Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 77: The Art of Controlling Evil! I am poor, but I love scientific research!


Hearing this voice, everyone was shocked.

They opened the realm of emptiness and darkness. Who on earth could enter here so secretly?

Bai Yu also looked at the jungle vigilantly, thinking quickly in his heart.

From the intelligence he just obtained tonight, there was no information related to the crisis, so nothing should happen.

Sure enough, the speaker showed up.

It turned out to be Zheng Guoyi!

Because except Hu Chengyong, the nine groups had never met Zheng Guoyi, most people were very vigilant.

The one who could come in silently must be in the Spiritual Sea Realm, right? Or a special existence of half a step into the Spiritual Sea Realm.

After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, Hu Chengyong breathed a sigh of relief and said to the team members: "Don't be nervous, it's one of us."

Zheng Guoyi looked at Bai Yu and smiled with relief: "It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

When Bai Yu saw the big boss, he must be honest.

"It's just... OK."


Zheng Guoyi calmly glanced at the altar on the lake and said, "Clean it up and leave here."


Everyone began to clean up the scene quickly.

During the process, Bai Yu found that the blood seemed to have undergone a strange change and turned black!

After seeing this scene, Zhao Bin said, "It seems that these things are contaminated with ghost energy. They have to be sent to the bureau for processing."

After cleaning up, everyone planned to leave.

But Zheng Guoyi stood next to the car of Group 7. Seeing Bai Yu and others coming, he glanced around and then said, "When you were fighting, it seemed that there was a powerful guy staring at you."

"This person's attributes are quite cold, like a dead person, and like a ghost. His strength is probably in the Spirit Sea Realm. Be careful."

Bai Yu and others were all shocked.

There is such a thing!

When he heard this, Bai Yu immediately thought of the recorder mentioned in the intelligence by Wang Mengmeng!

'Has he been targeted? '

'Be careful in the future and pay more attention to the daily intelligence. '

'At least there were no surprises in today's intelligence. '

After a brief conversation, everyone drove back.

In the car.

Bai Yu couldn't help but ask Bai Ling: "Did you notice the person mentioned by Zheng Guoyi?"

Bai Ling said a little frustrated: "No."

"That Mr. Zheng Guoyi, I didn't notice it either."

Looking at this posture, Bai Ling may feel a little useless.

Seeing this, how could everyone make Tuanbao sad? They quickly comforted him.

Bai Yu also mentioned several ways for Bai Ling to improve her strength, so that she didn't have to worry, and he would help her improve her strength as much as possible.

After comforting Bai Ling, Bai Yu took out the Yin Chen Stone, which exuded ghost and blood evil spirits, making people feel uneasy.

Zhao Bin looked at the Yin Chen Stone and felt a little daunted.

"What do you plan to do with it later?"

Bai Yu thought about it and said: "As a help in the battle."

"Yu Gui!"

To be honest, the Yu Gui technique is quite dangerous. But when Bai Yu spoke, everyone's first thought was that it would definitely work!

In this case, their group is equivalent to having a new fighting force.

It's getting stronger and stronger!

In another car.

Hu Chengyong glanced around and said, "Look at you! You just want to rest every day. If you have half the effort of the newcomers in Group 7, you can be promoted to senior investigators."

"Also, look at his strength, how fast it has improved."

"I can see him exercising every day, but I don't see you."

"After going back this time, reflect on it carefully."

"What era is it now? The spiritual energy is revived!"

"Who can predict what the world will be like in the future? Strength is the foundation, understand?"

Everyone: "Understand!"

But they really want to say in their hearts that they have already spent 80% of their free time on cultivation.

But I really can't do that to his level!

The talent is here, they can't catch up.

Hu Chengyong also sighed and thought to himself; 'This Li Yunbin has been sidelined, I have to hurry up! Otherwise, I will have to call him director when I meet him in the future. ’

‘Running every day seems to have some effect, why don’t I try it too? ’

Two o’clock in the night.

Room 401.

Bai Yu took a deep breath.

“I’ve been busy all day today.”

“But it can be considered a gain!”

As he said that, he took out the Yin Chen Stone that could be stored in the soul sea.

He didn’t know why, the Jiaolong Pearl could be directly stored in his soul sea.

Now that he has absorbed the Yin Chen Stone of Longjiang Girl, he can also store it in the soul sea.

“Could it be that I am the legendary son of destiny?”

After a little pride, Bai Yu summoned Bai Ling and asked: “What is the current state of this Longjiang Girl?”

“She is in a weak state. She may need to be fed with some blood food, or absorb some alien souls?”

She can’t say that she feeds the human race.

“Okay. But you have to improve your strength first, and you must always be able to calm her down!”

Hearing this, Bai Ling was a little happy, and the dragon tail swung unconsciously.

Bai Yu smiled and tapped Bai Ling's forehead with his index finger, then took it back.

Then he took a deep breath and looked at the pile of pens he bought today.

"Begin, drip blood!!!"

As expected, the pen purchased from the sturdy man's stall was the Mo Yuan Magic Pen.

After having this thing, Bai Yu naturally couldn't sleep, and started to use it to make blood-transforming talismans.

As a result, he found that two out of ten were successful! ! !

According to this probability, the success rate is three or four times that of before.


"The cost has been reduced"

"If I study it more seriously, I feel that I can make talismans and sell them for money!"

In the blink of an eye, a day passed.

July 27.

Early in the morning, Bai Yu completed four basic tasks, plus ten big Zhoutian.

Now the speed of running Zhoutian can be kept within 20 minutes.

And after drinking the red horse herb potion, the speed is even faster!

And Zhao Bin and others have also started drinking the red horse herb potion, and the speed of cultivation is obviously much faster than before!

Obviously, they have a high talent for cultivation, but they can also do scientific research.

The members of the team have gradually gotten used to this outrageous thing.


Bai Yu looked at today's intelligence.

Two gray, two white.

The white keywords are Professor Feng, Lightning Talisman.

"Professor Feng's intelligence appeared today!"

"Come to think of it, I still don't know what Professor Feng thinks about the follow-up of the last attack."

"We are all adults, and we are so old, it's impossible for us to be so narrow-minded."

"Professor Wang Wen sent me a text message before, mentioning the party."

"Maybe we will meet in the evening."

Without hesitation, Bai Yu chose to exchange the information of the Lightning Talisman first.

[Lightning Talisman Research Brief

Abstract: The Lightning Talisman, when cast, summons a thunderbolt, causing a powerful blow to the target within a range of about 30 meters.

Keywords: Lightning Talisman, Talisman, Thunder, Inscription, Production Method

1. Introduction: Omitted

2. Lightning Talisman Effect Description: When the Lightning Talisman is activated, it can summon a thunderbolt, causing ranged electric shock damage to the target area.

Its effects include:

Instantaneous high voltage strike, causing huge damage to organisms. The high temperature generated by lightning can cause fire in the surrounding environment. The deterrent effect brought by lightning strikes causes temporary paralysis to enemies within a certain range.

3. Power evaluation: The power of the lightning talisman is affected by many factors, including the quality of the talisman and the spiritual power of the caster

4. Required materials

A piece of special talisman paper, 20g of thunder graphite, and thunder wood powder.

5. Inscription design: The core inscription of the lightning talisman is: ***.jpg.

6. Production method

Prepare materials to ensure the quality of talisman paper and lightning ink.

Accurately carve the thunder pattern inscription on the talisman paper, and inject spiritual power during the process.

Drop spiritual blood into the center of the inscription to stimulate the spiritual power of the talisman.

Bai Yu quickly glanced at the eight inscriptions, seven of which can be found in the previous basic talisman making skills.

He only needs to learn a core inscription.

"Speaking of which, I have thunder-attributed spiritual power and blood, so it should be easier to make this kind of talisman!"

"And this thing should be quite tempting to Professor Feng, right?"

No matter whether it was a misunderstanding or not, it was Professor Feng who made the mistake in the last incident!

Bai Yu was prepared in advance so that he could deal with it calmly.

Others don't have this ability.

"If you just give in, we'll just do it reluctantly."

The main thing is that he still clearly remembers that the Heavenly Thunder Body Tempering Method he got the day before yesterday mentioned planting purple gold thunder bamboo and Professor Feng.

Judging from this fate line, he will definitely reconcile with Professor Feng in the future.

And he also made purple gold thunder bamboo.

"Speaking of which, planting spiritual plants, I wanted to do it after I learned about the role of money in the group. Later, when I went to Qingyuan Villa, I wanted to do it even more!"

"But I never had much money. I made 1 million from futures trading, but now I am all in the futures market."

"The auction is about to start, and I need money! And this is semi-charitable, so everyone's bids will be much higher."

"I'm poor!"

Speaking of this, Bai Yu suddenly thought of something.

"Professor Wang Wen should have sold a lot of Ten Spirits Tonic Soup, and the price is three to five times the cost. With such a huge profit, he should have made a lot of money, right?"

"Hehe~ Ask in the evening."

After thinking about what happened recently, Bai Yu planned to go to the cafeteria.

As a result, when he approached the door, he heard the sound of "dong dong dong".

Bai Yu was a little confused: Sister Feifei?

When he opened the door, he saw a member of the analysis team, his neighbor-Zhao Yu.

Bai Yu was a little surprised.

Zhao Yu was extremely excited and said, "Captain Bai, good afternoon!"

"Don't call me that. It's not a good idea. I'll be the one trying to usurp the throne. I'm older than you. Just call me Brother Yu!"

"Okay! Brother Yu, it's time for lunch. Do you want to go eat together?"

Bai Yu thought for a moment and said, "You go first. I'll go later."


After that, Zhao Yu left quickly.

Bai Yu glanced at Zhao Yu's back, frowned, and then closed the door. He looked back at the large number of blood-transforming talismans he made yesterday.

He successfully stabilized the success rate at 25%! He made quite a few.

"This kid has been too obvious in trying to get close to me these days. It's a bit annoying. He's not as likable as before."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas~! Sometimes, people are like this, blinded by interests."

To be honest, if he didn't have special abilities, I'm afraid he would have become a lot smoother when he entered society.

After all, in the era of spiritual recovery, no one wants to be left behind, right?

After looking at the things in the room, Bai Yu thought about it. The talisman and the like were nothing.

But important items such as USB flash drives must be brought with you!

Don't leave Mo Yuan's magic pen in your room, take it with you.

In the cafeteria.

Hu Chengyong, Jiang Yan, Zhao Bin and others all sat together.

It looked like they were having a heated argument.

Bai Yu walked aside quietly, and heard Jiang Yan say angrily: "I worked so hard, and after checking for so long, I only caught one dragon-blooded creature. You two groups actually secretly carried me to the beach to tryst with a female ghost. ? What do you mean, don’t you take us into groups? Isn’t it discriminatory against women?”

Hu Chengyong really wanted to say in his heart: Are you considered a woman?

He said: "We are responsible for this case of jumping into the river, and we have spent a lot of time on it. The seventh team found it out, and we two teams handled it. It is reasonable and reasonable."

"Okay! Then I have to apply to the bureau to let you participate in the dragon-blood creature case. I'd like to see how you investigate this case!"

Zhao Bin quickly calmed down and said: "Sister Jiang Yan, don't be anxious. We will pay attention next time and will definitely tell you eight groups."

Jiang Yan, who was originally angry and unable to deal with the situation, immediately softened his expression when he heard this, and said: "That's more like it! I've remembered this. If you don't tell us next time, I will continue to make trouble." "

After saying that, he left without giving the two groups any chance to regret.

have to! Got hooked.

Speaking of which, it was indeed not easy for the eight groups during this time. The performance was too poor. Originally, everyone was trying to mess up the situation together, but in the end, the seventh group came out of the pit first.

After the seventh group captured the fishmen's relatives, it was like opening a lucky door, and they carried out a large-scale elimination of the fishmen, and the ninth group also had a full meal.

Both men ran away from the pit.

The eight groups of him could only drink some soup. The main case of dragon-blooded creatures did not make much progress.

There were so many people in the team who had their mouths open to eat, and the performance was too poor, so I could only lower my face and come here to eat.

Why are the Eight Groups obsessed with dragon-blooded creatures? no way! Arranged from above.

Otherwise, everyone would pick simple cases and rush to complete them. When you encounter a difficult case, do you stop investigating it?

Then this world would be in chaos! ?

As for the case of jumping into the river, although the enemy is not strong, the scope of influence is large!

When the problem was solved early yesterday morning, the Bureau of Investigation had dozens of patients here. They were treated with 'special medicine' that day, that is, medicine that replenishes Qi and blood. After the patient was cured, the patient was sent back.

All the family members were naturally grateful and even sent banners and the like.

If a case with such a large impact is solved, the rewards will be very high.

In the end, it was naturally divided into groups seven and nine. Group eight had a free day yesterday and was not busy with any cases. Now it is indeed a little anxious.

Seeing Jiang Yan leaving, Bai Yu sat down silently.

Liu Feifei pushed the rich food that had been prepared to Bai Yu and said: "Here, a carefully prepared nutritious meal, delicious! It looks white and fat, so I can be a mascot."

Bai Yu: "."

While eating, Bai Yu thought about Liu Ruoxi, and asked first, "By the way, how long will it take for the team leader to practice this time?"

Everyone looked at Qin Wanqing.

Qin Wanqing thought for a moment and said, "It should be this afternoon or evening."

Jiang Chen asked curiously, "Why does this promotion take so long?"

After Qin Wanqing was quiet for a while, she said, "Yun Bin has chosen to condense his spiritual energy."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this sentence. The team leader had never mentioned it before.

Condensing spiritual energy cannot be done in a day or two, but now the void sea has been opened in the body, and a prototype has been condensed, and it will be continuously improved in the future.

The whole process will probably take several months.

Also known as the Half-step Spiritual Realm!

When Bai Yu heard this, he thought about it carefully.

He always felt that because the cases he came into contact with became more and more complicated, the enemies became stronger and stronger.

Li Yunbin's desire for strength became more and more urgent.

Otherwise, it should take a few more months of training.

All I can say is that this is a personal choice!

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu said: "By the way, there may be something happening tonight, and we need to prepare in advance."

Liu Feifei puffed her lips, and then said: "Everything is up to you, Captain Bai!"

Bai Yu: I really don’t want to be the captain. But if you insist on choosing me, that’s not impossible.

After telling Liu Ruoxi that she might be attacked, Qin Wanqing and others instantly became serious.

The two girls seemed to have a good relationship with Liu Ruoxi, but they would not put Liu Ruoxi into crisis.

Seeing this, Bai Yu comforted her and said, "However, according to my calculations, even if we don't take action, she may be safe and sound."

"But no matter what, since I predicted it, I have to intervene."

"Should we go to the party together and take her home in the evening? Or if we have other arrangements, it depends on what you think."

Everyone did not discuss a plan immediately, and had to wait until night to see the specific situation.

As a result, before finishing eating, Han Qing came.

It is not uncommon for non-staff personnel to come here.

It's just that Han Qing, who has a relatively cold personality, came to him for the first time.

After Han Qing entered the cafeteria, he looked around and walked directly to Group 7. He sat down and asked, "I want to know what happened in the case of jumping into the river. Can you tell me?"

Hearing this, Bai Yu suddenly remembered the day when he received the Jiaolongzhu.

Han Qing asked her if she was going to deal with the case of jumping into the river. After she said no, she stopped caring.

It seems that something is wrong!

Seeing Han Qing asked, Zhao Bin did not hide it and told the story of Longjiang girl.

Hearing that there was an ancient god-like ghost at work, she frowned.

Originally, she thought that a large organization had caused the case of jumping into the river, but she didn't expect it to be this kind of ghost!

After hearing this, she thanked him and left.

It was really not procrastinated at all.

After Han Qing left, Zhao Bin explained without waiting for Bai Yu to ask, "Han Qing had a cousin who died in this case of jumping into the river."

"However, she likes to go alone and looks more withdrawn. I don't know much about her specific information."

Bai Yu didn't know what to say when he heard this.

All I can say is: My condolences!

If it had been discovered earlier, it could have been saved.

But alas!

Han Qing doesn't even know who to turn to for revenge now.

The party starts at 7pm.

Around 6pm, when Bai Yu was having dinner, he talked to Liu Feifei and others about how to deal with Liu Ruoxi's affairs. They said that they had already made arrangements.

Originally, Liu Feifei wanted to go to the school party with Bai Yu, but for the mission, she had to stay.

Seeing this, Bai Yu set off on his own.

Unexpectedly, Professor Wang Wen came over.

"Haha~ It's been a few days since we last met. Are you going to the school party?"

"Well, professor, are you going too?"

"Of course! Go to your young people's occasions, join in the fun, and find the feeling of youth. Come, take my car!"

With that, Professor Wang Wen pulled Bai Yu into the black car.

Inside the car.

Professor Wang Wen excitedly talked about his research on the Ten Spirits Tonic Soup in the past few days, and he seemed quite satisfied!

Bai Yu also coaxed Professor Wang Wen, listening carefully and asking a few technical terms from time to time.

Just chatting, Professor Wang Wen found that Bai Yu was coaxing the old man!

He couldn't help but said angrily: "You are a kid who fights and kills every day, can't you read more books?"

"Hey, reading is useless! Can it be convenient to solve things with fists?"


Professor Wang Wen took out a bank card from his pocket.

Bai Yu's eyes were immediately fixed on the bank card.

Damn! He is short of money during this period.

Do you know how poor I am? I am so poor that I only have contribution points left!

He was originally thinking about when Professor Wang Wen's share would arrive, but he didn't expect that the card was already ready.

That's great!

"Thank you, Professor!"

Bai Yu stretched out his hand to take it, but Professor Wang Wen actually took it back, teasing him!

"I ask you, is studying useful?"

"Of course it is useful! It is very useful! Young people of our generation must study for the rise of China! Without studying, how can the quality of the nation be improved! Without studying, how can China stand at the top of the world's nations! Without studying, how can we make money."

Professor Wang Wen interrupted quickly: "Okay, stop! I won't embarrass you. If you can guess how much is in the card, I will give it to you."

Bai Yu's eyes turned.

The cost of spiritual materials for 20 kilograms of soup is about 140 contribution points, and the cost of ordinary ingredients such as chicken, duck, cattle and sheep can be completely ignored.

According to the sales rules of their canteen, it is about 500 contribution points to sell a portion, and the expensive spiritual materials such as spiritual dates and ganoderma lucidum.

Both soup and meat are very cheap, but you can drink as much as you want, and the effect is not weak.

According to his observation, there are about 500 people in their Jiangnan District Investigation Bureau. Morning, noon and evening, consuming 20 bowls of soup is 10,000 contribution points!

If you don't calculate, you won't know, and you will be shocked when you calculate! He made nearly a million in one day.

It's really fucking shady!

But the money went into his own pocket.

Oh, that's okay.

I can only say: [Don't miss it if you pass by! Ten Spirits Tonic Soup, you deserve it! Superb effect, first-class taste! Oh yeah! ]

If you multiply it by five, you can make three to five million a day.

He and Professor Wang Wen split the profits 50-50.

Bai Yu didn't mind it at all. Professor Wang Wen had a wide network of contacts, so he could spread it out, and most of the funds were used for scientific research, which was also a contribution.

Bai Yu carefully calculated the time. It was only about five days. How much money could he get?

He also had to deduct the commission of major distributors.

Be conservative.

"Five million? Or ten million?"

Professor Wang Wen smiled and raised two fingers.

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