Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1099 Marrying a professional woman (Part 2)

The wind was blowing violently, and some dead leaves on the branches slowly fell. Before, it was still a yellow First Avenue, and the leaves on the ginkgo trees had also withered. It was just after 5 o'clock.

Michelle had just stepped onto First Avenue, and walked to a bench under a tree looking a little tired and sat down. Michelle's face looked a little heavy at this time.

Although she was so exhausted that she could fall asleep immediately, Michelle still opened her eyes wide and pressed her forehead with one hand. When she looked at the list of company personnel involved in the case last night, Michelle saw that Aibo Lun Home Furnishing and Aibo Lun lamps suddenly appeared.

Michelle acted very calmly at that time, but there were already turmoils in her heart. After entering the hall of Congress, her father hoped that she could go home. She knew exactly what her father wanted her to do.

A surge of anger welled up from the bottom of her heart. Michelle sat upright, placing her hands on her skirt reservedly. The skirts on both sides were shaking slightly in the wind, and the expression on her face was always gloomy.

"Michelle, look over there, it's beautiful!"

In my memory, my mother took me to the Congress Hall when she was still very young. Her mother was a member of Congress at the time. The young Michelle didn’t quite understand it, but she just felt that the semicircular building shone with light every night. The buildings are very dazzling in the dark city.

"Want to step in?"

Michelle still remembers that her answer was yes at that time. The young mind that was attracted by those brilliance was shocked when she saw it directly opposite for the first time. And those people who walked by in a hurry were stunned. Talking about things that I don't understand at all, but are interested in.

How to build a city, how to develop the city, how to coordinate and other issues, everyone's expressions are serious, and so is the mother.

"How can I step in, mother!"

"Just don't make mistakes Michelle, you are my daughter, no problem Michelle!"

Michelle raised one hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief. Her thoughts began to become confused, and there was a touch of sadness in her eyes. She glanced at the withered ginkgo trees around her. It was such a time in her memory. .

One evening when Michelle came home for vacation, her mother stopped breathing in the hospital bed. The mother who taught her knowledge and etiquette, taught her how to play musical instruments, and taught her how to fight left. Michelle did not see her for the last time, only one moment. A note.

Take good care of your brothers and sisters and step in, you are the best! my little princess.

Michelle put one hand into her pocket. At this time, she was a little excited, and her eyes were trembling from time to time. Different from her usual seriousness, Michelle at this time looked like an ordinary woman who had just lost love. With somewhat weak hands, he took out a piece of paper sealed in special gel with his mother's last words on it.

She entered the administrative department at the age of 30, the general affairs department at the age of 52, and served as the secretary-general at the age of 55. Michelle is a genius among all the administrative departments who has directly risen from the grassroots to the secretary-general position with her own ability, and is the section chief of Niya. Joint recommendation is different. If there is no joint recommendation from the section chief, Niya is just an ordinary trouble-making section member. She will be in a situation where her merits and demerits balance out her whole life, and she will never be able to climb up. There is only one woman who can compete with Michelle. It took 22 years to climb up the sound quality.

Michelle has never made any mistakes in her 20-year career in the department. This is what makes all the department heads, secretaries and a large number of department officials worthy of respect and praise. No one is more suitable to be the secretary-general than her. , this was the collective speech of the six gods at their appointment ceremony, and it was the highest praise for her.

In addition to work, there is still work. In Michelle's life, since she entered the professional field, she has gotten up at 4 o'clock every morning and started one hour of combat training. At 5 o'clock, she has breakfast while reading the daily work content, and from 12 o'clock to 2 o'clock I sleep for 1 hour and get off work at 6 o'clock, but I basically work overtime every day. I often fall asleep early in the morning and do some combat training before falling asleep.

Her family made a mistake. Unknowingly, this was the point that Michelle was most troubled with at this moment. Her mood was like a stone tied to a tree trunk. There was a pool of water below, and the fragile tree trunk had begun to crack.

The stone will fall into the water, causing splashes and large ripples.


The three big characters were like huge stones pressing on Michelle's shoulders. She was breathless and her breathing became rapid. Michelle's slightly trembling hands pressed on the hair tie and untied it. Untied hair.

Michelle's eyes were blurred in the wind, and her long hair was fluttering in the breeze. Under the dim sunlight, her hair was a little gray. The dead leaves flying in the sky were spinning directionlessly in the wind and falling irregularly.

Michelle put the phone aside, lowered her head with a deep look, crossed her hands on her knees, and a chill rose from Michelle's heart.

The words "successor" and "don't make mistakes" kept passing through her mind, just like the alternating days and nights, each word struck deeply in Michelle's heart.

Michelle had a big quarrel with her father in private a few years ago after a bill related to her family was repealed, and she never went home again, and her relationship with her family became estranged.

Michelle's consideration at the time was just because the bill was unreasonable, so she strongly opposed it. However, afterwards she also thought that she might have broken the hearts of her family, so there was another side to her behavior of not going home. Unable to face my family.

"What happened to me!"

Michelle brushed a fallen leaf away from the breeze, smiling bitterly at the corner of her mouth. She had already decided in her heart before she came back that she would not absolve herself of the guilt of her younger brothers, sisters, and the family company.

You can’t bring shame to the industry, you must set an example.

These are the words Michelle repeatedly hit back at herself at this time. It is true that if she speaks, she can indeed get something back. Locke has already said that as long as she speaks, he will help her contact Nia to solve some things. , there is no need to show up in person.

Michelle still doesn't quite understand Locke's so-called relaxed attitude. Her pleasant boss would joke with her every day and often advise her to take more rest and find a marriage partner.

Today I overheard the conversation between Gene and Locke. This was undoubtedly a wake-up call for Michelle. If she really became the manager of the business department, her attitude towards doing things would directly affect the entire business department.

very tired!

This was Michelle's state of mind at this moment. She had never felt as tired as she did today. The image of her mother emerged in her mind, as if a whip was beating her behind.

"Mother who cannot be misplaced!"

A burst of intense fatigue came over her, and Michelle slowly slumped down on the bench, leaning against the chair with a frown on her face. After a while, she began to breathe evenly.

The wind whistled non-stop on First Avenue, and Michelle fell into a deep sleep.

"Sorry, Jewell, I have to leave after eating. I have to go take a look!"

Jean said as he put down his chopsticks and had finished eating everything, Ran Zai was still eating.

"A delicious dinner, Ms. Luxi!"

Gene said and stood up and bowed. Lu Xi hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head, and Jewell stared at Gene sideways.


"Hey, I haven't finished eating yet?"

Gene smiled and picked up the meat on Ran Zai's plate and stuffed it into his mouth. After Ran Zai chewed and swallowed it quickly, he was already pulled up by Gene.

"Let's be a nanny again!"

Jewell was holding the wine glass, Gene glanced at Jewell and said.

"Get the wine ready and sleep at your house tonight."

Jewell waved his hand.

"Go ahead! Enough wine management."

Ran Zai blinked and shook his head.

"Is it necessary to drag this kid with me everywhere?"

Jewell looked at Ran Zai in confusion. He knew this boy's problem because he had understood it before.

"Of course, otherwise if this kid does something, it will directly affect the city. It is better to keep this time bomb with you. If it is going to explode, I will dismantle the bomb with my own hands!"

"I really can't do anything, Mr. Jean, just let me go. I won't ask you anything within this month. How about playing RPG at home like crazy!"

Jean didn't answer, but dragged Ran Zai away from Jewell's house. As soon as he left the house, Jean took out his phone and dialed the number 0000.

"Little Fatty, what's wrong? Call me during the dinner."

"Alfa and I have the same opinion. I always think you need to go there. That kid is actually a deadhead and can't be turned around at all. I think Charles will have chest pain again tonight."

Gene smiled and tilted his head.

"What a trouble-free young lady!"

Ran Zai rolled his eyes.

"Michelle, aren't you already married to a lawyer? What else do you want?"

Gene slapped Ran Zai on the forehead.

"You might as well join the business department. I can arrange for you to go to department 13, or any other department. How about working under Niya?"

Ran Zai immediately shook his head.

"I do not want."

Gene came back to his senses, bowed and said with a smile.

“There are benefits to joining now!”

"What's the benefit?"

Jean smiled and walked away without saying a word.

"It's better than this. Section 2 is currently short of talents. How about you be a candidate to take over as the head of Section 2?"

"That kind of perverted thing? That's not good, Mr. Jean."

Gene smiled and ran quickly.

At this time, in Gary Locke's private lounge in the General Affairs Department, Le Xiao was still nervously looking at the speech prepared by Michelle. Alpha pressed her hand and stuffed the meat on the fork in Le Xiao's hand into her mouth. Inside, Le Xiao chewed it.


"Hurry up, girl, I will tell you something in person later."

Locke sighed and looked at the innocent little girl in front of him, who seemed to have no worries.

"I really don't know what trouble is."

Alpha smiled and put a hand on Lexiao's head. Lexiao blinked and continued to read. He bit a finger in his mouth, looking a little troubled, but Le Xiao immediately started laughing.

"eat first!"

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