfect programs developed and designed by ourselves, in actual applications, if they are stolen by peers or technically suppressed, we can use this vulnerability to counterattack or even tamper with programming. Hathaway 3 The person who taught him the data language seriously warned Hathaway that loopholes are necessary, and it is even more difficult to write loopholes that only you know.

Now it was finally successful, because Hathaway did not reveal any flaws. When trying to break through the code of Moira's destiny, Hathaway was calculating the bands while attacking the program. She finally succeeded. This time she The special waveband of X was captured, and a benign tracking program was implanted in the machine on the wall.

In the eyes of AI, this small program is just to let these controlled machines know that the master is back. Absolute obedience and obedience, a benign program without any hostility, is allowed by the system, and to do this, you must know the system. operation, and what kind of divergent state the quantum core is.

As long as you know this, it is possible to find loopholes in this machine system controlled by AI. AI automatic programming is nothing more than collecting a large amount of human programming plans into data. What everyone does not know is that human programming experts in every era, They will all implant loopholes in the programs they write, and even the AIs are not aware of this.

At this time, X stood up and picked up the braces on the table.

"Although it hurts a little, I still have to wear it. If you commit suicide, I will lose more than I gain, my dear."

Hathaway was roughly pulled up by her hair. She shook her head in pain, but X still put the braces on Hathaway. She was so painful that she shed tears again. To prevent Hathaway from committing suicide, as long as a certain degree of pain appears on the skin, the collar will activate the click, and Hathaway will be clicked into coma.

Hathaway has tried to commit suicide before, but failed. The walls are made of soft material, like mud, and will turn into mud as soon as she exerts force.

X walked to the door, and Hathaway's eyes widened as she watched him open the door and walk out.


The heavy door to the room was closed. At this time, a convex crystal on the wall began to emit white light, which represented a value within 5 meters. But gradually the light turned into blue, representing a range of 10 meters, and then became The color was red, indicating that it was within 20 meters. However, Hathaway immediately looked at the black color that appeared in fear. It was beyond 30 meters and could not be detected.

A look of despair appeared on Hathaway's face. She really wanted to use the computer next time when As long as she can buy a minute and Hathaway runs to the ground, she will be saved. However, this is underground. Even if there is an elevator, she will not be able to reach the ground for more than 30 meters in one minute. Where is Hathaway here? do not know either.

At this time, the raised crystal surfaces on the wall lost their luster, indicating that they were too far away to be perceived.

Huge light spots are constantly intertwined and shining, forming a picture of blue sea and sky. On the surface of a high-rise building, realistic waves appear from time to time.

X came out of the aisle next to the building of Haitian Company's headquarters, and quietly stared at the empty street. After 7 pm, there would be no one except some underground production workshops, and the underground 100 was 100, and the underground 100 The secret space with a depth of 20 meters was created by Chen Qiao when he was building the company building 20 years ago.

Over the years, With a handsome and steady face, X quickly avoided surveillance in most places and returned to a crowded street.

At this time, X saw a man sitting in a quiet drink shop who was looking at the light and shadow panel. People entered the toilet.

The man wearing sunglasses took out a phone, and after dialing, Chen Qiao's voice came immediately.

"Mr. X, I'm afraid the Angus family has already made a plan. What should we do?"

"Don't be impatient. I've been there before just to calm you down. The situation is unclear recently."

As he said that, Looking out the window at the people passing by.

"They are really a bunch of stinking things. Everything needs to be purified. New humanity is necessary. Only new humanity should exist in this world. Everything that was old and corrupt in the past will be reduced to dust."

A steaming bowl of rice noodles bigger than Wu Qun's belly was brought over. Ran Zai put down the rice noodles, swallowed a mouthful, and shuddered when he looked at the two large pieces of meat on it, which were as big as his cheeks.

"Would you like to eat some together, Chief Jean?"

Gene smiled and shook his head, pointing to the two bowls of noodles on the side.

"Uncle, can you finish eating?"

Ran Zai asked, and Wu Qun had already started eating.

"Of course. I have been playing with the young people since noon today. I haven't eaten at all. I drank a lot of wine. Of course I can eat."

Gene looked at the bustling people in the distance comfortably and smiled slightly.

"If we don't have any reservations, how about enjoying the nightlife together?"

Wu Qun was a little surprised and glanced at Michelle, who was sleeping soundly next to him.

"Of course, after all, tonight is very interesting, isn't it? Meeting on a street like this."

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