Wu Lei silently dealt with the legal documents at hand. A director from the 8th Section next to him would talk to him about some of the points from time to time. It was located in the office led by Michelle, the General Affairs Section. At this time, Letty was sitting In front of him, he stared at the indictments one after another.

Confessions of black craftsmen and accompanying documents such as evidence, images and pictures were constantly being transmitted, and everyone was very busy.

"Move quickly."

After Leti finished processing one indictment, she immediately put it into a folder to be submitted to the God's Database. More than 300 indictments had been prepared, but the number was far from enough.

"How many times have I told you, are you new to this industry? Who did this?"

Letty frowned, stood up, and opened the contents of an indictment.

"What is the content of the prosecution? It is an illegal transaction, but it also involves people who purchased the illegally traded goods. Therefore, even the people to whom the illegally traded goods are ultimately directed must be included in the joint prosecution to violate the market transaction law. Prosecution for purchasing illegal goods, at the same time, the buyer is also the actual beneficiary, because the purchase of something several times lower than the market price has an impact on the market, and it also involves the unfair business activity law, as well as technical infringement of formal companies. , and it involves the piracy law."

"Lady Lady, I think it's better to deal with these things later. After all, the section chiefs may be in a bad situation now!"

Wu Lei stood up and said with a smile. The woman in front of him handled the matter, which gave Wu Lei a headache. All evidence was strictly enforced according to the law. Many people were already suffering terribly. This matter finally needs to be directed. It is possible to allow black craftsmen to participate in the construction of the waste factory. After the conclusion is reached tonight, I am afraid that Congress will issue a pardon to allow the black craftsmen to reduce their criminal penalties on the condition of helping the city's construction.

Letty pressed her forehead, very reluctantly, and Wu Lei added.

"Lady Lady, there is really nothing we can do. Although it is against the rules, if we don't hurry up."

"I know, move quickly."

Letty sat down and stared at the documents in front of her in annoyance. She knew very well that what the business department did tonight had completely exceeded the boundaries of the law. This was what Letty was struggling with.

"Why not use the past law to call it? Because our current social structure requires law first before we can use law as a tool to solve some problems in the city. Without order, law will lose its foundation!"

Letty still remembered the issues that Jean discussed with her many years ago. She argued with Jean fiercely, but in the end she did not defend him.

After a while, more than 400 indictments finally arrived, and Letty began to submit information.

"Your Excellency, the future, what you said is a general and huge concept. Please don't delay any more."

Wu Qun said, Locke shook his head without changing his expression.

"The future I am referring to is not the future of the city, but the future of you!"

Locke said as he looked at the congressmen opposite, and many congressmen showed doubtful looks.

"Something big is happening outside!"

As soon as Locke finished speaking, Wu Qun's expression changed instantly. He immediately thought that although he had already explained it before entering the Congress, now that it came out of Locke's mouth, it meant that the matter was far beyond what he thought. scale.

As time passed, people in the parliamentary area were still discussing, and many businessmen in the auditorium had already keenly felt that something big was happening outside.

"Little Fatty, if you want to make it clear, you can only tell half of it. We can only guess."

The Orange God said and Locke bowed.

"The black craftsman's problem."

As soon as these words came out, the section chiefs behind Locke stood up one after another. Le Xiao didn't understand what was going on. She wanted to get up but found that Michelle had already motioned for her to sit down. Le Xiao swallowed and her buttocks just stood up a little. , stopped immediately, there was a snapping sound in the body, Le Xiao grinned and widened her eyes, a pain immediately came from near her buttocks.

Except for Mo Xiaolan who was still sitting down, the other section chiefs all stood up.

"What exactly does that mean?"

Qingse Shen asked, and Niya took out a cigarette, lit it in her mouth, and took a long drag.

"Let me explain."

Niya said as all eyes looked at her.

"Starting last night, we began to locate nearly 4,000 people in the middle and upper levels who were involved in illegally manufacturing and selling goods for profit, and officially started the arrest operation at 3 a.m. today!"

For a moment, the entire Congress hall was in an uproar. Members stood up one after another, and the businessmen could not sit still, because this matter was simply unimaginable to them. The sudden action of the business department, and the huge number, most people were shocked. They are technical personnel of some large companies. Such sudden arrests will cause many large companies to shake violently.

"Chief Niya, do you have any evidence?"

Wu Qun pointed out the core point to the point. For a while, the congressmen calmed down, but their faces were full of anger. Wu Qun expected that the action of the business department was based on the premise that there was no conclusive evidence and only relying on Some of the confessions she made and some illegal controlled substances possessed by the group were arrested, which were inconsistent with the charges she said.


Niya smiled bitterly, then shook her head.

"In other words, you have already made an arrest based on mere inferences. Can I understand that? Chief Niya!"

Wu Qun stared at Niya sharply. Niya didn't answer, but raised her head, exhaled a long puff of smoke, and directly flicked the cigarette butt into the air, sparks flying everywhere.

"You bastards, I have long disliked you! Now you come to ask me for evidence? What is the evidence? Do you want me to take you to the scene in person to see how many goods have flowed from the black market? All districts? No need for shops, no taxes, no employees, even a lot of materials are obtained by these bastards from many corners of the city, without spending a penny!"

Niya's voice was like a roaring lioness, and all the whispers present disappeared for a moment. Many people had fear in their eyes, and were completely shocked by this momentum.

"This year, there have been 3,081 cases of theft of materials from public light and shadow facilities. Some of the raw materials in some public light and shadow facilities are even missing. There are many light and shadow materials constructed from mimic objects, and some are missing arms and legs. Phenomenon, this is not intentional vandalism, but theft. Theft is done by inadvertently avoiding surveillance. Shamelessly taking the resources of public facilities to manufacture goods and then selling them for profit. Even children know what theft is. Such behavior? And you bunch of pigs, are you dead? Or blind, damn, if some middle and lower-level factories hadn't reported the case, I wouldn't have known that people working in the factories would take away some raw materials from time to time. A little bit every day, a little adds up to a lot!”

Niya said, stepped out of her seat, stood up, stretched out a hand behind her, Leona handed her the phone, and after opening Leona's phone, Niya called up a Leona has personally sorted out the raw material usage of many large companies in recent years. One of them is the waste of raw materials caused by operational errors, wear and tear of consumables, machine parameter errors in the machinery manufacturing process, and a large number of other items.

"What do those technicians do for a living? Are they making mistakes every month? Are their brains flooded with water or something? Why do you bastards' companies lack raw materials and don't come to report the case for investigation? Instead, they do it under this name Explain, do you think I am an idiot? Damn it! You want evidence, right? I will let you see the evidence later. Let me tell you, if any of your big companies are involved in the circulation of illegal goods, I don’t care about you. Who are you, how much are you worth, what is your relationship with these bullshit congressmen, I will definitely lead people to investigate, and once I find out even a little bit, I will arrest you all!"

At this time, many businessmen in the auditorium showed fear. Everyone was looking at the document compiled by Leona. Although the monthly loss of these raw materials was not large, this record was from more than 10 years ago. It started a month ago, less than a month, and thousands of tons of raw materials over the years have disappeared.

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