Baleka stared at the woman in front of her quietly. She knew very well that the other woman not only had skills, but also had good courage. The most important thing was that she still had luck tonight.

"Forget it, Miss Baleka, I think."

When Liu Ren was about to speak, Baleka had already asked the maid next to him to deal the cards. However, the first round ended quickly, and Baleka lost 100,000.

"As I said, I'm very lucky tonight. I'm afraid I have to force you tonight, miss. Does that count?"

The woman asked, Baleka chuckled and nodded, and the second hand of cards continued to be dealt. Although the onlookers wanted to continue watching, they were persuaded to leave.

Baleka couldn't swallow this breath. The attitude of the woman opposite made her very unhappy, so she planned to teach this woman a lesson personally.

In the second hand, Baleka smiled with joy and began to raise the bet slowly, instead of directly opening the card with 100,000 like the first hand.

The woman opposite slowly turned over her cards, and then laughed.

"I'm sorry, miss, we'll just open the cards with full bets."

Baleka nodded, and while speaking, the woman opened the cards. For a moment, Baleka looked at the card in the woman's hand with some surprise, which was a little bigger than her own.

Baleka sneered and stared at the woman dealing the cards, but at this time the woman opposite stood up and said.

"Let the boss deal the cards. I see that the little sister next to you is tired."

The woman stood up, walked over, took a new deck of cards, and handed it to Liu Ren with a smile. Liu Ren shuffled the cards without refusing, and then began to deal the cards.

Baleka hesitated a little. Her previous signal was to let the woman who dealt the cards cheat. When shuffling the cards, she would inadvertently shuffle out the cards that were good for her. However, the woman opposite seemed to see something, otherwise she would not Let Liu Ren deal the cards.

The second game ended again with Baleka's defeat. Liu Ren also looked at the cards in his hand very strangely. He changed his hand again. He had never seen anything like this tonight. The continuous good luck made the unknown person of women win all the time and show no signs of losing.

Baleka meditated quietly. She had never seen a situation like this before. She had seen someone open more than 30 good cards in a row. It was nothing tonight. I can only say that this woman's luck was good tonight. To the extreme.

One after another, Baleka lost nine or eight in a row. This was the last one. Liu Ren was so numb that he shuffled the cards three times before starting to deal the cards.

"I won't read it and just open the cards."

The woman said and directly showed her hand of cards. Baleka's eyes widened in surprise, she lost.

"I told you that I was very lucky tonight, but it's really a pity, miss."

The woman stood up and walked slowly to Baleka. Liu Ren's eyes widened, watching the two charming women looking at each other. He sighed helplessly in his heart at this time, as if he understood this. The reason why women reject their invitations time and time again.

"Is it still true? Miss Baleka."

As the woman spoke, she arched her body and put her cheek in front of Baleka. Her subordinates came over one after another, all looking like they were gearing up. Baleka covered her mouth and laughed, and nodded.

"Of course it counts!"

In a pure white room, Baleka sat on the sofa. The woman in front of him smiled and stood in front of him.

"Is this your first time facing a woman, Ms. Baleka!"

"You just cheated!"

Baleka muttered, but the woman in front of her had already peeled off Baleka's clothes with her hands, and came closer with a smile. Baleka felt something strange, but she did not resist, but closed her eyes obediently.

"What a nice touch."

Baleka raised her head as she spoke, and for a moment she squeezed the sofa with her uncontrollable hands. The woman's movements made her very comfortable. With bursts of laughter, the woman stood up and stared at Baleka quietly.

"It's good to see through this Baleka, but it's a pity why didn't you say it to my face?"

The woman asked, pressing Baleka's cheek with one hand and moving her lips towards her.

"I just think you are interesting, so I didn't expose you."

Baleka pushed the woman away, and her eyes became cold. The woman in front of her was anything but simple. The moment the cards were dealt, Baleka felt the use of telekinesis. In just a moment, the cards were replaced, so the woman The cards are always bigger than hers, and the woman seems to know the comprehensive content of the shuffled cards, and can skillfully use telekinesis to replace them silently. Baleka has never seen a guy who can do this.

"Then you have to devote yourself now, Miss Baleka, let me give you a taste of the best tonight!"

The rich and intoxicating feeling spread all over Baleka's body. She looked at the woman who was constantly moving in front of her affectionately. She even had some doubts. The woman in front of her was really charming, a kind of woman who could suck people in. Charm.

The sweet feeling continued to spread all over Baleka's body, and she enjoyed it very relaxedly. It had been a long time since she had been so relaxed.

"How's it going? It's very comfortable. I'm okay."

Didi didi

A burst of phone calls interrupted the joyful atmosphere in the room. The woman looked at the cell phone beside her with disgust. At this time, Baleka held down the woman's legs and looked at the orange light that popped up on the phone with solemn eyes. Then the light turned into a pop-up light and shadow panel, inside which appeared a girl sitting in a wheelchair with a cheerful and evil smile on her face, and her cheeks were tender.

"Sorry to bother you, you can start working now."

Baleka looked at the woman on the light and shadow screen solemnly. Mo Xiaolan, the section chief of the Crisis Analysis and Countermeasures Department of the Second City. The woman in front of him was from the business department. This was unmistakable. Baleka had suspected this before. The woman may be a professional woman who came here with some purpose, and now it seems to have come true.

The woman in front of her flipped her hair and continued to move on Baleka's body. Mo Xiaolan pressed her head with one hand.

"I heard there is no C. There is prey. Come and report as soon as possible."

The woman named C by Mo Xiaolan moved forgetfully. After a while, she let out a long sigh of relief, stared at Baleka quietly, and said with a wicked smile.

"I want to continue!"

Baleka stood up, panted, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and laughed.

"Master of the Business Department, what exactly do you want to do here tonight? Can you tell me?"

The woman named C shook her hair, walked slowly behind Baleka, and hugged Baleka with both hands.

"Of course I'm here for you!"

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