6 o'clock sharp

A large number of regional officers continued to pass through the lobby of the District 1 Public Security Management Office. Many shops across the street were already filled with people from Section 5. The directors brought their regional officers to prepare for a dinner and discuss work. some issues on.

Most of the officers who are still in District 1 have confiscated a large amount of illegal substances in the area. Many people know that they need to work overnight. Lifts and lifts are constantly falling on the streets. Some officers After they are ready to hand over things to the director, they will return to their own districts and supervise them personally. Niya's instructions are that 1 gram must not be missed, as many hands and feet as there are, and they need to make detailed classifications and what these illegal substances belong to. People, what companies are involved, these things need to be recorded clearly and straightforwardly in Section 5 before they can be submitted to Section 8. At this time, many people from Section 8 are in the General Affairs Section, communicating with the General Affairs Section, waiting. Pass the information to Section 5.

Cheng Chen was still standing in the corridor on the second floor of the Public Security Management Office, still waiting. The officers in front of him were constantly coming in and out of Clark's office. Niya and secretary Qin Dong were still handling matters inside.

He never found a chance to talk to Niya about the polyester riot in Cocos this morning. Cheng Chen's heart was beating fast, but some things had to be said. The image of Zhang Zuo crying kept popping up in Cheng Chen's mind. He clenched his fists and stood at the door of the section officer's office with a serious expression. Some section officers and directors who passed by looked at him doubtfully and didn't ask any questions.

Cheng Chen was directly promoted by Niya from the grassroots level, and Cheng Chen would go to Niya's house for drinks and meals from time to time.

Cheng Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead and swallowed from time to time. At this time, the door of the office opened. Lu Qi and Wu Nan walked out with heavy faces. Cheng Chen was about to run over, but the secretary Qin Dong who followed him came out. Just pull the door shut.

Qin Dong put one hand on Lu Qi's shoulder and the other on Wu Nan's shoulder.

"You two should go and eat quickly. There is still a lot of work waiting for you after dinner."

Both of them nodded slightly, but their expressions looked a little solemn. As soon as Cheng Chen took a step, Qin Dong stood over.

"Lord Qin Dong."

Cheng Chen bowed.

"Ms. Niya needs to rest. Don't bother her with those little problems anymore. Just do whatever you want!"

Qin Dong looked at Cheng Chen seriously. He lowered his head and looked a little unbearable. He wanted to move forward, but Qin Dong blocked him.

"Let's go, let's go eat together."

Lu Qi walked over first and dragged Cheng Chen.


Wu Nan also smiled and pulled, and Qin Dong's expression darkened.

"Please return to your post, Captain Cheng Chen."

Qin Dong deliberately emphasized the final note. Cheng Chen raised his head with a sad face. He took a step forward. Wu Nan and Lu Qi felt that he was using telekinesis to support his body and could not pull it at all.

"The matter has been decided, it's not your turn to interrupt!"

Qin Dong took a step forward as he spoke, then turned back.

"You two are responsible for taking him away. Don't let him bother Lady Niya. She is already very tired."

Qin Dong said in a cold voice and quickly walked away.

"Sit down first. Why are you so excited? How many times have I told you about your temper."

Wu Nan suddenly pushed Cheng Chen back to the chair with a strong force.

"The 537 people who attacked Cocos Polyester will be deported in a week."

Cheng Chen's eyes widened for a moment and he wanted to stand up, but was suppressed by Wu Nan.

"Lao Zhang is just confused, and at this juncture."

"It's precisely because it's at this juncture!"

Lu Qi said in a deep voice, Cheng Chen looked at the door of the room, and he still planned to get up.

"I have already promised Lao Zhang, and"


The door to the room opened. Niya rubbed her neck, chewed a cigarette and walked out with her eyes closed. The three of them quickly stood up and saluted.

"If you don't go to eat yet, I'm almost starving to death. Let's go and eat together."

Niya said, but she immediately saw Cheng Chen's eyes that were about to burst into flames. She smiled and walked over, grabbing Cheng Chen's collar.

"If you want to say something quickly, I'll give you 10 minutes."

In the office, Cheng Chen stood upright in front of Niya with his hands behind his back. Niya pressed her forehead. She knew very well what the young man wanted to say, but she still wanted to hear it. Although this guy was a fool, Niya Ya don't hate fools.

"These people should not be expelled! Lady Niya hopes you will consider it carefully!"

Cheng Chen looked at Niya seriously and said in a sonorous voice. Niya exhaled a puff of smoke, smiled, then stood up, clasped her hands together, and spoke after looking at Cheng Chen for a while.

"0 points!"

Cheng Chen looked at Niya with sobs in his throat. At this time, Niya brought up a light and shadow panel and brought up Cheng Chen's annual staff assessment form. Cheng Chen's original score of 71 was directly modified to 0.

This assessment is the annual standard for welfare benefits for members of the executive branch. After Niya changed it, Cheng Chen's welfare benefits disappeared this year.

"Please consider this carefully, Lady Niya!"

Cheng Chen said again, and Niya's expression became serious. He didn't hate this idiot, but it didn't mean that she could let him do whatever he wanted, and she couldn't even tell what was serious.

"So what do you want to do?"

"They just."

Before Cheng Chen finished speaking, Niya stood up and directly brought up a light and shadow screen.

"The matter has not yet been clearly concluded. There has not been any official explanation as to whether the company will go bankrupt. An announcement has been issued to reassure everyone that the business department will adopt some plans to resolve this stock market crisis, but they What did you do? Answer me."

Niya suddenly roared.

"A crowd gathered to demonstrate, attacked the Cocos Polyester Company, took hostages and injured people!"


Niya slapped the light and shadow screen behind her.

"In this attack, a total of 1,036 people were injured, three of whom died due to excessive injuries. Cocos Polyester's direct losses were as high as 7 million, and most of the company's offices were destroyed. Even if they had a great reason, who instigated them, But they were the ones who committed the violence. Everything they encountered started rioting before it became an established fact. Misery is neither a reason nor an excuse for violence. If you sympathize with them, who will sympathize with them? Among the casualties in the riot, the little girl who was taken hostage is only 21 years old and is still in the intensive care unit. Answer me, you sympathize with them, but who will sympathize with the people who were hurt in this riot? Come to pay for the social problems caused by this riot? Isn’t there anyone who will pay for it?”

Niya directly crossed the desk, grabbed Cheng Chen's collar, and lifted him up.

Cheng Chen was a little panicked for a moment, but he immediately shook his head.

"Isn't it the problem caused by our failure to prevent black market transactions? Lady Niya."


Cheng Chen was violently thrown to the wall by Niya.

"You two, come in for me."

After the door to the room opened, Lu Qi and Wu Nan looked at Cheng Chen who was slumped on the ground and hurriedly pulled him up.

"Listen up, Captain Cheng Chen. I will entrust you with the full authority to handle this matter. You will take those who participated in the riots to the Bridge of Weeping this morning a week later and expel them!"

With a thud, Cheng Chen's eyes widened and he tried to get up, but was held down by Wu Nan and Lu Qi.

"You two will personally assist. If one of them has not left the city, you don't have to come back. The same goes for you two. Do you hear me? Now I have to go to dinner. 1 minute has passed in 10 minutes. Half done.”

Niya said and walked out of the office angrily. Cheng Chen looked pale and leaned against the wall weakly. He pressed his forehead with one hand, his eyes were red and he was wiping away tears.

"I'm sorry, Cheng Chen. If I could have gone there earlier, they wouldn't have to be expelled. I could suppress them before they cause a riot."

Wu Nan did not speak, but the three of them knew very well that behaviors such as openly causing riots in the city, harming others and destroying property have always been 0-tolerated. Once they cross the line, they must be expelled.

Niya walked through the corridor angrily, and many staff and officers stood up straight and watched her go, their coats shaking slightly.

"Bring me something to eat."

Niya shouted as soon as she entered the cafeteria, and immediately the chef hurriedly brought over the prepared meals. Qin Dong had already eaten and sat next to Niya.

"Are you that angry, Lady Niya?"

Niya took the chopsticks and ate a bowl of white rice in half, then picked up the soup and drank it in one go before starting to eat the vegetables.

Niya smiled helplessly.

"That guy overstepped his authority before and now he's overstepped his bounds. I really want to give him a good beating."

Qin Dong looked at Niya with a smile.

"It's just that this kind of problem child is exactly what you like, isn't it, Niya-sama?"

Niya had already finished the food, lit a cigarette, took a long puff and laughed.

"That idiot is too stubborn. If he can't understand how cruel sympathy is, then it will be very difficult for him to walk in the future."

Qin Dong nodded.

Cheng Chen is still sitting on the ground, and Lu Qi and Wu Nan have not left yet. Cheng Chen has done it under the hands of both of them. Like Niya, they do not dislike this enthusiastic young man and can treat him unconditionally on weekdays. Some people who need help extend their hands, but sometimes this enthusiasm makes the people next to them unbearable.

The last time Cheng Chen actually led someone to investigate Jean's matter, and when the news reached the ears of the two of them, they were extremely shocked. Now Cheng Chen directly contradicted Niya because of this incident.

"Sister Qi, I just think this punishment is unfair to them. The last time you stopped the riot, they..."

"It was because I stopped it last time, but this time it's different."

Lu Qi said seriously. She did not sympathize with these people, but felt that if she had gone there earlier, she could have prevented them from being expelled.

"You helped them this time, but what about next time? What about the next time? What should we do?"

Wu Nan stood up with a helpless smile.

"We are the defenders of the city's security, not sympathizing with weak heroes. Don't get it wrong. What are we people from Section 5 running on the streets for every day? Lady Niya has made it very clear. In such a peaceful environment, In this era, violence is never the best way to express dissatisfaction. There are already a variety of problems in the city, and there are always problems that cannot be solved. This is the reason why we are worthy of running around in the city every day. Let’s go. !”

Wu Nan said and pulled Cheng Chen up. At this time, Cheng Chen was still lowering his head.

"Just do what you can. It's not your turn to solve these things now, Xiaochen. Even if you want to help those in need, you only have one head and one body. As long as you don't Just ignore this problem and we won’t make the same mistake again!”

Lu Qi patted Cheng Chen's back comfortingly. Cheng Chen said nothing and was pulled out of the office by the two of them.

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