Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1046 Zero Sum Game 2 (Part 2)

On the street late at night, there was only one streetlight 50 meters away. Ran Zai walked slowly on the street, with many thoughts in his mind. He escaped tonight.

Glancing back at the shimmering Spike Ball Ferris Wheel behind him, Ran Zai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a bit of coldness.

Too many things happened in one day, but Ran Zai knew very well who caused this commotion and the commotion in Angel Paradise, the AIs.

"It's a very interesting game. It's something other than a zero-sum game. Guys don't need to eat or sleep, they just need energy."

This is what the so-called "hundreds of secrets and one sparse" are all about. The business department thinks that the prevention and control measures have been done very well, but the AIs still have the opportunity to do something secretly behind the scenes. Although Ran Zai is not very clear, what exactly are they doing? What kind of method is used to make a large number of companies miserable.

In the early years, when Ran Zai was surfing the Internet one day, suddenly an email from a stranger was sent to him, with an unknown link. When Ran Zai clicked to enter, the other party began to tentatively chat with him. That Guy named X.

However, in just a few months, Ran Zai discovered the identity of this X, because many of the things he said were from the perspective of an observer, and never from the perspective of an experiencer. Ran Zai directly exposed X, in the end he actually admitted that he was AI.

In the following years, Ran Zai and AI cooperated to a certain extent, but never in depth. Ran Zai discovered that these numbers were much smarter than he thought, and were even evolving on their own.

Now everything is still under the control of the Acting Department. Even the gods may not have expected that the AIs have begun to infiltrate into the city. Ran Zai believes that there are people in the city who have been bewitched by the AIs, and then helped the AIs do some shameful things. , not just the rioters, this group of AI is troublesome because they are pervasive.

Ran Zai originally wanted to remind Jean and the others, but after a second thought, he gave up because the shooting that occurred at the gun battle experience station tonight happened shortly after Jean and the others left, and the timing was too extreme. What a coincidence, why did this kind of case happen when I just arrived at Angel Paradise?

Suddenly Ran Zai stopped, and he laughed coldly, as if he had figured out something. Everything about the whole day began to turn upside down in his head, including reverse thinking, linear thinking, and multi-dimensional thinking. This is what Ran Zai is best at.

The warm yellow light above his head was a little burning, which immediately caught Ran Zai's attention. He glanced at the streetlight above his head, and saw that it was still very hot.

"It's a very simple method, isn't it? Changing the degree of polymerization of light energy can kill me even now without me being prepared."

Ran Zai whispered, and then the street lights above his head began to flicker on and off, three dark and two bright, constantly changing, and Ran Zai laughed.

"Do you even know the light signals from such a long time ago?"

Ran Zai walked into the nearest alley and took out his mobile phone. The light signal just now was used for low-level transactions a long time ago. Some criminals came up with it and used it for transactions in the dark. What I just meant It is a transaction application.


Ran Zai opened a light and shadow screen, and for a moment there was a flickering phenomenon in the light and shadow screen. This was due to interference from strong signals during the transformation of light and shadow materialization.

"Long time no see, MR Ran Zai."

On the screen was a man wearing a gray trench coat, a round hat and a white mask with an X logo on the mask. His voice seemed a bit cold and hard.

"Please cooperate with us, MR Ran Zai!"

Ran Zai laughed, then stared at X fiercely and said.

"I'm afraid you have turned many recent things, the last clues, to me."


X said and clapped his hands. Ran Zai looked at X in the screen quietly. It looked like it had an entity. But Ran Zai immediately dismissed this idea. The control of AI by the Business Department started a long time ago, right? It may be provided to the body of AIs, especially those complete AIs that can rely on data to imitate human thinking.

"We have already prepared your fingerprints and some videos at Angel Paradise today. You are the criminal who secretly tampered with the gun data source of the gunfight town."

Ran Zai burst out laughing, his eyes looking extremely excited for a moment.

"Do you think threats will work for me?"

"I don't think so, MR Ran Zai!"

After X said this, Ran Zai raised his head and laughed.

"Just continue to do your thing with peace of mind. I won't reveal even a word about you to anyone."

"Why? I don't understand very much, MR Ranzai, you"

Ran Zai pressed one hand on the light and shadow screen, pressing it on the position of X's head.

"Human beings are much more complex than you think. Let me test you. According to your calculations, who will be the leading core in Brilliant City in the future?"

"Of course it's the woman named Le Xiao."

Ran Zai's eyes widened for a moment, a little shocked, but he immediately suppressed his smile.

"Indeed, she is a genius, she is only 26 years old, isn't she!"

"Of course, MR Ran Zai, it is precisely because of her existence that our plan failed."

X said and Ran Zai laughed.

Sure enough, it is just a bunch of machines that rely on data. Some things cannot be calculated because data cannot be provided in some places, such as the barrier area!

Ran Zai thought clearly that AI did not know that he had revealed the incident in the barrier area and told Jean, which led to a series of things that happened afterwards. And if the whole city is under martial law and some things happen, naturally It will disrupt the data calculation plan of the AIs, because unexpected things are often the kind of things that cannot be calculated with a probability of one in ten million, and they happen.

"So how much do you already know about me?"


Ran Zai turned around with a smile, holding up the light and shadow screen with one hand.

"I need you very much, so don't worry. I won't tell others about you, because it's interesting, right? In times of crisis, heroes come!"

Ran Zai's last few words were unusually decisive. He laughed, and his smile seemed to have frozen. After the light and shadow screen was turned off, he looked around. On the left was the entrance of the alley illuminated by the street lamp, and on the right was a pitch-black road. In the alley, Ran Zai raised his head and jumped up high.

"Play your cards!"

Gene looked at the cards on the table. Among the cards in his hand, there were still a pair of kings and a pair of 7s. But at present, he knew very well that the cards in Deguna's hand and the cards in Tang Rao's hand could be suppressed. He played a 2, but the two hesitated.

"Looking at the evil smile on your face, I know you have a pair of kings in your hands, bastard Jean, you don't want to play anymore, you are upset!"

Deguna threw away the cards in her hand, and Tang Rao stared at the light and shadow screen next to him worriedly. At this time, there was another city meeting initiated by the councilors, but Deguna still did not accept it.

"Don't hold on."

Gene said, threw away the cards in his hand, took the wine bottle next to him and started drinking.

"This is not a question of whether to hold on or not, because if the discussion does not produce any results, the situation will be more serious tomorrow. The only way is to ask the section chiefs to suppress it. The money should be able to be raised. If we get it early tomorrow morning, If the proposed bill is only about using money to solve it, then everyone is not a fool, because I can’t think of any other way to solve this problem.”

Deguna pressed her forehead in frustration. Gene threw a bottle of wine over. Deguna caught it and patted the table.

"The topic of incompetence will come up again. Since you have found out, and Niya has the clue, why don't you take action first, at least maybe?"

Before Tang Rao finished speaking, Gene pointed to the cards on the table.

"Don't you want to save the good cards for last?"

"Witt contacted me this morning. That boy King Xue wanted to attack the gray industry. It was originally a good proposal. After all, the gray industry can be used to stop the company's losses and at least maintain stability temporarily."

Gene sighed, stood up, and walked over. Suddenly, holding Tang Rao in one hand and Deguna in the other, he hugged the two women and rushed out of the house in an instant, jumping directly to the attic.

"Can't you two see that there is another place outside this dark city?"

"It's too late in a short time, bastard Jean, the agricultural base in the barrier area is established, at least."

Before Deguna could finish her words, she was roughly thrown aside by Jean. Tang Rao just let Jean hold her waist, hanging, with her head staring at the ground.

"I think it's time, and I'm not talking about the barrier areas, but the ravine areas that separate the barrier areas from the city."

Deguna seemed to have thought of something for a moment.

"Didn't you mention it to us before, what kind of bill was made at the end of the season?"

Jean nodded, and at this moment Deguna saw a take-off and landing plane flying quickly towards them.

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