Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1023 The machine starts (Part 1)

Chapter 1023 Machinery starts (Part 1)

"Is this really okay for me?"

Le Xiao swallowed. She leaned on the chair of the large desk. There were some snacks and a cup of tea in front of her. Gu Ningning had to go to the other three guard stations to work. After eating, she left, leaving only Le Xiao continued to wait here alone. Because Huashen was still undergoing surgery, Le Xiao did not rush him. After all, it was such an important thing.

Le Xiao, who had nothing to do, had read the law all day long. Now he was dizzy and a little hungry. It was almost 6 o'clock. At this time, there was a knock on the door of the room. Le Xiao hurriedly got out of his chair. Zhong straightened up and put away the things on the table.

"Master Le Xiao, please let me come."

In front of him, a section officer from Section 4 smiled and walked over quickly to help Le Xiao pack up. Le Xiao blushed and sat here eating snacks for an hour in a daze. Things have changed in the past few days. Got more and more.

"What do you want for dinner?"

Le Xiao smiled slightly awkwardly.

"Our section chief is still in the operating room."

"Braised pork."

The dean smiled and nodded, letting Le Xiao take a break and someone would bring it up directly at 6:30.

"I wonder how my cousin is doing."

Le Xiao sat down relaxedly, feeling very happy. The change in her cousin was really big. In the past, Le Xiao still remembered her uncle and aunt nagging her all day long, saying that her cousin was like a tomboy and what should she do in the future. But Now her cousin has turned into a great beauty. Secondly, what Le Xiao didn't expect was that her cousin actually wanted to enter the entertainment industry as she said back then. She has done it now, and her acting skills have been praised by Director Lanni. Appreciate it, as long as you continue to take good photos, my cousin will have a chance.

Le Xiao was sincerely happy for her cousin. Most girls dreamed of being a star when they were young. Le Xiao had similar fantasies before, but she didn't know how to do anything. Only when she became wiser did she realize how difficult it is to be a star.

Because there are no art schools in Bright City, if you want to develop into an actor, singer, or other arts field, you can only rely on yourself, and the only place for most people with such dreams is the art district.

Or you can take pictures of your own things and display them online, but taxes don’t seem to be very friendly to this kind of people. Once all art-related things are profitable, the tax threshold is 20%.

The only chance is to work in the film and television area as an extra. Only if you are chosen by the director can you get a chance, or to participate in some variety shows or to participate in auditions for some new movies and TV series.

Finally, he participated in some small films in some small film companies, but most of the small films were restricted, or acted as a theater actor in some existing theaters.

A long time ago, Le Xiao conducted a news survey on actors like this, and found that many people had a very hard life, and most people would leave in two or three years at most. The interviewees all said that they had no talent, but I want to give it a try, because if you don't have a formal job for a long time and don't have good results, your citizenship level will drop.

Le Xiao took a look at the time: 5:49. It was idle. Le Xiao wanted to go out for a casual walk. After going out, Le Xiao turned left and entered the elevator and pressed the first floor.

The area near District 61 Hospital is pretty good. There is a park below. Lexiao planned to exercise a little and ate a lot of snacks. Although she was a little hungry now, she felt a little full. It would definitely not taste good to eat later.

"Lele, let me give you a suggestion. Have you stopped eating meat recently? Your body fat has begun to increase. If you don't control your appetite, I'm sure you will gain weight, so just eat one meal of meat a day. , eat vegetables at other times.”

Le Xiao swallowed and pressed a tire near her waist, but her mind immediately thought of the tender, juicy and delicious braised pork, and she wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

"It's okay. We'll have to work hard starting tomorrow."

District 61 Hospital, the first floor is the service hall, the second to fourth floors are the outpatient and injection areas, and the floors above are the inpatient area and operating room. Although the sun has set, there are still a large number of people waiting for treatment.

All the injection areas are full of people. In the large injection area on the left side of the second floor, the comfortable recliners with adjustable angles are filled with people who are still injecting. Each one is a member of the 4th Department. They are busy.

Leng Rui was sitting near the door, and Yu Fangfang was sitting on a small chair beside him, waiting for Leng Rui to complete the injection. He was originally coming this morning, and the closest congressman to District 29 is District 61, which is right there. Northeast of District 29.

But when he got up early this morning, Leng Rui was called to the nearby Department 1 Department. A confession was recorded under the coercion of Department 5. The external injuries were simply treated, and there were bruises in many places inside. Now Leng Rui's nose is bruised and his face is swollen. Sitting on a comfortable hospital chair, he was a little at a loss when faced with the strange looks from around him. Yu Fangfang sat aside with a smile on her face.

"What do you want to eat when Xiao Leng goes back later?"

"Just make some random ones."

Many people looked at Leng Rui's appearance and really couldn't understand how a person in the business department could be so bruised and swollen, but most people also figured it out after seeing the internship coat of arms on Leng Rui's left arm.

Originally, Leng Rui's condition required hospitalization. The injury on his right hand had not healed yet, but Leng Rui refused. Such a small injury was nothing. It was much better than the injuries he suffered in prison. He was in Section 1 today. While waiting, a detailed planning report on the training work in District 29 has been prepared and submitted to Le Xiao, but Le Xiao has not heard back yet.

"Xiao Leng, when your secretary makes the decision and starts implementing it, I will be the first to sign up, okay?"

Yu Fangfang asked, and Leng Rui snorted. He just wanted this plan to be implemented as soon as possible. After observing the hospital for several hours today, he knew very well the current situation in the hospital and the work was very heavy.

They were in the observation room on the left, and next to it was a wide aisle. It was obviously already this hour, but many people were still waiting in the aisle. Opposite was the outpatient room. At a glance, there were 20 outpatient rooms sitting there. Visiting patients.

From time to time, several people from Department 4 came in and out of the injection room, which could accommodate 100 people. They needed to change the prepared injections into those who were being injected. In addition, today was another day for food distribution in the barrier area. Originally, The four departments that were short-staffed became particularly busy.

Leng Rui has read some information about the 4th Medical Department in detail. To become a person in the 4th Department, you must first completely remember at least 1,000 commonly used drugs, have a clear understanding of 500 kinds of injection drugs, and know emergency wound treatment techniques. and medical and nursing skills, you can become a member of the 4th department. These are the basis for becoming a doctor. Although they are necessary, they also raise the threshold for the 4th department.

But this approach can indeed cultivate a lot of medical talents. In addition, the previous control of medical equipment has curbed ordinary doctors in the city. In order to solve the chaos in the medical market, it also made the medical resources in the city somewhat tight. .

Leng Rui came up with such a plan after a detailed investigation. Simple changes of injection fluids, dispensing of medicine, etc. just need to be remembered repeatedly, and even according to the information, it can be done simply. As for patient care, most patients can only rely on family members to take care of them after they are hospitalized, because the 4th Department really cannot spare any time to take care of the patients in the ward, except for some critically ill patients who will have someone to take care of them.

Nowadays, almost everyone can only go to 4ke for medical treatment, injections and medicine. There used to be pharmacies in the city, but those pharmaceutical manufacturers continued to raise the price of drugs. In the end, 4ke directly took back the pharmaceutical technology and prohibited any company from touching it. In the medical industry, only some private clinics of independent doctors are allowed to exist.

At this time, a staff member from Section 4 hurriedly walked towards a smiling man not far from Leng Rui, and took out half of the needle solution from the Changxing Machine on his arm. He was very confused. watching.

"I was born with very thin blood vessels, so the injection was a little slow. I feel better now. Can I go, doctor?"

The woman from Section 4 nodded after carefully checking the man's body values ​​on the light and shadow panel.

"You can only take medicine if you have a headache after you return. If you don't have a headache, you don't need to take it. I can only give you two doses of this medicine."

As he spoke, the female member of Department 4 took out a small white bag and handed it to the man. The man stood up with a smile. However, at this time, Leng Rui discovered that the corners of the man's trousers were quite wet, and there was still water dripping from his trousers. .

When the man walked past Leng Rui, a flash of data flashed in his eyes. Leng Rui was still confused because he smelled the smell of medicine in the air, but at first glance, the water droplets falling on the ground looked a bit... reddish.

"What's going on?"

The man quickly went downstairs and walked to a deserted pavilion in the park. He took out his phone, but did not make a call. His mouth was moving and smiling, as if he was on the phone, but At this time, a series of numerical symbols flashed through the man's eyes. At this time, the man looked at Le Xiao, who was walking in the park not far away. He stood up straight, his eyes were cold and dull, and his feet overflowed from time to time. Got some blood.

Le Xiao saw that it was almost 6:10, so she planned to go upstairs to prepare for dinner. As soon as she entered the hospital lobby, Le Xiao saw a man in uniform with a bruised nose and face walking out with the support of a woman. .

"People from the business department? What's going on?"

As soon as Le Xiao walked over, she saw the pattern of Section 13 on her chest. She stood there, and Leng Rui also saw her at this time, and their eyes met.

"Why are you here?"

Le Xiao groaned and hurriedly approached the grinning Leng Rui.

"Xiao Leng, what's wrong with you? Did you get into a fight?"

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