Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 84 The traitor Dark One, thousands of aliens are attacking!

Chapter 84 Traitor - Dark One, Thousands of Aliens Attack!

The murder case in Yunhu Garden Community was handled quickly. Similar to the corpse in the sewer before, it was still a battle between dark creatures and lizards.

In the following two days, there were many cases, and Bai Yu and others could not rest in the afternoon and ran around all day.

The aliens started to make various small moves as if they had planned it.

The case of the son of the evil god behind the black-blooded pregnant woman, the indoor dark creature attack and other cases have suddenly occurred in the past two days.

It is still under investigation, and the time has come to the 31st.

The auction is about to start!

Early in the morning.

Bai Yu just woke up, washed up, and looked in the mirror.

Take a deep breath.


He was a little overwhelmed by the seven or eight cases he investigated yesterday.

Especially the three black-blooded pregnant women related to the case of the son of the evil god.

Although they all survived after absorbing the evil energy, this evil energy drained their vitality!

After Bai Yu handles them, they will age a lot, which will not only affect their lifespan and appearance, but also be a heavy blow to their families.

In short, this case happened to pregnant women with sensitive identities, and the social impact is extremely bad.

One of the pregnant women even gave birth to a pure black dead baby in her abdomen!

"However, the authorities acted quickly and are now considering sending all suspected infected targets to Xiangya Hospital."

"In this case, the symptoms are mild and there will be no major problems with the treatment."

"But even with so many patients, there is still no clue about the case of the son of the evil god. It looks like a virus infection, and the source cannot be found in a short time. If it is delayed, I will definitely not be able to handle it."

"The Black Demon Ancestor. It would be great if I could know his specific abilities."

"But no matter what, today's thoughts are mainly on the auction."

"The blood clan case has not yet been concluded."

"Huh~ I hope there will be some important clues."

After thinking about it, Bai Yu looked at today's intelligence.

Thinking, with all these things happening recently, there should be important intelligence today, right?

[Intelligence value: 96]

[Intelligence 1 (white)

Keywords: Yunhu Water Beast

Intelligence value required: 5]

[Intelligence 2 (white)

Keywords: Zhao Yu

Intelligence value required: 5]

[Intelligence 3 (green)

Keywords: Fatal Assassination

Intelligence value required: 20]

[Intelligence 4 (green)

Keywords: Dragon Blood Tree

Intelligence value required: 20]

Quickly glanced at it.

"The Yunhu Water Beast seems to have some connection with the Jiang Strange Case. Do you want to exchange it?"

After thinking about it, even if he exchanged it, it would be impossible to block Yunhu Lake just because of his words.

"I saw the giant catfish before, and it was quite scary."

As a patient with deep-sea phobia, he clearly remembered how scary it was at the time.

Consider it and tell the captain that there may be a large water monster in Yunhu Lake, which needs to be supervised.

Save as much as possible!

You can exchange for new purple-grade intelligence in three days.

A Jiaolong Pearl and Longjiang Girl are both very useful to him.

"But this Zhao Yu."

Bai Yu frowned.

This guy has been in contact with him quite a few times recently, and he is considered to be a relatively active member of the analysis team.

But why is this person worth five points of intelligence?

"Do you want to exchange?"

Bai Yu recalled the scene of this guy knocking on his door at noon a few days ago. It was really a bit too attentive.

And he was extremely suspicious that this guy was sticking to his door.

At that time, he was planning to go out, and the knocking sound only sounded when he walked to the door, which made him keep an eye on him later.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu always felt that this guy was weird.

And he was a person around him who he was not very familiar with, but his value was actually equal to that of Director Yang, Zheng Guoyi and others. Generally speaking, it would not be simple.

Exchange to see what is the trick!

[Codename - Dark One

Name: Zhao Yu

Gender: Male

Age: 20 years old

Occupation: Member of the Analysis Group of Group 7, Jiangnan District

1. Background investigation of the original body: Zhao Yu, joined the Jiangnan Investigation Bureau in September 2036

2. Blood Demon Invasion Time: (June 15, 2037~???): The Dark One is in a latent state and was activated on July 23. It is currently in a preliminary control state over the host and can temporarily control the host and influence the host's behavior. It is currently responsible for stealing important intelligence from the Jiangnan Investigation Bureau and inquiring about the movements of important people.

3. Special Mission (July 28, 2037)

Bai Yu, a new member of Group 7, is suspected of showing too high potential and special abilities, and needs to be closely monitored. (After investigation, this person's performance is abnormal and needs to be eliminated at a fixed point)

Deputy Director Yang of the Jiangnan District Investigation Bureau is suspected of having greatly improved his ability and needs to be closely monitored. 】

"Blood Demon!"

Bai Yu suddenly looked at the right wall of his room.

"That guy lives next door to me"

He narrowed his eyes.

"I was wondering why he was acting strange recently, but I didn't expect it was related to the Blood Demon."

He was silent for a while.

Well, to be honest, Zhao Yu is a Blood Demon, which is not as shocking as Zhou Wen, a stranger, being a Blood Demon.

Zhao Yu just stuck to him recently, and he even began to feel disgusted.

The relationship is not deep, so if he becomes a Blood Demon, his mood will not change much.

"Closely monitor and eliminate me, right? I want to see how you do it!"

After learning that there was a traitor in the bureau, Bai Yu's focus was on the group of rich people.

But he didn't expect that it was a member of the analysis team in the group!

"Since we know that the blood demon is on this guy, the investigation bureau can definitely capture the blood demon alive!"

"Speaking of which, I only know that the blood demon exists, but I haven't seen it with my own eyes. This is the first blood demon caught. It can also make the investigation bureau clear that there is such a creature as the blood demon, and promote a wave of internal investigation, right?"

"The Lei family may be overthrown slowly."

"Thinking about it this way, it's a good thing."

"These five intelligence points are worth it!"

Then he looked at the remaining two intelligence.

Keywords-fatal assassination, worth twenty intelligence points.


Since there is a traitor inside, he must check the situation for this keyword.

What's more, the auction is coming soon, and various people will gather.

Maybe, he will encounter a crisis again!

【File code: Night Blood Curtain

1. Background of the action: A large auction held for the construction of a canal project, gathering important figures from various forces.

2. Overview of the incident: As the auction was about to end, the blood race and other alien races launched a large-scale attack on the auction site, causing a large number of casualties.

3. Participating forces:

Leading party: blood race, fish race, lizard race, wild race.

Joint party: demon race, lich race.

4. The main targets of the enemy in this incident:

Director of the Psychic Research Institute-Professor Kong Shen: died.

Main members of the seventh group of Jiangnan District: one person died-Liu Feifei, two people were seriously injured-Zhao Bin, Qin Wanqing.

Yun'an Group executives-Zhang Kunhe and nine others: eight died and one was injured.

Beishan Group Chairman-Wang Chongfei: Wang Chongfei was slightly injured.


5. Casualties on both sides

Our side: 327 dead and 168 injured. Including.

Enemy: 682 dead, including one half-step Linghai Realm, eight Lingyuan Realm peak

Seven. Purpose of the action: According to the investigation, this incident was a serious provocation to the Tianhai City government led by the Blood Clan.

And this action is a preview of the Blood Pixiu and Thunder Laboratory case, and an important test of the intelligence capabilities of the Tianhai City government. 】

Bai Yu saw the seven important targets attacked and clenched his right fist.

He didn't want anything to happen to other important people. But if they really died in the end, he wouldn't feel much.

After all, it's really unfamiliar.

But Liu Feifei died, and two teammates were seriously injured. He certainly couldn't accept this!

This is very realistic. Car accidents, explosions, free shooting, wars, this world, there are too many people who die, and someone will leave every moment.

He will be heartbroken, but he will still live well the next day.

But the death of people around him can affect him for a long time.

"Although my strength has expanded, I would still be at the bottom of the team without Bai Jiao's help."

"But there is no news of my injury in the intelligence."

So far, everyone has protected him very well.


Bai Yu sighed heavily.

"This attack directly attacked the auction venue, involving the lives of so many people. If it is still the way of revealing a little bit as before, it can't be stopped at all!"

"Since the alien race wants to play such a big game, I will play with you!"


He slowly calmed down his emotions and looked for important information from it.

[A preview of the Blood Pixiu case and the Thunder Laboratory case, an important test of Tianhai City's official intelligence? 】

Combined with the Blood Pixiu incident mentioned in the previous Yincha intelligence, it was the Blood Head who took the lead and ambushed the members of their investigation team.

Bai Yu now figured it out.

"It seems that I have disrupted their plans many times, so I aroused suspicion?"

"Hehe~ That's right! After so many plans were disrupted, the other party would be a fool if they were indifferent."

"No wonder I was worried that the blood Pixiu would be activated in advance, but I didn't care about it at all. It turned out that such a change occurred at the auction!"

"But... why is there another Thunder Laboratory case? Professor Feng will not go back in the short term. The Thunder Laboratory has also increased its defense force a lot, and its defense is quite strong. Why would the blood clan hold on to it?"

Bai Yu thought and recorded these important information.

He was also thinking about how to deal with this attack.

"From the death situation on the other side, it is clear that they must have deployed heavy troops in this incident. The number must exceed 1,000!"

"Without sufficient preparation, we will definitely not be able to deal with so many alien races."

"I must tell Director Yang about this information as soon as possible. If he can't find more thugs, he will definitely not be able to go to this auction!"

After recording, Bai Yu also looked at the information about the dragon blood tree.

It has something to do with dragons, so it must be changed!

And today is an auction, maybe I found a treasure at the auction.

[File-Dragon Blood Tree

I. Item Description: Dragon Blood Tree, an ancient special tree species, with a withered appearance and a height of about two or three meters.

The surface of the trunk is covered with thick dust, seemingly lifeless, but actually contains powerful energy.

2. Special properties: The dragon's blood tree has strict requirements on cultivation methods and needs to be nourished with the blood of alien creatures, especially dragon blood, which is most suitable.

After being properly cultivated, the dragon's blood tree can regain its vitality, release its inner power, and produce powerful treasures such as dragon blood fruit that can enhance strength.

3. Historical background: The origin of the Dragon Blood Tree is currently unknown, but it is suspected to be related to the ancient dragon from the mythical period of Chinese civilization.

However, in modern evolution, the dragon's blood tree has hybridized with the concept of Western dragon blood tree species, and the ability of the dragon blood tree has also undergone a slight change.

This situation not only happens to the dragon blood tree, but also to various characters or treasures that are a fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. The root cause has not yet been identified.

4. Modern circulation: At the end of July 2037, the Dragon Blood Tree was acquired by Wang Chongfei, the chairman of Beishan Group, at an auction in Tianhai City.

Wang Chongfei was attacked and slightly injured after leaving the auction.

5. Cultivation and being robbed: Wang Chongfei began to search the classics. It took him three years to find out that this thing was a dragon's blood tree, and he immediately cultivated it. But half a year later, he unfortunately encountered an alien assassination. The specific details of the case are still under investigation.

Archive records:

1. Acquisition and auction records of Dragon Blood Tree.

2. The chairman’s method and process of cultivating dragon blood trees: abbreviated

3. On-site investigation report and preliminary analysis of the assassination incident.

Correct cultivation method:

Extract the pure blood of the vampire clan and cultivate it.

Obtain the blood of the lizard-human race and extract it. The steps are as follows: (Dragon-human race and Eastern and Western dragon creatures are more effective)】

As expected, it is indeed the big treasure of tonight's auction.

"It's a good thing that there are more detailed cultivation methods, otherwise I feel that this information was bought at a loss."

After taking a quick note, Bai Yu looked at the time, it was half past seven!

The auction starts at 12:30 noon.

The message given by the team leader is that we can leave before eleven o'clock.

The location is in the Mote Manor on the northeastern outskirts of Tianhai City.

"I've read all the information."

"The information about this attack must be disclosed, otherwise it will really be a dead end."

"If this attack is not handled well, it will only make the alien race more rampant. The environment of the extraordinary world in Tianhai City will become worse and worse. In the future, I may not dare to show my face and send the investigation bureau!"

After thinking this, Bai Yu sent a message to the captain: "Captain! I have extremely important information, and I need to discuss it in a more hidden place."

"Okay. I also got important information here. It happens to be meal time. After eating, patrol as usual. Go to a safer location. Do you need to ask other team members to come with you?"

"Call me!"

Half past eight.

In the conference room on the 18th floor of the Yunan Group headquarters building.

Li Yunbin looked at Bai Yu and asked, "You say it first, or should I say it first?"

"Captain, let's talk first."

"Then let's talk about it step by step. First of all, the analysis team got an intelligence through monitoring Shadow Blade. That is, Shadow Blade and his 5-man team will assassinate us tonight."

"Based on the current situation, the five of them are all at the Spiritual Realm, and there should be ten or twenty blood slaves to assist them."

"So this assassination is still very dangerous!"

Bai Yu nodded when he heard this, but then asked: "Captain, what if there is a traitor in our group? Is it possible that the intelligence monitored by Shadow Blade is a deception?"



There is a traitor in the group, which makes Jiang Chen uneasy. He has a very good relationship with other team members and members of the group!

Li Yunbin's expression was not good either.

He learned from Bureau Yang that there was a traitor in the bureau, and had recently conducted a secret investigation, but to no avail.

He definitely doesn't want to be a member of his own group.

If it were the new group of rich people, it would be more acceptable.

However, he was a little confused and said: "Recently, the bureau has added equipment to detect abnormal energy, but no abnormalities were found."

"Team leader, do you still remember the blood demon I mentioned earlier?"

Hearing the word "blood demon", Li Yunbin's expression became more serious.

You know, after Bai Yu mentioned the matter of the Blood Demon before, Bureau Yang took it very seriously. They conducted an internal investigation and found no one.

He also went to the battle scene and took a closer look, but found nothing fishy about Zhou Wen's blood.

Since there is no evidence to prove the existence of the Blood Demon, Director Yang is unable to mobilize more resources to investigate.

After all, there is no real evidence for this, and it sounds like a figment of imagination.

"Blood Demon? Who is it?"

26,000 words today. For the next two days, there will be four chapters each day. This is equivalent to an additional update of 10,000 in these three days. The update amount is slowly changed to 10,000, with a small buffer in the middle.

Generally, after it is put on the shelves, some authors will open a single chapter to talk about their achievements, feelings, and development routes. I will briefly talk about it here.

At present, I feel that the things released in the two-day burst have spread a lot of things compared to before they were put on the shelves. (When I wrote this, I stopped for three days. How to open up the situation)

Yesterday, I wrote a very good plot in the manuscript saving section. This is what I have always wanted to do, which is to expand the world view of the entire world without being limited to the novice map. This is a very important transition process. Some authors will directly change the map in a very abrupt way, which will reduce the interest of reading. Here, I used the Black Blood Case to develop a very large long-term plot.

This is not a spoiler, because you certainly can't guess what I wrote, haha~ I am also equivalent to solving a problem. Because there are too many foreshadowings, it must be concluded, otherwise the plot will be loose. Yesterday, I also found a conclusion.

Answer two questions.

1. Blood Pixiu: Two readers asked about it. This has always been a long-term shadow. It was mentioned twice in the content today. It is also very important later. It is almost the key to connect all the lines.

2. The heroine: I once failed in this heroine role. So I am currently focusing on shaping the character and will not force a match. Of course, it can't be so extreme that there is no interaction at all, because I must leave a certain amount of room for development later. It is equivalent to the word blank.

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