Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1068 Knowing everything (Part 1)

7:11 am

Ada sat quietly on a bench in a corner, staring at the room in front of her. There was worry in her eyes. Just a few minutes ago, the Candy Queen McCullin walked into the room where Le Xiao and Gu Ningning were. inside.

After coming out of the Congress Hall, Ada had breakfast alone and then came to Le Xiao, because she knew very well that the money needed by District 29 was already available, and the businessmen would definitely try their best to give money to the business department. , hoping that they would settle the matter and stop pursuing it any further. The six gods also saw the anxiety of the merchants, so they gave them 2 hours to discuss on their own.

Both parties needed a step to go down, but what Ada didn't expect was that McCullin came to find Le Xiao. She knew everything about this woman very clearly. Four words were enough to describe her cruelty.

When McCullin stood at the door, Ada noticed that the insidious and cunning eyes revealed endless contempt. McCullin had humiliated and trampled on her in public, and she had become For the sake of laughter, he is like a beggar begging on the street, even worse than a beggar.

It had been a long time since she felt this uncomfortable. Ada stood up. She was hesitant, debating whether to go over and knock on the door and clarify something. After all, she was unwilling to accept money from this woman from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you grandma, thank you very much for your willingness to pay this money."

Le Xiao smiled. McCullin in front of her still looked sinister. Gu Ningning felt very uncomfortable. What she didn't expect was that McCullin did not put forward any conditions, but donated unconditionally, which surprised her. , and McCullin also saw Gu Ningning's thoughts. She just said nothing and smiled kindly on the surface.

At this time, McCullin was more concerned about Le Xiao. The illusion was the conclusion McCullin came to after observing Le Xiao for so long. The woman in front of him had a very good disguise. She couldn't see it. You can see what this woman is like on the inside, but she is definitely not as harmless as she appears on the surface. A person who can become a secretary can only climb up after fighting his way through the huge organization of the acting department. This It's not something ordinary people can do.

Gu Ningning next to her, McCullin had seen clearly a long time ago. This stupid woman who was extremely lonely in her heart and only relied on appearances to increase others' favor. She was still alone for so many years. Even if it weren't for everyone, she would be alone. Due to her status as secretary, she would probably ignore her selectively. In McCullin's eyes, Gu Ningning was disgusting.

McCullin watched a cup of hot tea being brought to him, choked out a thank you, and stared at the girl with a smile on her face, eager to dance.

I don’t understand, this woman is very dangerous!

This is the reason why McCullin did not put forward any conditions. She feels that Le Xiao is very dangerous. She is only 26 years old, but she can stand at the highest peak of power. Many things that have happened recently are related to her, as well as the current public opinion of her. From the beginning of her inauguration speech to now, McCullin clearly saw the situation in Congress just now.

Michelle was constantly instructing this harmless little girl to disrupt the venue, and she did it perfectly, showing an innocent and foolish look, which made Qingse Shen dissatisfied, but McCoo Lin Zhizhi understood the subtext of Qingse Shen and stopped acting like a fool.

And when the section chiefs all stood up after saying everything, the woman in front of her unconsciously planned to stand up, but her level was not high enough yet, so Michelle reminded her, but she still made the move to stand up. Kulin saw clearly that this was not a sign of an idiot, but a sign of subconscious ambition.

"Secretary Le Xiao, we are all so lucky to have a genius like you in this city!"

As soon as McCullin finished speaking, Gu Ningning's eyes widened, and a burst of laughter suddenly surged from her stomach to her forehead. She turned around and sneezed hard with her mouth open. Le Xiao was a little embarrassed. Smiling.

"What a genius, grandma, I'm just an ordinary person!"

McCullin chuckled, stood up and bowed.

"I hope to invite Secretary Le Xiao to my home if I have the chance. I don't have many good things at home, but I have the sweetest candies in the city!"

Le Xiao blinked and had a good impression of the old woman in front of her. She nodded.

McCullin walked out of the room and stared quietly at the inconspicuous corner on the left. Ada, who was standing by the bench, showed a contemptuous smile. She knew very well that apart from the six gods of the Brilliant City, who would be the future king? Who was it, so Ada found out in advance and boarded this big ship.

McCullin squinted at the smiling Le Xiao behind him as he bid farewell to him, nodded slightly, and closed the door.

The core element of playing chess is to be able to see clearly which piece can be fatal!

"It's been such a long time no see, Ada!"

McCullin walked over, and Ada stared at her coldly.

"Ah, long time no see. After all, I am so humble now, I'm afraid you can't see me."

With hostility in the eyes of the two women, McCullin walked slowly behind Ada.

"You really took a step ahead, Ada, and found a strong backer!"

Ada smiled, and her mood relaxed a lot for a moment. She knew about Le Xiao's identity fraud and had heard a lot from Lu Xi, but she knew very well that this person with a pure heart The girl gave her hope that she had not seen for a long time.

"Maybe Secretary Le Xiao is not what you think!"

McCullin chuckled, tilted his head slightly and stared at Ada fiercely.

"Of course, when you are with a tiger, you still have to be a little self-aware. Ada, don't blame me for not reminding you, that thing that looks like a kitten, if you can't satisfy her one day, she will eat you!"

Looking at McCullin walking away, Ada blinked, holding her stomach and suppressing laughter.

“Sometimes it’s not good for people to be too smart!”

"Hey, great genius, let me see where the genius is!"

Gu Ningning smiled and put her hand on Le Xiao's head, stroking it. Le Xiao suppressed her blush, and immediately pressed Gu Ningning on the bed and started scratching her. Gu Ningning laughed and burst into tears. Laughed out loud.

"Say it again, Ning Ning, it's not my own will, nor was it forced by my mother or Your Excellency Michelle."

Le Xiao muttered, and Gu Ningning stood up and hugged her.

"Okay, okay, our great genius, don't be angry."

"You still said that!"

Gu Ningning looked at Le Xiao and sighed.

Who is the fish, who is the bait, and who is the fishing rod?

"By the way, Lele, it's my birthday in a few days. How about you come to my house and I'll cook you a delicious meal!"

"Okay, but this and that, I."

When Le Xiao heard about birthdays, the first thing she thought of was gifts, and buying gifts required money, and she didn't have any money.

Le Xiao looked cash-strapped, and Gu Ningning could tell at a glance.

"I said Lele, as long as you can come, I want Xiaozhu Hengheng's hairpin."

Le Xiao blinked, and Gu Ningning put her cheek against Le Xiao's cheek with a smile.

"Yeah, I understand. It's okay. I'm in the company now. Just make it clear and it'll be okay!"

A man stood on the top of the LK Building. He had just hung up the phone and looked gloomy. He had been standing for a long time. The man's face was solemn. He looked at everything below from time to time, and his throat kept getting choked up.

The arrest warrant has been issued. Last night, the man came to the top floor of the company, the top floor of LK Candy Company, and stayed here all night. He was extremely restless and reached a desperate situation.

The man's name is Gao Feng. He is the director of the technical department of LK Candy Company. He has just turned 70. His wife just called. The administrative department has searched his home. The underground warehouse was dug open and his son was taken into custody for resisting. Gao Feng Feng knew he was doomed.

He was responsible for all the illegal transactions in the company, and he was betrayed by some of his technical staff. Gao Feng did not expect that they would confess within a few hours after being arrested, and none of the lawyers could be called. Gao Feng knew very well that the litigation department was well prepared, so he blocked the lawyers who could save them in advance, and Gao Feng stepped onto the rooftop little by little.

"Xiao Feng, what I value most about you is your courageous execution. You have worked hard for the company these years, but I want to remind you that there is no room for sand in my candy."

Gao Feng remembered what McCullin had said to him. He knew very well that if he continued to live, he would implicate the company, and once he implicate the company, everything about him would collapse. One son was still in college, and the other was still in college. My daughter who is in elementary school, my wife’s parents and my parents-in-law.

Gao Feng's head started to feel dizzy, and he timidly pulled his feet back. He lay on the rooftop, sweating profusely, and finally couldn't hold back the grief in his heart, and he lost his voice in pain.

"Crying is a subconscious self-protection mechanism of human beings. Tears are shed to relieve pain, but your tears are not shed for yourself!"

Gao Feng hurriedly wiped his tears, turned around, and saw a smiling young man in a suit and leather shoes walking towards him behind him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm just a nice guy passing by."

Ran Zai smiled and bowed, with a knife hidden in his smile and a cold look in his eyes.

"After you are arrested, the only way is to plead guilty, and once you plead guilty, everything about you will be confiscated, and since you are involved in so many black market transactions, you cannot absolve yourself of the blame, and will also implicate the company, and everything will cease to exist. ."

Gao Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, and Ran Zai walked slowly to the edge of the rooftop, stepped on it with one foot, and then smiled.

"Jump from here. The height is about 300 meters. After about 20 seconds, you will touch the ground and turn into a puddle of meat."

Gao Feng swallowed, and Ran Zai suddenly put his hand on Gao Feng's shoulder.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Gao Feng looked at the man in front of him in horror, with an innocent smile but a somewhat ferocious facial expression.

"Helping others is the philosophy I have always followed. I just like to watch the morning sun, but when I see you, sir, in such distress, I want to help you!"

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