Wu Qun walked among the MPs with a solemn expression. Many MPs were discussing the next countermeasures. Although the companies had been divested, the sealed things were still worrying.

Outside the Congress Hall, a large number of regional officers from the 5th Section have come up. There is an orange number next to the 5th Section pattern on the chest, which represents the district they are from. At this time, a large number of Sectional Officers have already lined up. Standing at the door, he looked at the door of the Congress Hall with alertness.

The 120 section officers all lined up in six rows and stared quietly at some of the MPs who came out. Many of the MPs put away their playful expressions and walked quickly past the section officers with solemn eyes. As they passed by, many businessmen had already walked away because they could feel the anger of these 5 regional officers.

According to the accounts of the black craftsmen, a large number of illegal drugs are increasingly surfacing. Now Section 3 has ended the distribution of liquid food and has mobilized 40,000 people to assist in the search and seizure work. People from Section 7 and Section 6 have Statistics will be carried out at each point. After the statistics are completed, they will be reported to Section 9. After the accounting and review, Section 9 will temporarily detain the money in Section 7, and then Section 8 will start handing over to Section 9 to deal with these criminals. Make a legal finalization.

At this time, the section chiefs finally came out. The 120 section officers stood up straight and saluted with their right fists on their chests.

Niya was wearing her uniform, holding a cigarette in her mouth, and walked at the front. After she came out, a large number of congressmen quickly moved away, and no one wanted to mess with Niya.

"What are you doing? Brothers and sisters? What the hell are you doing on weekdays? The three bastards in Areas 31, 32, and 33, stand up for me."

Leon and Leona on the side walked over. At this time, two female officers and a male came out and stood in front of Niya with their heads lowered and their faces solemn.

"What are you doing on weekdays? Lu Juan, I remember I told you about some of the problems in Area 31 three years ago. Did you turn a blind eye to what I said?"

The female section officer named Lu Juan from District 31 looked solemn and said nothing. All the section officers behind her had their heads lowered with heavy expressions.

"Okay, okay, just say a few words. If anything happens, we'll talk about it when we go back to your department. There will be a lot of people watching."

"It's already been a big embarrassment. I've warned you all the time. Anyone who crosses the line will be investigated, and whoever causes trouble will be arrested. If you have to wait until the problem is exposed and things happen, then you will follow them one by one. It’s like shit, what are you doing with your head down now, raise your head up!”

Li Ang frowned. Some of them had worked in his department before. He walked over and pulled Niya.

"Okay, okay, let's go back and talk about anything."

Niya threw Li Ang away. Many officers looked a little embarrassed at this time. In the distance, many businessmen and congressmen were still secretly watching. Niya glanced over and suddenly ejected instantly. In the past, many congressmen and businessmen were so frightened that they turned pale and dispersed in an instant.

"What the hell is there to watch? Have you never seen me teach my subordinates a lesson?"

Leona and Li Ang winked at each other, and Li Ang said with a smile. Looking at the scientific officer named Lu Juan who was spinning with tears in his eyes, Li Ang walked over.

"Xiao Lu, everyone is in trouble. Section Chief Niya is crazy today. Don't take it to heart. This is how she talks. You know it. Okay, let's go to the Public Security Management Office in District 1. "

"Lord Li Ang, I really haven't slacked off. I have been investigating very seriously. I have indeed got a lot of clues and arrested some people, but they"

Lu Juan finally cried, and Leona walked over and patted Lu Juan on the shoulder.

"Let's go, let's go together."

But at this time, the officers were still watching Niya walking towards this side and did not dare to move.

"Crying, you know you're crying now? Damn it, I've told you before, some things can't be solved tougher, if something goes wrong I'll take care of it for you, fuck you"


At this time, Le Xiao and Michelle's group also came out. Locke saw this situation and glanced at most of the female officers who were wiping tears. He also looked at Niya's posture, as if she was trying to eat someone.

Le Xiao looked at the embarrassing scene in front of her and retracted her words as she spoke. Locke walked over with a smile and put his hands on Niya's shoulders.

"Today is a staged victory for us. If you think about it, Niya, we arrested more than 4,000 people and seized so many illegal drugs. Thanks to them, they still listened to your words on weekdays and were able to go out. When it comes to problems, arrest them based on the instructions of those black craftsmen. Think on the bright side. Everyone has been busy last night. You don’t have three heads and six arms. There are many things you can’t control. Trust them more. After all, they are yours. Come on, everyone here was promoted by you yourself!"

Nia sighed.


"You guys, please save Niya some worries, otherwise she will never be able to get married. Now I have heard some gossip in our General Affairs Department, saying that your section chief is already an older leftover, and you don't want that either."

Niya hit Locke in the abdomen with an elbow. His face was solemn, and beads of sweat broke out from his forehead instantly. Niya lit a cigarette, turned around and started walking.


Li Ang and Leona followed, Locke grinned, and Le Xiao behind him watched the people from Section 5 leave with a smile.

"Actually, I think Section Chief Niya has done a really good job. In the past, the security situation was very chaotic when I was a child. I even saw people shooting in the street, but I can't see it anymore."

Le Xiao said, Lilian smiled and nodded.

"You have to do well, you are the youngest here."

Le Xiao nodded awkwardly. Locke stared at Michelle sideways. Michelle didn't say anything and walked quickly. Le Xiao hurriedly followed.

"When you go back, you can rest until 4 noon, and then start preparing for tonight's video conference."

Le Xiao hummed and rubbed his eyes tiredly. At this time, the two of them had just stepped over the stairs when they saw the mighty team in front of them stopped.

Alpha was sitting on a step, Niya stopped, and the two sisters looked at each other without speaking.

Alpha smiled bitterly, then stood up, and Niya pressed her forehead with one hand.

"Very good, subject 5! Come home for dinner together when you have time!"

Alpha said and walked quickly, Lexiao whimpered and ran quickly.

"Sister Alpha."

Alpha smiled and hugged Lexiao comfortingly. Niya turned around and walked away, waving to Alpha.

"If you're tired, finish your lunch quickly and take a rest. I've asked the chef to make you your favorite bone-and-flesh joint."

Le Xiao sucked the saliva that overflowed from her mouth, smiled and walked towards the General Affairs Department with Alpha.

After watching everyone leave, Locke turned around and walked towards the Congress Hall.

After a while, at the entrance of the Congress Hall, Noah stretched out and walked out. He took off his headphones and looked at Locke with a smile.

"Such a little trick can't be hidden from me."

"Your Excellency, Chief Steward, if you want to go, you can go together. Lord Deguna and Lord Tang Rao will come in person."

Locke's face turned solemn for a moment, and then he nodded. The two walked around the Congress Hall and came to the back of the Congress Hall, an empty white stone square. Noah walked to the edge of the square and pressed the button with one hand. Go up.

Immediately, orange lines appeared in the air, and then the wormhole opened, and a passage appeared.

"I think the time has come, Your Excellency."

Noah said and walked in, Locke followed him with a heavy face.

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