Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1124 Bitter Wine (Part 2)

Jean smiled slightly, and Michelle's eyes were a little drunk at this time. It seemed that the effect of alcohol had a great impact on her, and her head hung slightly. Jean stood up and looked at Michelle, looking around. I looked down.

"It's really difficult. It looks like it will be early morning tonight."

Jean planned to wait for Michelle to sober up before taking her somewhere else. At this time, Ran Zai was swallowing not far away. Jean waved and Ran Zai ran over.


"Miss, I want pork bone noodles, and I want to add three pieces of meat and two eggs. This gentleman will pay the bill."

Ran Zai was not polite and sat directly behind him, looking at Michelle, who had her eyes closed and was lying on the table, asleep.

"I think it's very difficult, Mr. Jean."

After following him for a while, Ran Zai probably guessed what the problem was. This woman, who was as mechanical in her heart and appearance, might lose her balance one day if she continued. People are so incredible. Ran Zai followed Gene and the others. It could be seen that Michelle's expression was joyful when she was walking between buildings, not at all as cold as usual.

"It's just because it's difficult that it's worth trying. But you kid, you didn't do anything, did you come all the way?"

Ran Zai smiled and shook his head.

"I didn't do anything. Don't worry, Mr. Jean."

Ran Zai glanced at the sleeping Michelle. She looked too tired and had completely fallen asleep under the influence of alcohol.

"Although I don't know exactly what is going on with this woman's extremely persistent mentality, I'm afraid there is something extremely powerful called belief deep inside her heart. It will be extremely difficult for such a person to deal with it."

Ran Zai glanced at the growing number of people on the streets around him, like a vegetable market in the morning.

"I really don't understand what's so good about these guys spending money in a place like this. There are obviously a lot of interesting places in the middle level, and they're no worse than here."

"It's like you don't understand why some people like men and some people like women."

Ran Zai smiled evilly and shook his head.

"Unclear meaning, Mr. Jean."

Gene pointed to a shop not far away.

"Would you like to go in and play? I'll pay you."

"Forget it."

At this time, Michelle's face became solemn, and she moved her position slightly. Jean took off his coat and covered Michelle's body. Many women around looked at him with joy and leaned over. Jean En started chatting with them.

"This is the true attitude of a tiger with a heart and a nose for roses!"

Ran Zai saw that the noodles were ready and couldn't wait to get up. When he came back, the place was already occupied by women. He simply stood at the place where he got the noodles and started eating. The girl in front of him was smiling because there were so many customers. , she also knew that it was because of Jean, so she worked harder in her movements.

It’s such a simple and easy-to-understand happiness! But it won't last long.

Although Ran Zai didn't know why this girl worked so hard, when he came last night, he discovered that it was probably because the family was in urgent need of money, so he ran the business so late. It was obvious that a girl of this age would either Have fun with friends or go on a date with your boyfriend.

"Miss, don't you have a boyfriend?"

Ran Zai asked, Xiaoxia pursed her lips, smiled and shook her head.

"It's better to strike up a conversation with a handsome guy. My selection criterion is at least a man like Sir Jean."

Ran Zai glanced sideways.

"It's too much to ask for."

Xiaoxia shook her head.

"It doesn't mean appearance, or how rich or powerful you are, just be kind."

Ran Zai laughed and joked.

"What do you think of me, miss? Do I meet your standards?"

Xiaoya pouted slightly.


Ran Zai laughed loudly and shook his head helplessly. He had gone out with Jean many times before. He would always do some inadvertent acts of kindness, and they would pass by without leaving any trace. Most people He left without even seeming to react. Ran Zai still remembered that at a certain food exchange, Jean helped a mountain worker who was about to fall backwards because his feet slipped and the goods he was carrying fell. The goods then left silently. As a result, he was thanked several times by the other party who followed him. When he looked over again, Jean had already walked far away.

"The weirdo should be Mr. Jean!"

Ran Zai whispered in a low voice. He had known Jean since he was very young. This man who told lies that even children did not believe was always able to lead others by the nose. He had already been led by Jean. It's been several days.

Michelle was the same tonight, completely led by Jean.

"What a surprise!"

Wu Qun walked out of a high-end private club and looked at Gene, who was smiling across the street, surrounded by women, and Michelle, who was sleeping soundly on the table.

"Master Wu Qun, thank you as always for taking care of me."

A coquettish female boss pressed Wu Qun's chest coquettishly, while some councilors behind him hugged the girl in the store.

"Sorry, you can go somewhere else. I found something interesting."

Wu Qun glanced at the large group of young councilors behind him. No one noticed anything on the street. Two important figures in Bright City were at the noodle stall on the street.

"Old Wu, I really won't go, but I'll do it later."

"You guys, don't call me for something like this next time, I'm not interested!"

After Wu Qun watched a group of young congressmen leave, and after settling the bill for more than 10,000 yuan, he looked at the congressmen in the distance again.

It's great to be young, but if you can't even feel the aura of your opponent on the street, you're not qualified, and everyone is unqualified!

Wu Qun smiled and walked slowly towards the noodle stall with a big belly. It had been an unknown amount of time since he had spoken to Jean. Looking back, Wu Qun still missed it because he had drank with Jean before.

"Little sister, I want an extra-large bowl of noodles!"

As a loud voice sounded, the women who were joking with Jean looked at the greasy middle-aged uncle who suddenly sat aside with disgust, but they immediately noticed that the uncle's cheating sign represented the epaulettes of the parliamentarians, and A series of numbers on the chest.

"What a coincidence, Chief Jean!"

"Can you eat it, Xiao Wu?"

After Jean said something, Wu Qun patted his big belly.

"Of course, I will not gather together to drink bitter wine like those guys. I am here to drink with the young parliamentarian candidates tonight."

"Sorry ladies, I wasted your time, it's late at night!"

Jean stood up and bowed, and the women left wisely. Wu Qun sat directly next to Jean.

Ran Zai looked at Wu Qun in shock.

Wow! It’s such a rare combination, I have to find a way to take a photo and keep it!

Xiaoxia also noticed this congressman, Wu Qun, a famous talker who often appeared on TV and the news.

"I think it's better if you manage your figure, Xiao Wu, you were quite handsome when you were young."

As Gene said, Wu Qun picked up a bean in front of Gene, threw it in the air, and opened his mouth like a child, but Gene got up first and ate the bean in one gulp.

"Sorry, it's my stuff. If you want, order a plate for yourself!"

Wu Qun waved his hand helplessly, but consciously took one and ate it, then took out a pack of finely patterned cigarettes, opened them and handed one to Gene.

"Where did you get it?"


Wu Qun said with a smile, and then looked at Ran Zai.

"Could you young man bring me a bottle of wine?"

Ran Zai turned around unhappily and took a bottle of wine from the shelf and threw it directly. Wu Qun raised his hand to catch it.


Wu Qun unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

Gene laughed loudly as he spoke, and patted Wu Qun on the back. Wu Qun lowered his head in secret sadness.

"That's too much, Section Chief Jean. If you hadn't allowed it before, I would have been the section chief now!"

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Aren't you very good now!"

Wu Qun seemed to have some chest tightness and took another sip of wine.

"so bitter!"

"That's right, life has both bitterness and sweetness!"

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