Gazing at the Rainbow

Chapter 22: Greedy

Besides Lin Yao, she got out of the car and ran into the unit building without looking back.

She climbed up to the third floor in one breath and opened the door of Room 302 as quickly as possible. Then she leaned on the window and watched the black car slowly start and disappear into the night.

Only then did I realize that she is now someone who has a boyfriend, and he also hugged her, kissed her, on the forehead.

That night, she was too excited to fall asleep.

The corners of her mouth always lifted up uncontrollably, and her heart was as sweet as it was pouring into honey.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight fell into her house, she just got up from the bed and edited a text message: "Good morning! Boyfriend."

Before clicking to send, she frowned.

Last night, she clearly planned to be more reserved, rational, and emotionally active, but Qin Rongze brought the rhythm...

If you think about it carefully, Qin Rongze hasn't made it clear that she wants to be her boyfriend. How can she send him such a message?

Lin Yao thought for a while, deleted the last three words, and then clicked the send button.

However, he should really like her, right?

If he doesn't like her, how can he go to the City of Flowers to pick her up?

If he doesn't like her, why would he take the initiative to kiss her?

He has already kissed her, can't they be regarded as boyfriend and girlfriend?

That's right, that's it!

For the first time, Lin Yao felt that her logical thinking was perfect and clear, impeccable!

She was worried that she had missed the news, and she even held her mobile phone when she was washing.

However, she was destined to be disappointed.

Qin Rongze worked overtime until early in the morning last night. After getting up in the morning, he went to exercise first, then took a shower and had breakfast. After all this, he picked up his mobile phone.

At 8:30 in the morning, Qin Rongze's text message arrived late.

"good Morning."

These two words, cold and hard, are no different from usual.

His sincere confession, his gentle and affectionate eyes, his hugs, his kisses... Could it be that everything yesterday was her illusion?

Why is it that other people's love affairs are done in one step, and the wind is smooth, and when they come to her, there will be so many twists and turns in a love relationship?

After the New Year’s Eve dinner, it means that the holiday is not far away.

Lin Yao did not relax because of this, but came to the company as early as usual and started a day's work.

It is worth mentioning that since she divided out some of the orders, her work pressure has been reduced a lot.

This allowed her to better handle the remaining orders. In the end, all of her orders were shipped out and the payment was collected.

In this respect, Lin Yun helped her a lot.

Others are not so lucky. Although they are assigned one or two orders, when these orders are in Lin Yao's hands, everything is fine. When they are in their hands, many problems will always arise. .

Sometimes the problem lies with the salesman himself, and more often the problem lies with the factory.

For example, Zheng Yuning’s trial order from a Wanwan customer was first due to the delayed delivery at the factory, which led to the failure to ship the goods a year ago. Now the factory has finally given news that it has been completed, but the customer’s purchase is There are 6 models of crankshaft, each model is 100cs, but the number completed in the factory is 98cs, 105cs, 85cs, 11.

There are a total of 6 models of products, and the number of completed products for none of them is the same as the number of customers' orders!

Zheng Yuning said anxiously: "Mr. Zhao, I asked the customer. He said that he only needs 100cs for each model and does not accept more or less."

Mr. Zhao on the other end of the phone was very angry, "Ms. Zheng, I have already told you that when we make products here, we made 20 more roughs, but your products are too difficult to process, and the scrap rate of individual products is too high. Reach 50, what do you think I can do?"

Zheng Yuning is speechless, the factory can't do it, what can she do?

Mr. Zhao launched a complaint, "Besides, these products are made for you, and other customers don't want it. You can only make as many as you want!"

Zheng Yuning deeply believes that these products are indeed developed for the customers of Wanwan. Who should they not send them to?


Zheng Yuning looked at the door of Lin Yun's office and said bitterly, "Mr. Zhao, can you help me, so I can't make a difference."

"Ms. Zheng, it's not that I don't help you. I told you about production, but you don't understand it. Products have a scrap rate. As long as you explain to the customer, he will definitely understand." Mr. Zhao snorted. "Besides, he doesn't want us to send defective products too, right?"

Hearing what he said, Zheng Yuning hurriedly said: "No way, no way, then it definitely won't work!"

"In short, the quantity is only so much. If you want to send it, send it, don't send it down!" Mr. Zhao's performance has become more and more strong. "Ms. Zheng has this time to tell me about this. It is better to discuss with the customer when to ship. I'm going to have a meeting, so I won't tell you more."

Before Zheng Yuning could respond, the other party hung up the phone.

Zheng Yuning groaned for a while, and suddenly asked, "Xiao Lin, are these factory owners so bullish?"

Lin Yao didn't expect Zheng Yuning to ask herself, although these things have nothing to do with her, she still analyzed Zheng Yuning, "We are part-time workers, and people are bosses, so naturally we are better than us, but you didn't have any problems with him just now. say clearly."

Zheng Yuning was stunned, "I made it very clear, what we want is 100cs for each model, and none of his models meets this quantity requirement."

"It's not enough to say that. You didn't make the stakes clear to him." Lin Yao smiled and continued: "There is a stipulation in the contract that it should not exceed 5, which is acceptable to customers. Note that' Accept'! The customer buys our products not for inventory. He also bought parts from other homes. If everyone ships as they please, then he can't arrange production normally at all. If you feed back this shipment quantity to the customer, He has a high probability of rejecting the entire batch of goods. Well, if Mr. Zhao agrees, it is not a big problem, but I don’t think he will agree."

The current situation is that the factory has breached the contract. As a customer, Lingyun Industry can completely cancel this order. The factory has no reason to be so arrogant!

"I understand!" Zheng Yuning reacted immediately and thanked him sincerely: "Xiao Lin, thank you."

Lin Yao could not help but sigh secretly when she saw her stunned.

Zheng Yuning is several years older than her. It is said that she also did foreign trade in the previous company for a period of time, but when she arrived at Lingyun Industrial, she was still similar to the one who had just left school.

If she hasn't been fishing in troubled waters all the time, then it is the problem of her own business ability.

Lin Yao thought over and over again, and reminded her more tactfully: "If the time is too late, you'd better ask Mr. Lin to come forward and put pressure on the other party. The same applies to customers.

In Lin Yao's view, with Zheng Yuning's ability, the manager Zhao could not be suppressed. If Lin Yun is not invited to come forward, it will not end well.

The problem is, if Lin Yun knew about these things, she would definitely scold Zheng Yuning first before doing business.

In short, Zheng Yuning is currently in a passive position.

Hearing Lin Yao's words, Zheng Yuning's face immediately fell.

She is still a bit clever in some aspects, and she knows better than Lin Yao what it means to ask Lin to be a leader.

Who wants to admit that their business capabilities are not good?

Zheng Yuning scowled and dialed again to Mr. Zhao.

It's just that Zheng Yuning is the opponent of Mr. Zhao's old fritters?

As Lin Yao had expected, Zheng Yuning returned home again.

Next, Zheng Yuning did something surprising. She called the customer directly to discuss the shipment with him.

After listening to Zheng Yuning’s words, the customer was furious, "I have been in business for so many years. I have never met such a supplier. I can send as many goods as I want, and I have never encountered such a stupid thing as you. The salesman, came to ask me such a stupid question!"

The Wanwan customer’s voice was very loud, and Lin Yao was so close to Zheng Yuning that she couldn't do it or not.

Zheng Yuning was scolded so badly by him, and said: "Mr. Li, don't worry, I will communicate with the supplier again, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Mr. Li directly hung up the phone.

Lin Yao secretly shook her head.

Zheng Yuning actually moved his brains to the This is too ignorant.

Why do customers seek cooperation with trading companies?

There are many reasons. The most important one is that he hopes that the trading company can settle for him some things that he cannot do, such as a supplier like Mr. Zhao.

If the trading company pushes it back to him as soon as he encounters a problem, or if he is only responsible for acting as a microphone instead of trying to solve the problem for him, he can bypass the trading company and directly find the manufacturer to cooperate. Wouldn't it be more troublesome?

During work, you will inevitably encounter various problems. If you want to solve the problem, you must distinguish the priority and grasp the key points. Otherwise, not only the problem will not be solved, but it is very likely to escalate a small problem into a big one!

About ten minutes later, Lin Yun opened the office with a clear face, her eyes were sharp and her voice was fierce, "Zheng Yuning, come in for me!"

Outsiders didn't know the next conversation, but Zheng Yuning came out with red eyes.

Since Lin Yun had already intervened in this matter, Lin Yao stopped paying attention.

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