Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 38: ask for contempt

The night is dim.

On Huancheng East Road, downstairs of Tianfeng Company, Liu Yingjie was holding a mobile phone in his hand. He grinned and smiled "hehe", "You think so too, I'm relieved."

On the other end of the phone, Lin Yao said very sincerely: "However, I still have to thank you for your reminder!"

Liu Yingjie has never been a calm person, but whenever he encounters something, he has to find someone to talk about it, so he feels happy, and it's the same this time.

His main purpose for calling Lin Yao was to complain, and to remind her by the way. He didn't expect Lin Yao to thank him so seriously, which made him a little bit embarrassed.

"Eh~, what are you polite to me? By the way, I have to go back to work a little longer, so I won't talk to you, keep in touch, 88!"

After Liu Yingjie complained to Lin Yao, she only felt comfortable and extraordinarily relaxed.

He was humming a little song in his heart, ready to go back to the company to "work overtime".

I didn't know that he saw Qin Wenyuan behind him as soon as he turned his head, looking at him with a dark face.

Liu Yingjie was shocked immediately.

He called from the basement to avoid Qin Wenyuan and gossip. The focus of his gossip was about Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin.

Coincidentally, Qin Wenyuan hit him straight!

Liu Yingjie quickly recalled it in his mind. He remembered that he first said about Qin Wenyuan and Zhou Meilin, and then about Shan Qing. If Qin Wenyuan had just arrived, then he should have only heard what he said about Shan Qing, not...

Huh? wrong!

What he later said was Qin Wenyuan, "Very sad, very disappointed... With the idea of ​​the rich woman... He really has a deep affection for Zhou Meilin..."

Although these are most likely true, it is not a good thing to say that others are behind the scenes.

And it’s even worse if I run into it myself!

The most embarrassing thing is that he will have to go to work with Qin Wenyuan in the future.

For a time, Liu Yingjie's heart was in a mess.

However, he changed his mind, no matter how much Qin Wenyuan heard, and no matter what he heard, he wouldn't admit it.

Liu Yingjie looked up at the moonlight pretendingly, and then smiled at Qin Wenyuan casually, "Oh, why is Xiao Qin here? Did you get off work so early today?"

It was more than seven o'clock in the evening, almost two hours had passed since get off work, not early, but compared with Qin Wenyuan's usual not leaving get off work less than ten o'clock, it was really much earlier today.

Did this kid finally lose his breath?

A glint flashed in Liu Yingjie's eyes.

It's not clear who started it. Recently, everyone in Tianfeng Company has been working overtime like a game.

You must know that Tianfeng's salary system is the so-called annual salary system, that is to say, a fixed amount of money is paid a year, and there is no overtime pay for overtime work.

But everyone doesn't seem to know this situation. No matter what's going on, they stay in the company to "work overtime".

Liu Yingjie felt that he didn't want to work overtime, and he didn't want to be worked overtime every day, but he couldn't work overtime!

At first, the boss felt that employees who took the initiative to work overtime and worked unpaid overtime were good employees and deserved recognition and recognition.

About three or four months ago, that is, when Lin Yao was opened, the overtime drama of Tianfeng Company officially kicked off.

When overtime became the norm, the boss's perception gradually changed. Overtime became a matter of course. Not working overtime seemed to take advantage of him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

Those who didn't want to work overtime, as long as they refer to Lin Yao's fate, they will stay obediently to work overtime, such as Liu Yingjie.

Wasn't it the one in front of him who caused Lin Yao to be expelled on the spot?

In other words, Qin Wenyuan is absolutely indispensable for the situation where all employees of Fengfeng Company are working overtime today!

Qin Wenyuan didn't speak, and Liu Yingjie didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned his head and left.

"Stop!" Qin Wenyuan asked loudly, "Who did you call just now."

Sure enough, Qin Wenyuan still heard it.

Liu Yingjie was startled, he turned his head stiffly and found that Qin Wenyuan was exuding terrible hostility.

Looks fierce, as if to eat people!

But why is he fierce?

Is it because of that phone call?

Liu Yingjie thought to himself, he did not exaggerate, and no matter who he called, it was impossible to call Zhou Meilin. In that case, what right does Qin Wenyuan have to control him?

A hint of sarcasm flashed across Liu Yingjie's eyes, then he sneered, and slowly asked, "Who do I call and what does it matter to you?"

This sentence successfully shut up Qin Wenyuan!

Of course he can hear who Liu Yingjie is calling, but does he have a position to prevent them from talking on the phone?


Is he willing?

Not reconciled!

Very unwilling!

During this period of time, Qin Wenyuan has reflected on why he was attracted to Zhou Meilin in the first place.

Zhou Meilin is usually enthusiastic and generous, inviting him to watch a movie later, and later inviting him to dinner, giving him a sense of boldness and magnanimity.

Moreover, Zhou Meilin's speech and manners were a little careless, as if she could get along with anyone, but her obsessive gaze would only fall on Qin Wenyuan, which greatly satisfied his vanity.

Lin Yao and Zhou Meilin are just the opposite. She is silent in the company, as if she doesn't have a close colleague, none of them! If anyone made a joke with her, she immediately blushed, timid, and very petty.

It is undeniable that Lin Yao is really pretty, at least there is no girl who is more beautiful than her in Tianfeng Company. This was also the main reason why he hadn't been ruthless to refuse Lin Yao, who couldn't talk about good impressions.

After Lin Yao moved to the apartment he rented, he took the initiative to take on all the housework, and Qin Wenyuan also did not refuse. Being served by a young and beautiful girl like an old mother, no one can refuse it, right?

Qin Wenyuan thought he was very responsible. If it weren't for Zhou Meilin, he might have really been with Lin Yao, even though he still didn't like Lin Yao very much.

But the balance in his heart tilted towards Zhou Meilin unconsciously.

During that time, his heart was both sweet and tangled.

Until Lin Yao knew about Zhou Meilin and him and took the initiative to move out of his residence...

Next, Zhou Meilin moved to him and it was a matter of course.

When he was really with Zhou Meilin, he discovered that

Although Zhou Meilin looks mediocre, she pays special attention to her own image. For example, she spends more than an hour putting on makeup before going out every day.

Zhou Meilin loves to buy clothes, bags, shoes, jewelry...

Since she moved to her apartment, Zhou Meilin's clothes, Zhou Meilin's shoes, Zhou Meilin's cosmetics... and all kinds of snacks have been piled everywhere.

Zhou Meilin never does housework. She looks right and left in the mirror every day when she goes home. Before going out every day, she still looks in the mirror endlessly.

Qin Wenyuan was quite interested at first, thinking that such a woman was both frank and cute.

Gradually, he discovered the problem: the apartment they lived in was no different from the warehouse!

What makes him feel the most headache is that Zhou Meilin spends money without restraint, and her salary is not enough for her to be chic for a few days.

Therefore, Zhou Meilin asked him for money at different intervals.

The salary of Tianfeng Company is not high, and Qin Wenyuan worked hard and barely reached the average salary level in Hangzhou. He paid the rent, water, electricity and coal, broadband, digital TV... In fact, there is not much left.

Soon, the savings he saved were squandered by Zhou Meilin.

Qin Wenyuan watched the declining balance on the account. Although he felt painful, he didn't plan to care about Zhou Meilin. After all, it is only natural for a man to make money for his woman.

Qin Wenyuan didn't plan to care about the whereabouts of the money with her, but they couldn't keep doing this, they should always plan a little bit!

As a result, he only brought up the matter, and Zhou Meilin had a fight with him.

Zhou Meilin didn't feel that there was a problem with her consumption style. On the contrary, she was very disappointed with Qin Wenyuan, and she became more and more disappointed. She began to think he was poor and useless...

Qin Wenyuan is just an ordinary working class, he doesn't even know where he is wrong?

At the same time, he was also curious, as a working-class, how could Zhou Meilin develop such a spending habit?

Before the Chinese New Year, Zhou Meilin was suddenly taken away by the police, and she never returned.

Qin Wenyuan didn't understand what was going on at first, until he was also taken away by the police for investigation, and then he came to understand what Zhou Meilin had done behind his back!

In the end, he proved his innocence, but Zhou Meilin had conclusive evidence and went to jail with Liang Chen.

At this time, he knew what the relationship between Zhou Meilin and Liang Chen was, what was the source of the money Zhou Meilin had spent in the past, and why Liang Chen suddenly chased Lin Yao... It turns out that all this was Zhou Meilin doing a ghost!

He knew everything, but it was too late.

Liu Yingjie saw that Qin Wenyuan stopped him but didn't say a word. He couldn't help but sneered: "You are so worried about Zhou Meilin, why don't you go to Shanghai to accompany her..."

The ridicule that hung on the corner of his mouth felt particularly dazzling in Qin Wenyuan's eyes.

Before Liu Yingjie's words were finished, Qin Wenyuan suddenly violent, kicked him out, and directly kicked him back several steps.

Liu Yingjie rubbed his calf and said with a green face: "Hold the grass! Qin Wenyuan, I provoke you? If you have the ability, you go to Liang Chen. What kind of guy is calling me?"

Hearing Liang Chen's name, Qin Wenyuan was even more angry. He clenched his fists and shook the thin man in front of him fiercely.

This time, Liu Yingjie was prepared and swiftly avoided his punch while screaming, "Spicy chicken, you are just like you, no wonder Zhou Meilin and Liang Chen..."

Liu Yingjie is not tall, not strong, and wearing a pair of glasses, he looks very thin, but he is not easy to provoke. Moreover, he had long been uncomfortable with Qin Wenyuan, so he immediately jumped on, and the two wrestled together.

It happened that other colleagues finished overtime and stepped forward to separate them.

Master Zhang hurriedly asked: "Xiao Liu, what happened? Why did you fight him?"

Liu Yingjie spit, "Who knows what's going on, biting people like a mad dog."

Master Zhang was clear, and he solemnly comforted him: "You have to understand Xiao Qin's feelings, can you avoid him if you have nothing to do?"

This means that Qin Wenyuan is no different from a mad dog now, and other people can't afford to provoke and hide.

Others agreed, and rushed to explain Liu Yingjie, "That is, what is his current situation, you are so good at fighting him, and others thought you were thinking about whom too."

"What's a joke?" Liu Yingjie was very angry, hands on his hips, and said with a throat: "Zhou Meilin looks like a sow, but I don't need money, so how can I get involved with her? "

Although Liu Yingjie's words were awkward, he uttered everyone's common questions.

How much did Zhou Meilin pay to get Qin Wenyuan to follow her?

It is estimated that the money Zhou Meilin made with Liang Chen has been posted on Qin Wenyuan, right?

However, this kid Qin Wenyuan is really a silly face, others will not be envious...

Gradually, everyone's eyes on Qin Wenyuan became more meaningful.

Qin Wenyuan couldn't understand what they meant, and was immediately embarrassed and angry, wishing to find a way to get in and escape.

When Shan Qing saw this, he said angrily: "You usually talk and laugh with Xiao Qin and Xiao Zhou. The relationship is pretty good. Now it is too unkind to say that. Besides, what Xiao Qin did, you say so, he How innocent."

Shan Qing said what he said from the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately others did not agree.

"That's not what I said. It was Zhou Meilin who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with us. We just talked to her out of politeness. How can this be considered a good relationship with her?"

"That's right, you are the one who has a good relationship with her, right? No wonder the police approached both of you to investigate."


Colleagues talked about Shan Qing's face turned red and white, but she couldn't refute it.

Because she is really good not only with Liang Chen, but also with Zhou Meilin. She originally thought that it would be worthwhile to have a good relationship with people from the business unit, but she didn't expect...

Shan Qing pulled Qin Wenyuan's sleeves, and whispered: "Xiao Qin, let's go, we don't have the same knowledge as them."

Qin Wenyuan shook off her hand fiercely and walked away.

Shan Qing wanted to flatter, and talked to Qin Wenyuan about Lin Yao by the way, only to touch the dust of his nose.

She was not so embarrassed when she grew up, and almost wailed. She suppressed the humiliation and choked and said, "Who did I offend? Hey..."

With that, she glanced at the people around her, but unfortunately, no one sympathized with her.

Shan Qing hesitated slightly, still chasing Qin Wenyuan away.

Looking at the backs of the two of them almost fleeing, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

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