Didi didi

With a violent vibration, an orange pop-up file appeared in the air. Michelle woke up from her deep sleep. She immediately entered working mode and opened the file. In an instant, Michelle's face became extremely solemn. stand up.

This is a report document from the special surveillance section officers of District 21. These special section officers in each section can report some matters of all the operational sections in the region based on their own judgment and submit them directly to the Secretary-General.

The communication network had been restored when the congressmen came to Central Park. Michelle knew very well what the six gods wanted to do, so that the businessmen had the opportunity to deal with the internal problems of the company as soon as possible, and would directly reach a settlement with the business department later. .

Michelle looked at the report quietly. More than 679 people participated in the riot. The scene has been controlled and more than 1,000 people were injured.

Michelle frowned slightly. She stood up and opened the door to the room. She immediately heard three laughing voices. She looked over sharply. Le Xiao was practicing the word horse, Gu Ningning and Lillian Help her hold down her body and legs.

"It's going to break, it's really going to break!"

"Have you had enough fun?"


Le Xiao lost her balance and hit her head on the ground. Lilian and Gu Ningning let go and stood up at the same time, and Le Xiao fell to the ground.


Le Xiao endured the pain and stood up, watching Michelle walk over with a serious face.

"You three come in with me."

Le Xiao swallowed and followed Michelle into the room. Immediately, Gu Ningning's expression suddenly changed. She sighed, while Lilian looked at the document with a wicked smile.

"How could this happen? Couldn't Congress have spoken out earlier? If it had spoken out earlier, such a tragedy would not have happened."

Le Xiao looked at the video of the scene and glanced back worriedly.

"That group of lawmakers stalled."

Michelle said, and Lexiao swallowed.

"These people do."

"They will be expelled because they have caused large-scale violence. They will not be suppressed by the administrative department like the last protest. This is the bottom line!"

Lilian said, Michelle looked at the three of them.

"What do you think I should do?"

Lexiao kept swallowing.

"Can we handle it like last time and give them labor punishment? Because the money that everyone has worked hard for so long has been swallowed up, so of course they will be angry. If it were me, I would be too."

After feeling Michelle's gaze, Le Xiao covered her mouth.

"After all, this is a security incident and requires the judgment of Section Chief Niya. Come with me and prepare a speech as a backup!"

As she spoke, Le Xiao was dragged to a cubicle by Michelle without any explanation. Gu Ningning stared at the contents of the document and glanced back at the businessmen who were already smiling. It seemed that many of them had already finished handling the company. The internal matter was settled, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation was completely different from just now. Looking at the businessmen passing by chatting and laughing from time to time, it seemed as if what happened in the city had nothing to do with them.

Lilian looked at the businessmen passing by outside and smiled helplessly.

"Only real businessmen can stand here, and it is this group of businessmen who drive the development of the city, but at the same time they eat away at everything in the city. It is really a contradictory problem!"

Gu Ningning sat back.

"Even if we are helpless, we can only use them! I think the section chiefs must be very angry now!"

In the Congress Hall, time 10:38

"What exactly does it mean? Lord Purple God."

Niya stood up angrily, and Locke held her down.

"Don't you understand what I said? Little girl, seal these materials and they will not be unsealed for at least twenty years!"


Niya broke free from Locke's restraints, showed her middle finger, and stood up. Locke's forehead was covered with sweat.


Niya's hand clenched into a fist hit her heart.

"It took a lot of effort to pull this line out. They have already crossed the line. Do I have to turn a blind eye to everything they have done? Everything they have done has harmed people in the middle and lower classes. They are only a minority. Do I have to turn a blind eye to everything they have done? Do I turn a blind eye to everything that a few people do? What the hell is this!"

"Little girl, can you be quiet?"

The cyan god muttered, and Niya stared at the six gods angrily.

"As long as there are conditions, you can threaten them later. Little girl, you can tell them that this is the last time. If anyone crosses the line again, we will not do anything next time. You can lead people to bulldoze their homes. "


Niya turned around angrily. Leon, Heathcote and Leona behind her all jumped to the side alertly. Niya kicked out, and in an instant a red lightning cut through the people behind her like a sharp blade. The seat left a mark on the wall before disappearing.

There was a sizzling sound, and red lightning flashed on Niya's fists. She took out a handful of cigarettes angrily, lit them in her mouth, and took a puff. She still couldn't calm down.

"How old are you, little girl? If you are really angry, just pick anyone and we will practice with you!"

The Orange God said, Locke sighed, walked over, took out the cigarette from Niya's mouth, and put one hand around her neck.

"Okay, okay, what's there to be angry about?"

Locke said, squinting at Tian Hen who was watching a show. He walked over and grabbed Niya's fist.

"Relax, what are you doing, take a few days off, can I apply for a special leave?"

Tianhen asked with a smile, and the six gods nodded.

"I'll stay with you after the vacation, let's go"

"Go to hell."

As she spoke, Niya directly turned on her phone and issued an order. After leaving the Congress Hall, she would meet with all the regional officers of the 120 districts and urgently convene the 5th Public Security Management Section of the 120 districts in the 1st Public Security Management Station. Meeting.

"I heard Qin Dong, tell those idiots that I want to see them as soon as I step out of the Congress Hall."

Niya roared at the phone, and Qin Dong hummed in a slightly tired voice.

"Didn't you eat?"

"Yes! Lady Niya."

"Okay, you can let the MPs in."

The orange god said, and the purple god stood up. The section chiefs all stood in a row and bowed to the six gods. Niya tilted her head reluctantly.

"Manage the city well. This is your responsibility as kings. Regardless of any problems in the city, let the city stabilize, calm down from the recent events as soon as possible, and be the first to suppress this wave of resistance. The weak are never System, listen up, you kings!”

Deguna said seriously and glanced at all the section chiefs.

"It's the human heart!"

The cyan god chuckled and looked at Niya with his hand on his chin.

"Little girl, don't go out and look for trouble again. You two, watch her!"

The cyan god said, and both Leon and Leona nodded.

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly.

"That bastard Gene, he pulled something out by himself and messed us up, but he can rest freely!"

The green god put his hand on his forehead.

"Can you please stop mentioning that idiot? I get a headache when I mention him!"

Gene stood quietly at the top of the LK Building. He had already sent Ji Qing back to Section 2. Next to him, Ran Zai had a hemostatic bandage on his forehead. He was sitting on the ground weakly. He no longer had the strength to stand up. I tried my best and almost died.

"A nice experience, isn't it?"

Gene turned around and asked.

"Fortunately, you caused the wave. How do you plan to stop it later, relying on the little bird you found?"

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Just don't get involved with me!"

Gene turned around, tilted his head and smiled.

"The city needs heroes. It was a good experience last night, wasn't it!"

Ran Zai chuckled.

"Stop lying to me. I won't get on your boat!"

"Then I'll tie you up."

Gene said, turned around, raised one finger, lifted Ran Zai up, and put it on his shoulder.

"Where to?"

"District 18, meeting an old friend!"

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