Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 54: Another good day

In the early morning, when Lin Yao woke up, she found that the light in the room was particularly bright. She squinted her eyes and found a small gap in the curtain, leaking in a small piece of sunlight.

The warm sun in spring is bright but not dazzling, warm but not scorching, which makes people cannot help but rejoice.

another beautiful day!

Lin Yao got up from the bed, and went out early after washing up.

She has always taken the bus to work. I don't know if it is an illusion. She always feels as if someone is looking at herself.

She saw her dress on the window glass. She was facing the sky with a neat ponytail. She was wearing a medium-length army green windbreaker and smoky-grey pencil pants underneath. This dress is very ordinary and sleek among the bus people. Of course to the public.

Looking at the people around, there is nothing weird.

So, it should be just an illusion, right?

When Lin Yao came to the company, Aunt Yuan had done a good job of sanitation. When she was there, she greeted her with a smile as soon as she saw her, "Morning Director Lin!"

The smile on Lin Yao's face suddenly became a little unnatural, "Aunt Yuan is still the same as before, just call me Xiaolin."

"How can it work, you are Director Lin now!"

Lin Yao was quite speechless. The title of Director Lin sounds very old.

Besides, Ling Yun had only a dozen or twenty people in total. Lin Yun gave her such a title, which probably meant that she had contracted all the miscellaneous things to her.

If she is too deep into the play, it would be funny to think of herself as Director Lin

Aunt Yuan and Lin Yao hurriedly rushed to the next house after they said hello. Once again, she was the only one left on the 6th floor of the Yueyang Building.

Lin Yao turned on the computer early and started the day's work.

Nearly nine o'clock, others came one after another.

Just before starting to work, they usually gather in groups to chat about gossip.

"This is a real hammer!" Zheng Yuning became excited as he said, "I guess the official announcement will be made next!"

Xiao Zhang agreed very much, and echoed: "I have also seen reports from the Hong Kong media that they were living in a hotel together. Good things should be coming soon!"

Shen Jingjing has a different view: "That's not necessarily, otherwise, why is there still no news in China?"

Lingyun Industry now has more people, and there are more people who like to talk about gossip than before, and the voices in the office are getting more and more noisy.

However, Lin Yaoquan hadn't heard it before it was time for work at the moment, and she opened a new dossier disapprovingly.

Since the beginning of the year, her workload has been rising, but as her proficiency has improved, her efficiency has also become higher and higher. This amount of work cannot help her.

It's just that she now also encounters a new problem: Mr. Wen has encountered resistance in returning the goods.

The ignition switch is an export commodity that can be inspected or not. If the customer does not ask for it, the manufacturer will save trouble and often will not go to the commodity inspection.

Lin Yao didn't understand this situation at the time of shipment, and did not explicitly request the manufacturer to go through the export commodity inspection, so there was no commodity inspection in the previous batch of ignition switches. This can be regarded as a problem caused by her unfamiliar business.

What's more troublesome is that when seven or eight products were shipped together, the export declaration documents did not separately mark the products that need to be returned, such as the size of the outer packaging.

If it is used as a normal export, these will not have much impact, and it will be a little troublesome to return and exchange the goods.

How to prove to the relevant authorities that this is indeed the batch of goods originally exported from them?

The answer is: unable to prove, that is, unable to go through the return procedures.

Lin Yao has been busy discussing with manufacturers and customers how to solve these problems smoothly.

Since the main responsibility lies with the manufacturer, and the customer has already taken the initiative to bear most of the cost, the manufacturer is very happy this time and promised to make a new batch of good ignition switches and send it to the customer, and the customer only needs to do it after receiving the goods. Return that batch of defective products.

The general direction of these issues has been determined through tripartite consultation, but there are still many issues in the details that require her to make arrangements in advance, and Lin Yao dare not relax in the slightest.

As for other matters, she has no time for him to take care of it.

Lin Yao went through all the details again and made sure that there were no omissions, and then closed the dossier.

As soon as she looked up, she found Zheng Yuning was staring at her with straight eyes, and she stopped talking.

Lin Yao couldn't help wondering, "What's the matter?"

Zheng Yuning hesitated for a while and asked, "By the way, Xiaolin, what's your boyfriend's name?"

What does that boyfriend mean?

Could it be that she has several boyfriends?

And Zheng Yuning always loves to link her with Liang Chen

Lin Yao's face sank unconsciously, she was a little unwilling to talk to Zheng Yuning.

Zheng Yuning didn't care at all. She grinned and said, "I saw him that night and didn't see his looks clearly. I remembered that he was handsome and didn't remember what his name was."

The handsome guy definitely can't refer to Liang Chen.

Lin Yao's face was slightly dark, but Qin Rongze's affairs had not yet come to fruition. Under such circumstances, it was not suitable to disclose their relationship.

"I don't know what your boyfriend's name is. Why do you want to know my boyfriend's name?" Lin Yao said in a polite tone, "Besides, do you still care about the name of a clothes seller?"

The refusal in her words is obvious. If you change to someone else, you will definitely not continue this topic, but Zheng Yuning is obviously different. Her eyes rolled and sneered: "I mean, where is his shop? At that time, we might as well go over and join in."

It turned out that Zheng Yuning really regarded Qin Rongze as a clothes seller, and the corners of Lin Yao's mouth rose slightly, "Thank you, but no need for it."

Xiao Zhang beside Zheng Yuning couldn't hold back, and he came over and asked, "Xiao Lin, I remember your boyfriend is also called Qin Rongze, right? He actually has the same name as the founder of Orlando Group!"

Shen Jingjing, who was about to touch up her makeup, exclaimed, "Really? How could it be such a coincidence?"

Even more coincidentally, the main business of Orlando Group happens to be clothing!

Lin Yao's expression was a bit complicated. She was originally fortunate that the people in the company didn't recognize Qin Rongze when she saw Qin Rongze herself, and she was in her arms.

Unexpectedly, so soon, the truth will be revealed to the world?

Can she really admit that her boyfriend is the founder of Orlando Group in this situation?

Should she lie, telling them that Qin Rongze is not the same as Qin Rongze, just the same name?

She really doesn't want to lie!

But now Qin Rongze and adriana have not yet reached a conclusion

After thinking about it, Lin Yao suddenly realized that she said nothing in this situation.

She had to change the subject, "Xiao Zheng, do you ship that shipment today?"

What a good reason?

Lin Yao secretly praised herself.

Zheng Yuning originally wanted to hear what Lin Yao said about her boyfriend, but he never thought that Lin Yao would let her go back to work!

After listening for a while, I remembered that Lin Yao is now the head of the office, her leader!

Zheng Yuning was a little unwilling, she was about to go back to call the freight forwarder, and remember that it was too early!

She turned her head and said with a smile: "The freight forwarder goes to work at 9:00, and it's only 8:57 now. We can talk a few more words before calling."

Lin Yao didn't expect Zheng Yuning to race against time in order to chat!

With emotion in her heart, if she can use these energy in her work, why can't she not get the customer's order?

"Xiao Lin, Director Lin, come here!" While speaking, Zheng Yuning opened a news page and snarled at Lin Yao. "This is a photo that Hong Kong media has just sent back from the United States. There is no relevant report in China, but many people All reposted."


Qin Rongze went to the United States yesterday. Is it possible that what they were discussing was Qin Rongze's news?

Lin Yao glanced at her, froze immediately, and her heart was even more refreshing.

"The daughter of the Iris Consortium stayed in the hotel together with the Orlando chairman, adding new evidence of the relationship."

"The relationship is real, the chairman of Orlando and the daughter of the Ayers consortium spend together."

"The daughter of the Iris Consortium is in the same frame as the chairman of Orlando, acting like a baby in the car, and the interaction is super sweet."

Zheng Yuning and Xiao Zhang are still discussing.

Xiao Zhang exclaimed, "Really look alike!"

The person next to her also said: "Yes! Not only the name is the same, but also the appearance."

Zheng Yuning once again said astonishingly, "I think I have seen this blonde beauty somewhere!"

Shen Jingjing coolly whizzed: "This is the daughter of the Ayers consortium, how could you have the chance to see it?"

Zheng Yuning patted his head and said, "Do you remember the dinner at Dixintang on the eighth day of the eighth day?"

Dixintang dinner?

The newcomers are confused. Can they still have a chance to go to Dixintang for dinner when working in Lingyun?

"Yes, yes, really!" Xiao Zhang suddenly realized, "I mean, that blonde beauty looks familiar!"

Zheng Yuning said again: "Speaking of which, Xiaolin's boyfriend was also there at the time."

Shen Jingjing whispered disdainfully, "Your brain hole is too big, it can be called a cosmic black hole."

This is also true!

Although they look alike, it is impossible to think about it!

Lin Yao listened to their gossip with left ear in and out, she had clicked on all the forwarded news.

Although the titles are different, there is no difference in content, and even the attached pictures are almost the same.

Without exception, these photos were taken at night. They were usually taken from the back and side, and they were obviously taken secretly. The angles were not good, they were very blurry, and they couldn't even see the looks, let alone the so-called sweet interaction.

However, Lin Yao could tell at a glance that the protagonist of the news was Qin Rongze, and the blond beauty beside him was adriana!

Zheng Yuning, Xiao Zhang and others who have had a relationship with Qin Rongze will find it normal to be familiar with each other.

Lin Yao didn't forget Qin Rongze's explanation before leaving.

"I told you what I can tell you. I hope you know that what you hear and see is not necessarily true. No matter what others say or do, don't believe it. Remember, You are with me."

He pointed to his heart, and continued: "And only you!"

"Also, don't be afraid, I will do my best to protect you."

"Although I really don't want to go, there is still a tough battle to be fought, and I have to go. You have to be obedient and wait for me to come back!"

Lin Yao's anxiety gradually calmed down. She glanced at the time, then at Zheng Yuning and others, and said: "What can these gossips have to do with us, and it is now 9:05, everyone should work hard."

The crowd was silent for a moment, then dispersed and went back to work.

Zheng Yuning muttered dissatisfiedly, "I only called yesterday. Dalian is still blocked by the fog. People have said that if there is a new message, I will call me. Do I need to call every day? It's also a waste of time, and it will only arouse people's disgust."

Lin Yao asked her to call the freight forwarder, which did contain a little selfishness, hoping that they would not continue to gossip about Qin Rongze, but Zheng Yuning's attitude towards work is also very problematic.

What does it mean to fight for nothing?

Lin Yao felt it necessary to say a few words to her, "You have to know that this is your product. If you don't know anything about, how can you explain it to your boss and customers?"

Zheng Yuning is still unconvinced, "But, Mr. Lin has not asked me these days, and the customers are the same. You still stare at me every day and ask questions, is it interesting?" In short, is your office director a bit of a feather? Ling Jian?

Lin Yao chuckled her lips and smiled, "I just kindly remind you, not to force you to do something. If you don't appreciate it, wait for the customer and wait for Lin to find you."

Lin Yao's words were just a kind reminder, but when she heard Zheng Yuning's ears, it became a threat, so she still took this set.

When Zheng Yuning heard Lin Yao say this, he thought she was going to give a small report and quickly cheered up.

"I, that's fine! Call it! Can't I just call the freight forwarder? Director Lin!" Zheng Yuning said, picking up the phone and calling the forwarder. "Hello? Hello, this is Zheng Yuning from Hangzhou Lingyun Industrial. I want to ask if my shipment has sailed today? Oh, really? When will it be possible to sail? Oh, oh, good, good! Great! Remember to notify me after sailing!"

After she hung up the phone, she yelled in excitement, "The fog in Dalian is gone! The boat can be sailed today! My God, I almost thought that Dalian would be surrounded by dense fog forever and would never be able to sail. Unexpectedly, I still have Keep the day when the boat sails!"

Lin Yao's face is still solemn, does the problem disappear after the boat sails?

This shipment has been delayed for so long, will the customer be okay?

The customer did not come to remind them these days, not because they didn't care, but because they were so disappointed!

The same goes for the boss.

Zheng Yuning was too happy too soon.

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