Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1086 Human Self-Esteem (Part 1)

On a commercial street in District 7, Qinglong District, many shops seem to have few customers today. Because it is close to the Science and Technology Street next door, there should be many people coming to dine at this spot, but many people came here this morning. They were talking about people around them being arrested.

The matter was spreading little by little. Deguna wiped her lips with a handkerchief. Tang Rao, who was opposite him, was sitting comfortably, with some of the buttons on his coat unbuttoned. He was sitting casually, wearing a light gray short skirt and uniform jacket, S The curves of the figure are perfect, and eyes are cast towards her from time to time.

Deguna wore a big sun hat and a purple lace skirt. With her petite figure and cute cheeks, she looked weird wearing such a slightly mature color style.

“The rate of return is as high as ever!”

Deguna said, Tang Rao was about to stand up, but Deguna looked at him and told him to sit down.

"Hurry up, those boys can't wait. After all, we are here to strictly guard the results."

"Tang Rao, don't wake up and have another idea. When things are over and you settle down, I can help you. After all, you are treating that bastard Jean."

Tang Rao blew out a puff of thick smoke, and then slapped Deguna on the forehead.

"How many years ago did it happen? Can you please stop talking nonsense."

Deguna smiled mischievously, but Tang Rao immediately lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

"That bastard only cares about Ellie, don't you know best? Don't tell such jokes."

The two of them walked on the street, heading east toward the Capitol Hill. There were indeed fewer people on the street. Now it was not just the problem of the black craftsmen of the big companies. With the line of this black market transaction, Being pulled out, more and more things surfaced.

Over the years, many small and medium-sized enterprises with operating problems have participated in the matter of self-stealing. The most profitable ones are of course the upper-level black craftsmen. Such a huge and complicated chain of interests involves too many people.

Invisibly, the originally good market was destroyed. This problem is the result of a long-term backlog. However, Deguna and Tang Rao discussed it after Jean left last night. It seems that the point of exploding this problem is It doesn't look like it was done by rioters, because there is no trace of it.

"Don't you think everything is too weird?"

The two of them had already seen a white wilderness square, and a man in uniform standing at the edge of the square with a smile.

"No matter what, we have to start gradually approaching the process of mechanization, at least open a breakthrough first."

Deguna said, Tang Rao nodded slightly, and the two came to the door. Noah smiled and bowed.

"Welcome you two adults!"

As he spoke, Noah snapped his fingers, and a wormhole appeared in the wilderness behind him. Noah turned around and stood to the side and made a gesture of please.

"Noah, is Noah awake?"

Deguna asked as soon as she entered the metal city, and Noah nodded.

"I think back then, one of you was the best in the field of scientific research and the other was the worst in the school. I really miss you two. That guy Noah really gave up everything and voluntarily accepted the reconstructive surgery. Now that I think about it carefully, it’s right!”

Deguna said with emotion, a door with a hemispherical mechanical edge opened, the three of them stepped on it, Noah said with a smile.

"Of course, someone must devote themselves to science, this is"

"You two sing along, do you think I don't exist?"

Tang Rao frowned angrily.

"Is it because of that girl Alpha! Or are you too old to remember?"

Deguna sighed.

"What the hell is dedicating yourself to science? Of course you didn't know that, Noah, when you were still fooling around on the street."

Noah looked at Tang Rao in astonishment, and Deguna seemed to be lost in memories.

A long time ago, on the night of Alpha's accident, Noah had already found the six gods, hoping that they could pardon Alpha. He also obtained a lot of evidence that the Hillman family united with many companies to persecute the Angus family, hoping to let them go. alpha.

Although the six gods agreed, when they arrived, Alpha had been beaten to death by Jean. At that time, Noah cried and begged Jean to let Alpha go, but Jean said nothing and continued with Alpha left and threw her in jail.

After Tang Rao said something briefly, Noah pressed his forehead helplessly.

"Lord Jean is really ruthless, but this is only natural. No one in the Hillman family was spared, and more than 1,000 people were slaughtered."

"Don't talk about Noah. The most painful thing at that time was Gene. After that, he didn't come to school for a long time. He was frantically dealing with problems on the streets every day. It lasted for more than ten years without stopping."

Noah didn't say anything, and Deguna smiled.

"That guy was too impulsive. At that time, we didn't know that people are not like machines that always work on the correct and predetermined route. People will fall!"

"Little Fatty, I remember you used to smoke, have you quit?"

Noah asked in a mechanical voice. Locke was still teasing the little black dog. A hand big enough to cover his chest stretched out. With a crunch, a small hole opened in the palm of his hand, and a cigarette was drawn through the small hole. He stretched it out, Locke took it in his hand, lit it and took a sip.

Locke let go of the little black dog and raised his head to look at Noah. In his memory, the most suitable couple in the school was Alpha and Noah. The words "man, talent and beauty" seemed to be prepared for these two people, and one was the overall score of the school. The number one student council president is a talented person with outstanding achievements in scientific research.

Locke could only remember seeing the two of them dating on the street several times, and he could only feel envious and jealous. In the past, he was not only fat, but also a bit stupid, and he had no girlfriend. Whenever Noah went out on a date with Alpha, sometimes he would always I would take myself with me and let Alpha call a few female companions, which would be a little benefit to me. It was at that time that I and my current wife met.

"Don't you want to meet her?"

"I'm sorry, Fatty, I still have a lot of things to deal with now. Besides, I look like this. The past is in the past."

Locke sighed. He looked at Noah. At that time, he should have tried every means to stop him, but Noah still decided to have surgery, received the type 2 vaccine, and designated Noah as his successor. Man, it’s obvious that Noah is just an idiot with the lowest grades.

At that time, everyone thought that Noah was crazy, but they did not expect that after taking over, Noah would shine even more dazzlingly than Noah.

"If you think that I chose not to be a human being because of that woman who destroyed my life, then your understanding is too superficial, little fat man. I still think that I am an outstanding person!"

Locke looked at Noah, holding a cigarette in his hand, and shook his head helplessly.

"Is not it?"

"Humanity has never lacked pioneers, but there are very few successful pioneers. Do you know how I have survived all these years? Little Fatty."

Locke shook his head.

"After being injected with the Type 2 Lifespan Vaccine, my body began to have an extremely strong rejection reaction. Multiple mutations appeared before my body was transformed. As you can imagine, I can see everything outside the wall with my eyes. Can I even sense what happened a few seconds later? The abnormal development of my brain kept pressing on my body. In the end, the cyan god could only cut off the connection between my brainstem nerves and my body, and then used its power to help me unblock the nerves in my brain. The pressure continued for many years before I finally underwent reconstructive surgery and then fell into a long sleep. In recent years, the surgery has ended, and it took me several more years to finally let this body move."

Noah said and moved his arms, making a crunching sound.

"That bastard Gene, maybe."

"This has nothing to do with Lord Jean. The past cannot be assumed, because the established facts that have already happened cannot be changed, unless there is a time machine. However, time machines only exist in fantasy science. Unless you can Solve the problem of continuity of time, otherwise it will be super science that no one can achieve."

"You can't feel hot or cold, you don't have any physical sensations, and the ups and downs of emotions can only be accomplished by relying on the brain's mechanism. Don't you think it's sad?"

Noah shook his head, straightened up, and raised a hand. In an instant, dense butterflies flew towards Noah's hand and danced around his hand.

"Being able to see beauty is enough. This is also the world that I think is the most beautiful in the future for mankind, a world surrounded by beauty!"

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