Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 84: Finished perfectly

Guangzhou, shrouded by night, is dazzlingly lit and busy, just like a city that never sleeps.

Lin Yao, Li Renhai, and Zheng Feiyang in the taxi were all in their own minds and had no interest in enjoying the night view.

They were all curious, did Mr. Wen see that Qin Yi was pretending to be drunk?

In fact, apart from Mr. Wen himself, I am afraid that no one will know the answer.

In Lin Yao's view, Mr. Wen was able to give himself a few thousand meters, indicating that he didn't care about the meal.

In other words, Qin Yi doesn't have to play this trick, Mr. Wen will still rush to pay the bill, but Qin Yi pretends to be drunk and avoids paying the bill.

In this situation, it doesn't make a big difference whether Mr. Wen sees through Qin Yi and pretends to be drunk.

First, when Qin Yi ate the buffet, he inexplicably drank himself "drunk". At the very least, this incident also shows that he is a person with poor self-control ability.

Is such a person a trustworthy partner?

Second, the picture of Qin Yi being carried away by Li Renhai and the waiter like a "dead pig" has been carved into the minds of everyone, including Mr. Wen, and cannot be erased.

After this incident, if he wanted to re-establish a positive, healthy, and upward image in Mr. Wen's mind in the future, it would be almost impossible.

Qin Yi's move is tantamount to self-destruction of the Great Wall.

Third, if Qin Yi lives in a five-star hotel with his employees, others will think that he is strong and generous. If he lives in a small hotel with his staff, others will think he is hardworking, simple, hardworking and thrifty.

Qin Yi's choice was to stay in a five-star hotel by himself and let Lin Yao and Li Renhai and others stay in the cheapest small hotel, which makes it difficult to comment.

As the boss, he has the right to do so.

The problem is that he claims everywhere, or intentionally misleads in his words, to make people think that his company's employees are all staying in five-star hotels.

This behavior is disgusting.

Lin Yao secretly sighed that Lingyun Industrial under the leadership of Qin Yi really made people see no hope.

Lin Yao is not the only person who has the same idea, Li Renhai has been frowning, and Zheng Feiyang's face is also solemn.

The quiet atmosphere lasted for more than half an hour, until the taxi driver spoke and broke the silence.

"Taisha Road is here, where are you getting off?"

Li Renhai was waking up from a dream, and said, "Just ahead, stop at a cheap hotel for 365 days."

The taxi slowly stopped under the big banyan tree, next to a red light box, with a few large characters printed on it: "365 days of flat price, 24 hours of hot water."

This is the hotel where they are staying.

Returning from the magnificent Shangri-La Hotel to this small hotel without a decent signboard, it feels like returning from a dream to reality.

Although the dream is good, there will be a time to return to reality. This is life, isn't it?


On the second day of the exhibition, Chairman Qin, just like yesterday, came to Lingyun's booth early and showed his face. Seeing that Lin Yao and others were busy, he retired and went to the old friends of Hupengou to brag.

Zheng Feiyang was the same as yesterday. Dala stood in the aisle and distributed the catalog to the customers. Once the customer accepted the catalog, she would say, "Namecardplease." (Please give your business card.)

Although her handling method is simple and rude, it is very efficient, at least when it comes to collecting business cards.

When Lin Yao bid farewell to a Sri Lankan customer who had just placed an intentional order, she happened to see a Tai Chi customer taking over the product catalog from Zheng Feiyang.

The customer opened the catalog on the spot and asked enthusiastically: "Howmuchisthisone?" (What's the price of this product?)

Zheng Feiyang closed the product catalog in the other party's hands again, and then pointed to the business card that was stapled on the inside of the cover with a stapler, "Please send mebye-mail." (Please send an email.)

Lin Yao was suddenly struck by her operation.

Lin Yao originally thought that Zheng Feiyang had always been standing in the aisle and never had to make a quotation. That was because no one asked for a quotation. Unexpectedly, she actually refused the quotation and asked the customer to write her an email!

Even if there are not thousands of suppliers of the same type at the Canton Fair, there are hundreds, right?

Customers receive hundreds of product catalogues every day. Can customers remember her when they go back? Can you still remember Lingyun Industrial?

Unless she can impress the other party during the exhibition, it is almost impossible for them to take the initiative to write emails to suppliers!

However, the reaction of this Tai Chi customer was completely different from what Lin Yao had expected. He seemed to agree with Zheng Feiyang's proposal, and nodded to Zheng Feiyang with a smile, "Ok, Iwillsendyoubye-mail, thankyouMs. Fiona." , I will email you, thank you, Ms. Fiona.)

(Note: The English name printed on Zheng Feiyang's business card is Fiona.)

Most Tai Chi customers are polite and considerate. He nodded slightly at Lin Yao, and then hurriedly left.

Zheng Feiyang looked at Lin Yao, who was dumbfounded with disdain, and continued to stuff catalogs in the hands of past customers.

She sent out nearly 400 catalogs yesterday and received more than 300 business cards from clients.

But Lin Yao and Li Renhai added up, and only one day sent out a list of hundreds of people. Lin Yao received more than 100 business cards, and Li Renhai also received dozens of business cards.

In other words, the business cards received by Lin Yao and Li Renhai did not add up to that of Zheng Feiyang.

After Lin Yun learned of this situation, she did not blame her for using too many product catalogs. Instead, she praised her and immediately asked her to airlift two thousand catalogs.

This greatly encouraged Zheng Feiyang.

Just as Lin Yao couldn't understand Zheng Feiyang's overly simple and rude style of doing things, Zheng Feiyang also despised Lin Yao's gentle and hard working style.

It is impossible for her to sit down and talk carefully with clients like Lin Yao did.

Moreover, among the three who came to Guangzhou to participate in the exhibition, Li Renhai was an inspector and errands, and Lin Yao was an in-house worker, and in the final analysis was also a miscellaneous. Only Zheng Feiyang was a real salesman.

In her opinion, this time the exhibition is completely dominated by her, and no one can point fingers at her.

At about 11:30, when Chairman Qin appeared at the booth again, he still said, "Have you eaten yet?"

Li Renhai's eyelids trembled. Yesterday at noon, he lined up for nearly an hour in order to buy a cheap box lunch, and the box lunch was really not ordinary.

Li Renhai has already made up his mind to change another house. He even thought about it, he would pay five yuan per person, at least not for him to line up such a long line to buy such a horrible box lunch.

Unexpectedly, before he had time to discuss the matter with Lin Yao and Zheng Feiyang, Chairman Qin came.

Li Renhai smiled wryly: "Not yet, the booth is busy, I can't walk away..."

Before he could finish his words, Chairman Qin interrupted him, "I don't need to eat when I'm busy? It's not that I said you, that business is very good, and I can't buy it when I'm late."

Li Renhai bit his head and said, "Actually, we are today..." We want to change the house today.

Chairman Qin frowned and interrupted him again, "Don't hurry to buy it? Remember, it's the second one that turns left at the elevator entrance. Don't buy the wrong one!"

Turn left at the elevator entrance to the second house, which is 25 yuan.

Li Renhai smiled happily, "Okay, it happens that Chairman Qin is here, shall I buy you one too?"

He wanted to see if Qin Yi could eat.

If Qin Yi can't eat it by himself, they can always change another family, right?

Chairman Qin snorted coldly, and said, "No, I have eaten it. Unlike you, I have to be reminded to eat. Okay, I have to take a step in advance!"

This is the meaning of not accepting rebuttal.

Li Renhai suddenly felt like a frosted eggplant, "I see."

Chairman Qin left with satisfaction.

The three people in Lingyun's booth looked at each other.

Li Renhai sighed and said with emotion: "I don't understand, can't we pay for it out of our own pocket and eat better?"

Zheng Feiyang glanced at him coldly, "Why didn't you say this just now?"

Why didn't Lee Inhae say?

He just wanted to say that we paid five yuan by ourselves, and we ate 30 for today, but didn't he still discuss it with others?

And who knows if Qin Yi will use this as an excuse to make them pay for the full amount when he is angry?

You must know that they didn't have any subsidies when they came to Guangzhou this time!

Who is happy to post money for a business trip?

Therefore, Li Renhai hesitated.

As soon as he hesitated, Qin Yi was the first to reach a conclusion.

Lin Yao knew his embarrassment, half joking and half comforting: "It's all right, let's lose weight."

The boss of the next booth stood in the aisle, gloating, "Oh, I said, are you going to Shangri-La to have a buffet again tonight?"

The other party clearly saw the previous scene clearly, and he deliberately said such things to annoy people.

As soon as these words came out, there was a snicker all around, and it was obvious that many people were paying attention to them.

Li Renhai pushed his glasses awkwardly, and said, “I’ve been to that kind of place once. I’m not going to eat seafood every day. I’m afraid I won’t be able to stand it.”

"Pull it down, and eat seafood every day." The owner of the booth next to him continued to mock: "Your boss is so generous, why do you still let you eat such a bad box lunch?"

A lot of people heard these words, and they snickered again.

Lin Yao raised her lips lightly, and said, "Mainly we are too busy, so we can only eat a little to deal with it."

Lin Yao is telling the truth. The whole booth here is Lingyun's most popular, so other people can take turns to eat in the restaurant, but Lin Yao and the others can’t spare the time. .

Besides, it is their own business whether their food is good or not, and it is not up to outsiders to give pointers, and only those who are bored will take care of what other people eat.

The boss of the booth next to him was poked into the sore spot, touched his nose, and left dingy.

Li Renhai gave Lin Yao a thumbs-up, and then swaggered to buy a box lunch for 25 yuan.

When it comes to this, what else can they do besides accepting it frankly?

Who knows if Qin Yi's BT will kill another carbine and make a special trip to check what kind of lunch they eat?

The next few days were no different from before. They were so busy that they arrived at the last day of the exhibition in a blink of an eye.

In the afternoon, the nearby booths had already started to pack things, and Lingyun was no exception.

What they have to do is to pack up samples and unused product catalogs before closing, and hand them to the consignment.

Although the number of samples on the Lingyun booth is small, they are not small in size and weight, and many of their samples are aluminum products.

All aluminum products have some common characteristics, the surface is easy to oxidize, and the material is soft, and it is prone to bumps. In order not to affect the effect of the next exhibition, Li Renhai wiped it with a soft cloth, packed it in a foam plastic bag, and repacked it. Carton.

In this way, his engineering volume can be really not small.

Lin Yao's job is relatively simple. You only need to pack away the miscellaneous things like business cards, notebooks, and calculators.

It is worth mentioning that the 800 catalogues they brought, plus the 1,200 catalogues that Lin Yun later transported by air, made a total of 2,000 catalogues, and there were very few left.

Of the two thousand catalogues, Zheng Feiyang sent out about 1,500 copies. For the same reason, more than half of the two thousand business cards they harvested were received by Zheng Feiyang.

Zheng Feiyang is very proud of this.

She stood in the aisle with the little stack of catalogs left, and watched Li Renhai clean up the samples and Lin Yao cleaned up the clutter. She didn't mean to intervene.

Just as everyone was very busy, Lingyun's booth came up with an unexpected customer.

The visitor is about the same age as Mr. Wen, and even looks similar.

He looked up at Ling Yun’s company name and introduced himself to the three of them: "Hello~, my last name is Wen~!"

Lin Yao, Li Renhai, and Zheng Feiyang were all taken aback. Then Zheng Feiyang continued to send catalogs and collect business cards to past customers. Li Renhai continued to wipe samples, and Lin Yao continued to clean up the sundries.

Only Lin Yao knows the details of the cooperation between Mr. Wen and Ling Yun.

Mr. Wen doesn't want his competitors to know that he and Lingyun have a cooperation, so the cooperation between them is confidential to the outside world. In other words, Lin Yao needs to pretend not to know who Mr. Wen is.

During the Canton Fair, Mr. Wen never stepped into Lingyun's booth. It is said that he could not let others visit Lingyun under his name.

And this one seems to know that Ling Yun and Mr. Wen are cooperating...

Lin Yao decided to remain cautious, and did not take the initiative to speak up.

Li Renhai and Lin Yao have always had a tacit understanding, and they only need to exchange a glance to understand each other's meaning.

Li Renhai put the sample with the foam bag in his hand into the carton, then greeted him and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Wen, hello! My surname is Li, what can I do for you?"

Mr. Wen opened the door straight to the point: "I know there is another Mr. Wen who is working with your company~, so~ I came here to take a look~."

Lin Yao was sure in her heart that this Mr. Wen could never be with Mr. Wen.

While talking, Mr. Xiaowen picked up a combination switch that was too late to clean up, and asked, "How much is this switch~?"


Li Renhai didn't know the cost of the switch. He raised his head and looked at Lin Yao as if asking for help.

Of course Lin Yao knows that this combination switch is the one that Mr. Wen purchases the most.

This Mr. Wen came to Mr. Wen’s supplier and asked him about the product that Mr. Wen had purchased the most. It was definitely purposeful, and it was very likely to have bad intentions.

Lin Yao looked at Mr. Xiao Wen and said politely: "Hello, Mr. Wen! Our boss just walked away, or you can leave a business card. We asked the boss to quote you again?"

Sometimes politeness is not politeness, but indifference that rejects others thousands of miles away.

Mr. Xiaowen looked at her with a thoughtful look, "That's it~, unfortunately~, I ran out of business cards~"

Lin Yao took out a small notebook, "You can leave your contact information, and we will definitely contact you when we get back."

Mr. Xiaowen's eyes flashed a touch of but his face still smiled kindly, "Then there is no need~, I will get a business card~, I will contact you again if necessary~"

Li Renhai handed over a business card at the right time, and he smiled terribly, "Welcome to contact us! We will definitely quote you the best price!"

Mr. Xiaowen walked away.

Li Renhai was a little worried, "Did we offend him?"

Lin Yao didn't care, "No matter what, we can't disclose Mr. Wen's cooperation with us to a third party. This is what he requires of us. Don't worry, I will explain to him when I return."

At that time, whether Mr. Thesis wanted to praise or blame, she would admit it.

Li Renhai breathed a sigh of relief, "It's all right."

After this short episode ended, the trip of the three of them to Guangzhou was completely finished. They arranged the samples for consignment, packed them lightly, and got on the return train.

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