Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1005 Fierce fight! Season end with Frye (Part 1)

The wind and sand are very strong, and small stones are constantly flying in such a strong wind. In the morning, due to the artificial sun, the cold air whose temperature gradually stabilizes in the 12 hours from 6 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the morning, is in the sun. After the irradiated ground heats up, airflow will begin to flow.

The wind has been very strong in the past two days, because the sun's rays have touched the hard soil in the barrier area. Frye looked back at the group of abandoned houses behind him that had been completely destroyed. In addition to the completely destroyed walls and scattered stones, Frye There was nothing outside, everything available had been taken away by those nearby.

This place is less than 5 kilometers away from the town just now. Frye ran directly over after being punched away. He did not intend to attract attention, and Ji Mo followed closely behind him, now less than 5 meters away from him. In the distance, Ji Mo stared at Fry with angry eyes.

Frye kept holding back the right side of his body. Even though he was wrapped in biochemical armor, the right side of his body was still deformed, like a tree knot. He knew very well that he would suffer a big loss if he started now and at the end of the season. He finally managed to mutate the cells. The self-devourment caused by the madness is stabilizing, and now if he engages in a fierce battle, he may die.

The punch at the end of the season was very powerful, already over 20 tons, and the display screen in front of the eyes in the biochemical armor already had a prompt.

Still unable to move his right hand, Frye stared at Ji Mo solemnly, but he knew very well that it was useless to say anything now. The things in the eyes of the man in front of him had changed. Although he did not know what Ji Mo had experienced, but that The end of the season that agreed with him overthrowing God and returning power to humans has completely disappeared.

"It's very lively, in the trading market outside the guard station."

Frye said something, and Ji Mo nodded, clenching his fists, ready to attack at any time, but Frye raised his left hand at this time, signaling Ji Mo to wait.

"I did agree with what you did in the past. You also provided me with a lot of help and advice, but..."

Fry laughed loudly and shook his head.

"Nothing will change, just like the resistance you have encountered over the years. Or do you believe everything that little girl said this morning?"

Ji Mo didn't answer. He was quite shocked when he learned about Le Xiao from his wife Ivy. From yesterday to today, Ji Mo thought about a lot of things. He couldn't understand or even believe that the business department would accept such an ordinary person. He couldn't be more of an ordinary person, but why would Jean choose this little girl to become the secretary of Section 13?

However, after carefully thinking about many things, Ji Mo seemed to understand something. Those who don’t know are fearless, but those who know will often be restrained. Ji Mo quietly stared at his fists, which were weak and weak. This was what he and Ji Mo said that day. The most profound experience after the battle.

After coming to the barrier area, Ji Mo thought a lot. The belief he held was vulnerable when faced with a huge monster. Over the years, Ji Mo spent more than 30 years trying to fight this huge monster. The monsters fought fiercely, but they turned pale and bruised time after time.

Ji Mo once thought that this monster was called desire, but after coming to the barrier area, Ji Mo saw a more primitive social structure. He came to his senses. It was selfishness, which everyone has. After having selfishness, Only then will you have your own desires.

Before the end of the season, he had countless beautiful wings, but these wings would always be broken, time and time again because of people's selfishness. He was very tired. He obviously wanted to do something for the city, but he was unable to do anything. Businessmen Although some things have been promised verbally, in reality they have been pushing back and forth. They are obviously capable, but they always only think about themselves. As long as the MPs consolidate their status in their regions and can continue to hold their seats, the executive branch is in a hurry. Dealing with various problems in the city, many problems are ignored and selectively ignored.

But in the past few months when Ji Mo served as section chief, he had a deep understanding. It was not that he turned a blind eye, but that it was difficult to find a breakthrough to solve the problem. It was difficult to shake a solidified system.

The end of the quarter was painful. He didn't know what to do. All he had successfully implemented were small proposals, and bigger ones would definitely fail.

"Just take your time. You still have 50 years to change everything. If one person is too tired, try to find someone who is willing to work with you to do it."

"Why don't you help me, Jean? If you just expand the enrollment in the 13th subject, it should be okay."

"Sorry it's the end of the season, I've got my hands full!"

There was once a bill to provide air quality changing machines for several areas on the ground floor. It was that bill that completely made Ji Mo realize that he was unable to change everything. In order to prevent the residents in the marginal areas on the ground floor from being exposed to the cold air at night. Tortured, so at the end of the season, despite all kinds of resistance, he finally signed a contract with a company, obtained funds from Congress, and obtained the machine at an extremely low price.

The good times did not last long. In just a few months, the damage rate of air quality energy changing machines was as high as 30%, and the loss rate accounted for 20%. It was the people at the bottom who sold the core parts inside, but lied that they did not They made excuses such as knowing who took it, lost it, and some even said that the machine itself was defective. In the end, the bill failed completely, and he resigned from the seat of the parliamentarian. The administrative department was busy trying to track down the lost machine. It took three months to partially recover and recover some losses.

"Why does everyone only think about themselves?"

"You fool, what do you think is wrong with you? How about coming to the executive branch? You have now become the public enemy of the congressmen. You are too anxious."

"Even if you come to the business department, nothing will change! Jean, tell me, is there anything wrong with making the city a better place?"

"Start small. I will send you a recommendation letter tomorrow. Which subject do you want to go to?"

"Section 13 is ready!"

"Sorry Ji Mo, you are not suitable. When I think you are suitable, I will naturally come over and drag you over."

Everything in the past kept coming to mind at the end of the season. When he finally qualified to become the secretary of Section 13, Gene took him outside the headquarters of Section 9 and pointed to the circular building in front of him.

"What is business? The buying and selling that arises from human interaction, climb up to the end of the season! Only when you climb to the throne can you start to let it go and change everything through business. The problems caused by buying and selling , whether it is the material level or the spiritual level, the only thing that can solve all this is business."

After taking office at the end of the season, the first drastic proposal was to build low-rent shops on Qinglong Street. However, from the beginning, they encountered strong opposition from the merchants of Qinglong Street, which runs through several major districts. Because of these Cheap food stalls can hurt nightclub business.

"Didn't you do this? Yes, keep doing it well. You will be fine now."

In Ji Mo's impression, after the proposal was successfully implemented, Gene showed a relaxed smile, but Ji Mo knew in his heart at that time that even if he did it, the essential problem would not be solved. The final decision-makers, the six gods , as well as members of Congress and the 13th Executive Branch plus the General Affairs Branch.

Ji Mo has known from a long time ago that it is not what kind of life people want, but what kind of life God decides to give them, so he wants to take back human rights from God's hands, and he still chooses He looked at the ghost face in front of him and continued to plan.

"After coming to the barrier area, I sobered up a bit, Ghost Face."

Ji Mo smiled and raised his head, looking at the sunlight shining on the barrier area in the distance.

"Ah, I know, it's just a pity that I'm still stubborn, in your opinion!"

Frye looked over together, but the eyes of the two people were different at this time. Frye's eyes were filled with anger and unwillingness, while Ji Mo's eyes were upright, as if they were seeing different scenery. .

“When I lived under the sun, I often looked up at the sun, always wanting to escape from the shadows, but no matter where I went, the shadows would always follow me until I could no longer see the sun! The shadows are gone, because there is no light, only walking in darkness.”

Frye hummed, raised his left hand, and Ji Mo walked over slowly, and the two held their hands together very hard.

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