Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1065 Compromise (Part 1)

The cold wind is wandering wantonly in the city. The surface temperature has dropped to the lowest point in the 12-hour night. The air pressure is the most unstable when it is close to 6 o'clock. The wind is a bit strong, and it whines through the alleys from time to time. Voice.

5:51 am

Gene stood sleepily on the roof of No. 61 Hospital, lit a cigarette, and stared quietly at the dark city. Hua Shen behind him smiled helplessly.

"It's really accurate. You greet the sun like this every day, like some kind of ritual. Why exactly?"

Jean did not answer, but raised his mouth slightly. Jean in the morning breeze looked very easy-going, completely different from Jean in the dark night.

"Didn't I tell you before? Miss Sun has to go to work on time every day. Wouldn't it be lonely if no one greets her? I will naturally greet this lady with a smile."

Huashen curled his lips and shook his head.

"Here it is again, you guy, I am no longer a child, and the same goes for other guys. Don't always use this way of deceiving children."

"What I said is true!"

Gene's voice didn't sound like he was joking, so Hua Shen didn't ask further questions.

"Alfa is now like a machine that wants to run at high speed, but can't because its parts are a bit old."

"I know! For anyone, 50 years can be summed up in more than just two words: suffering. I originally wanted to kill her directly that night."

Gene said with a cold voice, Hua Shen's eyes widened and his expression became solemn.

"Of course, I judged that she was no longer a human being, but then she said that she didn't need anyone's forgiveness, but she just wanted me to look after her sister, so I threw her in jail. No problem. Now everything It’s all over, but do you still have a good impression of her?”

Gene smiled, and Hua Shen immediately shook his head.

"I just don't want to see the tragedy happen again, so I want to remind you that she is your most proud disciple. I think it is necessary to take her shopping with you when you have time. After all, I It’s a doctor, it’s better for you to take the doctor’s advice into your heart, after all, you are on vacation, aren’t you!”

Jean nodded and looked at the red light on the horizon. More and more red light was painted in the city. Some places were as red as blood, while other places seemed to be shrouded in mist. Apart from the coldness, A slight heat began to penetrate.

"Are you really not going to say something? I'm afraid there won't be such an opportunity in the future. His physical condition is relatively stable now. It's better for you to follow the doctor's advice!"

"The father and daughter may have a lot to talk about. I will go down."

Quasimodo folded his hands and sat next to the bench. Ling Fei glanced at him from time to time.

"Well, my name is Ling Fei, sir."


With a dry and stiff voice and a slightly strange tone, Ling Fei smiled awkwardly. She glanced at the operating room and told Ji Qing everything that happened during this time. She didn't want to disturb the meeting between their father and daughter. .

"Would you like to watch the sunrise together?"

Ling Fei said and stood up. Quasimodo next to him also nodded and stood up. Ling Fei knew very well that although she could still stay for a while, they were afraid that they would have to leave the city when her uncle's condition got better. Yes, she wanted to take a good look at the sun.

6 o'clock

Ji Mo opened his eyes slightly. There was a girl next to him. His consciousness was still a little blurry. He would wake up at 6 o'clock every day. As a habit for so many years, no matter how late he went to bed, he would open his eyes at 6 o'clock, and his whole body would be full of energy. It hurt, and the severe pain made him open his mouth slightly and widen his eyes, but immediately a warm towel was pressed on his cheek, and a pair of slender hands were wiping the sweat on his cheek.


Ji Mo's eyes widened, and in an instant he saw clearly that it was his daughter who was wiping his body.

"Xiao Qing."

"Dad, just lie down and don't move, I'll help you clean it up."

Ji Qing's eyes were red, he was smiling, and he kept wiping the tears that overflowed from his eyes. He sniffed. Ji Mo closed his eyes, and the corners of his mouth turned down slightly bitterly. His consciousness was still a little slow, but Ji Mo knew very well that he could bring Ji Qing here. There is only one person here, Jean.

A drop of tears seeped out from Ji Mo's eyes, and he swallowed it. Ji Qing helped his father wipe his body seriously. Ji Mo's body was covered with blood. Ji Qing wiped it carefully, but shed tears silently. , and finally the tears could no longer be suppressed.

Both father and daughter were silent. Both of them had thousands of words in their hearts, but they could not say a single word.

After a while, after Ji Qing finished wiping, he poured out the full basin of sewage next to him, sat quietly next to Ji Mo, leaned slightly over, and lay on Ji Mo's left arm, pressing his hands on Ji Mo's. On the end of the body.

"I became the intern dad of Section 2."

Ji Mo's eyes widened and he became a little worried, but the words came to his lips but he did not say them out. He felt that he had lost the right to preach to his daughter because he had done something unforgivable.

"I haven't had a break in the past few days. Dad's work in the business department is really tiring, very tiring."

Ji Qing closed her eyes as she spoke and fell asleep peacefully. Ji Mo wanted to raise his hand and put it on his daughter's head, but he couldn't do it at all.

After a long time, Ji Mo smiled. He stared at the ceiling quietly, and his uneasy mood began to ease.


The door to the room opened. Ji Mo looked at the man who walked in in surprise. He was not wearing a uniform. The man walked very carefully for fear of waking up Ji Qing. Ji Mo's eyes began to dodge. He tilted his head slightly and turned to to my daughter’s side.

Gene sat down, with no smile or any anger on his face. He looked very calm.

"Before Mo Xiaolan returns to Section 2, I have to send this child back. I'm sorry!"

Jean stood up, his eyes widened, and finally uncontrollable tears burst into his eyes. His lips trembled slightly. Jean glanced at the body values ​​next to him. His blood pressure began to become unstable again. He stretched out a A finger gently touched Ji Mo's heart, where the surgery had been sutured.

"You don't have to tie yourself to anything anymore. Just see what you see, think what you think, and do what you do. If your heart is still beating, that's fine. What you have left behind. In a few days you will Just ask Gu Ningning, goodbye! End of season."

Gene said and gently picked up Ji Qing. She woke up, but was carried away by Gene. Ji Qing propped up her head and stared at Ji Mo. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, but when she walked Gene stopped at the door.

"If there's anything you want to say, just say it!"

"Dad, Mom and I always believe in you. No matter when or where we are, we are a family!"

Gene smiled and walked out of the operating room with his head raised and Ji Qing in his arms. Hua Shen outside the door smiled helplessly and walked in.

"It's time to prepare for the third surgery."

After seeing the crying Ji Qing, Huashen smiled and nodded to reassure her.

"Sorry, miss, I have to send you back to Section 2 before Mo Xiaolan comes back."

Gene said, putting down Ji Qing and half-crouching in front of Ji Qing. Ji Qing wiped away her tears and looked back at the operating room again.

"In a few days, I can."

"You are really a willful young lady. I will reluctantly be your coachman!"

Alpha shuttled between the buildings. The sun's rays were dazzling and warm. She could already see the General Affairs Department and would soon reach the General Affairs Department.

Along the way, Alpha kept thinking about what she could do and what she could do for this city under the sun. But after thinking about it for a long time, she began to feel irritable. There were too many things missing. In these 50 years, The only thing she can do is to continue to hone her strength.

Every day in the dark and lightless underground, the only thing she can do is to train against Quasimodo.

The gap of 50 years was difficult to fill in a short period of time. Suddenly, Alpha lost her mind. Her foot slipped and she suddenly stepped on the edge of a building. She fell rapidly.

In an instant, countless things flashed before Alpha's eyes. She raised her head and the dazzling sunlight made her almost unable to open her eyes.

"If you feel uncomfortable, just believe it as long as there is still light in your heart!"

Suddenly Alpha regained consciousness and clamped one hand on the window sill on the side of the building. She was hanging in the air panting, her forehead covered with sweat. She gradually pulled herself up and sat on the window sill. , Alpha leaned forward and lit a cigarette, looked at the sun in the distance, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Alpha clearly remembered what Quasimodo, who usually didn't talk much, said to him after she completely released her power to fight him one time and Quasimodo suppressed herself.

"Hurry up and go to the secretary. She should be very distressed now and needs at least one person to hold her back!"

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