It is difficult to remain calm on the surface of the sea, as is the value of social equilibrium. Since people began commercial activities, the market economy is the only natural economy that can bring prosperity to cities, because it is the only economy that can reflect the essence of life. The essence of life is that it is endless and mysteriously diverse. Therefore, in terms of perfection and changeability of life, no intelligent and central person can cover and design it. People are stupid. They often ignore the opposite changes in risks and knowledge and lose their calmness. They often punish themselves in turn due to overproduction or corporate bankruptcy. The world prospers because of the economy and declines because of the economy!

BY: Economist Hu Youran

"This is CBV's frontline reporter Taotao. Golden Street is currently occupied again after a day, but this time it's angry stock investors."

The camera shook, and Taotao let out a cry of surprise. Something flew over, and the photographer hurriedly pulled her over. A glass bottle hit Taotao in front of her with a bang, and the flying glass was scratched. After grabbing Taotao's feet, a group of people immediately hid in a hotel.

"Everyone, please see that the situation is not good now. Angry citizens are shouting for the opening of the market in Section 7. They want to get back the money they invested in the stock market."

Taotao held back her tears and continued to report pitifully. An assistant next to her had already taken out the medical kit and was treating the part of Taotao's foot that was cut by a piece of glass.

The streets were full of people holding up their mobile phones and shouting. Many people were furious. All facilities in Section 7 had been closed. The stock market had been suspended. The violent stock market fluctuations that occurred today reached their peak in the evening. Many people inexplicably found that the stock market suddenly collapsed when they turned on their mobile phones after dinner. A large number of investors had never seen such a situation. After all, this kind of thing only happened in the past when the city was carrying out photoelectric coating construction. But as construction began, the stock market slowly recovered. Most people speculated that it might be due to the establishment of the agricultural foundation in the barrier area, and that Section 13 might have begun to take action.

"Let Secretary Le Xiao come out and explain."

Along with a loud shout, a person suddenly jumped up to Taotao, hugged her neck, and showed his middle finger to the camera. The people next to him also kept shouting.

"Damn it, I've invested all my pension money, Huihuang Industries has hit the limit, I'm going to lose hundreds of thousands, I still have a mortgage, and my daughter has just entered college."

A man couldn't help but burst out in pain as he spoke. Everyone looked at the limit-down numbers on the stock market panel. Many company stocks were about to fall below 70%, and those who had previously bought for 1 yuan per share had lost 30% of their value.

Gradually, many people couldn't shout anymore. Some of them sat on the street with wine and started drinking. At this time, there were more crying sounds. There were men, women, and old people. Most of them looked at themselves. The savings I had invested in the stock market after decades of hard work have evaporated by 30% in just ten hours from 10 a.m. to now, and I am already crying.

"Now, let's hand the picture over to the studio."

Taotao was embarrassed and pushed away the crazy man beside her with the help of several staff members.

On a huge light and shadow screen, the stock split charts of each company were clearly displayed.

"I didn't expect that just one day later, Golden Street was occupied again. What do you two think?"

As the host said, two old men appeared on the screen. The one with a smiling face on the left was sociologist Duke, and the one with an angry face on the right was economist Hu Youran.

"Mr. Duke, please tell me first."

"Everyone can actually be patient. It is true that today's stock market changes are abnormal. So far, the stocks of 467 small and medium-sized companies have shown a downward trend, but large companies have hardly been affected at all."

The host immediately nodded and continued to ask.

"Then Mr. Duke, what everyone is most worried about in the current online survey is the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier zone. Is it the cause of the problems in the stock market this time?"

Duke laughed heartily and shook his head.

"Once people are involved in financial losses, it is easy to get carried away. Everyone just doesn't know the reasons and reasons, so they just want to find a reason to vent. The plan to establish the barrier zone has not been put on the agenda. How can it become an inducement? What? There is no direct causal relationship between the two."

"When a turtle falls, its shell is involved!"

Hu Youran next to him finally spoke up. He had already keenly felt that something was unusual. As an economic consultant for many companies, he had retrieved some financial records of the company. After research, he could not find out the reason. This matter was really... It’s so weird. So many companies have had funding problems at this point in time. It can be called a miracle. The reasons for the funding problems are all unbelievable. Either Xinxin’s investment in the industry failed, or the transformation failed, or The transaction volume dropped sharply until there was no transaction volume anymore. Most of them can be called mistakes in decision-making. Currently, the only ones that have not been affected are Internet companies. Several Internet companies for which Hu Youran is an economic consultant are currently very stable. , even the stock has an upward trend, and it appeared early this morning. I am afraid that many headhunters have smelled the smell of money. They bought a lot of Internet company stocks in the morning, and some retail investors followed suit. Hu Youran I think this is a very risky approach. In the end, the headhunters will quit after making money. The unlucky ones are these retail investors.

Duke knew what Hu Youran wanted to say, so he smiled and shook his head.

"Large enterprises are different from small and medium-sized enterprises. Lao Hu, there is no need to worry so much. Although large enterprises may be affected by the fluctuations in the stock market of small and medium-sized enterprises, one large enterprise can equal 100 small enterprises. In fact, there is nothing to worry about. Lao Hu, even a layman like me can see it. The problems that have arisen this time are really confusing. There are problems with so many company assets. It may be that they live too leisurely on weekdays, leading to some potential problems. The risk has not been discovered. After all, these companies are all industrial companies. Some have overcapacity problems, while others have been eliminated due to market changes and the technology has not kept up."

Hu Youran stared at Duke quietly. When he was backstage, Duke gave him a wallet. He naturally knew what it meant, and he just gave a casual reminder. The business department didn't want things to get messed up. Added chaos.

"What do you think, Lao Hu?"

Duke continued to ask. As the leading economist in the city, Hu Youran has high credibility and prestige.

"Well, I can't tell for the time being. I can only look at the long term. In the short term, given the current chaotic situation, it is impossible to obtain the incentives and find the fundamental problems with reasonable evidence. Now it depends on how the business department solves this crisis. Please Everyone, please be patient!"

Hu Youran is already very clear that if he continues to expose something, he will be in an embarrassing situation in the future. He has already seen the subsequent chain reaction caused by this small and medium-sized enterprise stock market problem. In the worst case, it will destroy the bright city. The economy has been dragged into an abyss, and once it is dragged into the abyss, it is almost impossible to get back up.

The only way is to get a loan from Qianqiang Branch. According to the fact that a small and medium-sized enterprise needs at least 5 million yuan to survive this crisis, there are currently nearly 500 companies and they need 2.5 billion funds to fill it. Such a large sum of money will definitely cause 120 problems in the city. With different levels of inflation in different regions, it is impossible for large companies to spend money to rescue the market, because Hu Youran knows that the current situation of many large companies is not very good.

Loans are a double-edged sword. If they are not handled well, it will be even worse if these small and medium-sized enterprises cannot withstand bankruptcy.

Ye Jiao kept making phone calls, and had already dispatched a lift from Section 7 to pick up the bosses of small and medium-sized enterprises whose companies were in trouble, and asked them to go directly to Section 1. There would be a meeting for them at 10 o'clock.

Ye Jiao looked at the time from time to time. She became a little anxious. She had already sensed the crisis sensitively. Today's stock market was really abnormal. Ye Jiao shook her fingernails and stared at the water glass on the table. The water rippled on the table. There was a slight ripple, and throughout the huge office, the directors were reviewing the economic statements of these small and medium-sized enterprises.

Didi didi

Ye Jiao immediately picked up the phone.

"Uncle, is something wrong?"

The call was from Ye Chunwang, the section chief of Section 12.

"Jiaojiao, let me give you some peace of mind first. That guy Li Ang's phone can't be reached and he's still on the phone. Our section's grain reserves that were originally scheduled to be released to the market have been frozen."

Ye Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Uncle, I know, I will tell Mr. Li Ang."

Ye Jiao sighed after hanging up the phone. She knew very well that at this point in time, if the food was out of the market, the price would definitely be raised, because food can be a life-saving straw for many companies, and those companies that produce liquid food, After obtaining the first right to purchase this batch of food, they can resell it to these companies that have big problems in the stock market and make a profit, because food is an item that can currently maintain its price.

"We cannot allow the problem to continue to be confused."

Ye Jiao stood up, turned around with a frown, and started arranging her hair facing the window. The pressure suddenly increased several times in just one day. Ye Jiao became a little worried. This matter cannot be solved by a loan at all. Yes, but without loans, these small and medium-sized enterprises can only close down for rectification, and at least 100,000 people in nearly 500 companies will be temporarily unemployed. The chain effect of economic collapse is terrifying, and loans will only cause high losses. Inflation, because if these companies are unable to solve their deficits in the future, this money will be equivalent to being put into the market, and it will eventually depreciate significantly.

"What can I do!"

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