Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 95: Different versions of life

In the following time, Lin Yun and Chairman Qin did not mention the agreement and the letter of commitment, and the company was calm.

Lin Yao thought, maybe they just mention it casually and try her reaction.

It was just so, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although her workload is constantly rising, and Lingyun's salary and benefits are constantly shrinking, she still doesn't want to change jobs.

On the one hand, it is better to be a master than to be a student. If she decides to leave Lingyun, everything will start from the beginning. Besides, most of Lingyun's customers are like friends with her, and they cooperate very happily, which makes it hard for her to give up.

On the other hand, as Chairman Qin said before, with her current qualifications, leaving Lingyun may not be able to find a better job.

As for income, Lin Yao has earned more than tens of millions of net profits for the company a year, and her commission is only a few hundred thousand. She believes that Lin Yun should have a good idea. It is impossible to give her four or five million yuan this year and less than two hundred thousand yuan next year. As long as the current income level can be maintained, Lin Yao feels that she can accept it.

Most importantly, she has just received a notice from the real estate agent: the loan has been approved, and since the landlord is not in Hangzhou, they have arranged to do the transfer tomorrow.

In other words, she is about to officially enter the ranks of house slaves.

This made her feel a lot of pressure while she was happy.

Because of this, her heart desires stability more than ever.

As for the postgraduate entrance examination, she inquired about whether she can choose to be full-time or on-the-job. Originally, she hadn't struggled. Now that she has bought a house, she doesn't have to worry about it, she must choose to work.

After clarifying his thoughts and determining the goal, Lin Yao felt refreshed.

She seized the time to finish the work at hand, and then went to Lin Yun to ask for leave.

When Lin Yun saw her, his face was not pretty, but he didn't ask much, and directly approved her for the fake.


After get off work, Lin Yao and Jiang Mingshu found a family restaurant near Wulin Square for dinner.

The dishes here are exquisite, and the taste is good. The most rare thing is that the price is very close to the people. Apart from too many people and too crowded, there are almost no disadvantages.

They took the number and waited for a full half an hour to get a seat.

Lin Yao finished the order as quickly as possible, then took the bag from her body and handed it to Jiang Mingshu, "Here, look, is this the bag you chose?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Jiang Mingshu took the bag and examined it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more satisfied she became, "This bag is so beautiful!"

Lin Yao was about to drink water. Hearing her words, she didn't even squirt out.

In her opinion, the square canvas satchel in front of her with white characters on a black background, even if it is not ugly, is definitely not beautiful!

Jiang Mingshu's aesthetic is really different from ordinary people as always.

Lin Yao pointed to the large and small patterns on it, as well as the golden and shiny logo half the size of a palm, and asked, "Did you see this?"

Jiang Mingshu glanced at the bag again, but still didn't think there was any problem, "I saw it, it looks pretty."

Lin Yao was shocked. Is this distinguishing between good-looking and bad-looking?

She patiently asked, "Isn't your company making clothes? You should have seen this brand, right?"

Lin Yao once followed Jiang Mingshu to visit Orlando's sample room, where almost all influential brands in the world gathered the latest samples of the season or next season, including high-end fashion brands including Chanel.

These samples are not updated, and the old samples will be cleaned up in a certain period of time. Jiang Mingshu often buys the original samples of major brands at incredibly low prices, even she has been exposed several times.

For example, today, although Jiang Mingshu is not wearing the latest model, she is almost full of foreign big names. Would she not know Chanel?

"I bought it on a certain treasure. Is this brand famous?" Jiang Mingshu said with an innocent look: "I never care about the brand or the brand. I think this bag is too beautiful, so I bought it and gave it to you."

Thank you so much...

Lin Yao helped her and gave her a little bit of common sense, "Chanel is an important brand in the fashion industry. The main products of the brand include clothing, jewelry and accessories. Chanel's fashion and accessories are always elegant, simple and elegant. The exquisite design style is popular all over the world."

In other words, the bells and whistles in Jiang Mingshu's hand, neither elegant nor exquisite, is definitely not Chanel's style.

Jiang Mingshu held the big bag in his hand dazedly, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

She stroked her shoulder-length hair and groaned: "Oh, you are so boring. I never buy things regardless of brand or brand!"

This bag has been taken apart and used before, so it is not suitable to return it.

Besides, Jiang Mingshu didn't think there was anything wrong with this bag at all, so let's do it.

Lin Yao finished the order and didn't intend to continue this topic. She pointed to the four dishes and one soup on the table, "The dishes are all ready, let's hurry up and eat."

Halfway through the meal, Lin Yao suddenly remembered an important thing. She asked tentatively: "Ming Shu, how much money have you saved after working for so many years?"

"Save money? Why should I save money?" Jiang Mingshu squinted at her, slowly put a chopsticks, egg yolk pumpkin into his bowl, and smiled narrowly: "What are you asking for? Could it be that you want to find it? I borrow money?"

It turns out that they sometimes have a tacit understanding, Lin Yao nodded excitedly, "Yeah."

"Really want to borrow money?" The smile on Jiang Mingshu's face faded quickly, and she looked nervous and said: "How much do you want to borrow? I'll talk to you first, I didn't save much money!"

Meaning, she really has savings, Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and asked: "Five thousand, do you have it?"

Jiang Mingshu was taken aback, shook his head, "No."

Lin Yao asked again, "Thirty thousand?"

Jiang Mingshu still shook his head, "No!"

This is disappointing.

Lin Yao sighed, "There should be ten to twenty thousand, right?"

Jiang Mingshu became angry from embarrassment, "No no!"

Lin Yao was stunned. Jiang Mingshu's monthly salary was more than 10,000 yuan. She lived in a dormitory with free water, electricity, and rent, and there was a bonus of tens of thousands of yuan at the end of the year.

After working for two and a half years, she didn't even have ten to twenty thousand left?

Lin Yao had no hope, and asked, "Then how much can you lend me?"

Jiang Mingshu said impatiently: "Five thousand, no more! I have to say to you first, I will pay the credit card early next month."

In other words, her five thousand yuan can only be borrowed from Lin Yao for half a month.

But what is the use of five thousand dollars?

Lin Yao couldn't believe her ears, "You said you even swiped your credit card?"

"Of course." Jiang Mingshu was very dissatisfied with her startled reaction, "Now young people, who doesn't swipe the card? And I know in my heart that I never spend money!"

When she said the last sentence, her tone was quite proud.

Lin Yao doesn't believe it, it's not considered to be squandering money like this, then what is the squandering of money?

She couldn't help asking, "Where did you spend all your money?"

Jiang Mingshu thought seriously for a while, and said, "I don't remember. Actually, I'm also very curious about where my money went."

Lin Yao was shocked again.

Jiang Mingshu frowned, picking up and eating dinner, and from time to time he said, "Is this egg yolk the wrong color? This tofu is not fried enough, right? Bailu's food is getting worse and worse! Hey, Make do with it."

Lin Yao gradually understood that if life is like a game, then the version she and Jiang Mingshu have is undoubtedly very different.

Jiang Mingshu's version is a simple model.

She was naturally beautiful, she went to college casually, found a good job easily, and has been surrounded by tall, rich and handsome people, and there are many suitors.

Nowadays, someone like Liang Kaiwen is desperate for her, and colleagues are vying to please her.

In comparison, Lin Yao's version is more tortuous.

She is pretty good, but her height is a little short. She didn't know how to study when she was supposed to study hard, and when she was looking for a job, she didn't find a good job, and she ended up being expelled on the spot.

Finally found a boyfriend, got three, and then found another boyfriend, he almost became someone else's third inexplicably.

Finally, work has improved a bit, and is expected to get a high salary and reach the pinnacle of life. As a result, Qin Yi has come. The company wants to reform the salary system. Her salary is very likely to be cut, but her landlord has to increase her rent by 50%.

Lin Yao's life is all sorts of difficult, she certainly can't do without saving money.

Jiang Mingshu is different. Not only does she live well now, she will live better in the future, saving money may be really unnecessary for her!

That being the case, Lin Yao had to give up the idea of ​​borrowing money from her, "I just ask casually, it's okay if I don't borrow money, after all, I am also a person with a credit card."

"Say it earlier, it made me nervous for nothing."

Jiang Mingshu let out a foul breath, and she suddenly thought of something, "Oh, I said, isn't your company well paid? Why are you so confused as to borrow money?"

"Me?" Lin Yao hesitated for a moment. Although the house in Jingdu Garden has not yet been transferred, the loan has already been taken down and the transfer will be possible tomorrow. It doesn't matter if you tell her, "I am going to buy a house."

"Puff---" Jiang Mingshu was frightened. The homemade tofu bibimbap that he had just eaten in his mouth spurted out, and the dishes that were only half-eaten on the table were all affected by varying degrees.

Lin Yao took a few napkins and handed them to her, "wipe?"

Jiang Mingshu took a napkin and wiped her mouth in a daze. Then she was relieved. She asked in surprise, "Are you going to buy a house? What kind of house? Isn't it all right to rent a house?"

Lin Yao pushed aside the dinner plate with tofu and rice grains in front of him, and said: "That's right, the landlord where I rent the house will increase the rent. I heard him say that it will increase every year from now on. I don't think there is no way to rent a house. Sense of security, so I decided to buy a house."

"You are too naive. Now there are millions of houses in Hangzhou. What do you use to buy a house?" Jiang Mingshu snorted, "If you ask my opinion, I will definitely not support you in buying a house."

Mainly, she has no money to support Lin Yao in buying a house.

Lin Yao raised her eyes and said seriously: "I chose a small apartment, and the top floor, the total price is not high, and I am a mortgage."

Jiang Mingshu was surprised again, "You mean, you have already bought it?"

Lin Yao confessed, "Yes, the transfer can be done tomorrow, and I will pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes. But I didn't have much money after I paid the down payment last month, so I just asked if you have any deposits."

"Tens of thousands?" Jiang Mingshu was dumbfounded. "You mean tens of thousands of yuan to pay taxes? How much do you have to pay for the total price? How much do you get a monthly mortgage?

Lin Yao thought for a while, and said, "Monthly payment, I estimate five to six thousand yuan a month, right?"

Jiang Mingshu was shocked again, "Are you crazy? You don't have to pay five or six thousand a month for renting a house!"

It is true that there are not so many renters, but no matter how many years she rents, the house is still owned by the landlord, if the mortgage, at least the house is her own.

Moreover, the rent for renting a house increases every year, but not for mortgages. Therefore, Lin Yao feels that mortgages are more cost-effective than renting.

Of course, people like Jiang Mingshu who never need to pay rent do not need to account for this.

Lin Yao nodded and said, "Yes."

Jiang Mingshu was taken aback by the news, and he couldn't even speak very sharply. "You haven't read the Internet saying every day that the property market bubble is very big, the real estate industry will collapse at any time, and house prices will plummet..."

Jiang Mingshu obviously did not think of going with her. This is not the first time, nor the last time. Lin Yao is not surprised and didn't care too much. She said indifferently: "No matter whether house prices will rise or fall in the future, with me This kind of person who only has a house doesn't matter much."

Lin Yao paused and said, "I bought a house because I have had enough without a permanent home."

"Why is it okay? You want a mortgage!" Jiang Mingshu thought for a while and explained: "Don't get me wrong, you bought a house, and I can't be happy for you in time. I will invite you to dinner when I move to a new house.

This time, Lin Yao did not reject her proposal, "Then I would like to thank you in advance."

Jiang Mingshu pulled her lips hard and said with a smile: "Oh, I didn't expect you to buy a house."

On the way home, Jiang Mingshu suddenly asked: "Your company's salary is so high now? Are you still hiring?"

Lin Yao understands Jiang Mingshu's temperament very well. She doesn't intend to talk about the company's affairs, and jokingly said: "Do you want to change jobs?"

Jiang Mingshu smiled and said: "How could I change jobs. That's it, Ren Jiaying has a cousin who is looking for a job."

Lin Yao didn't want to fail to say: "Let her go to Orlando."

"She wants to go to Orlando, but she is about the same height as you," Jiang Mingshu looked at Lin Yao and changed her words: "Maybe not as tall as you, how about introducing her to your company?"

Lin Yao sighed, "That's not my company, it's not that I have the final Jiang Mingshu frowned, "Aren't you still in charge of recruitment? "

Lin Yao said perfunctorily: "Then I will ask tomorrow."

Jiang Mingshu was overjoyed, "Great!"

Lin Yao looked at her puzzledly, and asked, "What is the relationship between you and Ren Jiaying so good?"

She did not forget that Ren Jiaying wanted to introduce her own boyfriend to Jiang Mingshu.

If I changed to Lin Yao, I would definitely not make friends with this kind of person.

Ren Jiaying's cousin, ha ha...

Jiang Mingshu's face changed, and he said endlessly: "Ren Jiaying has asked me several times, and I have been ignoring her, but she always asks questions, so I ask you. You can help her ask if it is successful. Chengdu doesn't matter."

Lin Yao had to review in the evening, and the two parted ways after dinner.

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