Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1034: Chaos 2 (Part 2) Happy Lantern Festival!

"Lulu-la, la-la-lu, the lives of little animals are colorful. The little pig snorted and soiled his new clothes again. The little rabbit jumped and said, oh, why are your new clothes the same as the little crow on the tree? .”

Le Xiao was spinning three times to the left and three times to the right, with her left hand on her hips and a finger of her right hand stretched out to tap the front, dancing with an extremely happy expression on her face. After a while, Le Xiao sat down after enjoying herself. Returning to the dean's chair, he chuckled, his nostrils slightly flaring, and he kept breathing out. On the light and shadow screen in front of him, there were comments on the video of his previous speech, which received rave reviews.

I think Lord Le Xiao is really good!

Indeed, there is not a trace of unruliness in him.

Wake up you guys, I'm just acting for you.

Idiot, you have the ability to put on a show and show us!

All in all, I felt inspired, and many things were said to my heart.

Lexiao read the comments with her hands on her chin. She felt her nostrils were itchy and poked both nostrils with her fingers.

Didi didi

Following an emergency call, an orange light popped up on a light and shadow screen. Le Xiao was startled. Michelle frowned slightly in front of her. Le Xiao hurriedly stretched out her fingers and wiped them on her uniform.

"That, this"

"Please pay attention to your hygiene, Secretary Le Xiao, and then please come to the office of the First City Management Section within 20 minutes."

Michelle said and hung up the video pop-up call. Le Xiao covered her cheeks that started to burn instantly with both hands, looked at the table with shame, pursed her lips, and kept sucking in the air.

"Breathe deeply, breathe deeply"

After a while Le Xiao stood up and blinked.

"How can I get there in 20 minutes?"

But suddenly Le Xiao slapped his forehead, stood up and ran out quickly, walking to a utility room on the left. The door was ajar. The dean was sitting cross-legged in front of a chair at work. Le Xiao After being startled, he walked in and hurriedly bowed and apologized. The dean's eyes widened in shock.

"Master Le Xiao, what are you doing?"

After a while, the dean immediately took out the phone.

"Master Le Xiao has prepared the take-off and landing for you and will take you to Section 1 within 10 minutes. Please go to the rooftop immediately. Thank you for your hard work today."

Just as Le Xiao was about to leave, she suddenly felt as if her heart had been pricked by a small needle. She was so embarrassed that she started running quickly.

"If you want to work hard in the future, you must give 100%, oh no, give 200%, no, it should be 500%. It seems that you can't talk big, do things one by one first. Besides, eh!”

At this time, Le Xiao was thinking more about what Jean said the morning after he became a secretary, turning his lies into truth.

"Niya, why don't you go home in person? How are your parents?"

"I don't want to beg them. Besides, my parents have always favored my sister. In their eyes, I'm just a bad girl. I'm too lazy to talk to them."

Niya spoke before Leona finished speaking. The situation in the office was unusually solemn, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath. No one could have predicted such an inexplicable drastic change in the economy.

Although there were financial statements of these companies a few months ago, they all had deficits, but they would not explode so quickly. Li Ang originally planned to give these small and medium-sized enterprises the construction work of Districts 113 and 114 to let them spend their time. Although they had survived the crisis, they were already in crisis before they even started construction.

"What the hell, this thing."

Li Ang muttered angrily, Locke smiled, and Michelle remained unmoved and continued working in the general affairs department.

"You must also know that the Angus family is an important pillar supporting the city's financial economy. Although they do have the ability to spend money to rescue the city, I don't think anyone can open this door. Now that Secretary Le Xiao has obtained Their approval, so it’s best to let Secretary Le Xiao open this door.”

Niya snorted coldly and leaned back comfortably. The riot on Golden Street had stopped temporarily, but there were still many people sitting in meditation. They had no plans to go back, even though they had promised that they would give a televised speech tomorrow morning. , will come up with a solution to this problem, but no one believes it because the status quo still cannot be changed.

"Chief Li Ang, I think it would be better for the two of us to go there early and give some care to those business owners. After all, some people may have already made plans to apply for bankruptcy directly tomorrow morning. If Secretary Le Xiao comes, there are other departments Just explain it to her."

Li Ang threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, stood up, picked up his uniform and put on his hat, and followed King Xue out. After the two of them went down to the second floor, they already heard the sound in the large conference room not far to the left of the elevator. , there was a lot of noise.

"I can't bear it anymore. I still have a wife and children. I don't want anything else. I will file for bankruptcy tomorrow."

A bald man wiped the sweat from his Tianling Cap. He knew very well that filing for bankruptcy would mean that everything he had worked hard for decades would be in vain. However, he could wait until his assets were auctioned and get some money. In the future, he would just open a business. A small shop is enough to provide for your retirement. If you continue to work hard, you will have a heart attack.

"Don't be discouraged yet. Listen to what the business department has to say. After all, if you go bankrupt, what will you do with your more than 1,000 employees? They also have wives and children."

At this time, a younger man smiled and bitterly wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes.

"Take care of yourselves first. I think if you still think about it, it will be impossible to provide for your retirement. Unfortunately, begging is not allowed in the city. If it were allowed, I would go to the streets to be a beggar tomorrow and apply for bankruptcy directly."

There was a sound of footsteps, accompanied by a burst of clapping. Li Ang walked in with a solemn expression and stood on the stage in front. King Xue who followed him had a slightly stiff smile at this time, and the audience was silent for a while.

"First of all, I want to ask you, what have you been doing this year? Drinking, playing cards, playing with women? Playing with men? In your free time, talk about life, watch movies, go to the club to talk about past glories?"

Li Ang's words seem to have touched the hearts of many people. This is indeed the case for many bosses on the platform. After the company is completely on track, they begin to enjoy life and do not intend to move forward, because if they move forward, the resistance will be extremely huge. They Many people have worked hard for decades and are tired of the fighting in the business world.

"In the past, I remember what I often warned you. Once you are a businessman, you will be a businessman all your life. As long as you give up making profits and feel that you can get by, risks will brew quietly, and one day you will suddenly emerge. You rise from the ground so that you can never get up again.”

"Section Chief Li Ang, we have heard these words many times, and we have heard enough. Can you please tell us the plan of the executive department?"

Milis couldn't sit still anymore. With him taking the lead, many people immediately began to cry. Li Ang sighed. He stared at King Xue sideways, and after making eye contact with King Xue, the two seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

"Everyone, there is no need to be sad. This matter is just a small problem, and Secretary Le Xiao has decided to save you."

King Xue said, and the businessmen in the room suddenly looked at the stage with bright eyes, but their eyes were still full of doubts.

"Remember what Secretary Le Xiao said at the inauguration ceremony? Section 13 is a section dedicated to solving the problems left by each subject. Please be patient and get rid of the despair in your heart. Despair will not bring any consequences. Something, our secretary Le Xiao from Section 13 will definitely come up with an effective plan."

King Xue said, and his words seemed to have an effect. Milis swallowed a sip and told the people next to him about meeting Le Xiao at the 61st Hospital this evening. Although the intern in Department 13 dismissed himself at that time , but Secretary Le Xiao still accepted his business card.

At this time, in King Xue's office, Ivy was sitting by the window with a glass of wine in her hands, looking at the dark barrier area outside the light. Her expression was slightly moved, as if there was something extremely tangled in her heart. For a moment, Can't make a decision for a while.

"Chief Ivy, if you have something on your mind, I think you can tell it and let us all listen!"

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Niya walked over and opened the door. Le Xiao immediately stood up straight and put her right hand on her chest.


Before Le Xiao finished speaking, he was choked by the smoke in the room and started to cough. Moreover, with so many section chiefs gathered together, everyone looked solemn.

Did I do something wrong?

"Come in, why are you standing there?"

Niya grabbed Le Xiao's neck angrily and pulled her in directly. Le Xiao swallowed, and Michelle didn't say anything but was still processing the documents.

"That, this"

"I heard you are rich, girl."

Locke came over with a smile, and Le Xiao blinked.

"Of course, I have money. The plan for the agricultural base in the barrier area has been finalized. I have obtained at least 1.2 billion."

Le Xiao raised her head and moved her nose. Locke sat next to her.

"There is a serious problem now. It is not suitable for any of us to come forward. You need to come forward in person. How about girl, you should be able to help, after all."

"Okay. Wait a moment, Mr. Manager. Is the matter serious?"

Locke shook his head.

"Little things, just little things."

Le Xiao nodded and smiled happily.

"I know, what's going on."

"Find a way to raise 3 billion."

Le Xiao's eyes widened in horror for a moment, staring at him with serious eyes.

3 billion? Are you kidding me? What can I do with it?

Locke patted Lexiao's left arm.

"Secretary Le Xiao, you just agreed, but you can't go back on it. After all, you now represent Section 13 and can exercise the rights of the section chief. When problems arise in the city, you must unconditionally do everything you can to help the city solve the problem. This is the case for everyone present here, including all of us in the business department. If we don’t care about the city, we are not qualified to sit here.”

Le Xiao swallowed and smiled awkwardly.

"How about I inform our section chief first?"

"Now you are the acting section chief of Section 13. Damn girl, are you itching? If it was Jean, you would have agreed."

Niya said, pinching Lexiao's cheek, and she tilted her head.

"I understand, I understand, Section Chief Niya."

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