Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1090 Stupid Bird (Part 2)

Niya gently waved her hand and motioned for everyone to sit down. She lowered her head and looked at her ten fingers covered with calluses, and fell into deep thought for a while.

At this time, Cheng Chen and many members of the District 1 Public Security Management Office stood straight on both sides of the conference hall, close to the wall. Cheng Chen was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that Niya was going to be furious. Cheng Chen had just eaten. At that time, I saw relevant news reports.

Because the top management of Section 5 are busy dealing with the problem of black craftsmen and this huge black industry chain, they have no time to take care of these things. Paper cannot cover the fire, and now Section 5 has indeed been deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion.

Including the arrests of black craftsmen and the investigation of many warehousing and logistics companies, the city's functions have been semi-paralyzed, and other departments are also working in conjunction with the 5th Department.

The issue of Cocos has been put on the table this morning. Many people are criticizing the inaction of the Xingxing Branch. It is because the Xingxing Branch does not supervise the market in place, which has resulted in many deficit companies remaining in the formal market. It has harmed most investors.

The black market problem is even more serious. Because of the inaction of Section 5, the problem is getting worse and worse. Everyone is blaming the Executive Section.

But for some reason, the MPs collectively lost their voices. Most MPs refused to be interviewed and did not speak out. They said that the matter was handled solely by Section 5 and would not make any statement.

Although Cheng Chen didn't know what exactly happened, under such circumstances, Section 5 was bound to be at the forefront for some time.

At this time, Leon and Leona in another room were dealing with Cone's affairs, and they were also staring at Niya. After all, this was the order of the six gods.

"Don't do anything outrageous. After all, if the trouble continues, the problem will only get worse."

Leon stared at Niya in the video with some worry, and Leona smiled.

"I find it difficult. From what I know about Niya, she won't keep things backlogged."

Li Ang said with a solemn expression.

"It's really difficult to handle on such a large scale. According to the accounts of those black craftsmen, I estimate that the number of black market traders involved in the end will exceed 30,000."

"So many?"

Li Ang stood up in shock.

"Otherwise, what do you think? According to the records of our department, the amount of raw materials missing every month is quite huge. As long as there is a vacuum condensation warehouse, the quality of raw materials or food can be guaranteed indefinitely. After all, in such a situation In this world, especially in chaotic times, it is easy to make a fortune, and the city has only been relatively stable in the past 20 years, but according to my calculations, black market transactions have begun fifty or sixty years ago."

Li Ang pressed his forehead and sighed.

"Just wanted to use a comparison."

Li Ang sighed and did not continue. There is no best-in-both-worlds solution to this matter. Although the source at the top has been found, it was cut off when he stepped out of the Congress. Some black craftsmen working for the company He has become a scapegoat.

Those involved in the middle and lower reaches will easily resurface if they are not punished, but if they are punished, a large number of people are involved, including more than 500 investors who have openly attacked Cocos Company. They have already reached the standard for expulsion, regardless of No matter what Section 5 does this time, there is no correct position for it to stand. Niya has made her attitude clear. In front of everyone in the Congress Hall, Section 5 will solve the problem, and the six gods also acquiesced. Members of Congress and businessmen have all acquiesced and will not say any more words.

"Answer my colleagues, what should I do?"

Niya asked again, and the entire conference hall was silent. Section 5 has been pushed to the forefront. Excessive actions will affect the lives of most people in the city, and if left unchecked, most people will be completely lost. confidence.

This is a dilemma. Nowadays, more and more black craftsmen are pleading guilty and confessing. In the blink of an eye, from more than 1,600 people at 9 o'clock this morning, now it has exceeded 3,000, and many of them have already narrated their own stories. The illegal trading process, as well as the location of stored raw materials and illegal goods.

"I'm stupid, I can't think of a way, so I hope all my colleagues can tell me, what should I do? Arrest according to the confession list, confiscate and inventory everything, or end it after finalizing the case of the person arrested last night This riot?”

No one can answer or dare to answer. Everyone's nerves are tense. For every large-scale operation, everyone is accustomed to obeying the words of this boss who works vigorously and resolutely, because what she says is correct and worthy of trust. , but this time it was slightly different.

Some black craftsmen have already confessed that they were doing it according to the instructions within the company, and have also arrested many people related to the company, but now Niya has not mentioned a word about the upper-level large companies, and after witnessing those talking and laughing Many of the businessmen who came out of the Congress were more angry because these guys should be crying at this time, but most of them came out with smiles on their faces.

Anyone who can climb up is not a fool, and does not involve the company. This is the final decision of this city meeting, so Niya is so entangled in front of her, because it is obvious that the largest source of crime in black market transactions has been found, but that group of There's no justice at all when these guys are getting away with it while they're arresting vulnerable individuals from the middle and lower classes.

Niya asked again and again, and everyone had noticed. Niya lowered her head, sat down, put her hands on her forehead, and lit another cigarette.

"What should I do, everyone? Maybe an old man on the street who wants to provide a better life for his children and grandchildren is also involved in black market transactions. A woman on the street who does several different jobs every day works hard, but she may also be involved in black market transactions. Every day Everyone is struggling for life, but they have committed crimes, accepted materials and money from unknown sources, and helped this black industry chain operate. What should I do?"

Niya started to scratch her head. Many people lowered their heads and said nothing. The accumulation of small problems eventually led to huge problems that were enough to shake the city. Niya would discuss it with everyone in every meeting. Say it once.

"I'm very stupid, everyone. I believe you have heard of my past. A young lady from a wealthy family was idle and causing trouble all day long. She was often arrested in the Public Security Bureau. However, because of her strong family status, even after being arrested. , the people inside nodded and bowed to me, and served me tea and water. I used to enjoy such a life!"

Niya stood up again and walked slowly from the stage to everyone. Many people planned to get up, but Niya raised her hand to signal them to sit down.

"I'm not blaming you for what happened today."

"Ms. Niya, I'm really sorry. If I could run away more in private, at least I could solve some problems now. I'm really sorry!"

A section officer from District 70 stood up and bowed. Many people stood up and talked about some problems in their districts.


Nia roared, eyes widening, causing everyone to sit down.

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