Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1056 Tight Bowstring (Part 1)

4:28 am

The soft light shone around Hu Youran. He kept swallowing and wiping the sweat from his forehead. His hands continued to move, sorting out some points on the bill. No one spoke, and some people were still looking at this. A detailed proposal.

From time to time, Wu Qun's eyes were fixed on Le Xiao, who was looking nervous with his head lowered opposite him. He was very doubtful, was this bill really made by Le Xiao? If it was really the little girl opposite who seemed to be at a loss what to do.

Wu Qun held his head and thought three words in his heart, I don't believe it!

This kind of proposal cannot be made in a short time. It is so refined that people are eager to move inside. They feel that as long as they are implemented according to the above, they will be 100% successful. There are many passionate points that can directly touch people's hearts.

But the parliament hall is not a place for dreaming, let alone a playground for children. Those who are qualified to enter here are all the core components of the huge machine of Brilliant City.

There is no point of rebuttal. This is what Wu Qun is most anxious about at this time. This bill considers many things in great detail. In his heart, Wu Qun is opposed to it, as are the councilors next to him. Even many businessmen.

No one dared to speak out, because the feasibility of this proposal was 100%, and the administrative department was also silent. Wu Qun didn't know the reason, although he had thought that the administrative department might take some actions to target some companies at the upper level and force them to They are involved in the bill, but their status is currently unknown.

"Old Wu, the attitude of the business department is a bit strange."

A female congressman behind him whispered something. Wu Qun did not answer. Instead, he stared at the section chiefs opposite. His expression was extremely serious. The sights from behind and around him made Wu Qun very uncomfortable. The congressmen were anxious. We need someone who can stand up and speak, and this person obviously can only be Wu Qun, but he doesn't intend to stand up.

The war started the moment he entered the hall of Congress. The war with the acting children has never stopped for so many years. Wu Qun enjoys this sense of oppression. He will never allow the economy that is currently good for most people to If the structure changes, the worst case scenario may be a major reshuffle.

Wu Qun thought about this problem a long time ago. When the city is overwhelmed and capital begins to be seriously tilted, what should the business department do, especially at the bottom of the economy where a large number of de-economies are getting worse day by day, and several crises that have appeared in the past two decades have A slum, and this phenomenon will only get worse.

The best way is to conduct a major economic reshuffle. Yesterday morning, an investigation was conducted on the three bottom leaders who control more than 60% of the gray industries. This is a precursor to the reshuffle. The next step is the black industry. Shuffle these two decks of cards. After that, the deteriorating economic situation at the bottom can be temporarily contained.

Before coming up, Wu Qun had already discussed it with some members, and the third step of the administrative department was probably to pass this motion. When he saw the motion, Wu Qun immediately understood that the third step of the administrative department was to shuffle the cards and pass it. The first and second steps are to pull in these large companies. Although they cannot be dragged down directly, they will pull away part of the upper-level large corporate merchants to fill the economy of some middle- and lower-level districts.

Following a cough, Wu Qun leaned back comfortably, then put one hand on his forehead, patted it easily, then placed both hands on the table, and put his ten fingers together with a smile in his eyes. He looked at the business department opposite with interest.

Regardless of the outcome of tonight's game, it is absolutely impossible for this bill to pass.

"Since no one is willing to speak up, we will calculate last month's tax revenue in advance and determine how much allocation each district will receive this month."

The red god said, holding up a finger, and a huge light and shadow screen appeared in the middle, which clearly displayed the tax revenue for October, totaling 9.83678 billion.

"Compared with October last year, there was a total tax revenue of 3.6 billion less."

As the Red God spoke, he called up the total tax revenue for October last year. After comparing it, he started to call up another light and shadow panel. Except for Districts 113 and 114, which are currently locked, the other 118 districts each had Economic conditions, as well as last month's taxes, as well as consumption index, price index, medical index, commuting index and other complex and huge structural charts, can be seen after clicking into each area.

60% of it will be used as urban construction funds and will be distributed to the account of the district council leader in each district. Each district councilor needs to reserve part of this allocation according to the situation in the local area, and the remaining 30% , which is the salary of the administrative department and internal construction funds, while Congress retains 10% of the tax revenue for the operation of constructive proposals in the city.

All taxes will be distributed based on the actual tax situation of each district. Ivy, who was sitting at the council table, looked at her district 29 quietly. The tax revenue was less than 10 million. Sure enough, the funds were quickly based on the index of each district and Compared with last year, it had been distributed to the accounts of the leaders. Ada saw that there was more than 5 million more in the wallets of her members.

This money can do too little. Just to maintain the power reserve station in the region, as well as some facility fees in the region, including some subsidies for everyone in the region, this money will disappear as soon as it is obtained.

The better the economy in the region, the more say it has. The 29th District managed by Ada has been last in the economy for many years in a row. Even the taxes in the slums are higher than those in the 29th District.

For so many years, the Operations Section has not done anything to Area 29. Ada clearly knows that the section chiefs did not do anything to Area 29 because of Gene's sake, but Gene was on vacation, and he said that night I don't care at all.

Aida is still a little scared about what happened that night. If the Executive Branch really wants to do something to District 29, District 29 is already finished. Previously, Ada appealed to several other districts and asked them to give up their council seats. He returned it, but the other party just mocked him and said nothing further.

Everyone sitting here tonight is the same. They have become extremely nervous because of this bill, as if they were on a battlefield. What Ada is most worried about at this time is that Le Xiao has no time to take care of the problems in District 29 and only relies on One intern, Leng Rui, is not enough.

Hu Youran was still sorting out something and still didn't say anything, while the congressmen began to whisper among themselves.

"What do you think Niya, what's going on outside."

Leona asked, and Niya next to her bit her cigarette, blew out a puff of thick smoke, and laughed coldly.

"Those two bastards, what I carefully prepared, they put it on the table shamelessly. There are only two results. At dawn, most of the black craftsmen will plead guilty, or they will all agree and refuse to plead guilty. Anyway, if it comes out The problem has been solved, and the responsibility for our business department has been determined. The question is who will take the responsibility. I am definitely not able to escape the involvement, and the same goes for Mo Xiaolan."

Niya said, squinting at Mo Xiaolan, who was still sleeping on the table. Lilian behind her looked at the little boy and nodded with a playful smile.

"I'm not dead yet, Niya, you will have to do this sooner or later."

Li Ang couldn't sit still and muttered something. At this time, Gu Ningning looked around. She had no idea what was going on, but looking at the looks of the section chiefs, things seemed to be very bad tonight.

In desperation, Gu Ningning could only look at Lilian who was not far away from her. Tianhen next to her was also sleeping. Xima didn't come over, otherwise she could ask Xima. Lilian waved her hand. He blinked and pointed next to Gu Ningning.

"Lord Niya, what's going on? Can you give me a heads up first? I'm afraid if we don't agree on the same thing later, no."

Niya turned her head, pressed Gu Ningning's head and roughly pulled her to her neck, pressed her hair, and started talking to her.

"This is not meant to be."

Gu Ningning straightened up in horror, and her sleepiness disappeared immediately. Nearly 4,000 black craftsmen were arrested and interrogated outside, and it officially started at 3 o'clock. No wonder the congressmen opposite were so quiet, and those from big companies The same goes for people. Apart from the bill in front of them, there seems to be no other problems. They don't know that such a huge thing is happening outside.

"Lord Niya, isn't this illegal? If those people seek lawyers and their plan fails, shouldn't we?"

Niya smiled helplessly.

"The lawyers have been completely controlled by Section 1."

Gu Ningning swallowed.

I feel like I'm going back to sleep! I have to go to the guard station tomorrow morning, my God!

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