Gaowu invasion, I can see the future

Chapter 12 The Use of Money, New Mission Intelligence Fragments

Chapter 12 The Use of Money, New Mission - Intelligence Fragments

Inside the apartment building.

After calming down, Bai Yu took out six golden pages.

After a brief study, he found that only one golden page had a reaction.

The surface of this page was as smooth as a mirror, without any trace of text.

But after a closer look, he found a different picture: lightning flashed, and human figures were vague, as if practicing some ancient exercises.

The picture was like a phantom, sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, with an elusive sense of mystery. After disappearing, it felt like an illusion after eating Jianshouqing.

Suddenly, he saw a picture of the human meridians, in which lightning flowed along the meridians, as if divine power was running in the body, performing extraordinary magic.

Bai Yu could feel the surging power in his body, which was calling for some kind of release.

He tried to guide these forces and let them flow to specific acupuncture points, but he did not dare to act rashly.

The way of cultivation is full of dangers. If you are not careful, your tendons and veins may be broken.

So he just simply learned, tried to mobilize the divine power to the acupuncture points, and carefully explored the boundaries of power.

After practicing for a while, he was sweating profusely.

"Huh~" Bai Yu let out a long breath and said to himself, "No one guides me, I can only rely on myself to explore everything, which is really difficult."

He thought of the Investigation Bureau, where there might be complete cultivation methods and knowledge.

But at the same time, he also knew that it was difficult to explain his sudden divine power to others, and rash contact might cause unnecessary trouble.

"Let's see what revelations tomorrow's intelligence can bring." Bai Yu decided in his heart and put the golden page back.

After practicing, Bai Yu picked up his mobile phone and found [Jiangnan District No. 3 Communication Group], with 99+ messages.

"What are you talking about?"

Clicked it and took a look.

Brother Long: "Brothers, look at the photo! ***.jpg"

In the photo, one person had a bright red scar on his arm.

The other photo showed a huge wave of ten meters high on the river surface.

"What happened?"

"The fishman in the Yongcheng Street car accident last night attacked people on the riverside and was later blasted by the Investigation Bureau using an underwater monitor. With dozens of kilograms of TNT equivalent, it was probably reduced to slag."

"Oh my god! It was resolved so quickly?"

"Who was injured?"

"Fishing friends. In addition to me and Wang Gang, there are six other fishing friends who are now in the Investigation Bureau."

"Six newcomers at once, and no one was killed. We are really lucky."

Brother Long: "You have to thank me for that. Not only did I remind you in time, but I also slashed the little fishman later."

"??? You are worthy of being Brother Long! Brave!"

"That's right! Brother Long is a gangster."

Brother Long: "Don't talk nonsense, you are... You want me to die! I just look fierce, but I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't contacted my former friends anymore."

"Brother Long and Brother Gang are both capable. I heard that they killed a vampire some time ago! The Investigation Bureau rewarded them with contribution points."

"So powerful? Too brave. I don't dare to go out now."

"This is just a small scene. It is said that when Brother Gang was in the army, he participated in a large-scale operation and fought against thousands of dragon people!"

Brother Long: "It's a good opportunity to promote it. Brothers who want to improve their strength can come to my and Zhou Gang's gym. Brother Zhou Gang is a retired soldier and can teach some combat skills. In this world, it's definitely not wrong to learn some skills."

The topic gradually deviated.

However, it can be seen that Brother Long is a celebrity in the group, and many people have already worked out with him.

Later, as they chatted, they talked about making money.

When Bai Yu turned to the latest chat record

"Alas, I can't make money! It would be great if I could become an autonomous awakener."

"Don't dream, there is only one autonomous awakener in a billion!"

"Then it would be great to pick up an ancient god item on the roadside."

"Don't even think about it. Even if you get it, you don't know how to use it. You might even be targeted by extraordinary creatures."

"This heavy rain may be caused by an ancient god item. It would be great if I could pick it up when I go out for a walk with the dog."

"You haven't woken up yet? You're dreaming again."

"Is it okay to even think about it? But, is there really no one in our group who knows what this heavy rain is about?"

"Those who know must have secretly contacted the investigation bureau to take credit!"

Bai Yu looked around the information and thought to himself that this group of people had a strong desire to make money, but they didn't reveal what they were doing.

After thinking for a while, Bai Yu still popped up in the group: "Well, I just joined the group today, and I want to ask, everyone seems to care about making money. By the way, the world is different now, with extraordinary creatures, where is the best place to spend money?"

"Brother, are you new here? We talked about so many topics, and you are curious about what money is used for? Is it because you have money? Smirk.jpg."

"Just pure curiosity."

The people in the group are still quite enthusiastic, and someone immediately sent a long message, which should be copied.

"Money has many uses."

"One, buy jade, spiritual trees, fields, establish a spiritual energy planting base, buy seeds from the official, there is a probability of cultivating elixir. Note: Jade can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so the price of jade on the market has been rising year after year. Some tree species, there are The effect of spirit is very valuable. In an environment with abundant spiritual energy, there is a certain probability that normal crops can grow into spiritual plants. So these days, there are more people farming and storing more food for future disasters."

"Two, hire researchers to study exercises, cultivate spiritual plants, and cultivate spiritual lands. After the results are obtained, they are handed over to the federation to obtain contribution points. The contribution points can be exchanged for precious resources."

"Third, the simplest thing is to donate money to the Investigation Bureau and obtain the qualification to purchase internal resources."

"Fourth, go to the administrative area where it is legal to hold weapons. Hehehe, there are too many to mention here."

"Five, six"

"Now, the policy from above is to maintain stability and maintain the original social order, so money still plays a big role."

"There are a few rich people in the group who went to the countryside to buy land and have set up a spiritual energy planting base. It is said that they have grown several elixir plants. I'm envious!"

"The ones I listed are not all. When you really have money, you will see more and more ways."

Bai Yu: "Thank you very much! I didn't expect that the extraordinary world would be so perfect."

"By the way, brother, are you rich?"

"I'm just a student"

"Which school are you from?"

"Tianhai City University."

"I'll go! Top student!"

Suddenly many people came out to chat.

"If my brother has strong abilities, you can consider finding mentors who study extraordinary fields and engage in scientific research. This approach has a high possibility of taking off!"

Brother Long: "@一(白宇), come to my gym and the fee will be halved."

Seeing how enthusiastic everyone was, Bai Yu thanked them repeatedly, and then silently exited the chat.

When I think about the soybean futures in my hand, I feel a little excited.

"The money seems to be quite useful. I have to continue to make more money later."

He is also thinking about the gym.

The point is that Brother Long has been exposed to extraordinary events. He knew that there were fish people in Qingyun River and still dared to go there. He was a ruthless person. The group also mentioned that the two of them had killed vampires, and that Zhou Gang was in the army and had participated in battles with thousands of alien creatures.

I don’t know if there is any bragging involved.

Even though Bai Yu now has extraordinary power, he doesn't think he has the courage.

"Isn't it a little too stubborn? But my golden fingers should be developed like this."

Then, he continued to look at the golden page, and soon became mentally exhausted and fell into a deep sleep.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning filtered through the gap in the curtains and shone on Bai Yu's bedside.

The first thing you do when you get up every day is look at the golden fingers in the nest.

[Information 1 (white)

Keywords: Investigator

Required information value: 5]

[Information 2 (White)

Keywords: Archives

Required information value: 5]

【Information Three (White)

Keywords: body training

Required information value: 5]

[Information Four (Green)

Keywords: basic training method

Required information value: 20]

35 intelligence points are required!

"It seems that I can only buy basic training methods."


Bai Yu sighed.

But when I saw the mission, I found that it had changed!

The volume of four tasks such as push-ups has been doubled, and the reward for each task is ten points of intelligence, which has doubled.

There is one more task.

[Task 5: Run the Great Zhoutian 0/10

Reward: 1 random intelligence fragment (purple: 90%, gold: 9%, red: 1%)

10 fragments can be combined into an intelligence scroll.

After using the information volume, information of corresponding quality will appear, but it still needs to be purchased with intelligence value.

Purple: 200, Gold: 500, Red: 1000]

Seeing that it had tripled, Bai Yu couldn't help it.

"Thirty kilometers, my legs are broken!"

Coupled with the intelligence fragmentation model, there are also high intelligence costs.

This intelligence value is even more insufficient.

"Judging from the price, there should be another color between purple and green."

He calculated that based on the current intelligence value obtained every day, a purple mission would take five days, a gold mission would take twelve and a half days, and a red mission would take twenty-five days.

One piece of information every ten days.

"If we want to get better information later, it seems we need to accumulate intelligence points."

He took another look at today's four pieces of information. He wanted to see them all! There is no way to save it.

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