Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1092: Shameless (Part 1)

Dear citizens, we are deeply sorry for this riot. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, there will be a video conference to explain this matter!

5th Public Security Management Section

Alpha quietly stared at a piece of information on the homepage of the Business Department. All major media had already reprinted it, and many people had already begun to discuss it heatedly.

"Is that guy okay?"

Alpha said as he glanced at Le Xiao, who was sleeping poorly on the bed. His brows were furrowed and he was still talking in his sleep from time to time, forming a big Chinese character, which looked a bit ugly.

Alpha walked over with a smile and covered Lexiao with a quilt. They rested in the room provided by the General Affairs Department.

Alpha couldn't sleep at this moment because of his sister Niya's problem. In the past 50 years, many section chiefs had more or less resigned after taking the blame after huge problems occurred. The power of public opinion is terrible, and the people They don't need to know the truth, the ups and downs, and the process. All they want to know is who is responsible.

As the supervisory department of urban public security, Section 5 is responsible for an important part of managing the city. Once the city has developed to a stable level, the administrative section began to appear to manage all aspects of the city.

Alpha clearly remembers that during the years when he took office, the most troublesome issue was the economic issue.

There was physical currency more than 50 years ago, but virtual currency has just entered the review stage. In order to facilitate the control of the city's economy and prevent counterfeiting, Alpha could only scratch its head every time it encountered such problems.

After that, 7 Branch was gradually established, issued a unique wallet, and replaced all physical currencies with virtual currencies. 7 Branch took on the role of managing currency. They only had the authority to grant loans to individuals or businesses, but did not have the authority to use the money. Make investments, and be responsible for personal and business tax issues.

The 9th Section is responsible for the supervision and review of the market economy, including the development of new economic models, etc. When the discussion was first concentrated in Congress, it was originally planned to classify economic crimes and let the 9th Section deal with them, but in the end it fell to Because it was also a crime, the number of people in the 5th Section once exceeded that of the Military Section when it was first established.

The reason why economic crimes are difficult to deal with is that as long as a problem occurs in one place, it will affect other areas. To convict, not only direct evidence, testimony, witnesses, but also supporting evidence are needed to determine whether a crime has been committed. The process is long and the search is difficult. .

Like this incident, if a black market middleman hadn't been caught, the black craftsmen would have just continued to talk harshly, and after 48 hours, the nature would have changed. And the businessmen, in order to protect themselves, put all the blame on individuals. .

Alpha was still using Gene's mobile phone to browse most of the content that could only be known by the section chief's authority. She already fully understood what happened this time.

In the eyes of many ordinary people, they abide by the law and pay taxes in accordance with the law, but such vicious and large-scale economic crimes still occur, and economic crimes also directly affect the market. When many people react, they immediately In addition to being angry, I am still angry. We obviously abide by the law and pay taxes in accordance with the law, but the regulators do nothing.

Because they don’t understand, don’t understand, and are dissatisfied with the current situation of life, most people are angry. They have been unable to find an outlet for the unsatisfactory life. After the serious economic crime case was exploded today, the enemy appeared. Now, a public enemy who can vent his anger and dissatisfaction has appeared, and the administrative department should be responsible for this incident.

Alpha looked at the comments below the news on another light and shadow screen. Most people were attacking in groups.

Alpha sighed, lit a cigarette, took the phone in her hand, and pressed 0005, but no call was made. She wanted to call Niya, not to have a video conference, the worst case scenario would be slow. Announce this large-scale economic crime case in batches, so as to slow down the impact on Section 5. This is the safest way that Alpha can think of.

"That girl probably won't listen."

Alpha smiled bitterly. Looking at the unified public opinion, Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke. She knew what public opinion was a long time ago. If public opinion can really solve the problem, there will be no need for any law enforcement. It is a pity that things like public opinion will only come out in large numbers when the influence of things expands. In calm daily life, no one will care about these things at all, because their lives are too Too far away, and when the problem is exposed, the invisible thing of public opinion will begin to act unscrupulously.

One after another, there were comments that denounced Xingke's inaction, and more of them were violent abuses. Alpha turned off the screen.

He raised his head and exhaled a puff of smoke, then lowered his head and began to secretly feel sad. In the past, his family was also a victim of public opinion. The family was bit by bit eroded and discredited by the Hillman family. It was constantly revealed that he used his power to give convenience to the family. , as well as the construction of urban underground logistics channels and transportation channels that waste people and money, have been criticized by countless people.

But no one can see the crowded cars on the streets, the heat energy and some exhaust gases that are constantly swallowing the city sky, making the city's temperature higher and higher, and the living environment is deteriorating. No one can see all this.

Most of those who participated in public opinion back then are still alive. What they now enjoy is the convenient urban underground transportation network and logistics network. No one has mentioned those things in the past because they have long forgotten why. and participated in public opinion.

Alpha still remembers that an economist spoke out at that time. The economist named Hu Youran was just a newcomer to the criticism field. He was the only one who spoke out for the Angus family, but at that time he only received ridicule from everyone. , only later did many people realize that Hu Youran's remarks were correct, and he began to become a top economist.

"The enemy this time is very difficult, Niya!"

Alpha muttered and put his finger on the button, but still did not dial it. The worst case scenario is that Niya will take the blame and resign.

But Alpha soon started laughing. It shouldn't be a problem, because his sister has always been a shameless pig who is not afraid of boiling water since she was beaten since she was a child.

The most profound thing in my memory was when Alpha had just entered the school established by the gods, and Niya was only 7 years old and at the right age to go to school. However, Niya skipped class on the first day of school.

Because the teacher didn't tell her family because of their strong financial situation, Niya went to school three days fishing and two days doing net work. She would attend one or two classes when she was happy, but skipped school when she wasn't happy.

However, things still came to light. In the exam at the end of the first grade, Niya scored zero. At the parent-teacher meeting, her parents were almost mad at her. What was surprising was that Niya couldn't count from 1 to 10. The only character I know is my own name.

Naturally, Niya was beaten so hard by her mother, Violet, that her buttocks were spread. I thought she would learn her lesson and go to school well, so her family also hired an extracurricular tutor to help her make up for her first-grade classes. Niya is still dishonest.

Growing up, Nia was always skipping classes and on the verge of being beaten. Alpha also beat Nia. When he saw her playing with some street gangsters, that was the first time Alpha beat her. Niya was killed, but Niya was not angry afterward. She just smiled and wiped her nosebleed. After listening to her sermon, she left as if nothing happened.

The second daughter of the Angus family could not be saved. It was a shame for the family and had been circulated in the city for who knows how many years. Later, Niya even threatened to break Niya's legs to make Niya stop messing around, but Niya still He was so shameless that when he had no money, he even went to his office to ask for pocket money in front of a bunch of directors.

Until something happened to him, Alpha asked Jean to take care of his sister, and Jean agreed. Alpha still remembered that the most shocking thing he heard during his dark prison life was that Niya became the section chief of Section 5. , 20 years ago.

Alpha still remembers that he was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time. He also checked with Jewel several times. It wasn't until Jewel produced the staff information of the administrative department that Alpha believed it.

Now there are only three ways to get Niya to get down from her seat.

The first is the direct expulsion of the six gods, the second is a joint document of impeachment signed by more than 70% of the staff in the 5 departments, and the third is voluntary resignation.

The first one is obviously impossible, because Niya has made the city's security much better than before over the years. Niya has indeed done much better than when she was in office. The second one is even more impossible. On that day After witnessing the members of Section 5, Alpha knew very well that his subordinates recognized Niya from the bottom of their hearts.

Now Alpha is worried about the third type, taking the blame and resigning.

Fortunately, the city has now canceled the citizen referendum, and only the 1,200 members who are eligible to enter the hall of Congress are represented. But if they want to initiate a vote to fire Niya, it is even more impossible. No member has ever done so in the past 50 years.

The city has always maintained a delicate balance, and this time it is the same. The collective silence of the council members is enough to explain everything. They only hope that the problem will calm down as soon as possible. The key lies in what Niya does.

"Sister Alpha, what time is it?"

Lexiao suddenly woke up and climbed out of bed, panting and sweating.

"Having a nightmare!"

Lexiao swallowed.

"It scared me to death. I dreamed that I made a mistake at work and was beaten to pieces by a tigress!"

Alpha frowned, and there was a knock on the door of the room. Le Xiao looked at the time and it was only 2:40, then lay down again, planning to sleep until 4 o'clock.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General!"

Alpha bowed formally, Michelle nodded and walked in directly.


Le Xiao fell from the bed to the ground. She was naked but still stood up reflexively, shouting with a red face.

"Your Excellency Secretary-General!"

Michelle looked at this frizzy little girl with a solemn expression.

"Put your clothes on first. The video conference of Section 5 is about to start. We need to see what Master Niya said before we can prepare your speech tonight!"

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