Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1106 Expectation (Part 2)

Jean's eyes widened in surprise. Nothing happened, but the moment he gave birth to a scab, Michelle had already used telekinesis to clamp him. The moment Jean was about to struggle, Jean was hit by a Pushed by a huge force, it quickly flew out of the rooftop and fell towards the top of the low house opposite.

There was no trace of Michelle in front of her. Michelle used telekinesis to fall into invisibility. For a distance that was not too high, Jean did not use his own telekinesis. Instead, he directly supported the falling lawn with both hands. Turning over, Jean caught a glimpse of a petite figure from the corner of his eyes. A little girl was looking at Jean in astonishment from the bedroom on the second floor.

Gene smiled apologetically, put a hand on his chest, bowed, turned around and jumped directly onto the opposite roof.

Jean immediately began to shuttle across the roof in a straight line. After traveling six hundred meters, Jean slowed down and began to observe with far vision.

If a mutant wants to move violently, there is no way to be invisible at the same time, so this distance is just right. Gene is still very confident in controlling every second. The maximum distance Michelle can run in just that moment But about 600 meters.

Michelle quietly watched Jean on the rooftop opposite. She was still waiting for the opportunity. She had to find a decisive moment that could shorten the time difference, otherwise she would not be able to escape. There was still a lot of time because Jean had no rules. time passed.

Michelle was still patiently looking for an opportunity. At this time, Gene had stopped moving. She planned to wait until Gene moved before following him.

Michelle knew exactly how to deal with something like an exam. Jean also asked whether Jean could be within 1 meter of her when she went to the General Affairs Department.

Unknowingly, a smile appeared on Michelle's face, and she didn't even notice it. This test was like a game, but Michelle would use all her strength to take it seriously.

This has been the case since long time ago, even as a child, no matter what game she played, she always came first.

Gene lit a cigarette, still judging Michelle's position and guessing Michelle's psychology. After a while, Gene started laughing.

"She must be a young lady who takes everything very seriously! It's a pity that because of her actions tonight, she still got 0 points."

Gene deliberately raised his voice. The moment Michelle heard it, the smile on her face disappeared again. She leaned over slowly, because there was no way to wait any longer because of the urgent need.

After observing Jean's location in detail, Michelle thought of a way. There was a lively street not far away with many pedestrians on the street. At this time, many people had just eaten and were shopping. .

But Michelle immediately gave up such an idea. If she behaved like that in the downtown area, it would have a bad impact on the business department, so Michelle chose quieter residential areas to go around. past.

"I'm sorry, miss, your scent gave away your location!"

While Michelle was hesitating, Jean had already jumped towards her. Michelle showed her figure. Jean closed his eyes with a smile, took a deep breath, and then exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Lord Jean, I'm sorry!"

The moment Michelle finished speaking, she suddenly attacked. Gene threw away the cigarette in his hand, and faced Michelle's strong offensive, he began to dodge and defend.

The method of attack began to change. There were reservations before, but now there is no reservation.


As soon as Jean dodged Michelle's hand knife, he felt a touch of warmth on his chest. A slit had been made in his shirt, and the flesh had been cut open. Michelle seemed to have already lost her temper after fighting Jean. I have confirmed one thing, even if I try my best, I will not be Gene's opponent.

Michelle was like a sharp blade, her body constantly changing positions next to Jean. There were no big movements, but she kept trying to break through Jean and cause a certain degree of damage to Jean.

Facing the increasingly fierce offensive, Jean's dodge felt like it had reached its limit. The woman in front of him was much stronger than he thought, but Jean was still smiling, because he knew very well that this game itself It's a sure win.

Michelle's hands were like sharp blades, making a cutting sound every time they passed by. If he was not careful, Jean would be injured.

Compared with fists, Michelle prefers to use such hand knives to attack. It can better control the power and strength of the mind. There is no need to waste energy on hitting. This method can be more durable and oppressive against the enemy. Attack, as long as the opponent is even the slightest bit relaxed, he can reap the results with one blow.

The shirt on Gene's body had become tattered. He never retreated. Instead, he continued to engage in offensive and defensive battles with Michelle on the same spot. He kept changing and moving his body, taking small steps, and moving accurately. Dodge Michelle's hand knife.

Jean's eyes were always fixed on Michelle's legs. Such a pressing attack would be very effective if he suddenly launched a knee strike or kick, because he could not fight back.

Michelle also noticed Jean's actions. Both sides understood the other's thoughts and what they wanted to do in the next second. When the battle can be attacked and defended automatically by relying on the body, the next step is in this short gap. , understand the other party's intentions, and mobilize the body to make corresponding strategies.

Meaningless use of telekinesis will only consume excessive energy. Locke has repeated this countless times when he gave her guidance before.

Suddenly Jean's body seemed to lose its balance. Michelle seized this gap. After stabbing Jean's right cheek with the knife in her left hand, she suddenly dropped. Accompanied by the red telekinesis, there was a bang. There was a loud noise, and the light blue scab on Gene's shoulder began to break.


Gene blocked Michelle's stabbing right hand knife with both hands. Sure enough, Michelle kicked her forward with a knee strike. Gene clasped his hands together and planned to press down.

However, what Jean didn't expect was that the moment he held down Michelle's left knee, Michelle had already moved slightly backwards. He did not clamp the top of Michelle's knee, and Michelle quickly moved forward. After flipping around in the air, accompanied by a fierce red blade light, Jean's arms quickly covered his chest.


The blade light formed by the red telekinesis directly passed through the scabs on Jean's arms, leaving a deep dent. The flesh could already be vaguely seen, and Jean's figure flew back a short distance. rise.

Michelle, who landed on the ground, suddenly turned sideways and hit her directly with her right elbow.

There was a loud bang, and the floor collapsed. Gene quickly flew backwards again, but Michelle turned around and jumped over the collapsed floor before it completely collapsed.

Gene was still falling rapidly. Behind him was an empty street outside the community. Michelle aimed at this point and pressed down. Gene's figure was already completely in the air.

"Let's cheat a little bit. I'm sorry, miss, but you have to put on a beautiful dress and go on a date with me tonight."

A black particle appeared from Jean's eye socket, and Michelle was nowhere to be seen for a moment.


The black particles were like an extremely hard support. The moment Jean was about to fall to the ground, his body stood in the air. Jean raised his head and showed a slightly helpless smile.

At this time, Ran Zai in the distance witnessed everything. The reason why he followed here was not for anything else, but to have a clear look at the power of this god, because he had never seen Jean use real power. In the past, when exercising with him, it was always in a playful nature, but tonight it seemed that Jean had been forced by Michelle to the point where he had to use some of his real strength.

Gene floated slightly in the air, half-crouching in the air, black particles flying wildly around his body, like bees flying and butterflies, sometimes quickly, sometimes gently.


The Zeon people could no longer see their shadows, leaving a sunken hole on the ground that looked like it was burned, emitting wisps of black smoke.

"It's really strong."

Ran Zai murmured, thinking that Alpha also used such violent black particles that day. The last blow gave Ran Zai a similar feeling, especially the burning sensation, which seemed to burn the body into dust when it came into contact with it. feel.

Michelle wiped away the sweat on her forehead that was about to seep into her eyes. She could clearly see the General Affairs Department in front of her. Her whole body was wrapped in red particles. She kept moving forward and was getting closer. There are still many figures in the white square of the General Affairs Department at this time. Most of them are people who come to the square to walk and talk after work. There are people from the General Affairs Department and many people from other departments.

Michelle was getting closer and closer, and she had already jumped to the top of a room opposite the General Affairs Department Square. It was less than 200 meters away from the General Affairs Department in a straight line. Michelle squatted on the edge of the roof. Ready to take off.

The distance of 200 meters is still a bit difficult for her now. The previous best jump record was 198 meters. The jump level of an S-class mutant is about 130 meters.


Part of the floor collapsed, and Michelle jumped up with all her strength. Her body seemed to have been cut through the wind, and she quickly fell towards the square of the General Affairs Department. However, at this time, Michelle saw something in the corner of her eyes. A light blue figure, and a slightly raised corner of the mouth.


Accompanied by the crunching sound of the two hitting the ground together, everyone in the square was stunned. The moment Jean and Michelle landed, they turned sideways and began to slide on the square at the same time.

Two rays of light, one red and one blue, slid together.

Several directors were startled, and they were about to be hit by two people in panic. However, they stopped in an instant.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General, Lord Jean!"

Everyone looked at the situation in front of them with confusion and had no idea what was going on, but many people still came over to stand upright and salute. After all, Michelle's departure made many people feel more relaxed. It's like a man with a family, after his wife and children leave home, he has all the space in the house and feels free to do whatever he wants.

"I'm sorry, miss! You have to put on your dress and go on a date with me tonight!"

Michelle was still in shock, but she still nodded slightly. After she stood up straight, sweat dripped down from her forehead, but at this time, Jean was still not tired at all, and was as ignited as ever. A cigarette.

"Please go back and work hard. I don't want the same mistakes to be made in the work content tomorrow morning."

Michelle said, although her tone had softened a lot, but immediately many people in the square ran towards the General Affairs Department.

At this time, at the entrance of the square, Locke looked at the two people in shock and ran over quickly.

"Miss Secretary-General, I will borrow it for you tonight, chubby!"

As soon as he passed by, Gene tilted his head and said with a smile. Locke nodded and looked at Michelle, who was a little tired.

"How about taking a break and taking a shower?"

Michelle looked down at the ground, and placed a hand on the secretary-general's coat of arms on Michelle's left arm.

"Thank you for your hard work! You are very strong, Michelle, even beyond my expectations, far stronger than all the women I have ever seen. It's just that you lost tonight!"

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