Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1088 Human Self-Esteem (Part 2)

A large number of colorful butterflies were dancing in the forest. Deguna took off her sun hat and smiled happily, looking at the butterflies swarming around, as if she was welcoming them.

Tang Rao happily picked up the little rabbit that jumped in front of him, and rubbed his face very affectionately against the rabbit's soft fur, looking very happy.

At this time, the little black dog not far away also ran over from the bridge over the small stream, wagging its tail and barking at the three of them. Deguna lowered her head and pressed her hand on the little black dog's head, gently caressing.

"Two adults!"

On the opposite side of the stream, Locke put his hand on his chest and bowed. At this time, Noah's huge body also fell next to Locke and made the same movement.

"How does it feel?"

Tang Rao jumped directly to Noah's side with the little white rabbit in his arms.

"Excellent, Mr. Tang Rao, the integration of machinery and life is what the future of mankind will look like!"

"He's no longer a human being!"

Locke muttered, Tang Rao looked over and threw the little rabbit in his hand. Locke hugged it and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Everyone will feel happy when they see beautiful things, right?"

At this time, Deguna slowly walked over holding a red, black and blue butterfly that she particularly liked.

"Little Fatty, don't be awkward. Do you want to see what the world will be like in a few hundred years?"

Locke smiled helplessly and sat on the ground, letting go of the little white rabbit in his hand.

"Unfortunately, after understanding the essence, I feel sad in my heart. In my understanding, beautiful things will always be the time spent with my family, not everything visually. When I get older, I will I will continue to live as a human being with my family. At the end of my life, please write this on my epitaph, a fat man who loves life!"

Locke said and Tang Rao chuckled, sat next to him and patted his belly.

“I really don’t plan to”

"I'm sorry. From beginning to end, I don't really like these cold things. I will never let go of my human self-esteem and become a machine!"

Noah burst out laughing immediately.

"You are still in your prime. When you get older, your body begins to decline. You need crutches or other people's support to even walk. Finally, you get older day by day and can't do anything. In the end, you can only... When you die from the torment of illness and aging, the glory of the past will only become farther and farther away from you, such a time."

"Just bear it, because I was born as a human being, and my mother tried her best to give birth to me. In the end, I lived, but my mother also passed away. As long as people live, they will grow old one day. , even if you have received the Phase 2 vaccine now, let me ask you Noah, what will you do when your brain ages and completely ages? In one hundred, two hundred years, with this body, the people around you will They leave one by one, and everything familiar in front of them disappears day by day. Only you are still watching alone. Even if you can create a semi-living body and let this world without animals and insects be covered with its original beauty, in the end it will be reflected in you. What you see in your eyes are only the image signals fed back to your cerebral cortex. You won’t cry because of pain, you won’t smile because of happiness, you won’t be able to linger with the woman you love, and you won’t be able to express everything about you with body language. Feelings, some are just cold machines. You don’t know what food tastes like. Maybe you have forgotten it because you have no sense of smell or taste. You don’t even know what cold is, what heat is, and what the wind is! And! These things can only stay in your memory because you can no longer feel them."

Locke stood up, turned around and started walking.

"I'm sorry, adults. I'm very proud of being born as a human being, and I'm very happy. Everyone's life is different. You seven gods are no longer human beings, but please carefully consider the future of human beings. The future for us people with self-respect is not the future without disputes and only beautiful scenery that you expect. The problems have always been serious. Human beings have made the same mistakes again and again for thousands of years. Gene and I once After discussing this problem, it can only be solved by people themselves. No matter how painful and torturous it is, because we are human beings, people with self-respect! I feel proud and proud every day I live in this city under the sun. Pride, although it is indeed tiring sometimes, new seeds will always emerge quietly from the ground and sprout. It is never the wise man with countless knowledge who changes the world, but the young heart. I feel that I am not old yet. Even in another 20 years, I will still be able to sit in this position. But when one day I can safely get down from this position, the power of youth has already risen and has begun. It’s leading the entire era, so.”

Locke clenched his fists and turned his head to glare at the four people behind him.

"I will never allow the six gods to mess around. This is our era."

"Little Fatty, you must have been influenced by Jean! This is the first time I've heard such words, from your docile mouth!"

Deguna said, Locke sighed, raised his head and smiled helplessly.

"It's a lie to say there is no impact. From a long time ago, when I just graduated, Gene often took me to the farmland. He told me how to take care of a flower and how to treat the people around me. This is not just a matter of emotion. , but the self-esteem of human beings, people are such strange things, so I implore the six gods to think carefully about it, recently I haven’t seen a couple holding a child on the street for a long time!”

Locke said, turned around, bowed, turned around and walked slowly. Everything here was full of falsehoods. The organisms created according to the program, although they have the most basic habits of living things, are controlled. .

Soon Locke left Section 10 and returned to the General Affairs Section. Facing many busy section members, he just nodded and said that he did not need them to greet him. He planned to go back and take a good bath and then sleep. , I’m really a little tired recently.

Upon returning to the door of his private rest area on the 7th floor, Locke saw that the door was ajar, he pushed it open and frowned.

"Really, it happens every time. Do you really think of this place as your home? Bastard Jean."

Locke said, looking at Gene, who was leaning in front of his desk, drinking wine and smoking, and at his bed, where Ran Zai was fast asleep.

"Sorry, Fatty, I originally planned to go to District 18 to find an old friend, but this kid got sleepy on the way, so I took him here to rest for a while."

Locke sat down angrily.

"Don't want to go to a scheduled hotel?"

Gene smiled and sat down with a wine glass.

"Did you go to Section 10 just now?"

Locke immediately shook his head.

"Excuse me, Fatty, those six bastards are bound to do something while I'm away from the city. I don't want new changes in the city after I come back. I will find those six bastards before I go out. We need to talk carefully about this, and if you are here, I can feel a little more at ease."

Locke hugged his hands in displeasure and leaned back.

"The stupid bird flies first, I guess I belong to this type. In the end, the person standing in this position is not the best talents in the same period, but me, the stupid bird!"

"This white uniform suits you very well. Train Michelle well. She will be your best successor in the future!"

Locke nodded cautiously.

At this time, Michelle stood at the door of the room in a daze. She did not go in, but raised her slightly trembling hands. Her face looked a little solemn. An unprecedented sense of oppression instantly rose from the bottom of her heart, and her shoulders The feeling here is extremely heavy.

"I need your help here. Michelle's strength is not yet mature, and if you want to sit in this seat and can't defeat me, you won't be able to do it!"

"I understand, I will personally guide Michelle when I have time."

Jean said as he stood up, walked to the bed, and slapped Ran Zai on the forehead, waking him up.

"Can you please stop being so rough? I'm a wounded person!"

"Aren't you hard-headed?"

Locke stood up with a slight smile and bowed.

"Thank you for what happened last night, young man!"

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