There was a sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets, and Locke was rummaging around in the cabinet in the corner.

"Why is there nothing to eat at Gene's house? My stomach is just a little bit weak and I'm starving to death."

Michelle sat on the edge of the living room with the door deliberately visible, looking at it with great energy. The phone in her hand rang until it was disconnected, and she started dialing.

One call after another, but Jean’s phone kept saying that it was turned off, and he could not find where the others were because the surveillance equipment could not capture Jean’s people. This was not an incredible thing, but was caused by Jean’s power. , hindering image generation.

The directors are now in a state of chaos. This is unheard of. This kind of carp leaping over the dragon gate can only happen in movies and novels. Although the system of officials in Bright City is meritocratic, the examination of the company officers None of them passed, let’s not talk about it for now, because the section chief has the right to appoint all positions in the section.

Usually, if someone is capable, they can be appointed, but it can only be temporary, and the salary is not as high as that of a formal clerk. They must pass the clerk exam. Michelle is most uncomfortable with this person named Le Xiao. Woman, with a terrible resume, such a person is simply not qualified to be a secretary.

Most of the reports in Section 13 are made by the General Affairs Section. This was originally the job of the secretary of Section 13, but Jean has no secretary, only one person, so most of the reports are from the General Affairs Section, Section 2, Section 3 and Section 5. The director helped to do it, because Jean's actions often involve these departments, and other departments occasionally do it, but not so frequently.

Jean never needed credit. For everything he did in secret, the credit he received was evenly distributed to other departments. Directors of many departments were also willing to help, but the situation was different now.

Gene's approach is tantamount to bringing shame to the elites in various subjects, which will definitely become a laughing stock among the congressmen.

"Can you please be quiet? Your Majesty, Mr. Steward."

Michelle was furious, while Locke huddled in the corner, his stomach growling.

"Sure enough, that guy Jean hasn't come back yet?"

Niya stepped in and looked at the door that had been forcibly dismantled. The door had been broken by her own kick before, and now it was being repaired. Tianhen behind her walked in laughing.

Niya's secretary Qin Dong and Tianhen's secretary Xima both walked in. The situation in each department was now the same. Most of the directors were holding back a surge of anger. They couldn't laugh or cry at such an unreasonable sudden appointment. If the people knew about it, the commotion would be even greater.

The 12 departments have always been elitist. This place cannot tolerate people without ability. But a person like Le Xiao who was in the garbage dump suddenly climbed to the top. I'm afraid many people's brain circuits can't react. .

"Section Chief Tianhen, please pay attention to your manners."

Michelle suppressed her anger and watched Tianhen squatting next to Locke, patting his belly and smiling sullenly.

Locke had tears in his eyes and didn't know what to do. Niya sighed helplessly.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Anyway, Section 13 only claims to be a miscellaneous person. This is the nature of the work of the Miscellaneous Section."

"Such childish excuses cannot be excused, everyone."

At the door, King Xue walked in. His hair was a little messy, he looked like he had run over, and his expression was very bad.

The current matter is like a nail that has been hammered into the hearts of 12 departments. The officers have only one attitude and do not admit that such a person can be a secretary. In some departments, there has been a joint boycott by the officers.

"Excellent people can stand at the top, and inferior people can only be eliminated. My department has been completely calmed down. As for your departments, there will definitely be a bloody storm tomorrow, so the best way at the moment is to modify the information of this inferior person. , let her become an outstanding talent, which can at least reduce the discussion of our 13 administrative departments by middle- and lower-class people, and the inauguration ceremony can cut the knot quickly and temporarily block the mouths of parliamentarians."

Everyone in the room looked at King Xue dumbfounded.

"You guys really come up with some vile things every time."

Niya snorted coldly, Tianhen stood up and said.

"Our Military Section has launched a protest declaration by some directors. There have been more than 100 signatures and it has been submitted to your General Affairs Section."

Locke's eyes widened.

"Why are you just telling me now?"

Michelle hurriedly opened her mobile phone, and quickly summoned the interface connected to the main computer of the General Affairs Section from the database. Her eyes widened.

"Except for the 1st Urban Management Section, the 11th Crime Management Section, and the 12th Agriculture Section, the other 10 departments have all launched protest declarations."

Locke covered his head and slapped his head in discomfort. Although the parliamentarian group and the executive branch group were closely related, they were actually fighting openly and secretly. Businessmen were caught between the two groups. Prestige parliamentarians may not necessarily be capable or capable. The clerk does not necessarily have prestige.

It is quite common for clerks and councilors to attack each other because they each perform their own duties. Councilors collect opinions from the people in the region, submit them to Congress, and represent public opinion in voting on some major decisions, while clerks manage the responses in the region. Regarding things, although there are many staff members who have relatively good relations with councillors, they are only a minority.

Most congressmen are aiming for the position of executive officer, because although they can provide suggestions, it is the staff of various departments who actually implement them. During the implementation process, most things will go wrong or even go against the wishes of some congressmen.

Those businessmen who are closely related to the parliamentarians must rely on the parliamentarian groups to put forward opinions that are beneficial to them. They must also have good relations with some corresponding departments. The businessmen are more like middlemen between the two groups.

Brilliant City maintains a balance in such a delicate system, but once the current incident is exposed, the councilors will definitely make a big fuss out of it, including the businessmen. It is very possible that this seemingly small incident will If this fragile system is shaken, the subsequent domino effect will be even more unpredictable.

Most officials are practical people, while parliamentarians are better at talking nonsense. It is very difficult for a bill passed by Congress to be implemented in detail. It involves too many complicated things, because many bills have really come to fruition. It is much more difficult to do it. It is the acting officials who do the work, while the MPs stand and talk without pain. Now they can definitely find a breakthrough.

"Section Chief Xue Wang, do as you say, Michelle, reject all protest declarations. All section chiefs present, please immediately appease the executive officers, go back to each section to hold an emergency meeting, and immediately have people prepare for a video conference for the whole city. ."

Locke said as he stood up and planned to leave, Michelle looked at him doubtfully.

"Don't even follow me, I know where that bastard Gene is."

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